Stories Television Doctor Who Season 8 Classic Who S8 Serial: 1 2 3 4 5 Colony in Space 1 image Back to Story Transcript Needs checking Episode One [Chamber] (On a planet far, far away, three men look at a planet on a large wall monitor with a thick golden frame.) TIME LORD: Are you are sure the Master knows?TIME LORD 2: The report on the Doomsday weapon is missing from our files. Only he could have taken it.TIME LORD: Then we can use the Doctor to deal with this problem.TIME LORD 3: The Doctor resents his exile bitterly. Do you think he'll co-operate with us?TIME LORD 2: I doubt it. We immobilised his TARDIS, took away his freedom to move in space and time.TIME LORD: Then we must restore his freedom for as long as it serves our purpose. [UNIT Laboratory] (The Doctor is still trying to repair the dematerialization circuit.) JO: Doctor, why don't you give up? You've been working on that thing for simply ages.DOCTOR: You know I can't give up, Jo. It's far too important.BRIGADIER: Still at it, Doctor?DOCTOR: Now don't you start.BRIGADIER: The latest field reports are in. Still no trace of the Master.DOCTOR: Well, I didn't expect there would be. No, his TARDIS is working again now. He could be anywhere in space and time.BRIGADIER: Yes, that's as maybe, Doctor, but I've got to keep on looking.DOCTOR: You're wasting your time, Brigadier. (The telephone rings.) JO: Hello, Laboratory? Yes, he's here. Brigadier?BRIGADIER: Oh, thank you. Lethbridge Stewart? Right. Send him into my office. One of my agents thinks he's picked up a trace of the Master.DOCTOR: Your agents are always picking up traces of the Master.BRIGADIER: This agent happens to be particularly reliable, Doctor. I'll let you what he says. If you're interested. (The Brigadier leaves.) JO: Ah. Now you've offended him.DOCTOR: Well, look what happened last time. The man they arrested turned out to be the Spanish ambassador. Well, there you are. That's done it.JO: Done what?DOCTOR: I've made myself a completely new dematerialization circuit. One that'll bypass the Time Lords homing control. I hope.JO: You don't seriously think you'll get that thing working again, do you?DOCTOR: Oh, no. No, I've been doing all this work for fun.JO: I mean it's just a sort of hobby isn't it? A kind of game?DOCTOR: A game?JO: Well, what have you got in there anyway. A policeman?DOCTOR: Why not step inside and see for yourself? [TARDIS] JO: I don't believe it! It's bigger inside than out!DOCTOR: Yes. That's because the TARDIS is dimensionally transcendental.JO: What does that mean?DOCTOR: It means that it's bigger inside than out. Now then. (The Doctor inserts the dematerialization circuit while the TARDIS doors close. Then the time rotor starts going up and down.) DOCTOR: That's impossible!JO: The doors have closed.DOCTOR: What?JO: Doctor, let me out of here.DOCTOR: Well, I can't, Jo. I think we're taking off!JO: Well, stop it.DOCTOR: I'm trying to. Something's operating it by remote control. (The TARDIS dematerialises.) DOCTOR: The Time Lords! [UNIT Laboratory] (The Brigadier enters.) BRIGADIER: I'm afraid you were right, Doctor. Another dead end and we (The TARDIS disappears.) BRIGADIER: Doctor? Come back at once. [TARDIS] JO: All right, Doctor. The joke's over. Open the doors and let me out.DOCTOR: I can't, Jo. We've taken off.JO: All right, then. Where are we?DOCTOR: At the moment we're nowhere.JO: Oh, don't be silly. We can't be nowhere.DOCTOR: We're outside the space time continuum.JO: What? (The Doctor turns on a scanner.) DOCTOR: Look.JO: What's happening? Where are we going?DOCTOR: I've no idea. We'll just have to wait until we emerge. (The psychadelia on the scanner is replaced by a planet.) DOCTOR: The planet Uxarieus. So that's our destination.JO: Very impressive, but can we go back to Earth now please?DOCTOR: I don't know, Jo. I just don't know. (On the planet, a large tank-like robot travels along, stopping occasionally to survey the ground with a device on the end of an arm on its rotating turret. It moves on and the TARDIS materialises. Welcome to an old Cornish china clay pit before they finished working it and started turning it back into woodland.) JO: Is that supposed to be where we are?DOCTOR: That is where we are.JO: All right then. If we've landed on another planet, why don't you open the doors?DOCTOR: Because the atmosphere out there might be poisonous, that's why. I'll just check.JO: Well, is it?DOCTOR: Is it what?JO: Is the atmosphere poisonous?DOCTOR: No. No, it's quite healthy. Similar to Earth before the invention of the motor car.JO: Look, Doctor, are you going to open the doors or not?DOCTOR: I can but try. (The Doctor succeeds.) JO: Thank you. (looks outside) Doctor!DOCTOR: That's an alien world out there, Jo. Think of it.JO: I don't want to think of it. I want to go back to Earth.DOCTOR: Look, do you realize how long I've been confined to one planet?JO: All that talk of yours about travelling in time and space, it was true.DOCTOR: Well, of course it was true! Before I was stranded on Earth, I spent all my time exploring new worlds and seeking the wonders of the universe.JO: But you don't know what's out there.DOCTOR: Then let's find out. Don't you want to set foot in another world?JO: Well, yes, I do but IDOCTOR: Good. Come on. We'll just take a quick look around, and then I'll try and get you back to Earth. All right?JO: All right. [Uxarieus] JO: Look. (Jo picks up an alien flower.) JO: It's got different kinds of petals. (The Doctor goes to look at something else and Jo follows. We see that they are being watched by a green figure carrying a spear.) JO: What are they?DOCTOR: They're tracks made by some sort of machine. This planet must be inhabited after all. I think we'll get a better view from up there. Come on, what are you waiting for?JO: I feel a bit scared.DOCTOR: Come on, Jo. Nothing to worry about. (As they walk up the slope, the figure goes over to the TARDIS.) JO: Those things up there.DOCTOR: They look like some sort of prefabricated dwellings. Oh look, there's another one. A small one up there. Let's go and take a look at them.JO: Oh no, you don't. Let's get back to the TARDIS.DOCTOR: Yes, all right. But, er, do you mind if I take a look at that rock first? It's rather unusual. (They bend down to examine the rock, and Jo looks over her shoulder.) JO: Doctor? Doctor? (A man is pointing a shotgun at them.) [Ashe's office] MARTIN: (man with grey beard) Listen, Ashe, I saw those creatures. We both did.ASHE: (dark hair) I surveyed this planet myself before the colony was set up.MARTIN: Well, you didn't do much of a job.ASHE: And all the time we've been here, there's been no trace of any hostile animal life.MARTIN: Well, there is now.MRS MARTIN: We heard this roaring in the middle of the night. When we looked out, there it was.WINTON: (moustache only) What did it look like?MARTIN: It was enormous. Some kind of giant lizard.ASHE: You must have been having nightmares.WINTON: Did it do any damage?MARTIN: No, I fired a few shots and frightened it off.ASHE: Well, exactly. All right, Martin. David, how many men have you got to spare?WINTON: About six.ASHE: Well, go over to Martin's dome and have a look, just in case.WINTON: Very well. [Dome entry area] (A large open and mostly empty area with a staircase to the right of the main door and what looks like furniture stored to the left. Ashe enters from his office opposite the doorway. The Doctor and Jo are brought in at gunpoint by Leeson and his wife Jane.) ASHE: What the? Leeson, who's this?DOCTOR: How do you do? Well, I must say this is all most impressive.LEESON: We found these two in sector twenty seven. They say they're explorers.ASHE: Where do they come from?DOCTOR: We come from Earth.LEESON: They were examining rock samples. They're mineralogists. It was bound to happen.DOCTOR: Look, we are not mineralogists. And even if we were, why all the hostility? It's a respectable profession.LEESON: Because we don't want our planet gutted. This is our world. You've no right to be here.DOCTOR: Look, we've as much right to be here as anybody else.ASHE: This planet has been classified as suitable for colonisation. Once your big mining combines move in, you'll reduce it to a galactic slagheap.DOCTOR: Haven't you got laws to deal with this kind of thing?LEESON: Yes, there are laws. We can complain to Earth's government just like all the others. By the time you'll get a final decision, the planet's useless.DOCTOR: I see. Yes well, I can sympathize with you, gentlemen, but I can assure you that I'm not working for anybody.ASHE: Then just why have you come here?DOCTOR: Pure chance. My spaceship developed a fault. I had to land somewhere.ASHE: Can you show me your papers?DOCTOR: Papers? No, they're back in my spaceship. If you'd like to come back there with me, IASHE: I think it would be better if you spent the night here. We'll go to your spaceship in the morning.JO: Oh, we don't want to put you to any trouble.ASHE: I'd rather you did as I say. Jane?JANE: Yes, John?ASHE: Show our two guests to the dining area. We'll fix up your sleeping accommodation later.DOCTOR: Yes, go with them. It's all right, Jo. I'll join you in a moment.JO: All right.JANE: This way. (Jane and Jo leave. The Doctor is looking at a graph on the wall.) LEESON: What do you think you're up to! (Leeson rushes over to the Doctor with his rifle ready. The Doctor uses his Venusian karate move to stop him and make him drop the weapon.) DOCTOR: These are your crop records, I take it?ASHE: That's right, but I really don't see what it has to do with you.DOCTOR: It's a very poor showing, isn't it? Are you operating above subsistence level?LEESON: We're surviving. Come on!ASHE: No, no, just a minute. I'd like to hear what he has to say.DOCTOR: Unless I'm very much mistaken, you've got far more to worry about than mineralogists.ASHE: Just what do you mean by that?DOCTOR: Unless things improve radically, you're in grave danger of starving to death. (Outside, the TARDIS is pushed over onto its side and hauled away by four aliens.) [Communal mess hall] MARTIN: I don't care what Ashe says. You saw it, didn't you?MRS MARTIN: I'm sure Ashe believes you. (Jane and Jo enter.) JANE: You can sit where you like.MARTIN: He thinks we're seeing things. You two had better watch out. It could be you next.MRS MARTIN: Ashe will take care of things. (Jane ladles out some soup from a large pan on the stove.) JO: Is that the first course?JANE: It's the only course. Supplies are getting a bit low.MRS MARTIN: Things are bound to be difficult.JO: It's very nice. Thank you.JANE: I'd better get back to my husband.MARTIN: It's getting harder all the time.MRS MARTIN: At least it's better than being back on Earth.MARTIN: Oh, I don't know. Things weren't so bad there.MRS MARTIN: Weren't they? No room to move, polluted air, not a blade of grass left on the planet and a government that locks you up if you think for yourself.MARTIN: At least they fed you. This isn't exactly the Garden of Eden. And Ashe said we could make it perfect. (Winton enters.) WINTON: Are you ready, Martin? We're going to look for your monsters. Let's hope we find something.MARTIN: You may be sorry if you do.WINTON: We can skin it and you can use it for a rug. (The Martins leave with Winton. A young woman with long hair enters and gets herself a bowl of soup. She sits next to Jo.) MARY: Hello.JO: Hello.MARY: I'm Mary Ashe. My father told me about you.JO: Jo Grant. How do you do?MARY: Is that what they're wearing on Earth now?JO: More or less.MARY: It was all quite different when we left back in '71.JO: You left in 1971?MARY: No, 2471. [Leeson's dome] (Jane tears off the calendar page for Mon 2 March 2472, then pulls the wooden bed down from the wall. Leeson enters.) LEESON: I've been checking the northern sector.JANE: How's it going?LEESON: It isn't. These cover crops won't even start to grow.JANE: What about the other sectors?LEESON: Huh! It's even worse.JANE: Never mind, my dear.LEESON: We should never have come here.JANE: We didn't even have a room of our own on Earth. Now, we've got land. (Jane takes two cups out of a replicator or microwave, whatever.) LEESON: What's the point of owning land if it won't grow a decent crop?JANE: Ashe is working on it.LEESON: Ashe knows we're beaten. He just won't admit it. Anyway, it probably doesn't matter anymore.JANE: What do you mean?LEESON: Those people that I found this morning. Suppose they are spies for one of the big mining combines.JANE: Ashe seemed to believe what they say. (Outside, a faint roar carries above the constant howl of the wind.) JANE: What was that?LEESON: I don't know. It must have been the wind.JANE: Even if the mining combines do come, they can't drive us out. We were here first.LEESON: Can't they? It's happened before. (Another roar. Leeson goes to look outside. An iguana with a head the size of a man is outside.) LEESON: Get on the radio! (Leeson loads his shotgun.) JANE: Don't go out there.LEESON: Maybe I can drive it off.JANE: Hello? Main dome. Can you hear me? (Gunshot.) JANE: Can you hear me?MARY [OC]: This is main dome. Please identify.JANE: This is Jane Leeson. Our dome is being attacked. Some kind of giant reptile! Please, you must send help! (More shots, and the attacker roars. Jane turns to someone who has come in. We don't see them.) JANE: Who are you? What do you want? (She tries to reach for a weapon but the person advances on her.) JANE: Go away! Go away! [Ashe's office] DOCTOR: Let's see if I've got this right. You brought your colonists to this planet just over a year ago.ASHE: Yes.DOCTOR: You set up your main dome here, with all your subsidiary domes around it.ASHE: That's right. I made a preliminary survey before I sent for the others.DOCTOR: And you were convinced that this planet was suitable for habitation, despite the exhaustion of the soil?ASHE: Well, worn out soil can be reclaimed, Doctor, as you well know. We should have had subsidence crops within the year.DOCTOR: Exactly. Should have.ASHE: The cover crop refuses to grow. We plant it, it shoots up and then withers, again and again. There seems to be no reason for it.DOCTOR: Well, in theory, you should have a bumper crop by now.ASHE: I can't feed my people on theories, Doctor.DOCTOR: No, no, of course not. Well, in practical terms, what