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CALDWELL: Are you some kind of scientist?

DOCTOR: I'm every kind of scientist.

MASTER: Doctor, why don't you come in with me? We're both Time Lords, we're both renegades. We could be masters of the galaxy! Think of it, Doctor, absolute power! Power for good. Why, you could reign benevolently, you could end wars, suffering, disease. We could save the universe.

DOCTOR: No, absolute power is evil.

MASTER: Consider carefully, Doctor. I'm offering you a half-share in the universe.

DOCTOR: No, I will not join you in your absurd dreams of a galactic conquest.

MASTER: Why? Why? Look at this. Look at all those planetary systems, Doctor. We could rule them all!

DOCTOR: What for? What is the point?

MASTER: The point is that one must rule or serve. That's a basic law of life. Why do you hesitate, Doctor? Surely it's not loyalty to the Time Lords, who exiled you on one insignificant planet?

DOCTOR: You'll never understand, will you? I want to see the universe, not rule it.

MASTER: Then I'm very sorry, Doctor.

(The Master aims his laser gun at the Doctor, and the Guardian's panel rises.)

JO: I don't believe it! It's bigger inside than out.

DOCTOR: Yes. That's because the TARDIS is dimensionally transcendental.

JO: What does that mean?

DOCTOR: It means that it's bigger inside than out.