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First aired

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Written by

Peter Harness

Directed by

Paul Wilmshurst


45 minutes

Time Travel


Story Arc (Potential Spoilers!)

Am I a Good Man?

Inventory (Potential Spoilers!)

Sanctuary Base 6 space suit

Location (Potential Spoilers!)

Earth, The Moon

UK Viewers

6.91 million

Appreciation Index



The Doctor, Clara, and Courtney go visit the Moon in 2049, where they discover that the Earth's constant companion is a little more than another mere celestial body.

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7 reviews

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Some people just violently hate this story and I've never really understood that. Sure, the science is ridiculous, but it's Doctor Who, whatever. It's not the best story, but it builds up to the Doctor and Clara having one of the most explosive confrontations between companion and Doctor ever. This is halfway through Clara's time in the TARDIS, and this story is a huge turning point for her character that leads to a deeper connection with the Doctor. Also, the moon hatching is filled with the appropriate sense of wonder, so that's neat.


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i don't care about the political debate and whether this is anti-choice or not

whatever is happening it is deathly boring


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I wouldn’t watch Doctor Who if this was representative of what the show is like—it’s grim. At its centre is a mean-spirited character who often says and does unkind things. This story feels as though it has a rotten core.

It makes some troubling statements about consent. Clara asks the entire planet for its consent, doesn’t receive it, and then proceeds to act against their will. This effectively strips every person on Earth of their agency, which is appalling. On top of this, the story awkwardly incorporates a mixed metaphor about abortion. While Doctor Who might be capable of addressing such themes (at a stretch) it certainly shouldn’t handle them in this manner. The resulting message—one that comes across as oddly pro-life—ignores the wishes of an entire planet and its future population. It’s an uncomfortable and inappropriate message for young viewers, and I wouldn’t feel comfortable showing this episode to a child unless they were old enough to critically engage with it.

Peter Capaldi gives a fantastic performance and does his best with the material he’s given. I can even accept the moon being an egg. But what I can’t overlook is the coldness of the characters and their interactions.

Ordinarily, there would be room to discuss Courtney Woods, whose character has a sweet premise and is portrayed with reasonable effectiveness. However, the glaring flaws in the story render these smaller elements insignificant.

This is a rare, wholly negative review from me. If I had to find something positive to say, it would be that, when not being unbearable, Clara and the Doctor remain a compelling pair. The intrigue and aesthetic of the planet in the first half of the episode are pleasant, but unfortunately, the story doesn’t pay off in any meaningful way.


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Perhaps the most unfair treatment that a Doctor Who episode has ever received?


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The Doctor is an idiot (foreshadowing!) and Clara confronts him for it. Loved it for the drama and the acting (Capaldi and Coleman are fantastic).

The sci-fi stuff is okayish, I can accept that the moon is an egg and that a dragon hatches from it I guess.

The messaging can be a bit misguided. The first time I watched I loved it. Then I went online and saw the controversy this episode caused. I can understand why people hate this episode, but (having just rewatched it) I just don't think it is the intent of the episode to give that statement, although I believe it should have been better written so it could avoid seeming like it was agreeing with that kind of ideology.

The moral dilemma is there for Clara to realise what kind of person the Doctor is, and to call him out for it, so we can have proper character development (which is what the 12th Doctor's run is all about).



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CLARA: Well, he was wrong, wasn't he? Wasn't he? Danny, what do you think?

DANNY: I think I've seen this look before.

CLARA: No, you haven't. This is new for me.

DANNY: No, not on your face. On mine.

CLARA: What did you do?

DANNY: I left the army.

CLARA: You loved the army.

DANNY: Yep. And then one day I didn't.

CLARA: I'm done, I'm done. I am finished with it. I am, I am, I'm done. It's over. I'm finished with him, and I told him that. What is that face for? Why don't you believe me?

DANNY: Because you're still angry. You can never finish with anyone while they can still make you angry. Tell him when you're calm, and then tell me.

(Clara hugs him.)

CLARA: When did you get to become so wise?

DANNY: Same way as anyone else. I had a really bad day.

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Transcript + Script Needs checking

[The Moon 2049]

(Clara is using a communications console. She and Courtney Woods, Miss Disruptive Influence, are wearing orange spacesuits from the TARDIS.)

CLARA: Hello, hello. Hello, Earth. We have a terrible decision to make. It's an uncertain decision, and we don't have a lot of time. The man who normally helps, he's gone. Maybe he's not coming back. In fact, I, I really don't think he is. We're on our own. So, an innocent life versus the future of all mankind. We have forty five minutes to decide.

(Because that is how long is left on the countdown to detonation of the 100 nuclear devices within range of the trigger.)

[Coal Hill School]

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