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Target Collection

Doctor Who: The Ultimate Foe

62% 113 votes

Released Thursday, September 15, 1988
Written by Pip and Jane Baker
Pages 128
Story Type Series Finale
Time Travel Future
Tropes: (Potential Spoilers!) Breaking the Fourth Wall
Story Arc: (Potential Spoilers!) Trial of a Time Lord

Snatched out of time and space and brought before the Time Lords on Gallifrey, the Doctor is on trial for his life.

While the Doctor asserts that the evidence of the Matrix, the repository of all Time Lord knowledge, has been tampered with, the mysterious and vengeful prosecuting council, the Valeyard, is confident that the Doctor will be sentenced to death.

In a dramatic intervention the Valeyard's true identity is revealed but he escapes from the courtroom into the Matrix, and it is into this nightmare world that the Doctor must follow – to face his ultimate foe...

Distribution is from TARDIS Guide votes only.

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