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Thursday, May 25, 2023

Narrated by

Nicholas Briggs


111 minutes

Time Travel


Story Arc (Potential Spoilers!)

Time War

Location (Potential Spoilers!)



In a paved garden outside time, the Doctor is presented with an awful prophecy: the conquest of all time by the Daleks. To prevent this terrible fate, the Time Lords have decided on a radical course — to weaponise time themselves, and destroy the Daleks before they were ever created. And they want the Doctor to carry out this extraordinary task!

Soon, he and his companions Sarah and Harry are on the battle-ravaged planet Skaro, where a war has been raging for centuries. The war is now waged by teenagers using the last surviving weapons. Everything is desperate. But the Kaled’s chief scientist has a new weapon that he thinks might just change everything…

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How to listen to Daleks! Genesis of Terror:


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3 reviews

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If you want a slightly worse version of part 1 of Genesis of the Daleks in audio format with a random Time War reference shoehorned in, and parts 2-6 summarized and read out for a few minutes, this is the release for you. Just watching part 1 of Genesis of the Daleks and reading the tardis wiki page's plot section would be a more worthwhile experience. Actually just watch Genesis of the Daleks, this is terrible and should have never been made.


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Remember when The Lost Stories used to actually be full of unmade adventures? I do too. Unfortunately, the last 2 series of it have mainly been comprised of serials from Season 12 in their "original drafts" (barring The Doomsday Contract, a genuine Lost Story). This release, Daleks! Genesis of Terror, is once again a foray into the original drafts of Season 12. The main "sell" of this release is the full cast episode one and then the rest of the episodes are the story outlines read by other members of the cast.

This, quite simply put, is a release that does not need to exist. I very rarely give things a 1/10 but this warrants it. Very little has changed from the Genesis we saw on TV and the minutia that are different were taken out with good reason. To give this release some credit, Christopher Naylor as Harry is a delight as always and Tom Baker never puts in a bad performance. That is, unfortunately, all of the positives surrounding this release. The audio mixing is abysmal on this release, making it sound like they're all cramped in a cupboard. Yes, I know this was remotely recorded but Shadow of the Sun proves the mixing can be done well so there's no excuse for the shoddy mixing here. Also bundled with this release is an 80 minute interview with Phillip Hinchcliffe that I'm not sure anyone has actually listened to yet.

Overall, a disappointing and ultimately pointless release that I fear may spell the end of this revived series of The Lost Stories


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