Stories Television Doctor Who Season 3 Classic Who S3 Serial: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Galaxy 4 1 image Back to Story Quotes Add Quote Link to Quote Favourite (Light years away, on the planet Kembel Jeff Garvey is lying on the jungle floor, barely conscious. Garvey wakes up with a start, sitting up and peering about himself in confusion.) GARVEY: I remember now. I must, I must kill. I must kill. I must kill. — Galaxy 4 Link to Quote Favourite DOCTOR: Importance lies in the character and to what use you put this intelligence. We respect you as we respect all life. — First Doctor, Galaxy 4 Link to Quote Favourite STEVEN: All women? MAAGA: Women? DOCTOR: Yes, feminine. Ah, female. MAAGA: Oh, we have a small number of men, as many as we need. The rest we kill. They consume valuable food and fulfill no particular function. * (Maaga indicates the two Drahvins)* MAAGA: And these are not what you would call human. They are cultivated in test tubes. We have very good scientists. I am a living being. They are products, and inferior products. Grown for a purpose and capable of nothing more. STEVEN: Grown for what purpose? MAAGA: To fight. To kill. — Galaxy 4 Link to Quote Favourite VICKI: That was no risk! I noted, observed, collated, concluded... and then I threw the rock — Vicki Pallister, Galaxy 4