you must do is this (Mary and Jo enter.) MARY: Jane Leeson's just radioed in!ASHE: Well, can't it wait? I'm very busy.MARY: She say's their dome's being attacked!ASHE: Attacked?MARY: By some kind of giant reptile!JO: I heard her too. She sounded terrified.MARY: The radio cut out while she was still talking.DOCTOR: Didn't you say you'd sent some men down there?ASHE: Yes, but to Martin's dome at the other end of the colony. Look, get in touch with Winton. Tell him to get over to Leeson's dome as fast as he can. I'll join him there.DOCTOR: I'll come with you, if I may.ASHE: Well, there's no need for you to get involved, Doctor.DOCTOR: Scientific curiosity, my dear chap. I find your planet most intriguing.ASHE: Very well, thank you.JO: Doctor [Dome entry area] JO: Doctor, I don't think you should go. It might be dangerous.DOCTOR: Jo, don't worry about me. I'll be careful. Now go and get some sleep.JO: Sleep! How do you expect me to? Doctor!MARY: Leeson's dome. I repeat, Leeson's dome. Do you read me?WINTON [OC]: I read you. We're on our way.MARY: Be careful.JO: How long did you say you'd been on this planet?MARY: Just over a year.JO: And you found no sign of these creatures then?MARY: There's no animal life, just a few birds and insects.JO: Well, there is now. [Leeson's dome] (A covered body is carried away on a stretcher. The place has been trashed.) WINTON: Robert, there's nothing you could have done. They were both dead when we got here.ASHE: Did you see the creatures?WINTON: We caught a glimpse of one as we arrived. Everyone blazed away like mad.DOCTOR: And what happened?WINTON: Nothing. It didn't even seem to notice.ASHE: You must have missed.WINTON: What, all of us? We tried to get in closer but it just disappeared. Vanished into the darkness.ASHE: It'll be daylight soon. Perhaps we shall be able to pick up some tracks or bloodstains.DOCTOR: I doubt it. Come and take a look at these claw marks, gentlemen.ASHE: Well, what about them?DOCTOR: Are you trying to tell me these were made by a giant lizard, Winton?WINTON: Yes. It must have been a least twenty foot high.DOCTOR: Twenty foot high?WINTON: Yes.DOCTOR: Then will you kindly tell me how a creature twenty feet high came through that door? [Dome entry area] (A group of colonists have gathered.) MARTIN: Why can't you admit defeat, Ashe? We've got to get back to Earth.ASHE: If we go back to Earth, we'll be worse off than we were before. All our savings have gone into this.WINTON: Then we must move on to another planet. If we stay here, we'll be dead.ASHE: I'm not sure that we can move on. Our spaceship was old when we bought it. It may not survive another trip.WINTON: Oh, Robert, why won't you admit your mistakes?ASHE: We've invested a year of our lives in this place. We've got the beginnings of a colony.WINTON: Our food stocks are getting lower all the time. We can't even support ourselves.ASHE: All right, we've got problems, but they can be overcome.DOCTOR: Ashe is perfectly right. There is no reason why this planet should not support a thriving colony.MARTIN: I suppose you're an expert in agriculture?DOCTOR: Yes. Yes, as a matter of fact, I am.MARTIN: Then why won't my crops grow?DOCTOR: Because they are being inhibited by some unnatural force. We must track it down and overcome it.MARTIN: But two people have been killed, or have you forgotten that?ASHE: Killed by creatures that vanish without trace?WINTON: Look, we saw something!DOCTOR: Whatever it was you saw can be destroyed.ASHE: This colony is our only hope. If we leave, we'll have nothing. If we stay, we may have a future.WINTON: Why won't youMRS MARTIN: He's right. We've put too much work into this place to leave.MARTIN: What if these animals attack again?MRS MARTIN: We fight back.ASHE: Good! Now, what about the rest of you? Are you willing to give it another try?MARTIN: Well, if there really is a chance.ASHE: There is if we stick together. Now, what we've got to do is to organise patrols for the domes. The Doctor here will help us withWINTON: Robert, wait! (Mary is helping an injured man into the dome.) MARY: One of the patrols found him wandering in the south sector.ASHE: Get some water, somebody, quickly. Where are you from? Can you understand what I say?DOCTOR: It's all right, old chap, You're amongst friends now. (The man takes a sip of water.) ASHE: Who are you? Where did you come from?NORTON: Colony. Come from colony.ASHE: What colony?NORTON: Long way from here.WINTON: You mean there's another colony on this planet?NORTON: I've been wandering long time. Months.WINTON: These other colonists. Well, where are they?NORTON: Dead. All dead. Giant lizards!DOCTOR: Lizards?NORTON: Came from nowhere. Killed everything. I'm the only one left. [Leeson's dome] (Two of the green aliens are looking at items in the dome, including a book and the radio microphone.) ASHE [OC]: I hope you find what you're looking for, Doctor.DOCTOR: I only hope you're right. (As the Doctor enters, one alien raises a knife.) ASHE: No! No, he is a friend. These are ours. You must leave them. (The aliens put the items back.) DOCTOR: Do they have a language of their own?ASHE: I've never heard them speak but they seem to understand what I say.DOCTOR: Extraordinary. Must be some rudimentary telepathic ability. Are they friendly?ASHE: Depends on how you treat them. We had two colonists killed when we first moved here. You must go now. (The aliens leave.) ASHE: Just what are you looking for, Doctor?DOCTOR: I've no idea. Possibly some evidence to convince your colonists to stay.ASHE: Yes, I thought I'd won them over until that man turned up. Now I don't know how long I can hold them.DOCTOR: Just play for time.ASHE: Yes. Well, I'd better get back there to see what's happening. Can you find your own way back?DOCTOR: Yes. Oh, yes, of course.ASHE: Right, I'll leave you to it then and, be careful. (Ashe leaves. The Doctor scraps samples from the claw marks in the broken table and puts them in a vial. He turns to see a robot entering, two large arms flailing up and down. It has the logo IMC on the front.) Episode Two [Leeson's dome] (The robot is followed by a man in a black and red uniform, and red metal helmet. He controls it via a remote control. The robot stops.) CALDWELL: Right. You can get up now.DOCTOR: Thank you very much. You know, you really ought to keep this thing of yours under better control.CALDWELL: (Smiles.) Yeah, I'm sorry. He's only a mark three servo-robot. He's not very bright. What happened in here?DOCTOR: Well, I only wish I knew. Something attacked this place late last night.CALDWELL: Is it your place?DOCTOR: No. No, it belonged to two colonists.CALDWELL: Colonists? According to Earth Control, this planet hasn't been colonised.DOCTOR: It appears they were wrong, doesn't it. May I ask what you're doing here?CALDWELL: IMC. Interplanetary Mining Corporation. We're doing a mineral survey.DOCTOR: How long have you been here?CALDWELL: We've just arrived. Colonists, eh? Well, now we've got trouble.DOCTOR: Why? Presumably you'll be moving to another planet.CALDWELL: Well, it isn't up to me. They'll have to sort that out at Earth Control. What are you up to?DOCTOR: I'm just making a few tests.CALDWELL: Are you some kind of scientist?DOCTOR: I'm every kind of scientist. Now, if you'll excuse me.CALDWELL: Look, I'm on my way back to my spaceship. How about you coming back with me?DOCTOR: Well, I'd like to, but I haven't really got the time. In any case, I ought to get back and tell the colonists that you've arrived. (Caldwell operates the robot's arms, its claw-like hands blocking the Doctor's way.) CALDWELL: You have got plenty of time, you know.DOCTOR: Yes, well, I suppose I could spare you a few moments.CALDWELL: You know, it's lucky no one was hurt.DOCTOR: What gave you that impression?CALDWELL: Well, surely, didn't you sayDOCTOR: No, I didn't say anything of the sort. The two colonists that were living here have been killed.CALDWELL: Two people killed?DOCTOR: That's right.CALDWELL: Er, we'd better get moving. [Outside Leeson's dome] (The Doctor gets behind the wheel of a small open vehicle with the IMC logo on it. Caldwell uses his remote control.) DOCTOR: What are you doing?CALDWELL: Programming Charlie to go back to the spaceship.DOCTOR: How far is your ship?CALDWELL: Only a few kilometres. [Communal mess hall] WINTON: So no one from your colony survived?NORTON: The lizards killed most of them. The primitives finished off the rest.JO: The primitives attacked you as well?NORTON: Well, after the lizards there were only a few survivors. When the primitives saw how weak we were, they turned on us. They killed my family, my friends, everyone.JO: Your primitives don't seem too hostile.WINTON: They were when we first got here. Some of my friends were killed.JO: You get on all right with them now.NORTON: So did we, till we were defenseless.WINTON: Maybe now Robert Ashe will listen to me. We must move on to another planet.JO: You're not just going to give up, are you? After all the work you've done here?WINTON: Well, there's a time to cut your losses. We can't even grow our own food.JO: I'm sure the Doctor will be able to help you.NORTON: What Doctor?WINTON: They turned up out of nowhere. This girl and a man.NORTON: Who are they? Where do they come from?WINTON: Well? We don't really know much about you.JO: We told you we're explorers.WINTON: Just the two of you? With a spaceship all to yourselves?JO: That's right.NORTON: Do you work for the government?JO: No, we don't work for anybody, we just (Norton gets up and grabs a rifle. A Primitive - a local alien - has just entered.) JO: What are you doing?NORTON: They killed the survivors, all of them. Get out of the way. He'll kill you.ASHE: All right, put that gun down.NORTON: You don't understand! You can't trust them!ASHE: I said put that gun down! We have a truce with the primitives. We mustn't be the first to break it. (Ashe takes the rifle from Norton.) WINTON: We have a truce all right, Robert, but only because you give them our food.ASHE: You need rest. Show him where he can lie down, somebody.NORTON: One day you'll wish you'd listened to me. (Norton is taken away.) ASHE: Wait outside. I will bring you food. (The Primitive looks around and leaves.) WINTON: Robert, we can't keep feeding these savages.ASHE: We've got to keep on good terms with them for our own safety. While I'm leader of this colony, we'll treat the primitives in my way.WINTON: Even if we starve?ASHE: Get out of my way, David. (Ashe leaves.) JO: He's right, you know. You ought to listen to him. He is your leader, isn't he?WINTON: Maybe that's been my mistake. [Uxarieus] (The Doctor stops the buggy and looks around.) DOCTOR: The TARDIS. It's gone! [Control room] (The sleek IMC rocket 157 sits on the clay with its sharp nose pointing upwards at 45 degrees, looking more like an aeroplane than a spaceship. A blond man enters and switches on a monitor of the planet surface. Another man walks over to him with some papers.) MORGAN: I've just got the first survey results.DENT: Well?MORGAN: The computer predicts there's enough duralinium here to build one million living units on Earth.DENT: Excellent.MORGAN: The thing I can't understand is why this planet was assigned for colonisation.DENT: Does it matter? (The buggy comes into view on the monitor.) MORGAN: Look, Caldwell's found us a colonist. I wonder why he's wearing fancy dress?DENT: All colonists are eccentric, Morgan, otherwise they wouldn't be colonists.MORGAN: Hmm. And what are you going to say to this eccentric?DENT: The usual story. That we've just arrived and we're surprised and shocked that the place has been colonised.MORGAN: Suppose they don't believe us?DENT: It doesn't matter what they believe. They won't be here for long. [Rocket corridor] (The Doctor and Caldwell walk past the robot. Caldwell opens a door.) CALDWELL: Please?DOCTOR: Thank you. [Rocket guest cabin] CALDWELL: Would you mind staying in here, please, while I let my colleagues know?DOCTOR: Yes, of course.CALDWELL: Er, look, make yourself at home. That's the entertainment console. I shan't be long.DOCTOR: Right. (Caldwell leaves. The Doctor sits down in front of the console, which looks like a Commodore PET more than anything, and switches it on. Curtains part on the far side of the room to reveal a large screen. The current entertainment appears to be scenes of warfare.) [Control room] (Caldwell enters.) CALDWELL: I've just brought a man in here.DENT: So I saw.CALDWELL: He was at the wrecked dome and he tells me that two people have been killed. Now, he's only supposed to scare people off, not slaughter them!DENT: Do you know about this, Morgan?MORGAN: Yes. It was an accident.CALDWELL: What do you mean, accident?MORGAN: They found me. They started shooting. What was I supposed to do, let myself get killed?DENT: You acted very foolishly, Morgan. You should never have let yourself be seen.CALDWELL: Foolishly? Dent, is that all you've got to say?DENT: Believe me, Caldwell, I regret this just as much as you do.CALDWELL: Oh, heMORGAN: Look, there's no point in arguing about it. Besides, once these colonists have left this planet, there will be no more regrettable incidents.CALDWELL: Look, two people are dead and I want to knowDENT: You may care to look at this report.CALDWELL: I want to know for certainDENT: Look at it! It's going to make you rich. This planet has enough duralinium to double the company's profits next year. Your bonus will be big enough to retire on.MORGAN: If we get rid of the colony.CALDWELL: Yes, well, all right, we can go ahead. But there's no need for anyone else to be killed.DENT: I think I'll have a chat with this colonist of yours. Be interesting to know the state of morale. [Rocket guest cabin] (The Doctor is still watching the depressing screen.) MAN [OC]: Scientists have turned to new means for providing accommodation for our ever-increasing population. These floating islands, rising to three hundred stories, will make living space for five hundred million people. (The Doctor turns off the console, and the curtains close. Dent enters.) DENT: I'm Captain Dent, in charge of this survey team. A great pleasure to meet you, Mister?DOCTOR: Not Mister, Doctor. How do you do?DENT: Well Doctor, it seems a most unfortunate mistake has been made.DOCTOR: