Classic Who S10 • Serial 2 · (4 episodes)
Carnival of Monsters
The Doctor and Jo arrive on the SS Bernice, a cargo ship crossing the Indian Ocean. Things are not what they seem. A monster appears in the sea, events repeat themselves and a giant hand steals the TARDIS. Investigation reveals they are inside a miniscope, an alien peepshow sporting numerous miniaturised environments, which showman Vorg and his assistant Shirna have brought to amuse the populace of the planet Inter Minor.
4 Episodes:
The Doctor attempts to test his new dematerialisation circuit by taking Jo to Metebelis Three but instead the TARDIS arrives in the hold of a 1920s cargo ship.
The Doctor and Jo attempt to find a way out of the Scope but, when Vorg attempts to entertain the Minorans, the crew of the Bernice suddenly become a lot more dangerous.
The Doctor and Jo return to the Bernice to try and aid their escape but find themselves pursued by the Drashigs.
The Doctor escapes from the Scope and joins forces with Vorg to try and save its inhabitants but Kalik is still determined to use the Drashigs to start a rebellion.