Stories Television Doctor Who Series 11 Doctor Who S11 Episode: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Demons of the Punjab 2 images Overview Characters How to Watch Reviews 5 Statistics Related Stories Quotes 3 Transcript + Script Overview First aired Sunday, November 11, 2018 Written by Vinay Patel Directed by Jamie Childs Runtime 51 minutes Time Travel Past Tropes (Potential Spoilers!) Virtual Afterlife, Visiting Family, Wedding Location (Potential Spoilers!) Pakistan-India border, Punjab UK Viewers 7.48 million Appreciation Index 80 Synopsis With Yaz desperate to learn more about the life of her grandmother, the Thirteenth Doctor brings her friends to the Punjab in 1947 to meet her in the past. But with a marriage unknown to Yaz on the cards and the Partition of India threatening to pull her family apart, it may not be the mysterious "demons" that are the biggest threat. Watch Watched Favourite Favourited Add Review Edit Review Log a repeat Skip Skipped Unowned Owned Owned Save to my list Saved Edit date completed Custom Date Release Date Archive (no date) Save Characters Thirteenth Doctor Jodie Whittaker Graham O'Brien Bradley Walsh Yasmin Khan Mandip Gill Ryan Sinclair Tosin Cole The Thijarians Prem Barsar First Appearance Umbreen Najia Khan Sonya Khan Hakim Khan Show All Characters (10) How to watch Demons of the Punjab: Watch on iPlayer Blu-Ray The Complete Eleventh Series [Steelbook] Blu-Ray The Complete Eleventh Series DVD The Complete Eleventh Series Reviews Add Review Edit Review Sort: Date (Newest First) Date (Oldest First) Likes (High-Low) Likes (Low-High) Rating (High-Low) Rating (Low-High) Word count (High-Low) Word count (Low-High) Username (A-Z) Username (Z-A) Spoilers First Spoilers Last 5 reviews 6 March 2025 · 177 words Review by MarkOfGilead19 Spoilers 2 This review contains spoilers! Beautiful, emotional, gripping and poignant story. It puts focus on a moment in history that was momentous for the people that lived through it and for all generations born thereafter, but that is not given importance in western countries. I love historicals, when they are done right mind you, and this was perfect. The cast is very good, Perm is a really great character and the wedding scene of him and Yaz's nan is tear-jerking (13 is so great). The ending is bittersweet too. I especially loved Graham and Perm's discussion right before the wedding, about how hatred against what's different gains power in a society (pretty on point for today's times) and that all we can strive to do is be good people. I firmly believe that 13's era is the best at doing historical episodes, but sadly not so much when it comes to full on sci-fi. That's why I would have preferred for them to focus primarily on the past, as since the 60s we really haven't had a pure historical (except for Black Orchid) MarkOfGilead19 View profile Like Liked 2 16 January 2025 · 101 words Review by Bongo50 1 I think that Demons of the Punjab is actually quite a good episode. It presents an interesting historical story focussed on a really interesting period of history that I do not know enough about. There are interesting characters and Yaz gets a bit of development which is nice. I also feel that it's well directed with a few standout shots. The aliens feel a bit forced and don't completely make sense. I think that the episode would have worked better as a pure historical. However, the episode isn't bad as is and is probably one of my favourites of the era. Bongo50 View profile Like Liked 1 29 December 2024 · 98 words Review by whitestar1993 Spoilers 2 This review contains spoilers! This was a great episode for Series 11, also it was nice to see the "mistaken intentions" trope again, that doesn't happen much in DW. However, this episode it very similar to Rosa. I think both were good episodes, but if you were like me and skipped the two episodes in-between, it's a very emotionally wrecking run of stories. I'd probably recommend sticking something a bit lighter in between, such as Kerblam! Some great cinematography, too. I am continually impressed by the fidelity and "weight" of shots an effects, and IMHO, are better than the effects in Season 1/Series 14 whitestar1993 View profile Like Liked 2 5 September 2024 · 922 words Review by deltaandthebannermen Spoilers 8 This review contains spoilers! Jodie Whitaker and Chris Chibnall’s era of Doctor Who continues to come under an undue amount of criticism even now that a few years have passed and it didn’t, as the more hyperbolic critics would want you to believe, sound the death knell of the series. I haven’t actually revisited a lot of modern Doctor Who in isolation and haven’t seen many of the episodes since broadcast but my History of the Universe marathon has hit this episode and I’m so glad it did. I thoroughly enjoyed Chibnall and Whiaker’s time with the TARDIS and rate Whitaker highly as one of my favourite Doctors. I’m not blind to Chibnall’s faults as a writer but those that act like he’s the only writer or showrunner or producer of Doctor Who who ever made mistakes in their choices are being hugely selective in their memories. But even amongst all the noise about this era, there are episodes which seemed to draw a consensus of positive opinion. Demons of the Punjab was one of them. I remember enjoying this episode on broadcast but this rewatch saw me appreciating it even more and coming away from it desperate that critics of this era watch it and explain to me how any part of it isn’t ‘Doctor Who’. Demons of the Punjab is a story about faith, death, inevitability, politics, national