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First aired

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Production Code


Written by

Steven Moffat

Directed by

Hettie MacDonald


45 minutes

Story Type


Time Travel


Tropes (Potential Spoilers!)

Time Travel Pivotal

Location (Potential Spoilers!)

Earth, England, London

UK Viewers

6.62 million

Appreciation Index



In an abandoned house, the Weeping Angels wait. The only hope to stop them is a young woman named Sally Sparrow and her friend Larry Nightingale. The only catch: the Weeping Angels can move in the blink of an eye. To defeat the ruthless enemy — with only a half of a conversation from the Tenth Doctor as help — the one rule is this: don't turn your back, don't look away and don't blink!

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3 reviews

It's a great episode but it's so overrated


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Blink is one of the most well-liked Doctor Who television stories and for good reason. It's gripping. It's well paced. The directing is excellent. There are multiple genuinely scary moments (not to mention the ending...). The characters are likeable. The plot feels interesting and clever. All of these and more work together to make Blink one of the best Doctor Who stories out there. The only thing holding me back from giving it a full 5 stars is that there are a number of plot holes and unexplained/nonsensical things which, when noticed, do detract from the immersion a little.


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Blink is another high water mark for the series. A perfectly paced, beautifully acted piece of drama that proves that the show has no defined formula and can even survive without its lead actors! Carey Mulligan delivers one of the best (if not the best) guest cast performances of all time. She is perfect dream casting companion material. Finlay Robertson’s Larry is the perfect companion to her companion - a brilliant comic foil.

The Weeping Angels, in a single 45 minute story, solidify themselves as a top tier classic villain - and there are only three of those. One introduced in 1963, another in 1966, this one in 2007. Quite an achievement, further cementing “new” Doctor Who’s legitimacy - it is here to stay.

Even after watching this story at least 50 times since I was 14 I found myself engrossed. The line about The Doctor’s timey wimey machine cooking an egg at 30 paces genuinely made me laugh out loud. Don’t think I’ve ever properly appreciated that line before. All these years later, still new details to take in.


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AVG. Rating819 members
4.57 / 5

AVG. Rating1,773 votes
4.59 / 5

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DOCTOR: They're coming. They're coming for you, but listen, your life could depend on this. Don't blink. Don't even blink. Blink and you're dead. They are fast, faster than you can believe. Don't turn your back, don't look away, and don't blink. Good luck.

— Tenth Doctor, Blink

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Transcript + Script

[Wester Drumlin]

(On a dark wet night, a woman climbs over a lovely set of wrought iron gates with a notice on them:

Danger Keep Out
Unsafe Structure
London County Council

She goes up the gravel driveway to the big house. She breaks in through a boarded up window and takes photographs of the plastic covered chandeliers resting on the floors, and other pieces of furniture. Then she notices the letter B peeking from underneath a piece of peeling wallpaper. She pulls at it to reveal the words "Beware the weeping angel". Underneath that is "Oh, and duck! Really, duck! Sally Sparrow duck, now." So she ducks just before the window behind her is broken by a thrown pot, which bounces off the wall and breaks on the floor. The light of her torch reveals a statue outside, a winged angel with its hands covering its face. She goes back to the wall and pulls off more paper to reveal -
Love from the Doctor 1969)


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