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Jago & Litefoot S4 • Episode 1

Jago in Love

72% 105 votes

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Review of Jago in Love by Seagullslost

I not sure what to make of it...

In the last series Leela had joined the Jago and Litefoot team and, as the series concluded, I'd assumed that she'd be going too, however she's still present. Not that I mind but it begs the question: Are Jago and Litefoot not enough on their own? The other thing is that the sixth Doctor turned up at the last moment, or did he? He claimed to be Claudius Dark, the intrigue is set..

The trouble is though that it goes nowhere, somehow its all forgot and they go on holiday to Brighton! To be honest I don't think I was following this entirely, told in flashback, Jago falls in love - well OK I can get that, the real 'plot' happens in the last 20ish minutes- a ghost in the mirror, Litefoot seeming to lose his mind, some nice stuff but crammed together in too short a time.

Again Leela was acting to dumb for believability, I've said before, this is an older Leela when she's taking saying too literally at this point it doesn't work.

There was a bit at the end that seemed amost tacked on, which we'll assume is stuff for later on.

I listened to it, enjoyed it, but it seemed to be just an interlude - a bit to join the last epsiode and the next with the reset button pressed at the end.

Review last edited on 4-05-24

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Also featuring:

Professor Claudius Dark  Kempston  Hardwick