I'm glad you admit it. I take it you're preparing to leave at once.DENT: It's not necessarily out mistake. As things have turned out, this planet doesn't seem very suitable for colonisation.DOCTOR: Oh? Why?DENT: I understand it's still infested with hostile animal life.DOCTOR: The hostile animals, if they exist, can be found and destroyed, sir.DENT: I admire your optimism. Is it shared by the other colonists?DOCTOR: I'm not a colonist, I'm a visitor.DENT: I see. Then you're not really concerned.DOCTOR: I'm very much concerned.DENT: The colonists shouldn't be here. My Corporation has been assigned the mineral rights on this planet. Our preliminary survey indicates a very rich concentration of duralinium. You know how the Earth needs that mineral.DOCTOR: Earth, or your corporation's profits?DENT: What's good for IMC is good for Earth. There are one hundred thousand million people back on Earth and they desperately need all the minerals we can find.DOCTOR: What those people need, my dear sir, are new worlds to live in like this one. Worlds where they can live like human beings, not battery hens.DENT: That's not my concern. Minerals are needed. It's my job to find them.DOCTOR: Even if it means turning this planet into a slagheap?DENT: I can see we're on opposite sides, Doctor.DOCTOR: Perhaps. Your health, sir. Now, if you'll excuse me. I've lost some very valuable equipment. Perhaps one of your colleagues told you about it. A tall blue box.DENT: He's probably enquiring about it now. I'll go and check. If you wouldn't mind waiting here, Doctor? I'll detail someone to escort you back to your friends. [Control room] MORGAN: (into microphone.) Assay prediction on section four eight. (Dent enters.) DENT: Where's Caldwell?MORGAN: Oh, he's chasing up some lost equipment for your colonist friend.DENT: He isn't a colonist. Or at least, so he said.MORGAN: Then what's he doing here?DENT: I don't know, but I think he's dangerous.MORGAN: Do you think he's been sent by Earth government, checking up on us?DENT: Perhaps.MORGAN: What do you propose to do about it?DENT: You're going to take him back to his colonist friends.MORGAN: You're not serious?DENT: When Caldwell found him, he was investigating the wrecked dome.MORGAN: Well?DENT: If he were found in the ruins, it would be obvious the monsters had returned and killed him.MORGAN: Leave it to me. Oh, by the way, you, er, you will send the necessary machinery?DENT: It'll be waiting when you arrive. (Caldwell enters.) CALDWELL: Whatever that Doctor's lost, no one seems to have found it.DENT: You'd better break the sad news, Morgan. [Rocket corridor] (The Doctor has been looking for a sensor to open the door from the inside, but there isn't one. He hears footsteps and the door opens.) DOCTOR: Who the blazes are you?MORGAN: My name's Morgan.DOCTOR: Well, why was this door locked? [Rocket guest cabin] MORGAN: Was it? Must have jammed. I've been sent to take you back to your friends.DOCTOR: Well, where is the man who brought me here? And what happened to Captain Dent?MORGAN: I'm sorry, the Captain's busy. You've been handed over to me.DOCTOR: Oh, I see. Well, I take it that your Captain is coming to see Ashe?MORGAN: Ashe?DOCTOR: The leader of the colonists!MORGAN: Oh, yes, yes. I'm to arrange the meeting.DOCTOR: How very formal. Well, shall we go?MORGAN: After you, sir. [Rocket corridor] MORGAN: By the way, Captain Dent wanted you to show me the dome that was wrecked.DOCTOR: Why?MORGAN: Well, we're just as interested in these creatures as you are. Who knows, they might attack us too.DOCTOR: Yes, that's a point. [Uxarieus] (Morgan is driving the buggy when three Primitives armed with spears block the track.) MORGAN: Get out of the way! (Morgan points a gun at them.) DOCTOR: No! (The Doctor pushes Morgan's arm, deflecting the shot to the side Then he gets out of the buggy. One Primitive throws a spear, which the Doctor catches and uses as a quarter staff to defeat the other two. It breaks. Then the first Primitive starts whirling a bolus, so the Doctor ducks down and throws him over his shoulder. Morgan drives up.) DOCTOR: Let's drive slowly, shall we? [Communal mess hall] (Jo is stirring the soup cauldron.) MARY: Can you get these ready, please, Jo?JO: Yes, of course. What do I do with them?MARY: Just add water and serve, but be careful.JO: What do they taste like?MARY: All exactly the same!ASHE: Hello, Mary, my dear. How's it going?MARY: She's getting on very well.JO: Have you seen the Doctor yet?ASHE: No, I haven't.JO: He's been gone a long time.ASHE: Now, don't worry. If he's not back soon, I'll go and look for him. Have you seen Winton?MARY: He's showing Norton round the dome.ASHE: Well, when you see him, tell him I want him. I'll be in my quarters. (Ashe leaves.) JO: Norton's made a remarkable recovery. [Power supply room] (An older man with mutton chop whiskers is working on an octagonal device with cables coming out of it. He is assisted by a Primitive. Winton and Norton enter.) WINTON: This is our power supply junction box.NORTON: What's he doing?HOLDEN: Don't worry about him. He's my assistant.HOLDEN: See what I mean? He gets the right one every time. Seems to know what's in my mind. Weren't your primitives like that?NORTON: No. We weren't so friendly with ours. Where do you get your power from?WINTON: Well, we tap the ships nuclear generator and then beam the power through to the domes as they need it. More trouble?HOLDEN: Naturally. This stuff should have been junked years ago.WINTON: Don't worry, you'll manage. You always do. Must be that sunny nature of yours.HOLDEN: Thanks very much.WINTON: Well, shall we go back to the dining area? (Winton and Norton leave. The Primitive hands Holden a screwdriver.) HOLDEN: Thanks. [Communal mess hall] WINTON: Got you working, I see. What time's dinner?JO: Not long now. How are you feeling?NORTON: Oh, much better. Still hungry.MARY: What do you think of our colony?NORTON: I think you're managing very well.WINTON: You mean considering how old the equipment is.NORTON: Well, some of it is getting on a bit.WINTON: Yes.JO: Was your colony better equipped?NORTON: Yes. Didn't do us much good. That junction box of yours, it looks dangerous.MARY: That's what Jim Holden says, but he manages to keep it going.NORTON: Is he your only electrician engineer?WINTON: He's the only one we could get to come with us. We'd be lost without him.MARY: Oh, my father was looking for you. He said he'd be in his quarters.WINTON: Oh. Look, can you look after yourself?NORTON: Well, yes. I feel a bit tired. I'll just go and lie down until dinner.WINTON: All right. See you then. (Winton leaves. Norton sniffs the soup.) NORTON: I'm looking forward to this. After a year of living off roots, you don't know how good that looks. [Power supply room] HOLDEN: There, that should hold it for another few days. Put the tools away, will you? I just want to check the circuit relay. (Norton enters, carrying a wrench, and attacks the Primitive. Then he takes the spear and walks towards Holden.) HOLDEN: What the? Are you crazy? What do you think you're doing? No! [Ashe's office] MARY: Dinner's ready, father.ASHE: Oh. (The lights go out.) ASHE: Oh, here we go again.MARY: Don't worry, Jim'll fix it. (British readers of a certain age all groan. Norton enters.) NORTON: You've got to come with me.ASHE: It's all right, it's only a power failure.NORTON: No, you don't understand. Please, come with me. [Power supply room] (Ashe enters to see both Holden and the Primitive lying on the floor.) ASHE: What happened?NORTON: I was just coming by. I saw it all. He didn't have a chance.ASHE: The primitive killed him?NORTON: He went for me too. I grabbed a spanner and hit him. It was self-defence. I had to.ASHE: I don't understand it. They were such friends.NORTON: They're all the same. Treacherous. They get your confidence and then they turn on you.ASHE: The relay circuits have been destroyed!NORTON: Your man must have caught him messing about with the controls.ASHE: But unless we get this repaired, the whole colony will come to a standstill. He was the only one who could fix it. [Control room] DENT: (into microphone.) Warp this message direct to IMC Headquarters Earth. Put it on scramble. Code two nine three. Survey ship four three to IMC Headquarters Earth. Captain Dent speaking. Preliminary survey confirms rich deposits of duralinium on this planet. Complications occasioned by previously arrived colonists can be dealt with.CALDWELL: I've been checking out the survey results.DENT: Well?CALDWELL: Well, you were right. This is a big strike.DENT: This biggest we've ever had. I want you to radio Earth your requirements for mining equipment.CALDWELL: Right. What about the colonists?DENT: Oh, they'll have left by the time it gets here.CALDWELL: You can't be sure. That Doctor seemed pretty determined to me.DENT: He can be dealt with.CALDWELL: How do you mean? Where is he?DENT: On his way back to his friends, with Morgan.CALDWELL: You're the Captain, why didn't you go? He isn't going to get back to his friends, is he.DENT: Morgan's completely reliable.CALDWELL: Yes, that's what I mean.DENT: Where do you think you're going?CALDWELL: Look, scaring people is one thing, and I don't mind lying to Earth government, but murderDENT: Stay where you are.CALDWELL: Now get out of my way.DENT: May I remind you that I am Captain of this ship and we are on an alien planet. If you strike me, I can have you executed without trial.CALDWELL: We can persuade these people to go. We've done it before.DENT: That man you brought here was some kind of government spy. He was suspicious.CALDWELL: Well, it's still murder.DENT: Back on Earth, tens of thousands of people die every day. Traffic accidents, suicides, pollution, epidemics.CALDWELL: They are not the same thing and you know it!DENT: Caldwell! The exploitation of this planet can make us both rich. You could enjoy luxury for the rest of your life if you go along with the Corporation.CALDWELL: I could exist without IMC.DENT: If you get on our blacklist, you'll never work again, for anyone. You're up to your ears in debt. I checked. Don't worry about the colonists, Caldwell. Just get on with your work and let Morgan get on with his. [Leeson's dome] DOCTOR: Well, here are are. Though I must say I still don't quite understand why you wanted to come here.MORGAN: I wanted to see how much damage these creatures can cause.DOCTOR: Well, you'll find some claw marks over there and some more over there.MORGAN: And you say these same marks were found on the two colonists?DOCTOR: That's right. Oh yes, it was all very efficiently done.MORGAN: What do you mean?DOCTOR: Well, I think the whole thing has been faked by somebody who wanted to frighten the colonists away.MORGAN: But these claw marks. I mean, something made them.DOCTOR: Yes, they could have been faked by some sort of mechanical device.MORGAN: You mean with something like this? (Morgan uses a remote control and a robot enters. Its small metal claws have been replaced by giant ones.) DOCTOR: Yes. Yes, exactly like this.MORGAN: By the time they find you, the monster will have claimed another victim. (Morgan pulls a gun.) MORGAN: Keep back. Purely business, you understand. Nothing personal.Episode Three [Leeson's dome] DOCTOR: If you fire that thing, you'll spoil your whole story. Monsters don't carry guns, you know. (The Doctor kicks the gun out of Morgan's hand and pushes him into the corner of the dome. The robot moves forward, claws swinging up and down, and Morgan makes his escape as the Doctor is pinned against the wreckage of the desk, trying to reach the remote control that was dropped on the floor. He succeeds and the robot's arms are still.) [Dome entry area - radio shack] (Jo is turning the wheel of a generator.) MARY: (into radio) You'll have to keep going on your individual power units. Main dome out. Oh, take a rest.JO: I could do with it.ASHE: What's happening?MARY: Have they had any luck with the relay circuits?ASHE: I don't know. Norton and Winton are still working on it.MARY: All the domes have been screaming for power.ASHE: I've been checking the stock of individual power units. We've only got enough to last us a few days.JO: Well, then what?ASHE: No power for machinery, no heat, no light. We're finished.JO: Oh, I wish the Doctor was here. He'd be able to fix it for you. Look, he has been gone rather a long time. You said you'd be able to go and look for him.ASHE: I've got rather more to worry about than your friend, you know. The whole life of this colony is in danger.JO: Yes, I know, but he was trying to help you.ASHE: Yes, yes, I'm very sorry. I'll send someone to look for him.JO: Thank you. (Winton enters.) ASHE: Any luck?WINTON: Norton say's it's impossible.ASHE: Well, that's it then. (A noise starts up.) JO: What's that?ASHE: It sounds like a spaceship. It must be going to land right by us. [Control room] MAN [OC]: Radar printing confirm terrain firm.DENT: Keep main retrorockets steady. Altitude report.MAN [OC]: One hundred metres. Descent rate now at minimum.DENT: Activate landing stabilisers.MAN [OC]: Landing stabilisers in position.DENT: Final altitude report.MAN [OC]: Twenty metres. Fifteen metres. Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five. (bump) We have contact.DENT: Cut motors. (The viewscreen is full of the main dome.) CALDWELL: You've landed practically in their laps.DENT: I never like walking. Now I'd better go and make friends. Close down all systems. We shall be here some time.LONG: Yes sir. [Dome entry area] DENT: I can assure you, Mister Ashe, I'm as surprised as you are. How long have you been here?ASHE: More than a year now. You realize this planet has been assigned for colonisation?DENT: No, not according to my company. We've been assigned full mineral rights.ASHE: Then your people must have made a mistake.DENT: Or yours. In any event, we're both here, so there's only one remedy. We shall have to send for an Adjudicator.WINTON: Yes, we know all about that. It takes years to reach a decision, and by then you've chewed up the entire planet.DENT: I'm sure you agree we must apply the proper procedures.ASHE: Well, yes, I suppose soWINTON: Procedures, nothing, Robert. This planet's ours and the sooner you're off it, the better.ASHE: David! (The Doctor enters.) JO: Doctor! What happened? Are you all right?DOCTOR: Yes, I'm fine Jo, fine. Sorry if that spoils your plans, Captain Dent.DENT: My plans? I don't understand.DOCTOR: I was to have been another victim of their imaginary monsters. They're trying to frighten you off this planet.DENT: That's a very serious allegation, Doctor.DOCTOR: Yes, and one that I shall have great pleasure in bringing before the proper authorities. You say there's some sort of procedure?ASHE: Yes, we're going to send for an Adjudicator.DOCTOR: Good. I'm sure he'll be very interested in hearing what I have to say.ASHE: Well?DENT: I refuse to listen to this man's ravings any longer. I'll send a message to the Adjudicator's Bureau right away. If you'll excuse me. (Dent leaves.) WINTON: He really tried to kill you?DOCTOR: Oh, yes. Yes, the IMC people are using a robot to fake these monsters.WINTON: Doctor, those monsters were real. I saw them!DOCTOR: Optical trickery so that you think you can see monsters and a robot with claws so that you can see their effects. The immobilized robot is at Leeson's dome. Or it was. They've probably removed it by now.ASHE: This is unbelievable!DOCTOR: Yes, well, don't worry, old chap. When the adjudicator hears of IMC's methods, he's bound to decide in your favour.WINTON: Yes, if we're still here.DOCTOR: Why shouldn't we still be here?ASHE: We're in a middle of a power breakdown. Jo said that you might be able to fix it.DOCTOR: Well, I'd be only too pleased, but at the moment I'm looking for some lost property. It's a box, a tall blue box likeJO: Doctor! You haven't lost the TARDIS?DOCTOR: Well, no, I haven't exactly lost it. Let's say it's temporarily mislaid.JO: But don't you realise? Without the TARDIS we're stranded!ASHE: Look, Doctor, the whole life of this colony is in danger. Now, we'll help you look for your blue box later.DOCTOR: Yes, all right. Come on. Show me what's wrong.JO: But DoctorDOCTOR: Later, Jo, later.ASHE: The relay circuits have been completely destroyed. (The Doctor and Ashe leave.) NORTON: What's he talking about? Optical trickery? I've been hunted by those things. You've seen them.WINTON: I saw something. It could have been faked.NORTON: I tell you the man's crazy. Those creatures are real and you know it!JO: If the Doctor says they were faked, they were faked.WINTON: Yes, but he hasn't managed to produce any evidence, has he?JO: Well, why don't we do something?WINTON: Such as what?JO: Well, we could find some proof.WINTON: Where?JO: We could start with the IMC spaceship. [Control room] MORGAN: There was nothing I could do!DENT: The Doctor told everyone what happened.MORGAN: Did they believe him?DENT: I'm not sure. (Caldwell enters and puts a rock sample on Dent's desk.) CALDWELL: These look very good. Have you sent for an Adjudicator?DENT: Not yet.CALDWELL: But you are going to?DENT: Of course. Legality must always be maintained.CALDWELL: What are you two going to say when that Doctor tells the Adjudicator his story? (The intercom buzzes.) DENT: IMC control room. [Main dome] (In a darkened room.) NORTON: Norton to IMC. Urgent message. Two colonists are about to enter your ship. [Rocket corridor] (Winton and Jo find a robot.) WINTON: Jo! (They leave. The robot turns and a bulkhead comes down, cutting off their retreat. Jo and Winton carry on past a bulletin board. As they turn a corner, another bulkhead comes down. They come to a door marked Communication deck, and enter. Dent and four armed men are waiting for them.) [Power supply room] DOCTOR: There you are. I think that should do it. (The Doctor throws a switch on the wall and the lights come on.) ASHE: I'm really very grateful, Doctor. I'd better get power out to the outlying domes. How long will it keep going?DOCTOR: Eh? Oh, as long as you want it to, of course. You say that somebody else has been trying to repair this relay circuit?ASHE: Yes. Norton.DOCTOR: He didn't make a very good job. In fact one might almost think that he's been trying to make things worse. (Mary enters.) MARY: Doctor! There's a message for you from the IMC ship.DOCTOR: What?MARY: Captain Dent says he wants to see you.DOCTOR: What about?MARY: Something to do with Jo Grant. [Control room] DENT: Good of you to come so promptly, Doctor.DOCTOR: All right, Captain Dent, where's Jo Grant?DENT: Under arrest. She was caught attempting to rob this spaceship.DOCTOR: You've got no right to hold her withoutDENT: You are acquainted with interplanetary laws? She's committed a capital offence.DOCTOR: I see. All right, what do you want?DENT: When the Adjudicator arrives you will withdraw your ridiculous accusations.DOCTOR: That's quite out of the question, and I repeat, where is Jo Grant!DENT: Not here, Doctor. She is rather uncomfortably placed. Do you know anything of our survey methods?DOCTOR: What?DENT: An explosive charge is laid and activated by remote control. I have only to press this button. [Primitive dwelling] (An iron stake is being hammered into the ground. It has chains fastened to it with Jo and Winton's handcuffs on the other end. The IMC man presses a button and a red light starts flashing on top of a cage. Winton pulls at his chain.) ALLEN: I wouldn't do that. Not until I've gone. Once the charge is primed, these things are very sensitive. In fact, I wouldn't move at all. (Allen leaves.) JO: What is this place?WINTON: Primitive dwelling. Rather aptly named. Well? What do we do now?JO: Try and escape?WINTON: Of course. [Ashe's office] ASHE: But this is abominable, Doctor. I'll go and see Captain Dent at once.DOCTOR: What good will that do? Dent'll deny everything and you'll be putting Jo's life at risk.ASHE: Then we must organise a search.DOCTOR: Dent's spaceship is only a few hundred yards from this dome. He'll be monitoring us on his scanners.ASHE: Well, what if he is?DOCTOR: Use your head, man! If he sees the slightest sign of a search, he'll detonate that charge. [Primitive dwelling] (Jo slips and falls.) WINTON: Be careful, Jo! You'll blow us all sky high. Wait a minute. This thing's just been unpacked.JO: So?WINTON: Well, there's still some grease on the casing.JO: I get you. But I can't reach. Look, if you can get some on my wrists. (Winton smears grease on Jo's wrists.) WINTON: You'll have to try and pull your hands through. It won't be very easy.JO: Well, I took a course in escapology once.WINTON: Steady.JO: Pull! (Jo is free of her handcuffs.) WINTON: Now back to the dome and warn Ashe.JO: I'm not leaving here without you!WINTON: Look, don't you see this is just the evidence we need for the Adjudicator?JO: I'm not leaving here without you. (Jo hits Winton's chain with a large rock.) JO: Oh! (The bomb is jolted.) [Control room] (An alarm sounds.) DENT: Something's happening. Who's guarding the girl?MORGAN: Allen.DENT: Captain Dent to security guard Allen.ALLEN [OC]: Receiving you.DENT: Check up on your prisoners. [Primitive dwelling] (Jo finally breaks a link in Winton's chain.) WINTON: There are no guards. Quick, this way, Jo. (Allen grabs Jo.) ALLEN: Stay where you are! (Allen shoots Winton. Jo struggles, turning Allen round.) JO: Oh, please, no! Run, Winton, run! Let go! (Allen shoots at the fleeing Winton and misses.) ALLEN: Security guard Allen to Captain Dent. Male prisoner has escaped. [Control room] DENT: You've still got the girl?ALLEN [OC]: Yes, sir.DENT: From now on, stay where you can see her.ALLEN [OC]: What about the explosive charge, sir?DENT: Don't worry, I'll give you plenty of warning. (to Morgan) Send some guards after the man.MORGAN: Do you want him brought back alive? [Uxarieus] (A buggy drives along fast, straight past where Winton is hiding. He starts to run along a track and is spotted by another buggy. The guards start shooting at Winton but he is too far away from them. Then he sees that he has run straight towards an IMC mining area, and walks up to the guard in front of the metal door in the cliff. Shots ring out, then a voice.) CALDWELL [OC]: Don't bother! I got him for you!GUARD: Okay, right. (The guards go back to their buggy.) CALDWELL: It's all right. They've gone. (Winton opens his eyes.) [Survey office] (Caldwell helps Winton onto a bunk.) CALDWELL: All right. You'll be all right here. (Caldwell unfastens the handcuffs.) CALDWELL: Now I'd better have a look at you. (Caldwell checks the shoulder wound with a sort of tricorder.) CALDWELL: All right, all right. Yes, you're lucky. And you're lucky we've got these.WINTON: Why are you helping me?CALDWELL: I'm not one of Dent's killers. I'm a miner. (Caldwell gives Winton an injection.) WINTON: Thank you.CALDWELL: Why were they after you?WINTON: We were hostages. There was a girl with me. They've still got her.CALDWELL: You go back to the colony and persuade your friends to get off this planet.WINTON: We're waiting for the Adjudicator.CALDWELL: Look! Do you know what that this, those veins? It's duralinium. This is the richest source we've ever found. Now IMC want this planet and they're going to have it.WINTON: The Adjudicator's decision is law. If he says we can stayCALDWELL: Even Adjudicators can be dealt with. Oh, get your people off this planet before someone else is hurt. [Ashe's office] ASHE: It's dark now so they can't use their scanners. We'll start the search at the Primitive caves here, then onto the Primitive ruins here and here. (Winton enters and picks up a rifle.) ASHE: Winton!DOCTOR: Winton, where's Jo?WINTON: IMC have still got her.DOCTOR: What, you left her?WINTON: Doctor, there was nothing else I could do.DOCTOR: Well, how did you get away?WINTON: One of the IMC men helped me but I had to leave Jo in the Primitive ruins.ASHE: Then we'll have to get over there at once.WINTON: They'll have moved her by now.ASHE: Then we must organise a search.WINTON: No. We're going to mount an attack on their spaceship. We're going to try and get them to surrender, make them release Jo and then get them off this planet.ASHE: We're not going to start a war.WINTON: Now look, Robert, I've been chained to a bomb, hunted and shot at. As far as I'm concerned, the war's already started. (Winton leaves.) DOCTOR: You've got to stop him. Dent'll shoot them down and be glad of the excuse!ASHE: It seems the decision has been taken out of my hands. [Dome entry area - radio shack] WINTON: Come in dome three. Report to main dome immediately. Do you read me?COLONIST [OC]: Yes, I read you.DOCTOR: Did you say one of them helped you?WINTON: Yes. Caldwell, their chief mineralogist.DOCTOR: Well, where was he?WINTON: He had a survey tent pitched in the north sector.DOCTOR: Can you direct me there?WINTON: Well, why?DOCTOR: I've got to talk to him. The only way we can save Jo now is with help from the inside. [Survey office] (Caldwell is examining a rock.) DOCTOR: Ah, Caldwell. Working out your future bonuses?CALDWELL: What do you want?DOCTOR: I want your help.CALDWELL: I work for IMC.DOCTOR: Did you know that Captain Dent had given orders to have me killed?CALDWELL: No.DOCTOR: Or that they've taken Jo Grant prisoner and may kill her?CALDWELL: Look, Dent's just bluffing to scare you into keeping quiet.DOCTOR: Tomorrow morning, the colonists are going to attack your spaceship.CALDWELL: Then you'd better stop them. The guards will mow them down.DOCTOR: I know. That's why I'm here. There's something that you can do to help me.CALDWELL: What?DOCTOR: Release Jo Grant before the attack starts.CALDWELL: All right, I'll do what I can. But you'd better stop that attack, Doctor. It won't be a battle, it'll be a slaughter. [Control room] (Morgan is playing a reel to reel tape.) TAPE [OC]: Your message received from Captain Dent. Confirm an Adjudicator is in your present galactic sector and is now on his way. Message ends. (Dent enters.) MORGAN: Message from Earth Control. An Adjudicator's on his way.DENT: Did they say who?MORGAN: No.DENT: Doesn't matter. Allen's still guarding the girl?MORGAN: Yes. I'd better send someone to relieve him. (Caldwell enters.) CALDWELL: Never mind about relieving that guard, Morgan. You just have the girl brought back here.DENT: What are you talking about?CALDWELL: Now you heard me. Have her brought back.DENT: You're not in command of this ship.CALDWELL: I'm in command of the mining operation. If the girl isn't brought back, the survey stops.DENT: You'd be breaking your contract.CALDWELL: You would have to explain to head office.DENT: Have her brought back. Caldwell, you've just committed professional suicide. [Primitive dwelling] (Jo has been chained to the bomb again.) ALLEN: Come on. You're going back to the spaceship.JO: Why? What for?ALLEN: I'm just obeying orders. Get moving. (Allen unfastens Jo, then three Primitives enter, spear at the ready. Allen draws his gun.) JO: Don't shoot! (Allen shoots the lead Primitive, and the second throws his spear. Allen dies and Jo is led away.) [Ashe's office] DOCTOR: You make a frontal attack like that, and Dent'll blast you down without a second's thought.WINTON: We've got them outnumbered.DOCTOR: What difference does that make? That ship is like a fortress and the men are trained. By the time the Adjudicator arrives, well, he will have killed them all and claimed it was self-defence.WINTON: Now look, Doctor. We're going to attack this morning and that's final.DOCTOR: I see. Well, you leave me no alternative. If I can't stop you, I must help you.WINTON: Oh, yes? How?DOCTOR: By giving you a piece of good advice. Unless you want IMC warned, I'd keep a very close watch of our friend Norton.WINTON: And secondly?DOCTOR: By helping you devise a less idiot plan of attack. [Outside the rocket] LONG: Where do you think you're going?MARY: I believe you've got a friend of mine in there.LONG: Well, we wouldn't know about that.MARY: But I was told she was here. I was expecting to meet her. (Winton and the Doctor sneak around the back, behind the two distracted guards.) LONG: This in an IMC ship. There are none of your people in here.DOCTOR: Excuse me.LONG: What the? (The Doctor and Winton knock the guards out and drag them away.) [Control room] DENT: Captain Dent to security guard Allen. Come in please and report your position. [Primitive dwelling] DENT [OC]: This is Captain Dent to security guard Allen, do you read me? [Control room] DENT: I can't raise him.CALDWELL: Come on, Dent, where's that