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First aired

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Production Code


Written by

Steven Moffat

Directed by

Toby Haynes


45 minutes

Story Type


Time Travel


Story Arc (Potential Spoilers!)

Amy's Pregnancy, Melody Pond, Silence Will Fall

Location (Potential Spoilers!)

Earth, USA, Utah

UK Viewers

7.30 million

Appreciation Index



As Amy Pond, Rory Williams and River Song are pursued across America by Canton Everett Delaware III and the FBI, the Eleventh Doctor is locked in the perfect prison.

Against the backdrop of the first moon landing, the Doctor and his companions must solve the mystery of the aliens and the little girl.

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6 reviews

Amazing two parter. Clever and satisfying resolution. Love the Silence.


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I liked it. There's some really interesting plot threads and I'm really interested in seeing what the girl regenerating at the end was all about. Definitely needs a rewatch though. The pace was way too fast to keep up with everything.

One thing I did have a problem with though was the resolution to the cliffhanger. That was poor and was the main reason the episode needed some catching up with. How did everyone get out? They ran away. What about the girl that was shot? Oh, lol, Amy missed. It was like a completely different story from the last episode and there was no explanation as to what had actually happened in the previous three months. It was like there was missing part of the story. If it is part of the series then I will take my words back but I'm not sure if it will be.

Other than that, it was good stuff.


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Not as good as The Impossible Astronaut but is still pretty good. The Doctor using the moon landing to defeat the Silence is a good plot twist and although it was never brought up again in the TV series, I'm glad Big Finish picked the Silence back up for the boxsets, UNIT: Silenced, Doom's Day: Dying Hours and Classic Doctors, New Monsters: Broken Memories.


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Why? Nooooo.


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Just about as strong as its first part. I glossed over it last review but I just love the aesthetics of these two episodes. Everything really has the feel of the Apollo program, and the Silence really mesh well with this as they evoke the Men in Black conspiracy. Mark Sheppard is an awesome one-off companion and is super memorable here. And that moment where the Silence broadcast their message, "You should kill us all on sight" is easily one of my all time favourite Doctor Who moments. The episode starts off a little off-kilter and over the top, but it really nails the ending and sets up a good mystery to drive the rest of Season 6.


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3.84 / 5

AVG. Rating1,281 votes
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SILENCE: Silence will fall.

— The Silence, Day of the Moon

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[Valley of the Gods, Utah]

(Three months later - July 1969.
Amy is running for her life from men in a four wheel drive.)

CANTON: Suspect directly ahead. Coming to you now. Over.

(Another vehicle is coming from the opposite direction. They trap her by a cliff.)

AMY: Canton.
CANTON: Miss Pond.
AMY: Is that a body bag?
CANTON: Yes, it is.
AMY: It's empty.
CANTON: How about that?
AMY: Do you even know why you're doing this, eh? Can you even remember the warehouse?

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