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Doctor Who: The Mysterious Planet

64% 127 votes

Released Thursday, April 21, 1988
Written by Terrance Dicks
Pages 144
Time Travel Future
Tropes: (Potential Spoilers!) Court Trial Mysterious planet Earth Robots

The TARDIS has been taken out of time and the Doctor has been brought before a court of his fellow Time Lords. There the sinister Valeyard accuses the Doctor of breaking Gallifrey's most important law and interfering in the affairs of other planets.

If the Valeyard can prove him guilty, the Doctor must sacrifice his remaining regenerations. To prove his case the Valeyard focuses on an adventure set in the Doctor's past.

It is an adventure set on the planet Ravolox, a seemingly primitive world but one which the Doctor and Peri find strangely familiar...

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Sabalom Glitz  Dibber  Drathro