girl?DENT: The receiver's on and working but he's not answering. [Rocket corridor] (Morgan walks past the Doctor and Winton dressed in IMC uniforms. The Doctor dodges down a side corridor before Morgan turns around.) MORGAN: Hey, you! Come here! (Morgan pulls a gun. He and Winton walk towards each other, and the Doctor kicks the gun out of Winton's hand, but he sounds an alarm before they can drag him off. Two colonists shoots the guards who respond to the alarm.) WINTON: All right, the control room. Move! [Control room] DENT: (into microphone) Captain Dent to security section, what's going on? Report immediately. (Morgan is brought in by Winton and the Doctor.) WINTON: I'm afraid your guards are rather busy, Captain.DOCTOR: All right, Dent. Where's Jo Grant?DENT: She's vanished, Doctor. I can't contact her guard.DOCTOR: Is this true?CALDWELL: I think so.DOCTOR: I'll leave them to you. (The Doctor leaves.) DENT: You know this is an act of piracy punishable by death under interplanetary law?WINTON: Never mind the speeches, Captain. Order your guards to surrender. Now. [Dome entry area] DOCTOR: All I can do is go down to those Primitive ruins and start searching from there.ASHE: I know where they are, Doctor. I'll take you there.DOCTOR: Good. Well, Winton seems to have seized control. I only hope he can keep it.ASHE: Quite so.DOCTOR: We've got to find out what's happening in those Primitive ruins, and where they've taken Jo. [Primitive dwelling] (Back in his normal clothes, the Doctor discovers Allen's body.) DOCTOR: Oh, seems as if the Primitives are no longer friendly.ASHE: Well, what do you expect? Norton killed one.DOCTOR: Yes, and Morgan tried to kill another. Where would the Primitives have taken Jo, to their city?ASHE: I'm afraid so.DOCTOR: Afraid?ASHE: In the early days, one or two of our people went down there. There were rumours of creatures that lived in the ruins.DOCTOR: Well, did they find them?ASHE: We don't know. They never came back.Episode Four [Primitive dwelling] (Meanwhile, Jo has been escorted down a track to a cliff face, where a Primitive opens up a concealed door and she is taken inside.) DOCTOR: My dear Ashe, if the Primitives have taken Jo to their city, I must go after her.ASHE: And get yourself killed, or captured too?DOCTOR: What else can I do?ASHE: Well, you may be able to buy her back.DOCTOR: What?ASHE: Well, from time to time they capture someone and trade them for food. With luck, they should be along soon to offer her back.DOCTOR: Well, I can't just sit here and wait! In any case, I haven't got any food to offer them.ASHE: Well, you don't have to worry about that. We've got plenty of food.DOCTOR: But you're running short.ASHE: All right, if you're determined to go on alone, tell them I'll pay the ransom. I think they trust me.DOCTOR: Thank you. (There is a sound overhead. They up look out of a hole in the wall.) ASHE: It must be the Adjudicator. (The aircraft flies to an open area, then hovers before tilting its nose up to the sky and landing.) [Control room] DENT: You're simply making things worse for yourselves. (Winton is trying to crowbar open a cupboard.) WINTON: Well, you think so?DENT: You heard that ship land. What sort of impression will this make on the Adjudicator? (Winton breaks into the cupboard and removes a sort of hand-sized movie camera.) WINTON: What's this?DENT: A very delicate piece of equipment. Leave it alone.WINTON: It's some kind of projector.DENT: Part of Caldwell's survey equipment, isn't it, Caldwell?CALDWELL: Yes, that's right.WINTON: They why lock it away? (Winton switches it on and the growling iguana appears on the wall.) WINTON: Optical trickery!CALDWELL: It was only meant to scare you away. There was no need for anyone to be killed.DENT: Shut up, Caldwell. (Winton finds one of the giant claws.) WINTON: Well, Captain Dent, I wonder how this will look to the Adjudicator? [Dome entry area - radio shack] (Ashe enters.) ADJUDICATOR [OC]: Are both parties to the dispute assembled?MARY: Well, not exactly, sir.ADJUDICATOR [OC]: Surely you were advised of my arrival?MARY: It's the Adjudicator calling from his ship.ADJUDICATOR [OC]: Will you answer my question, please?ASHE: This is Robert Ashe, sir. I am the leader of the colonists.ADJUDICATOR [OC]: Good. Now I require both parties to the dispute to be assembled as quickly as possible.ASHE: (Into radio.) But things have become rather confused, sir. The situationADJUDICATOR [OC]: I have no desire to discuss that before the inquiry. Kindly let me know when you're all ready.ASHE: I'd better tell Winton to get those IMC men over here. This is going to look very bad to the Adjudicator.MARY: Why?ASHE: We've become the aggressors now. It may prejudice our case.MARY: Did you find Jo?ASHE: We found where they've been keeping her. It looks as though the Primitives have got her. (The Primitives are hustling Jo along well-hewn corridors to a room containing technology, and a small humanoid in a robe with a high collar. It turns to face her, and we see that the large head is half brain, with heavy lidded eyes and thick jowls. Jo screams.) [Control room] WINTON: (into radio) What's the point in bringing over the prisoners? We'll bring the evidence. That should be enough for the Adjudicator. [Dome entry area - radio shack] ASHE: The Adjudicator insists that all parties should be brought together. We've got to do this legally, Winton. [Control room] WINTON: Very well. We'll be over in a few minutes. Untie them.ALEC: The guards have been disarmed and locked in their quarters. What are those for?WINTON: They used those to fake the monsters. That's the evidence we need.ALEC: Why have they been untied?WINTON: They're being handed over to the Adjudicator.ALEC: No, we're not going to bother with the Adjudicator. My name is Leeson. You murdered my brother.WINTON: Now, Alec.MORGAN: But Dent's the killer, not me. I mean, he's killed colonists on other planets.DENT: Shut up, Morgan.MORGAN: Now look, I've got all the proof you need. He murdered the Leesons. (Winton takes the rifle of Alec Leeson.) WINTON: Take it easy, Alec. All right, where is your proof?MORGAN: There's a secret compartment.WINTON: Well, open it.CALDWELL: Is he telling the truth, Dent? How many other killings have there been?DENT: I thought you didn't want to know about that sort of thing? Morgan! I'm warning you, Morgan! (Morgan gets the secret drawer in the desk open, but Winton is distracted by Dent.) WINTON: Now you be quiet! (Morgan takes a gun from the drawer and puts it to Winton's head.) MORGAN: Drop your guns or he's dead.DENT: You will release my security guards. [Outside the Primitive city] (The Doctor follows the tracks to the rock face, and examines the closed entrance. A group of Primitives appear behind him.) DOCTOR: I've come to bring back the girl. Well, Ashe will come and give you food if you come and return her. Look, I know you can understand me. You can read my mind. I've come to buy back the girl. (A Primitive walks forward and opens the entrance.) DOCTOR: Thank you. [Outside the main Dome] (The Adjudicator approaches, his black gown sweeping the ground. The Ashe's bow respectfully.) ASHE: A great honour to meet you, Adjudicator. I am Robert Ashe and this is my daughter, Mary. We've done the best we can. The rest will be here shortly. (The Adjudicator enters the Dome.) ASHE: Get onto the radio. Find out why the others aren't here.MARY: All right. Have you told him the IMC people are prisoners?ASHE: No, not yet. I'll have a go now. (They go inside, and we get to see the Adjudicator's face. Surprise, it is the Master.) [Primitive city archive room] (Jo is in the same room as before when the Doctor is brought in.) JO: Doctor! Oh, I'm so pleased to see you. I didn't think I'd see you again.DOCTOR: It's all right, Jo. It's all right, I'm here now. (His Primitive escort leaves.) DOCTOR: Wait, wait! We must talk!JO: He's probably gone to get the other one.DOCTOR: What other one?JO: There's some sort of creature that seems to be in charge of them.DOCTOR: Is it humanoid?JO: No, not really.DOCTOR: That's interesting. There must be two races on this planet.JO: Well, never mind that. How are we going to get out of here?DOCTOR: Don't you worry about that, my dear. I'm going to buy you back.JO: Buy me back?DOCTOR: That's right, just a simple business transaction. You know, judging by the room and this machinery, it could have been a highly advanced civilisation.JO: Then what happened to it?DOCTOR: It went into a decline. These Primitives could be descendants of a tremendously advanced race.JO: That's just what I was thinking. Come take a look at this. (Jo shows him a frieze of images on panes of glass.) DOCTOR: That's extraordinary. A sort of chronicle, history. Buildings, cities, machines. They even invented flight.JO: What happened here?DOCTOR: Hmm? Oh. Buildings in ruins, people lying dead. Some great catastrophe, I should think. After that everything changes. Yes, look at this, Jo. A completely different style and design. Much cruder, more primitive.JO: More recent too. A man being forced through a hatch.DOCTOR: It looks like some sort of sacrifice. Jo, there. Would you say that was some sort of time mechanism? (Three Primitives and the little alien enter.) DOCTOR: How do you do? (The alien peers closely at them.) DOCTOR: Don't move, Jo. I think he's almost blind. I've come to take this young lady back. If you go to Ashe's dome, he will give you food. (The alien goes to the frieze and back, then points first at the Doctor and Jo, then the sacrifice image, and leaves.) JO: That picture he pointed to. It was the sacrifice! [Dome entry area] (Three tables have been set up for the hearing. The Master has one, the colonists face him and IMC are at right angles to them both.) ASHE: Those sir, are the facts. The Interplanetary Mining Corporation has entered on a deliberate plan to drive us from this planet, which is rightfully ours. They've used violence and murder.MASTER: Do you have any proof to support these allegations?ASHE: There was proof.WINTON: We found it on board their spaceship. The claws, the projection equipment, everything.MASTER: Can you produce this evidence?WINTON: They've destroyed it.MASTER: I see. Do you anything more to say?ASHE: No, sir.WINTON: Robert, you can't just leave it at that! What about the killings?ASHE: Look, leave it, Winton.MASTER: Thank you. Right, I will now hear the statement from IMC. Captain Dent, please? [Primitive city archive room] (A Primitive enters.) JO: Now what?DOCTOR: I've no idea. But if want to get out of here, we'd better distract him somehow. (The Doctor snaps his fingers then takes a coin from a pocket. He holds like a conjurer and waves his hand to make it disappear. He then produces it from behind Jo's ear. The trick is repeated with the coin coming out of his mouth, and finally with the Doctor pointing behind the Primitive so he turns away from them. Jo grabs the spear as the Doctor knocks the poor fellow out.) DOCTOR: After you, Miss Grant.JO: Thank you, Doctor. [Primitive city] (In the passageway, the little alien comes round the corner carrying something long in its hands, and stops.) DOCTOR: Jo, I don't think he can see us. Come on. (The Doctor and Jo hide in a side passage and watch a procession of two aliens with Primitive escort go past.) JO: Where are they going?DOCTOR: Let's not wait to find out. (As they leave down the passage, another alien goes past. The procession enters the archive room and the first alien walks into the Primitive lying on the floor. It gestures for the Primitives to search.) JO: They brought us in this way. (A group of Primitives spot them and the chase is on through various passages until the Doctor and Jo are trapped between two aliens and the Primitives.) DOCTOR: Checkmate, I'm afraid, Miss Grant. [Guardian's room] (The aliens lead the Doctor and Jo into another room with machinery. An alien goes to a section of wall between two flashing columns and opens a pair of doors at the bottom. Bright light floods out.) JO: What is that thing?DOCTOR: It's like a reactor. (The Primitives push the Doctor and Jo towards it.) JO: It's like that picture! I think they're going to sacrifice us! (The panel above the doors slides up. Seated on a tiny throne which slides forward, is a miniature alien.) GUARDIAN: My city is forbidden. Why have you come here?JO: I was brought here.GUARDIAN: And you?DOCTOR: I came to take her back.GUARDIAN: All intruders in the city must die. That is the law.DOCTOR: We have no wish to offend your laws. The race that built this city were intelligent, civilised. They wouldn't condemn the innocent.GUARDIAN: The law must obeyed.DOCTOR: Surely the basis of all true law is justice. Look, we're both strangers to your planet. The girl was brought here by your warriors as a captive. All we ask is to be allowed to leave in peace.GUARDIAN: I sense that you are a being of superior intelligence, and although the creature with you is of no value, I will let you both go. But remember this. If you ever return, you will be destroyed.DOCTOR: Thank you, sir. And may I say that I'm overjoyed to find that justice prevails in your city. [Outside the Primitive city] JO: Doctor, what was that thing that saved us?DOCTOR: Well, it was a being of tremendous intelligence, probably one of the rulers of this city. Three different races or three mutations of the same race?JO: Come on, Doctor. This is no time for philosophising.DOCTOR: Yes, you're quite right. Let's get back to the space dome. [Dome entry area] MASTER: Right. Well, I have now heard the statements from both sides. I think you should know that on my way here I contacted Earth and had a check made of planetary records. Now obviously, an error has occurred. A faulty computer on Earth has allocated this planet both for colonisation and for mineralogical exploitation. It will therefore be my duty to judge this case upon its merits. (The Doctor and Jo enter.) JO: It's the Master!MASTER: Since however the issues are extremely complicated, I shall need time to consider my decision. This tribunal stands adjourned. [Dome entry area - radio shack] (The Master enters with the Doctor close behind.) DOCTOR: And why are you impersonating the Adjudicator?MASTER: My dear Doctor, I am the Adjudicator!DOCTOR: