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First aired

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Written by

Steven Moffat

Directed by

Rachel Talalay


45 minutes

Time Travel


Location (Potential Spoilers!)

Earth, England, London

UK Viewers

7.34 million

Appreciation Index



In the mysterious world of the Nethersphere, plans have been drawn up.

Missy is about to come face to face with the Doctor, and an impossible choice is looming.

"Death is not an end," promises the sinister organisation known only as 3W – but, as the Doctor and Clara discover, you might wish it was.

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5 reviews

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This is the best start to a finale since Matt Smith’s first series and is, for me, being on a par with both The Pandorica Opens and Bad Wolf - the latter of which sets the benchmark for finales in the new series so far. Danny, Clara and the Doctor’s tetchy dynamic throughout the series suddenly comes into full focus here, but with a clarity that feels very satisfying and rewards what has been a challenging theme not always executed smoothly. This episode delivers the payoff spectacularly: the volcano scene, Clara’s deception of the Doctor, the Doctor’s deception of Clara. It all fits together perfectly, forming a beautifully crafted piece of dramatic writing that feels darker than most Doctor Who - yet very rewarding.

When the story shifts to the Nethersphere, it offers a chilling science-fiction vision of what the afterlife could resemble - a notion thankfully overturned when revealed as a ploy by Missy, who, in a shocking twist, emerges as a new regeneration of the Master. The revelations here are plentiful: from the Nethersphere’s true purpose, to the dark water, and the horrific significance of the “three words” - each escalating tension.

Missy injects a curveball of bizarre fun into the mix, embodying a weird, wild reinvention of her character. At key moments, she upends the narrative, providing an enjoyably mad and comic counterpoint to the Twelfth Doctor, who serves as a straight-man.

This first part crackles with energy, pace, and mystery, and, despite some great stories since, is the first time it is firing on all cylinders since The Day of the Doctor. I can’t wait to see how this story concludes!


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Always loved this part of the finale, it's incredibly tense and has two explosive reveals. Starting with Danny getting killed in a car accident is incredibly bold, and it gives us some of Jenna Coleman's finest work threatening the Doctor. The Doctor's retort of 'do you think I care for you so little that betraying me would make a difference' is just beautiful.

The idea of our afterlife selves still being able to feel our bodies is terrifying, I think "don't cremate me" will always be in the back of my head. The Cybermen and Master reveals are both electric, the doors forming a Cyberman head is one of my favorites. Great episode.


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Thought it was terrific and felt so fresh and different compared to other finales we've had under Moffat. Think the Nethersphere concept is really creepy and was a great way to bring back The Master and the Cybermen in the same episode.

Obviously the main talking point us the big reveal, got no problem with Missy being The Master at all and think Michelle Gomez is very good, though the kissing and flirting between her and The Doctor just had to happen, didn't it? Haha.


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Missy is a national treasure. The Master is a trans woman.


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Death in Heaven really doesn't live up to the fun I had with Dark Water, and I feel that overshadows some really well put together moments. Clara's big confrontation with the Doctor I found a little overplayed at first, and it does suffer severely from the way Danny was handled up until this point. If he had just been written a bit better this episode could have hit really hard. I do think Samuel Anderson makes it pretty clear that was never on him though - he was handed a pretty rotten role but here, actually engaging with the world around him in a non-cynical way - he was pretty good.

I also love the Cyberman and Missy reveals, which are just executed in a great blend of fun, nostalgia, and even in a way I really didn't see coming at first. It was all pretty delightful, and I think it is easy to forget the initial surprise of Missy. I was sure excited when I realized who Michelle Gomez was though, and, in hindsight, Moffat did a pretty good job at living up to the hype of her introduction. So, yeah, it's not a perfect episode, but it sure was an unforgettable one that I just loved, in spite of its flaws.


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AVG. Rating700 members
4.07 / 5

AVG. Rating1,644 votes
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DOCTOR: You betrayed me. Betrayed my trust, you betrayed our friendship, you betrayed everything that I've ever stood for. You let me down!

CLARA: Then why are you helping me?

DOCTOR: Why? Do you think I care for you so little that betraying me would make a difference?

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Transcript + Script Needs checking


(Danny Pink walks past the magnificent war memorial in Alexandra Gardens, Cathays Park, Cardiff whilst pretending to be in Shoreditch, London. His mobile phone rings.)

DANNY: Clara!
CLARA [OC]: Shut up.
DANNY: Is that how we communicate now?

[Clara's flat]

CLARA: Shut up, shut up, shut up. I need to talk to you.

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