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Doctor Who: The Romans

68% 231 votes

Released Thursday, September 17, 1987
Written by Donald Cotton
Pages 128
Time Travel Past
Locations Rome Italy Earth
Historical Characters The Romans Nero

The TARDIS crew members have taken a break from their adventures and are enjoying a well-deserved rest in a luxury villa on the outskirts of Imperial Rome.

But in the gory grandeur that is Rome, things don’t stay quiet for long. If the time-travellers can save themselves from being sold as slaves, assassinated by classical hit-men, poisoned by the evil Locusta, thrown to the lions, maimed in the arena and drowned in a shipwreck, they still have to face the diabolical might of the mad Emperor Nero.

As if that isn’t enough, they also discover that, although Rome wasn’t built in a day, it was burnt down in considerably less time...

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