Rubbish.MASTER: What are you doing here anyway? Did the Time Lords send you?DOCTOR: Nobody sends me anywhere. I'm a free agent.MASTER: So you've at last succeeded in escaping from your long exile on Earth. Congratulations. What are your plans now?DOCTOR: Well, my immediate plans are to expose you as an imposter.MASTER: That would be very foolish of you. My credentials are immaculate.DOCTOR: Forged, of course.MASTER: Of course, but immaculate. May I see your credentials, Doctor?DOCTOR: Don't be absurd.MASTER: What? No interplanetary travel permit? No registration for your TARDIS? No personal identification?DOCTOR: Bureaucratic mumbo-jumbo.MASTER: Maybe, but in this regimented age of ours, essential. (The Master brandishes his wallet.) MASTER: Without these, my dear Doctor, you do not exist. I could have you sent back to Earth as a prisoner.DOCTOR: Oh, is that what you plan to do?MASTER: Not, not unless you force my hand. I think you'd be well advised to keep silent, for both our sakes? Now if you'll excuse me. [Dome entry area] MASTER: The tribunal will reconvene. Well, I have had time carefully to consider the statements that have been put before me. On the one hand, while I have every sympathy with the aspirations of the colonists, there can be little doubt that their stay here is not proving a success. On the other hand, we have this planet, rich in duralinium, a mineral that is much needed on Earth. I therefore have no alternative but to rule that colonisation on this planet is unsuitable and the settlers will leave here as soon as possible. [Control room] (The carafe of alcohol is half empty now.) CALDWELL: I still can't understand how we got away with it.DENT: The Adjudicator was a sensible man.CALDWELL: He bent over backwards to help us and you know it.MORGAN: Caldwell! We don't have to worry about it any more. From now on, this planet belongs to IMC.CALDWELL: And what happens if the colonists refuse to accept the decision?DENT: Then they'll be rebels. And we know how to deal with rebels, don't we, Morgan? [Dome entry area] (Ashe is looking things up in a small book.) NORTON: Look, be better for all of you to go before you get into more trouble.WINTON: You're very keen for us to give in aren't you, Norton?ASHE: According to interplanetary law, we can appeal.WINTON: What good will that do? By the time it's all decided, this planet will be gutted.ASHE: The decision went against us because you made us look like criminals. Now what do you want to do now?WINTON: Capture the IMC men, disarm them and get them off this planet.ASHE: And once we've been classified as outlaws, what then?WINTON: Then declare ourselves an independent republic. Break with Earth altogether.ASHE: I absolutely forbid it!WINTON: I don't think you're in any position to do that.ASHE: David, you've used violence once and we're worse off now than we were before. Now just give me a chance to use legal methods.WINTON: I'm sorry, Robert. Believe me, I really am sorry. [Dome entry area - radio shack] ASHE: They're planning another attack.DOCTOR: Winton again?ASHE: I've got to talk to the Adjudicator. We've got to appeal. (Ashe leaves.) JO: Why don't you tell them about the Master?DOCTOR: I can't, Jo. He wouldn't understand.JO: Well, we've got to do something.DOCTOR: Yes, well, the Master came to this planet for a purpose, Jo. I'd like to hear what he has to say when Ashe goes to see him. [Control room] (The intercom buzzes.) MORGAN: IMC control?WINTON [OC]: (heavy static) This is the Adjudicator. I have received an emergency call and am preparing to leave this planet immediately. I wish to see Captain Dent at once.DENT: This is Captain Dent. Shall I come to your ship?WINTON [OC]: You and your officers are to report to the (static)DENT: I do not read you. Reception is very poor. Please repeat.WINTON [OC]: I repeat. Your and your officers are to report to the main dome immediately. This settlement is to be ratified in the presence of all parties.DENT: Very well, Adjudicator. [Dome entry area - radio shack] ALEC: Do you think you've fooled them?WINTON: Well, we shall soon find out. [Communal mess hall] (A conversation can just about be heard through the wall. The Doctor gets out a listening device.) ASHE [OC]: Maybe, but we can appeal.MASTER [OC]: And anyway, Earth is crying out for minerals. [Ashe's office] (The Master has taken off the Adjudicator's robes.) ASHE: Then you think an appeal would fail?MASTER: I do. Unless of course, there were some special circumstances.ASHE: Such as? [Communal mess hall] MASTER [OC]: Well, a claim to unusual historical interest, for instance.ASHE [OC]: This is a very old planet. We know there was once a very great civilisation here. [Ashe's office] MASTER: Indeed? Tell me, did they leave any traces?ASHE: There's a ruined city not far from here.MASTER: That's very interesting. Tell me more about it. [Dome entry area] WINTON: You two men, up there on the gantry. You two'd better get there behind the steps. (The armed men take up their assigned ambush positions.) WINTON: Now, where's Norton?ALEC: No idea.WINTON: That Doctor said we should keep an eye on him.ALEC: I'll go and look for him.WINTON: Right, is everybody ready? They'll be here in a few minutes. [Power supply room] NORTON: (into radio.) Norton to IMC spaceship.ALEC: Norton! Winton wants you in the main area! That's an IMC ra. What the devil are you up to? (Norton wrestles Alec to the ground, Alec's pistol between their bodies. There is a gunshot then we see a hand reaching for Norton's now-broken radio. Alec has joined his brother.) [Dome entry area] WINTON: Where's Alec?NORTON: I don't know.WINTON: All right, Norton. Get up there. (Norton goes up onto the gantry as a colonist runs in. He and Winton hide behind packing cases then a few moments later the IMC officers arrive.) NORTON: Look out! It's a trap! (Winton shoots Norton.) MORGAN: Take cover! (The IMC men hide behind more handy packing cases and the shooting starts.) [Dome entry area - radio shack] DOCTOR: Now you stay here! I've got to try and stop this senseless killing.MASTER: It won't do any good, Doctor. They won't listen to you. It's always the innocent bystander who suffers eventually.DOCTOR: And what's that supposed to mean?MASTER: (leveling a gun) I'm afraid you're both about to become the victims of stray bullets.Episode Five [Dome entry area - radio shack] (Just then, Ashe and Mary pass the entrance.) ASHE: Winton! Winton! (to the Master) You've got to stop this!DOCTOR: I agree. Don't you agree, Adjudicator?ASHE: You must do something. [Dome entry area] (Winton has gone around the outside of the dome, and puts his rifle barrel in Dent's back.) WINTON: Tell your men to surrender. Tell them!DENT: Drop your guns! (IMC surrenders and the colonists gather up the weapons.)WINTON: Now take them away and keep them under guard.COLONIST: Move! Move!WINTON: Right, take some men, get over to the IMC spaceship and lock the rest of the crew in their quarters. (Jo, Mary and the Doctor enter from the radio shack.)JO: Let's go and see if we can help with the wounded.MARY: Okay. (Ashe and the Master enter.) WINTON: Well, we've done it.ASHE: You've made us look like criminals, you do realise that, don't you?DOCTOR: You seem to have achieved a temporary victory, young man. What do you think is going to happen next?WINTON: Now we declare this planet's independence. I'm sure that some people from Earth would want to join us.MASTER: What, join you in starvation on this miserable planet?WINTON: We no longer need your services here, sir. Escort the Adjudicator back to his spaceship.MASTER: I think you do need my services.WINTON: Why?MASTER: Unless you want Earth to send a space fleet to wipe you out, you need someone to adjudicate for you.ASHE: Then you are willing to help us?MASTER: Yes, I am. Mind you, I think that you've acted very foolishly, but I've been impressed by your courage and determination. Now, Ashe and I have had what could be a very fruitful discussion.WINTON: What discussion? You've already decided against us.MASTER: Well, it appears that this planet of yours has some claim to preservation on the grounds of historical interest. Now, if I could investigate those claims, things could be very different.WINTON: Investigate?MASTER: Yes. I should like to go to the Primitive city.DOCTOR: I urge you not to trust this man. He's an imposter.ASHE: My dear Doctor, how can you possibly know that?DOCTOR: I tell you that he's not the Adjudicator. If he wants to go to the Primitive city, it's for some purpose of his own.MASTER: Can you substantiate these accusations?DOCTOR: Why don't you check his credentials with Earth?MASTER: Ah. Talking of credentials, might we see yours?DOCTOR: Don't be absurd.MASTER: I understand this man is not one of your colonists?ASHE: Well, no, he just arrived here.MASTER: Does anybody know who he is? Where he came from? Has he in fact given a proper account of himself? Exactly. Well now, gentlemen, I think we can continue our discussion uninterrupted.ASHE: I'm sorry, Doctor. (The Master and Ashe leave.) DOCTOR: I repeat, do not trust that man!WINTON: Doctor, at present I have no reason to trust either of you. All I'm worried about is getting Dent and his friends off this planet. (Winton leaves.) JO: Doctor, what's happening?DOCTOR: The Master has them eating out of his hand.JO: Did you tell them who he really was?DOCTOR: I tried to.JO: And they didn't believe you?DOCTOR: No, why should they? I've got to get some real evidence.JO: Where do we find that?DOCTOR: In his TARDIS, perhaps?JO: I didn't see the Master's horse box here.DOCTOR: My dear Jo, a TARDIS can change its shape, you know. He changed his to look like the Adjudicator's spaceship.JO: How do we get in?DOCTOR: With this. (a key) Don't you remember? When the Master first came to Earth, I got a hold of the key to his TARDIS. I always thought it might come in useful. [Control room] (Winton leads the IMC men in.) WINTON: Come on, move!COLONIST: In you go! Go on, in!WINTON [OC]: Right, you're leaving. Your arms and ammunition are in our hands. Start getting ready for take-off.DENT: And when we get back to Earth, I'll send a fleet to wipe you out.WINTON: Oh, don't be too sure. The Adjudicator's changed his decision. He's on our side now.MORGAN: You're lying! Why should he?WINTON: You'll see. Now get off this planet! (Winton leaves.) CALDWELL: Well, you seem to have lost this one, Dent.DENT: Not yet. Caldwell, go and release the guards. Morgan, contact Earth. I want a check on this Adjudicator. Priority red one.CALDWELL: Why? What's the use?DENT: I gave you an order, Caldwell.MORGAN: (into radio) IMC spaceship.WINTON [OC]: By the way, Captain Dent, I've taken some explosive from your store and placed it under your ship. Unless you take off immediately, it will be detonated. Winton out.DENT: A very resourceful young man.MORGAN: He's bluffing.DENT: I don't think so.MORGAN: You're giving in. [The Master's TARDIS] JO: You're right, Doctor. It is a TARDIS.DOCTOR: Yes. A slightly more advanced model, actually. (As they step over the threshold, there is a beeping sound.) DOCTOR: Jo, stop. Don't move. (The Doctor activates his sonic screwdriver.) DOCTOR: There's an alarm beam here somewhere. Now move back very slowly one pace. Now stand quite still. There it is. This doesn't give us much room to get under. About a foot. Right, get very flat, on the ground. All right?JO: Yeah.DOCTOR: Quite flat. Wriggle away. That's it, wriggle away. (Jo on her back, the Doctor on his side, they slither forward into the Master's console room.) DOCTOR: Come on, Right, that's it. Stay there. Right, give me your hand. (They get to their feet.) DOCTOR: Good. Well done, Jo. Right, now let's see what we can find before the Master gets back. [Control room] (The IMC spaceship has taken off, as ordered.) DENT: Maintain parking orbit.MORGAN: Parking orbit stabilised. Message from Earth Control.DENT: Get it, Morgan. (The teleprinter is rattling away, printing a picture then the words 'Here is a reproduction of identity photograph of the Adjudicator - Martin Johnson Bureau of Interplanetary Affairs'. I can't read the reference number.) MORGAN: It's that identification check you wanted on the Adjudicator.CALDWELL: Well, that can't be much help now, can it?DENT: It might. Whoever that man is, down on that planet, he isn't the Adjudicator.MORGAN: Well, you'd better contact Earth.DENT: And admit we've been made fools of? We'll handle this ourselves. Prepare to go into landing orbit. [The Master's TARDIS] (There are at least four large four-draw metal filing cabinets to search through.) DOCTOR: Ah.JO: What is it?DOCTOR: It's a mineralogical survey report about this planet.JO: Do you think he's after that duralaynium stuff like the IMC people?DOCTOR: Duralinium. There's a lot of other survey reports here too. He's visited a lot of planets recently. He must be looking for something.JO: Doctor, look. These must be the real Adjudicator's credentials.DOCTOR: Ah ha. Now that's more like it. Well done, Jo. I'll look after these, if you don't mind.JO: Aren't you going to show those credentials to Ashe?DOCTOR: Yes, of course I am. But I'd like to find out why the Master came to this planet.JO: Oh, Doctor. Do come on. (Jo walks out of the TARDIS, straight through the alarm beam.) [Ashe's office] (Which sets an alarm beeping in the Master's pocket. He takes it out and watches the Doctor and Jo on its screen. Ashe enters.) ASHE: Well, this is the last of ourMASTER: Just a minute, Ashe. (The Master closes his pocket-watch sized device and presses a button on its lid.) [The Master's TARDIS] (A portal in the wall lifts slightly and gas pours in.) JO: Doctor, please hurry up. The Master might come back.DOCTOR: I'm coming, Jo, I'm coming. Jo, you're standing in the alarm beam! (Jo steps forward and the doors close.) JO: Doctor, I can't breathe!DOCTOR: Gas! (They both collapse.) [Ashe's office] (Ashe shows the Master a map.) ASHE: This is the area surrounding the Primitive city.MASTER: But you have no map of the city itself?ASHE: We never go there. It's too dangerous.MASTER: So really, nobody knows exactly what's in there?ASHE: Oh, yes, the Doctor does.MASTER: Why did he go there?ASHE: He went to get Jo Grant. The Primitives had taken her. Shall I go and get him for you?MASTER: No, no, that won't be necessary. I think I know where he is. [Control room] DENT: Keep main retro rockets steady.MORGAN: Thirty metres. Descent rate at minimum.DENT: Activate landing stabilisers.MORGAN: Landing stabilisers in position.DENT: Report on altitude.MORGAN: Twenty metres. Fifteen metres. Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, three, one. We have contact.DENT: Cut motors. Send in the security guard leaders. We have no time to waste.CALDWELL: Suppose the colonists are waiting for you?MORGAN: They won't be.CALDWELL: They could have seen us come down.DENT: Impossible. We've landed on the other side of a range of hills.MORGAN: That's why we landed here. (Three security guards enter.) DENT: We have landed approximately fifty kilometres from the colonists' main dome.MORGAN: We can be there is two and a half hours. It'll be dark by then.DENT: Thank you, Morgan. You have been defeated and disarmed by a group of farmers. Now is your chance to wipe out this black mark on your records.CALDWELL: That's very inspiring.DENT: Your reputation's at stake as well, Caldwell. Our objective is a simple one. To avenge our humiliation and put paid to these colonists.CALDWELL: But just remember, they've got the guns. [The Master's TARDIS] (The Master puts an oxygen mask on the Doctor and he wakes.) MASTER: Well, Doctor, still pursuing burglary, eh? You know, when you stole my dematerialisation circuit, I decided to build in a few precautions.DOCTOR: What have you done, what have you done to her this time?MASTER: The same as I did to you. A simple sleep gas. Mind you, I could just have easily used a lethal one.DOCTOR: What stopped you?MASTER: I want to use your services as a guide, Doctor. You're going to take me to the Primitive city.DOCTOR: What do you want there?MASTER: That's no concern of yours. But you will do what I ask?DOCTOR: I take it that Miss Grant is to be held here as a hostage. You know, you really are most unimaginative.MASTER: Ah, tried and true methods are the best. Well, Doctor? [Ashe's office] WINTON: Where's the Adjudicator? It's time we sent him back to Earth.ASHE: I don't know.WINTON: Where is he, Ashe?ASHE: I think he went to see the Doctor.WINTON: There's no sign of either of them. Now what are they up to?ASHE: Oh, perhaps they went to the Adjudicator's spaceship.WINTON: I've just radioed to it and there's no reply. When are you going to issue these IMC guns to our people?ASHE: I'm not.WINTON: I want these guns issued, Ashe.ASHE: Those monsters were faked and the IMC men have gone. Those are military weapons. We don't need them.WINTON: What if the Earth government send troops?ASHE: If the Adjudicator helps us, it should never come to that.WINTON: Very well. I'll go and check up on the guards. [Outside the main dome] (Winton catches the night sentries not paying attention.) WINTON: Yes, well, try not to nod off altogether. We've still got the Primitives to worry about, you know. (Winton leaves.) COLONIST: You worry too much, Winton. (Behind his back, the other guard is grabbed and dragged away.) COLONIST: Tony? Tony? (Morgan knocks him out. He waits outside while two colonists cross the entry area then goes in with another of his men and duck behind the staircase and go round the back to - ) [Ashe's office] ASHE: How did you? Why have you come back here?MORGAN: To reclaim our property.ASHE: You're to leave those where they are!MORGAN: Get them!ASHE: What are you going to do?MORGAN: You'll find out. Cover him. (Morgan signals for Dent and the other two IMC men to come through.) [Outside the main dome] (Winton finds the second guard on the ground.) WINTON: Guards, over here, quick! [Ashe's office] (Morgan takes an automatic weapon from the collection.) MORGAN: Come with me. (Morgan leaves with one man. The other two take weapons and go into the radio shack. A gun battle starts with the colonists outside.) DENT: Get up! [Dome entry area] (Dent uses Ashe as a human shield.) DENT: Hold your fire!MORGAN: If you want your leader alive, drop your guns! (The colonists obey.) WINTON: And you said we didn't need those guns, Ashe.DENT: Well done.MORGAN: It was a pleasure.DENT: Make sure the rest of the dome is secure. Round up any strays and take their guns. Take good care of him. We must have him fit for the trial.ASHE: Trial? What trial?WINTON: And what are you going to charge us with, trespass?DENT: No, treason. [The Master's TARDIS] (The Doctor and Jo are held prisoners in a pair of large perspex tubes. The Master gets his laser gun from the console and releases the Doctor.) MASTER: I'm sorry to have kept you waiting, Doctor, but it's light now. We can set off. Doctor, let me show you this. (It's his pocket-watch device.) MASTER: I just have to press this button on here, and Miss Grant's cubicle will immediately be flooded with lethal gas.DOCTOR: You realise, of course, it can be extremely dangerous taking you to the Primitive city?MASTER: Don't worry about my welfare, Doctor. Keep thinking of Miss Grant's. [Outside the Master's TARDIS] (Unnoticed by the Master, the Doctor drops the TARDIS key on the ground.) MASTER: Right, Doctor, the buggy is over there. [Dome entry area] (A table has been brought out, and a water carafe is on it. Ashe and Winton are in handcuffs.) DENT: As legally appointed Governor of this planet, I declare this court in session. Morgan?MORGAN: You are charged with destroying property and equipment belonging to the Interplanetary Mining Corporation, assault and murder of IMC personnel, trespass on a planet lawfully allocated to IMC, and armed rebellion against the lawful representatives of the Earth's government. How do you plead?WINTON: This whole business is a joke!DENT: I advise you to take it very seriously. Have you anything to say in your own defence?ASHE: Everything we've done has been provoked by you. This planet is rightfully ours!WINTON: The only mistake we made was not killing you when we had the chance.DENT: You will do yourself no good by this hostile attitude, nor by repeating slanderous allegations which have already been dismissed by the Adjudicator.ASHE: Why isn't the Adjudicator taking this trial? What right have you to sitDENT: You still don't realise the position, Ashe. The Adjudicator's authority passed to me when he made his decision. I am now the legal ruler of this planet. Now for the last time, have you anything to say?ASHE: I agree with Winton. This trial is a farce.DENT: I take it you admit the charges?WINTON: We've admitted nothing.DENT: On three of these charges, you could be sentenced to life imprisonment. On two you could be sentenced to death. The sentence is execution. However, the sentence will be suspended on condition that you and your followers depart this planet immediately.ASHE: But that's impossible!DENT: The alternative is execution.ASHE: You don't understand. That spaceship was old when we bought it. It won't survive another trip.DENT: The trial is now concluded.ASHE: If you send us up in that spaceship, you're condemning all of us to death.DENT: You will make preparations for lift off immediately. [Uxarieus] (The Doctor drives a buggy at great speed along a track. Up on a cliff, a Primitive signals that they are approaching. Two others return his signal. The Doctor stops in front of a pipe across the track.) DOCTOR: Yeah, well, you stay there. I'll go and shift that irrigation pipe.MASTER: Doctor? I hope you're not going to try anything clever. Remember Miss Grant.DOCTOR: I'll remember. Look out! (The two Primitives have sent a large boulder rolling down a gully towards the buggy. The Master gets out before it is tipped over.) MASTER: Don't forget that you're still my prisoner. (The Doctor points to something above and behind the Master.) MASTER: Oh, come now, Doctor. Not that old trick. (Nonetheless, the Master turns and shoots a Primitive who was about to throw a spear at him.) MASTER: Is that what you're frightened of, Doctor? Savages hurling stones and spears?DOCTOR: This is just the beginning.MASTER: Maybe. Let's be on our way, shall we?DOCTOR: What, with this? Somewhat clapped out and broken, isn't it?MASTER: In that case, we'd better walk.DOCTOR: Why not? (Primitives are still watching them.) [Dome entry area - radio shack] MARY: By order of Captain Dent, all colonists must be on the ship one hour before blast off. There can be no exceptions. Each of you can bring luggage to weigh not more than seven kilos. (Caldwell enters.) MARY: Satisfied?CALDWELL: I don't arrange these things.MARY: Did you check our ship?CALDWELL: Yes, I've looked over it. It's not what I call brand new.MARY: It was obsolete when we bought it.CALDWELL: You know, I don't understand you people.MARY: Anything's better than living on Earth.CALDWELL: You mean risking your lives coming to a place like this.MARY: Look, that ship of ours will never make another journey. You must realise that!CALDWELL: I've checked the motors. They'll be all right.MARY: Would you blast off in it?CALDWELL: You'll make out.MARY: We won't and you know it! If you don't help us, we're all going to die! [Dome entry area] MORGAN: I've checked every inch of the dome. There's no sign of him.DENT: I want to see this fake Adjudicator. He's playing some game of his own and I must know what it is. Have you tried his ship?MORGAN: The hatches are sealed.DENT: Caldwell, go with Morgan. Get inside that ship. Use explosives if you have to.CALDWELL: Give me a moment. I've just been checking over the colonists' spaceship.DENT: Well?CALDWELL: Ashe is right. It's in pretty bad shape. There's a fair chance it may blow up on the ground.DENT: Make sure all IMC personnel are clear of the area before take off, will you? (Dent leaves.) MORGAN: Well, Caldwell? We've got a job to do. [Outside the Primitive city] MASTER: Well?DOCTOR: This is it. This is the entrance.MASTER: Is it. How do we get in?DOCTOR: I haven't the remotest idea.MASTER: Doctor? [Outside the Master's TARDIS] (Caldwell is trying to break into the Adjudicator's spaceship.) CALDWELL: No good. Nothing seems to shift it.MORGAN: Well, we'll have to use explosives then. Hey, wait a minute. Try this. (The key that the Doctor dropped.) [The Master's TARDIS] (The doors open.) MORGAN: Wait.CALDWELL: Look, that girl! (Caldwell and Morgan go over to Jo's prison.) [Outside the Primitive city] DOCTOR: What's that bleeping noise? (The Master checks his pocket watch.) MASTER: Someone's trying to rescue Miss Grant.DOCTOR: No, you can't!MASTER: I warned you, Doctor!DOCTOR: No!Episode Six [Outside the Primitive city] (The entrance to the city starts to scrape open. The Master looks up and the Doctor kicks first the pocket watch then the laser gun out of his hands as Primitives surround them and an alien comes out of the city. They are taken inside at spear point.) [The Master's TARDIS] (Jo's shouting cannot be heard outside the tube. Caldwell tries various controls on the console.) CALDWELL: Ah, it's no use, I can't see. Just a minute! (Caldwell pulls Jo's tube open and she falls out, coughing.) MORGAN: Where is the Adjudicator?JO: He's not the Adjudicator, he's a fake.MORGAN: We know that. Where is he?CALDWELL: Come on, take it easy. Where could he have got to? Do you know?JO: He went with the Doctor.MORGAN: Where?JO: To the Primitive city. [Primitive city archive room] MASTER: Are you the leader of these people? I've come to help you. (The smaller alien turns and looks at the Master.) MASTER: Why doesn't he answer?DOCTOR: They don't speak. They're telepathic. (The alien leaves and the door closes.) MASTER: No, wait! What is this place?DOCTOR: Well, it looks like some sort of lumber room. Take a look at this frieze here. I think it might interest you.MASTER: Yes.DOCTOR: It's a sort of chronicle of their history, showing that their science has deteriorated into a somewhat primitive religion. [Dome entry area] JO: The Master's a sort of super-criminal. He can travel in time and space. He (Dent enters.) CALDWELL: I'm afraid I can't help you.DENT: I understand you've been to this Primitive city.JO: Yes, and we only just got out alive.MORGAN: She has told me how to get there. I could take some men and hunt them down.DENT: No, you're needed here. I'll send a squad after them once we've got rid of these people. Things are going too slowly. Get them moving.CALDWELL: What about this girl?DENT: She goes with the colonists.JO: Look, I'm not a colonist! I've got to find the Doctor.DENT: Put her with the rest. (Dent leaves.) JO: You must help me, please!CALDWELL: You heard what Captain Dent said. Get on that ship.JO: You've got to find the Master and stop him for everyone's sake.CALDWELL: There's nothing I can do.JO: Let me go. If we can find the Doctor, we may be able to stop him.MORGAN: Caldwell, you were told to put her on the ship.CALDWELL: All right, Morgan, all right.MORGAN: Caldwell, you're still under my discipline, even if you are an engineer. Now you remember that!CALDWELL: Who could forget it! Come on, you.JO: Oh, please.CALDWELL: You've given me enough trouble. Now get on that ship when you're told! [Outside the main dome] JO: Please, listen to me.CALDWELL: Get under there. Move quick, before I change my mind. (Jo gets underneath a silver tarpaulin in the back of a buggy.) [Primitive city archive room] MASTER: That's absolutely fascinating. The whole story is here.DOCTOR: Is it? Well, perhaps you'd be kind enough to explain it to me?MASTER: Well, this city was once the center of a great civilisation.DOCTOR: Yes, I had rather gathered that.MASTER: By genetic engineering, they developed a super-race. That priest we saw must be a remnant of it.DOCTOR: You deduced all that from these pictures?MASTER: Well, not exactly. I knew it already. The files of the Time Lords are very comprehensive.DOCTOR: Oh, so that's more like it. You mean that you stole the information?MASTER: Well, it seemed an awful pity not to make use of it, you know? But of course that's typical of the High Council of the Time Lords. Know everything, do nothing.DOCTOR: Tell me, why are you so interested in the history of this planet?MASTER: Well, this super-race developed a Doomsday Weapon. it was never used.DOCTOR: Why not? Super-weapons usually are eventually.MASTER: Who knows? Maybe it was due to a degeneration of the life strain.DOCTOR: I