Stories Television Doctor Who Season 20 Classic Who S20 Serial: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Arc of Infinity 1 image Back to Story Transcript Needs checking Part One [Gallifrey] (A shadowy figure in full High Council regalia moves crystal blocks around in a control panel. The negative image of a masked figure on a throne appears.) OMEGA: You have made your choice?TIME LORD: Yes. We are ready to begin.OMEGA: Excellent. And your choice?TIME LORD: It has not been easy, but time, present location, personality, for these and other reasons, it must be the Doctor.OMEGA: The Doctor? Yes. Clever. Most ingenious. The perfect choice, Time Lord. [Computer room] (In a room in the Citadel, red light flashes on a console. A Gallifreyan in cream and brown gown answers it.) DAMON: The security circuit. Cut the scrambler. (His companion in a plain brown gown obeys. Damon takes a unit from the console.) DAMON: That's odd. Photon cell burnout? (He puts in a new unit.) TALOR: Okay?DAMON: Yes. (Rows of characters scroll up a monitor.) DAMON: I don't believe this. Talor, look.TALOR: What is it?DAMON: Someone's transmitting the biodata extract of one of the Time Lords.TALOR: Cut it! This is treason. I must report it at once. [TARDIS] (The Doctor takes a component from behind a roundel.) DOCTOR: And such a simple repair job. (Nyssa hands him a tool to repair it with.) NYSSA: Why didn't you do it sooner?DOCTOR: Well, you know how it is. You put things off for a day, next thing you know it's a hundred years later.NYSSA: It'll make quite a difference to have audio link-up on the scanner again.DOCTOR: Mmm. (He puts back the mended unit and replaces the roundel.) DOCTOR: Let's see if it works. [Amsterdam - Muntplein] (A young lad picks up his backpack and heads for a telephone kiosk where his Australian friend is making a call.) FRAZER: No, everywhere is full. You got to sleep rough tonight. Yeah, the hostel from tomorrow. That's the number I gave you. Look, I'd better go. I'll see you at the airport tomorrow. Take care.STUART: Okay? Oh no, a policeman.FRAZER: Steady. The Dutch are a very civilised race. They don't put people into prison for losing a passport.STUART: No, but they can deport you.FRAZER: Oh, come on, let's grab something to eat. Anyway, our real worry is where we're going to sleep tonight.STUART: I know a place. Not the most appealing, but central and very cheap.FRAZER: Sounds perfect.STUART: And literally as quiet as the grave. (They walk off down the street.) [TARDIS] (The Doctor flicks a switch.) DOCTOR: Perfect.NYSSA: We have an audio system, but nothing to listen to.DOCTOR: And now we have nothing to look at. Couldn't be better. Peace and quiet is just what the doctor ordered.NYSSA: Doctor? There are many other repairs to do.DOCTOR: Well, there's nothing urgent, is there?NYSSA: The navigational system? That must be faulty. We never seem to arrive where we intend.DOCTOR: No. Well, you see, ever since the Cybermen damaged the consoleNYSSA: And that's another thing. The TARDIS used to be in a state of temporal grace, you said. Guns couldn't be fired.DOCTOR: Yes. Well, nobody's perfect. (The Doctor heads off through the interior door.) NYSSA: Doctor. [TARDIS corridor] NYSSA [OC]: Doctor, come quickly! (The Doctor pauses, then runs back.) [Gallifrey] OMEGA: The data has been received, Time Lord, but not the booster element. Why?TIME LORD: I had to close down transmission. A fault developed.OMEGA: What will you do?TIME LORD: Check to see it wasn't detected.OMEGA: And if it were?TIME LORD: I'll deal with it. Perhaps we should delay until I have.OMEGA: It is too late. Already the TARDIS is under my control. [TARDIS] DOCTOR: Sensors show we're converging with a massive source of magnetic radiation.NYSSA: But there's nothing out there. Just light years of black empty space.DOCTOR: Well, something's causing it. We must change course.NYSSA: To where?DOCTOR: Anywhere, so as long as it's away from here. [Outside Frankendael House] (The two backpackers cross Middenweg. Robin Stuart points to a large property set back from the road.) STUART: There we are.FRAZER: We're spending the night there?STUART: Yes. [TARDIS] NYSSA: What's happening?DOCTOR: I don't know.NYSSA: These readings don't make sense.DOCTOR: I know. [Outside Frankendael House] (Robin pushes his way through bushes by a large ornamental fountain.) FRAZER: Hey, where are you going?STUART: Just follow me. [Crypt] (Robin leads Colin down a flight of steps below the fountain.) FRAZER: What is this place? It's so dark.STUART: Here, take this. (a torch) Trust me, Colin. Have I ever lead you astray?FRAZER: There's always a first time. Who owns this place?STUART: The state. It's a kind of forgotten national treasure. No one ever comes here except the odd gardener during the day. (They walk on through the chapel.) FRAZER: Wait a minute. This is a crypt!STUART: So?FRAZER: I thought you said this was a cellar.STUART: Didn't you see the ornamentation? The fountain?FRAZER: Are you serious about staying the night here?STUART: Of course.FRAZER: Now I know you're crazy.STUART: Come on. Our nest's through here. [Pump room] STUART: Not quite the Ritz, but it's dry and warm.FRAZER: What's in the pipes?STUART: Water. We're below sea level here. Stop the pumps and Amsterdam would take up its stilts and float. How'd you like it? (Robin unrolls his sleeping bag.) FRAZER: Well, I'm not too keen on the neighbours. [Computer room] (Talor returns.) DAMON: The analysis checks out.TALOR: You're sure?DAMON: Yes, it's the Doctor's biodata extract. What did the Castellan have to say?TALOR: In spite of the urgency of my request, he chooses not to be available until tomorrow.DAMON: You realise only members of the High Council could have transmitted that data?TALOR: I know. We just have to wait.DAMON: Do you need me any more?TALOR: No. Good night.DAMON: Good night. (After Damon has left, the shadow of a member of the High Council falls across the door. He enters.) TALOR: Good evening. (A weapon is aimed at Talor.) TALOR: Impulse laser? (Talor is shot in the head. He falls. The mystery Time Lord then shorts out a console.) [Pump room] (Colin lays out his sleeping bag and gets into it fully clothed.) STUART: Are you really going to sleep like that?FRAZER: What's the matter with that?STUART: You're still fully dressed.FRAZER: I'm not taking any chances.STUART: Oh, come on. It's only a pump house. The worst that can happen is that we're caught by the police.FRAZER: I find this place spooky.STUART: At least take your boots off. (Colin does.) [Gallifrey] (The image of Omega is summoned again.) TIME LORD: As I feared, transmission was detected, but it has been dealt with.OMEGA: How?TIME LORD: An accident has been arranged.OMEGA: Bonding can take place immediately?TIME LORD: As long as you are positive there is no other way.OMEGA: I am not of your dimension, Time Lord. I have the means to enter, but without the physical imprint of bonding, I cannot remain among you. [TARDIS] DOCTOR: I can't control the TARDIS!NYSSA: Can't you override the control?DOCTOR: I just tried.NYSSA: Doctor! (A bright red dot is zooming across the scanner.) NYSSA: What is it?DOCTOR: Something's coming through.NYSSA: A materialisation?DOCTOR: No, extradimensional. (The dot heads for the TARDIS and the walls start to warp.) DOCTOR: Quick, Nyssa, out of here! (Time slows as they run for the interior door and the now large red globe enters the console room. It turns into the effect we saw just before Omega appeared on Gallifrey.) [TARDIS corridor] (The Doctor and Nyssa slow to a halt. The Doctor turns around to see Omega, who then glides inside him.) DOCTOR: No! No! (Omega and the effect disappear.) NYSSA: Doctor! (The Doctor falls backwards.) [Pump room] (Colin is woken by a flashing light in the crypt and the sound of a TARDIS materialising.) FRAZER: Robin! Come on, wake up. There's something going on inside.STUART: What?FRAZER: There's somebody in there.STUART: You're imagining it. Go to sleep.FRAZER: I tell you I heard something.STUART: You sort it out. I want to sleep. (Colin gets up, turns on the torch and opens the door to the crypt.) [Crypt] (The torch light picks up a large stone monument.) FRAZER: That wasn't here before. (The front of the monument slides up, and light spills out along with some dry ice. A skeletal bird-like figure emerges from the light. It fires a beam at Colin, who flashes negative and positive a few times, and vanishes with a cry of pain. The weird bird returns to whence it