Stories Television Doctor Who Season 9 Classic Who S9 Serial: 1 2 3 4 5 Day of the Daleks 1 image Back to Story Quotes Add Quote Link to Quote Favourite DOCTOR: You know, one thing you can be certain of with politicians, is that whatever their political ideas, they always keep a well-stocked larder. — Third Doctor, Day of the Daleks Link to Quote Favourite DOCTOR: When I meet a regime that needs to import savage alien life forms as security guards, I begin to wonder who the real criminals are. JO: Those creatures aren't really savage. CONTROLLER: Exactly. They are simply guard dogs. They just do what I tell them. DOCTOR: You mean there aren't enough humans around that will follow your orders so blindly? CONTROLLER: That is not what I was saying. DOCTOR: Isn't it? Then what you're saying is that the entire human population of this planet, apart from a few remarkable exceptions like yourself, are really only fit to lead the life of a dog. — Day of the Daleks Link to Quote Favourite (Yates has a drink of the wine.) JO: That wasn't very kind of you. YATES: RHIP, Jo. JO: Pardon? YATES: Rank Has Its Privileges. Thank you. — Day of the Daleks Link to Quote Favourite CONTROLLER: I can assure you that this planet has never been more efficiently, more economically run. People have never been happier or more prosperous. DOCTOR: Then why do you need so many people to keep them under control? Don't they like being happy and prosperous? — Day of the Daleks