see. And so the super race became priests of a lunatic religion worshipping machines instead of gods.MASTER: So it would seem.DOCTOR: Well, may I remind you that their religion embraces sacrifice, and that we are the destined victims? (A procession is approaching.) DOCTOR: You're going to use this weapon?MASTER: Not unless it's absolutely necessary. Well, don't you see, Doctor? The very threat of its use could hold the galaxy to ransom.DOCTOR: I think you've left it a trifle late.MASTER: Doctor, you underrate me. (The Master holds up a gas grenade and gas mask.) DOCTOR: What about me?MASTER: Try holding your breath. (The little alien priest gestures with its staff then walks towards the Doctor. The Master throws the grenade to the floor and the Primitive collapse. The Master and the Doctor make their escape.) [Dome entry area] (Mary is ticking names off on a clipboard.) MORGAN: Is that the last of them?MARY: Yes, they're all on board now.MORGAN: That troublemaker, Winton.MARY: Well?MORGAN: You've checked him off. I didn't see him.MARY: He's been on board some time. He's trying to get the engines working properly.DENT: Morgan? Where's Caldwell?MORGAN: Well, he's keeping out of the way in case he has to see anything unpleasant.DENT: He'll be all right once we've got rid of these people. (Ashe enters.) ASHE: Mary?DENT: Ready to go?ASHE: You're sending us to our deaths.DENT: Oh nonsense. My engineer checked your spaceship. It's sound enough.ASHE: How are you going to explain to Earth government if something happens to us?DENT: There will be no explanation. Once you're off this planet, you're no longer my concern.ASHE: I think you're forgetting one thing, Captain Dent.DENT: Really?ASHE: I'm the only qualified space pilot left in this colony. Suppose I refuse to blast off?DENT: Then you can sit in your ship till you rot. Try to get out and you'll be shot on the spot. (Ashe and Mary leave.) MORGAN: Suppose they do try to get out?DENT: Put a man with a communicator on that hill overlooking the dome. If they do try to leave the ship, he can call up a security squad.MORGAN: Very well. [Primitive city] DOCTOR: Which way do we go now? (The Master consults a map and gestures forward.) MASTER: Wait, Doctor! (The Master compares a wall marking to his map.) MASTER: Yes, we're very near to our goal now. You will soon see the most powerful weapon ever created. [Outside the Colonist's rocket] (The final cases of supplies are being dragged onboard.) MORGAN: Is everyone aboard?ASHE: Yes.MORGAN: Very well. Start your final checkout. (Ashe closes the hatch.) MORGAN: Take the buggy back to the ship. [Dome entry area] (Dent rips the crop chart off the notice board.) MORGAN: They've just started final check-out.DENT: Have the guards been posted?MORGAN: Yes, and the other guards have returned to the ship.DENT: We'd better get back. Just in case. (Dent and Morgan leaves, and Winton comes out of hiding on the gantry.) [Uxarieus] (An IMC guard is watching the dome and the colonist's rocket through binoculars.) DENT [OC]: Captain Dent to Security Guard Rogers. Captain Dent to Security Guard Rogers.ROGERS: Receiving you, sir.DENT [OC]: What's happening there?ROGERS: Not a thing, sir. [Control room] DENT: No attempts to leave the ship?ROGERS [OC]: No, sir.DENT: If anything happens, anything at all, I want to know at once. Captain Dent out. (Rogers is so intent on the spaceship that he doesn't notice Winton creeping up behind him until it is too late. Winton lands a good punch then they wrestle in the waterlogged clay. They trade punches, and Winton tries to drown Rogers a couple of times until he finally knocks him out.) MORGAN: Shall I call up the guard again?DENT: Yes. No. Can you get the colonist's ship on video-link?MORGAN: I can try. (The viewscreen shows a close-up of Ashe wearing a headset.) MORGAN: The best I can do, I'm afraid. Their equipment's pretty ropy.DENT: Ashe, are you receiving me? Captain Dent speaking.ASHE [on viewscreen]: Yes, I'm receiving you.DENT: What's the delay?ASHE [on viewscreen]: An electrical fault in our life support system. We're repairing it now.DENT: How much longer?ASHE [on viewscreen]: Nearly fixed. We'll start countdown in a few moments.DENT: Excellent. Goodbye, Ashe.MORGAN: Do you think he means it?DENT: What else can he do? [Uxarieus] (Caldwell and Jo drive up to the buggy and boulder abandoned by the Master and the Doctor.) JO: Do you think they were hurt?CALDWELL: They must have been thrown clear.JO: Or else they've gone ahead on foot. (The colonist's spaceship lifts off.) CALDWELL: It's the colonist's spaceship! They've made it! (KaBOOM!!!) JO: All those people.CALDWELL: And I told them the motors were all right. [Guardian's room] MASTER: Wait, Doctor. This is it.DOCTOR: Is it? Well, where is this super weapon of yours?MASTER: We're in the heart of it. It stretches for miles all round us. Look, let me try and explain how it works. (The Master puts his map down on a console with a large circular binnacle in the centre.) MASTER: Yes. (He presses a control and picture rises to show a view of the galaxy, which then zooms in on a star.) MASTER: Look! That, Doctor, is the sun that gives life to the planet Earth that you hold in such affection.DOCTOR: I do know a little basic astronomy.MASTER: Then you will know that one day that sun will burn through to its core and explode.DOCTOR: In about ten thousand million years time, yes.MASTER: Well, with this weapon, I could make that happen now.DOCTOR: That's unbelievable!MASTER: You know the Crab Nebula?DOCTOR: The cloud of cosmic matter that was once a sun? Of course.MASTER: That was the result of the super race testing this weapon. [Outside the Primitive city] JO: Well, this it.CALDWELL: How do we get in?JO: I don't know. The Doctor and I were taken in. There must be some way of opening it.CALDWELL: Beats me. We'll have to find another entrance. (The door opens.) JO: Look. (Caldwell hides as a Primitive comes out and walks towards Jo. Caldwell hits him over the head and they get inside the city before the door closes again.) [Primitive city] JO: I think it's this way. Let's try. [Guardian's room] DOCTOR: So, you intend to hold the universe to ransom.MASTER: Doctor, why don't you come in with me? We're both Time Lords, we're both renegades. We could be masters of the galaxy! Think of it, Doctor, absolute power! Power for good. Why, you could reign benevolently, you could end wars, suffering, disease. We could save the universe.DOCTOR: No, absolute power is evil.MASTER: Consider carefully, Doctor. I'm offering you a half-share in the universe. [Primitive city] CALDWELL: Well?JO: I don't know.CALDWELL: We're lost.JO: Yes. [Ashe's office] DENT: Morgan, where's Caldwell? None of the other miners have seen him.MORGAN: One of the guards saw him leaving the dome in a space buggy. He was heading for the Primitive city.DENT: Take a squad and get after him.MORGAN: Is he worth the trouble?DENT: Caldwell's our mining expert and don't you forget it. We can't do without him.MORGAN: What about that Doctor and the fake Adjudicator?DENT: The only one we need is Caldwell.MORGAN: There will be trouble about those colonists, you know.DENT: We offered to check their ship to make sure it was safe. They refused our help. It's all in my report.MORGAN: Of course. [Guardian's room] MASTER: You must see reason, Doctor.DOCTOR: No, I will not join you in your absurd dreams of a galactic conquest.MASTER: Why? Why? Look at this. Look at all those planetary systems, Doctor. We could rule them all!DOCTOR: What for? What is the point?MASTER: The point is that one must rule or serve. That's a basic law of life. Why do you hesitate, Doctor? Surely it's not loyalty to the Time Lords, who exiled you on one insignificant planet?DOCTOR: You'll never understand, will you? I want to see the universe, not rule it.MASTER: Then I'm very sorry, Doctor. (The Master aims his laser gun at the Doctor, and the Guardian's panel rises.) MASTER: What's happening?DOCTOR: Wait and see. (The Guardian's throne comes out of the wall.) MASTER: What is it?DOCTOR: The ultimate development of life on this planet.GUARDIAN: Why have you returned? What do you want here?MASTER: I want to restore this city and this planet to their former glory.DOCTOR: Don't listen to him, sir.MASTER: You have here a wonderful weapon. Why, with it you could bring good and peace to every world in the galaxy.DOCTOR: On the contrary. He'll bring only death and destruction.MASTER: This planet of yours could be the centre of a mighty empire! The greatest that the cosmos has ever known.DOCTOR: Tell me, sir, has this weapon of yours ever brought good to your planet?GUARDIAN: Once the weapon was built, our race began to decay. The radiation from the weapon's power source poisoned the soil of our planet.DOCTOR: Exactly. The weapon has only brought death, and yet he wants to spread that death throughout the galaxy! Unless you destroy this weapon, sir, he will use it for evil.MASTER: No! You must be mad! Why, with this, we could control every galaxy in the cosmos! We could be gods!GUARDIAN: You are not fit to be a god. I sense that if you have control of this weapon, you will bring only unhappiness and destruction to the entire universe.MASTER: Then die! (The Master points his laser gun at the Guardian, and it disappears from his hand.) GUARDIAN: There is a self-destructor mechanism. You will please operate it.DOCTOR: Not only does justice prevail on your planet, sir, but also infinite compassion. (The Doctor goes to the console and touches a device. The Guardian shakes its head. Then he touches a lever and the Guardian nods, so he pulls it. The room shakes violently.) GUARDIAN: You must leave at once, or you will be destroyed with the city. (The Master leaves.) DOCTOR: Thank you, sir. [Primitive city] (The Primitives and other aliens are staggering towards the control room.) DOCTOR: Come back! You'll all be killed!MASTER: Come on! Do you want to die with them? (Down another passage they meet -) DOCTOR: Jo, what are you doing here?JO: Looking for you.DOCTOR: We've got to get out of here at once. The whole place is going up! You have a map. Give it to me.MASTER: You fend for yourself.CALDWELL: Give him that map!DOCTOR: Yes, I think this is it. Come on. (The Doctor leads them down a small side passage.) [Uxarieus] (The group comes out of a round opening in a cliff face and runs cover. BOOM! and a ball of flame comes out of the tunnel. Another BOOM and there is a small landslide. The Master takes the opportunity to get try and get Caldwell's weapon, but fails.) MORGAN: Get up! All of you, get up! Caldwell, come over here.MASTER: You've arrived just in time. Put these people under arrest.MORGAN: Get back to your friends.MASTER: You don't understand. I am the Adjudicator.MORGAN: You're an imposter. We don't need you.MASTER: You've got to do something, Doctor. They're going to kill you.CALDWELL: Morgan, you can't.MORGAN: Shut up, Caldwell. If we didn't need you, you'd be over with them.CALDWELL: You're insane.WINTON: Drop those guns! (A group of armed colonists are on the ridge. Morgan opens fire.) MORGAN: Take cover! (Everyone takes cover behind large boulders. Bullets fly and there are casualties on both sides. The Master takes the chance to sneak away and drive off in a buggy. Morgan runs out of bullets and runs away.) WINTON: Surrender, the rest of you. You won't be killed. (The two surviving IMC men raise their hands.) JO: The Master. He's gone! (Jo and the Doctor get into a buggy and drive off. The Master arrives at his TARDIS and watches them on the scanner, then starts the time rotor moving.) DOCTOR: Look! (The 'rocket' dematerialises.) [Ashe's office] DOCTOR: Now look, stop worrying. It was the radiation from that weapon that was poisoning the soil. Your cover crops will grow now.WINTON: Yes, well, let's hope you're right.JO: You know, I still don't understand why you weren't in that ship when it blew up?WINTON: Well, we knew the IMC would have to get clear before we blasted off. I hid in the dome, I knocked out the guard and let the others out.JO: Yes, but it took off and blew up. I saw it.DOCTOR: Ashe?WINTON: He took it up alone.JO: But he must have known!WINTON: The rocket had to take off. It was the only way that we could get IMC out of the way.DOCTOR: And Ashe insisted on staying on board. Yes. Yes, he would, of course.COLONIST [OC]: Doctor, there's something here for you. [Dome entry area] JO: The TARDIS!DOCTOR: My dear chap, this is absolutely splendid. Where did you find it?WINTON: In one of the dwellings a few miles from the dome. There was a lot of stuff there that the Primitives have stolen.DOCTOR: Well, I cannot tell you how grateful I am.WINTON: Doctor, what is it?DOCTOR: What is it? Well, er, it's, er, it's a sort of antique really, but it does have great sentimental value. Will you excuse us?WINTON: Yes, of course. Mary? (The Doctor gestures to Jo and they sneak inside the TARDIS unnoticed.) CALDWELL: We've had a reply from Earth. They're sending an Adjudicator.WINTON: A genuine one, I hope?CALDWELL: This time, yes.WINTON: What about you, Caldwell? You're finished with IMC. You can never go back to Earth.CALDWELL: I don't think I want to.MARY: You want to stay here?CALDWELL: Well, if you've a place for an out of work miner, yes.WINTON: All right, we'd be glad to have you.CALDWELL: Well, for a start, I can help you with your power (The TARDIS dematerialises.) [UNIT Laboratory] (The Brigadier is standing where the TARDIS was at the start of the story.) BRIGADIER: Doctor, come back at once! (So the TARDIS kindly materialises in another corner.) BRIGADIER: Come on out, Doctor. (Jo and the Doctor come out of the TARDIS.) BRIGADIER: Well, that was a short trip. You'll never get that thing working properly. Oh, you were right about that report, I'm afraid. It wasn't the Master after all.JO: He's talking as if we'd never been away.DOCTOR: As far as he's concerned, we haven't. The TARDIS returned to Earth just a few seconds after it left.BRIGADIER: What are you two talking about?DOCTOR: Don't try and explain Jo. He'd never understand. Transcript originally provided by Chrissie. Adapted by The transcripts are for educational and entertainment purposes only. All other copyrights property of their respective holders.