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First aired

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Written by

Pete McTighe

Directed by

Jennifer Perrott


50 minutes

Time Travel


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Kerblam, Space

UK Viewers

7.46 million

Appreciation Index



When the Thirteenth Doctor receives a mysterious call for help packaged with a delivery from Kerb!am, the galaxy's largest retailer, she and her friends get to work in finding out the cause of the distress. However, is the human 10% of the workforce rebelling against the robots, or is there a much more complicated plot going on? She later finds out the system types all the slips, including the one she got. Why is the system needing help?

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6 reviews

I'm so mad that such a fun episode with a really good premise and potential for relevant social commentary got ruined by that speech at the end


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So I should probably hate this episode for what it represents and for what it does to the Doctor as a hero of the working class... But I'm just not going to beat myself for actually liking about 3/4 of the episode. It is fun, and the mystery is actually engaging. It just sucks that the resolution is so bad and out of sync with everything that came before (e.g. The Sunmakers, Oxygen...) I just know that if this were under Moffat the Doctor would have fudged that company up so bad. The Doctor is pretty badass as she confronts management for 40 minutes, and then at the end she does nothing to subvert the status quo (although you could argue that she knows that capitalism will end after the events in Oxygen, so she can't really alter the course of history, I don't believe they thought about that, it's my head cannon so I can sleep at night)

PS: I agree with everything quantumshade wrote, great review.


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twink bad


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I really enjoyed this one, fun adventure/mystery story at Amazon Kerblam. I also thought the bubble wrap twist was great.

Very surprised with low ratings on this one.


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Ooh, it's pretty close! It's *almost* something I enjoyed, and has some pretty memorable lines and moments. I think people are a little too hard on Kerblam over its flawed ending, but so much of it is so much closer to at least something resembling Doctor Who compared to the other dud episodes. Jodie Whittaker's initial enthusiasm on receiving a Kerblam package was infectious and one of those few moments in her time as the Doctor where I was really feeling her embody the character, at least a bit.

The story is a bit of a disaster in its implicit endorsement of capitalism (which the Twelfth Doctor will apparently go on to destroy) and of just the status quo in general, but really that's all just a clumsy attempt to get a little political around the automation trend. None of this is very original or well done, there's a bunch of dumb lines everywhere including that infamous line about being best friends with robots, the companions and even guest cast really don't have much to do, and overall it just doesn't work.

The Kerblam robots just look okay. A little bit of polish could have made this episode at least passable. It at least isn't a boring episode like so many other Thirteenth Doctor stories, and it tends to stick with me, at least a little.


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AVG. Rating680 members
2.57 / 5

AVG. Rating1,441 votes
3.68 / 5

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DOCTOR: I think you came here with a plan, but you didn't expect to fall in love. But that's what happens.

— Thirteenth Doctor, Kerblam!

Transcript + Script Needs checking


(The TARDIS is hurtling through the Vortex.)

DOCTOR: Hold on.
YASMIN: We are holding on!
DOCTOR: Well, hold on tighter.
GRAHAM: Can you do something about this turbulence?
DOCTOR: I'm avoiding something. Argh, can't get the hang of these new systems.
YASMIN: What is it?

(A bright light approaching on one of the hexagonal screens that have replaced the scanner.)

DOCTOR: No, it's still coming for us. Oh! It's a teleport pulse.
RYAN: Ah! What's that?

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