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BBC Books

Emotional Chemistry

64% 128 votes

Released Monday, October 6, 2003
Written by Simon A. Forward
Pages 288
Time Travel Past Future

"Love! Surely one of the most destructive forces in the universe. There's nothing a man — or woman — won't do for true love."

  1. The Vishenkov household, along with the rest of Moscow, faces the advance of Napoleon Bonaparte. At its heart is the radiant Dusha, a source of strength and inspiration — and more besides — for them all. Captain Victor Padorin, heroic Hussar and family friend, meanwhile, acts like a man possessed — by the Devil.

  2. Fitz is under interrogation regarding a burglary and fire at the Kremlin. The Doctor has disappeared in the flames. Colonel Bugayev is investigating a spate of antique thefts, centred in Moscow, on top of which he now has a time-travel mystery to unravel.

  3. Lord General Razum Kinzhal is preparing to set in motion the closing stages of a world war. More than the enemy, his fellow generals of the Icelandic Alliance fear what such a man might do in peacetime. What can possibly bridge these disparate events in time? Love will find a way. But the Doctor must find a better alternative. Before love sets the world on fire.

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