identity, war, family and history. It has Doctor Who running through its veins. It’s The Massacre of the modern series. And it looks amazing. I instantly fell in love with Yaz’s Nani. The opening scene at her birthday with her dropping casual insults like calling Yaz her favourite granddaughter, right in front of Yaz’s sister, Sonja is brilliant – made all the more so by her mum’s admonishment making it clear this is something Nanni makes a habit of doing. Vinay Patel paints a believable family dynamic deftly in a scene which works well to set up the rest of the adventure. What is that Nani won’t tell? The first scene in the TARDIS is also lovely with the little gag about the Death Eye Turtle Army. Yes, it is another scene where two of the companions just stand around spouting lines while the other one has the actual interaction with the Doctor (I love the idea of having three companions just like the classic series, but they did need to work out a way of better utilising them all in scenes). I like how the Doctor is finally worn down and 13 is a Doctor who wants to please and her protestations are only ever surface level. This joy at exploring and discovering is one of my favourite characteristics of Whitaker’s Doctor. And then we’re off to the past on the trail of Yaz’s family history and unwittingly find ourselves on not only the border between India and the newly-formed Pakistan but also on the border between two families about to be torn apart by the Partition. We are witnesses to tragedy – as are all the characters in this story both human and alien. The mystery of the Thijarians and the twist that they are professional mourners is well paced through the episode with their threatening appearance (surely insired in part by Hellraiser’s Cenobite horrors) and their teleport technology pointing the audience in one direction with the truth being carefully revealed at just the right point in the story. But the aliens are secondary to the true enemy of this story – human nature. Watching a loving relationship be slowly destroyed with utter inevitability is heartbreaking and this story did something no other Doctor Who story has ever done – it made me cry. The march of history makes the Doctor unable to do anything except try and make Umbreen and Prem’s final hours together as joyful as she can. The Doctor cannot save them as a couple but she can ensure Yaz’s personal history stays on track. But once Umbreen has run to safety with her mother and Prem is facing down his brother and his death, all the Doctor, Yaz, Graham and Ryan can do is walk away. It is hugely moving. Every scene of this story looks gorgeous and there are so many lovely moments – the night before the wedding with the men and women spending time separately; Yaz realising who Prem is and that her Nani had a history she didn’t know about; the scenes in the Thijarian Hive; the wedding; the flashbacks to Prem’s war service; the men on horseback confronting Prem. The guest cast are uniformly excellent but special mention has to go to Amita Suman as Umbreen and Shane Zaza as Prem. It may be argued there is a modernity to them which works against the historical setting but really all it does is serve to make the events feel more relevant both to the audience and to Yaz. Demons of the Punjab is a story Doctor Who should tell – and has done in a handful of stories – but not one it should tell too often. The inevitable, impassive march of history, reflected in the impassive Thijarians, is something which was far more prominent in the Hartnell era in stories such as the The Aztecs, The Massacre and The Myth Makers’ final episode and shows how, contrary to far too many Doctor Who commentators, shows how well Chibnall understands Doctor Who and it’s underlying themes. A modern classic. deltaandthebannermen View profile Like Liked 8 23 May 2024 · 18 words Review by VoRus1 5 Rewatched today. Such a great episode. Probably the best of Chibnail's era now that I think about it VoRus1 View profile Like Liked 5 Open in new window Statistics AVG. Rating660 members 3.86 / 5 AVG. Rating1,535 votes 3.81 / 5 Member Statistics Watched 1342 Favourited 161 Reviewed 5 Saved 3 Skipped 0 Owned 14 Related Stories Target Collection Letters from the Front Rating: 3.46 Story Skipped Short Story More Actions View Sets Close Related Sets Set of Stories: Target Collection Set of Stories: The Target Storybook Add Review Edit Review Skip Skipped Unowned Owned Save to my list Saved Yaz’s Case Files (Minisode) Case File Six: The Thijarians Rating: 2.50 Story Skipped Webcast More Actions View Sets Close Related Sets Set of Stories: Yaz’s Case Files Add Review Edit Review Skip Skipped Unowned Owned Save to my list Saved Quotes Add Quote Link to Quote Favourite DOCTOR: Love, in all its forms, is the most powerful weapon we have. Because love is a form of hope. And like hope, love abides. In the face of everything. — Thirteenth Doctor, Demons of the Punjab Show All Quotes (3) Open in new window Transcript + Script Needs checking (Cold Open) [Khan flat] ALL: Happy birthday!UMBREEN: I said no fuss.YASMIN: You have to celebrate your birthday, Nani. (Sonya is tapping on her mobile phone, of course.) UMBREEN: I was the first woman married in Pakistan. Now look at me. In a wheelchair, and being fed shop-bought cake.NAJIA: That's a nice cake.YASMIN: The first woman married in Pakistan? Did you know this?UMBREEN: And I was the first Muslim woman to work in a textile mill in South Yorkshire.YASMIN: Grandad taking you dancing every Wednesday night. Show Full Transcript Open in new window View Script (PDF)