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First aired

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Written by

Steven Moffat

Directed by

Julie Anne Robinson


44 minutes

Tropes (Potential Spoilers!)

AI gone wrong, Capitalism is bad, Religion, War

Story Arc (Potential Spoilers!)

Susan Twist, Ruby's mother

Location (Potential Spoilers!)

Kastarion 3

UK Viewers

3.58 million

Appreciation Index



Caught in the middle of a devastating war on Kastarion 3, the Doctor is trapped when he steps on a landmine. Can he save himself and Ruby, plus the entire planet... without moving?

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20 reviews
Another f**kin banger for Series 14. Ncuti Gatwa is seriously perfect at the Doctor, and his chemistry with Millie Gibson is incredible.
Steven Moffat is also back for another incredible script. Really hope he does more.


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I don’t understand why people love this episode a lot. For me it’s good but not amazing. Ncuti gives a great performance when Ruby gets shot and I was not expecting that at all. I like the interactions between Mundy and the 15th Doctor especially after realizing that he was just checking out the area. The child character is okay and I like how the story ended. The speech that the 15th Doctor gives about death at the end is good.


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Watched this as part of the Doctor Who Day watch-along, and it was better than I remembered. It's a lightning-quick script, but has great performances, as well as being a stinging sci-fi satire against capitalism, warfare, and religion. Ncuti Gatwa is pushed hard being stuck in one place all episode, and his explosion of joy when Villengard is defeated is beautiful. I think this will be one we remember when we look back on his time as the Doctor.


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I really must say I had high hopes for BOOM, a big Fan of Moffats Who, even if he had some weaker outings, at the very least some core ideas were always interesting. And so far I wasn’t too big on this Season, don’t get me wrong, as much as I enjoy Ncutis energy. Space babies was a decent opener with some bad jokes, while Devil’s chord while having a lot of great elements didn’t do it for me because there were a bit too many issues for me and I can, and do love campy Who.
But I won’t lie, I hoped Boom was a more serious outing and well it was and OMG I really liked it. As many pointed out, this felt like the most Moffat Episode ever.

For starters, it was a brave move to shoot Ruby, while obviously we knew she wouldn’t die, it worked very well for that Episode. And Ncuti. Oh Ncuti, I already enjoyed his energy from almost all the other Episodes he appeared, but this Performance was soooo stellar.
The Whole Idea of this Story and how it penned out was excellent.

I loved the idea of having the Doctor on this landmine, his speech to that one soldier was so good, the Child Actress was pretty solid. Although I am a bit surprised how she didn’t get a moment to mourn for her Farther, of course he saved them, but that was a bit odd, even addressed by Ruby, but not a major Issue I had. That one love subplot was pretty solid too, and I pretty enjoyed 15 singing a Song to calm themselves down, as well as his rambling was pretty entertaining.

Yes I know this Era (or at least that Season) promised to go more into the unnatural and that’s all good and fine, but I won’t lie I hope 15 gets plenty of Sci-Fi leaning Stories like that.

Overall I am a Fan of it.


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Love the Doctor standing there, crying and begging, trying to make everyone survive. After two joyous episodes, Moffat brings back a typical Who-story.


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AVG. Rating811 members
4.14 / 5

AVG. Rating588 votes
3.69 / 5

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AMBULANCE: Leave a message at the tone.

VATER: Kiss-kiss.

AMBULANCE: Next of kin informed. The Villengard Corporation would like to extend its deepest condolences on your upcoming loss. Thoughts and prayers. Sharp scratch.


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Transcript + Script


(Fires burning black smoke.)

VATER: Patrol B, returning to base following Grade 1 encounter. Two survivors, one injury. ETA 20 minutes.

(With his patrol buddy leading him because he has bandages over his eyes, whilst scanning for landmines.)


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