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First aired

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Production Code


Written by

Russell T Davies

Directed by

Richard Clark


45 minutes

Time Travel


Story Arc (Potential Spoilers!)

You Are Not Alone

Location (Potential Spoilers!)

New New York, New Earth

UK Viewers

8.41 million

Appreciation Index



The Tenth Doctor takes Martha Jones to New Earth, in the far future, only to find that the entire city has become a deadly trap.

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4 reviews

Gridlock is a good story with an interesting and nicely paced plot. The worldbuilding is excellent, and all of the sets and costumes look good. I also really like quite a lot of the music from this episode.


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Jumping through different lil mini house-spaceships was a real fun idea.


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I'm glad to see Gridlock getting some love in the reviews. I think it definitely deserves it. Though technically a sequel of sorts to New Earth, I appreciate how nicely Gridlock stands on its own. I also like how the story both captures the frustration of being stuck in traffic but also takes it beyond realism into a bunch of gags and science fiction ideas. The Doctor's performance, along with Martha who is pretty great here, both elevate what could be pretty standard Doctor Who material, but they aren't alone. Most of the performers are also really strong here, there's some decent world building with that larger narrative that doesn't feel overplayed, it's just a good, strong, and somewhat underrated episode overall.

The special effects can be a little inconsistent with stuff like the giant crabs, and that's where the story loses me a bit, but the overall narrative on the whole works, especially the detail of how fundamentally pointless the traffic was to begin with. Gridlock is written fairly well overall but the cast and crew turn it into something special. I would recommend.


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A neat idea. People locked on a motorway for 25 years. You could make analogies with refugees, or those in long term isolation. It makes for a visually interesting story too - mostly moving from one claustrophobic box to another.

Coming back to the same point in history a third time gives the show a pleasing anchor. There is a genuine sense of sadness when the Face of Boe dies, which is astonishing considering that he is a giant head. Russell can give any character humanity. Brannigan, played by Ardal O’Hanlon steals the show though, with literal kittens as children.

If the story was not dark enough you have kidnap and drugs and Macra… wait? Macra! The return surely no one could have anticipated, and probably the most bizarrely realised enemy return since the show’s inception. Very much appreciated by me.

Another almost wishy-washy ending with The Doctor opening up the motorway by initially “being good with computers”, before saying “oh no, it’s not going to work”, until the Face of Boe gives The Doctor his dying breath. It’s a bit tenuous but I’ll allow it as the overall episode is very well realised.

We have more pining and going on about Rose but this is forgiven due to the detailed mentions of The Doctor’s home planet and Tennant’s excellent portrayal of loss. We even get a hint that there are more Time Lords out there…!


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AVG. Rating747 members
3.79 / 5

AVG. Rating1,238 votes
3.98 / 5

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DOCTOR: Oh, you should have seen it, that old planet. The second sun would rise in the south, and the mountains would shine. The leaves on the trees were silver, and when they caught the light every morning, it looked like a forest on fire. When the autumn came, the breeze would blow through the branches like a song.

— Tenth Doctor, Gridlock

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Transcript + Script Needs checking

[Car 10 hot 5]

(A slightly static image of a woman is on the monitor next to a logo of the Statue of Liberty.)

SALLY [on monitor]: Salutations! This is Sally Calypso with the traffic news at ten fifteen. We've got reports of a multiple stackpile at junction five zero nine, with a spate of carjackings reported on New Fifth Avenue. So you take care now, and drive safely.

(The car shakes. The occupants are dressed in American Gothic clothes.)

MA: They're going to get in. There's no stopping them.
PA: The police are on their way, I promise. I've sounded the alarm. Repeat. This is car one zero hot five. We have a problem. Require urgent assistance.
COMPUTER: Thank you for your call. You have been placed on hold.
MA: It's all your fault. You lied to the computer. You said there were three of us. You told them three.
PA: Repeat. Urgent assistance. Car one zero hot five. This is an emergency! Help us! Oh my God, I'm begging you, please, help us!

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