came.) [TARDIS corridor] (The Doctor begins to wake.) NYSSA: Doctor? Oh, thank goodness you're all right.DOCTOR: How long have I been here?NYSSA: Not long. What was that thing? It just appeared from nowhere.DOCTOR: From another dimension.NYSSA: Has it gone?DOCTOR: From the TARDIS, yes.NYSSA: For a moment I thought it had taken you over.DOCTOR: Well, for a moment it did. What you saw was an attempted temporal bonding. The molecular realignment of two basically incompatible lifeforms.NYSSA: I checked the sensors. This creature is formed from anti-matter.DOCTOR: Are you sure? Then it's worse than I feared.NYSSA: But the creature failed. It's not in our dimension now.DOCTOR: Oh, it is somewhere, and halfway to achieving its purpose. It won't have given up that easily.NYSSA: To remain in this universe, the creature would have to reverse its polarity. I mean, if it failedDOCTOR: Matter and anti-matter in collision. Yes, I take your point. Come on, we've got work to do. [Pump room] (Robin Stuart wakes to find himself alone.) STUART: Colin? Colin? (He climbs out of his sleeping bag, picks up a torch and goes through into -) [Crypt] STUART: Colin? Okay, very funny. Now cut it out. (His torch beam falls on the monument cum TARDIS. It's door slides upwards again and the creature comes out. Robin ducks and runs back into the pump room as its weapon disintegrates a stone angel. Quickly, he finds the back way out.) [Council chamber] (Four Time Lords sit on two rows of chairs whilst a fifth is on a separate throne. The Matrix circlet rises from his head. A man in scarlet speaks.) ZORAC: Well, Lord President?BORUSA: The Matrix confirms what we already know, Cardinal Zorac. The creature is intelligent, immensely powerful, and formed from antimatter.ZORAC: Damnable business. Thalia, you're the expert on this, what do you have to say? (The Time Lady replies. Every one say Hi! to Elspeth Gray.) THALIA: Well, in theory, movement between dimensions is possible. In practice, less so. But the same was said about time travel, and that has long been a reality.HEDIN: Has the Matrix fixed the location of the creature? (Everyone say Hi! to the redoubtable Michael Gough.) BORUSA: It can't. Temporal distortion is extremely severe.THALIA: At present the creature is shielded, but that will soon decay.ZORAC: Then we shall know precisely where the creature is.CASTELLAN: But that will be too late, unless the bond was severed.THALIA: That, of course, is another matter. But we all know what that would mean for the Doctor. [TARDIS] (The Doctor is looking up an entry in the TARDIS data-bank.) NYSSA: (reads) Rondel, intergalactic region devoid of all stellar activity. In former times the location of collapsed Q star. (The rest of the entry is - Colloquial name for area, Arc of Infinity. Derivation of name unknown. Star chart reference 9z63.72.C2. See Quad Magnetism, Laws Relating to Anti-matter.) NYSSA: Q star?DOCTOR: They're very rare. On burnout it creates quardal magnetism. That's what the sensors picked up. It's the only force known to shield anti-matter.NYSSA: That's what's shielding the creature?DOCTOR: Has to be. But it's known to decay rapidly. Anything else?NYSSA: Not much. Just the name the ancients gave to this region. The Arc of Infinity.DOCTOR: That's it, Nyssa. That's how it came through. What we saw was the gateway to the dimensions. The Arc of Infinity. [Gallifrey] OMEGA: The bonding registered in the Matrix?TIME LORD: Very clearly.OMEGA: And the High Council?TIME LORD: They had no choice but to act as we predicted. But you, I detect a weakness.OMEGA: My concern, Time Lord, not yours. Carry out your instructions and all will be well. [TARDIS] NYSSA: So, if this creature can't bond with you, it can have no real existence in this universe.DOCTOR: Right.NYSSA: But to do that, it would have to have detailed biological information about you.DOCTOR: Which in my case exists only in the Matrix on Gallifrey.NYSSA: So someone there passed it on. [Computer room] (While Robin Stuart sits by the steps of Frankendael House in the cold light of day, on Gallifrey a group of guards enter, led by a man carrying a helmet surmounted by purple and blue plumes under his arm. Everyone say Hi! to future Doctor Colin Baker.) MAXIL: Feed this into the Matrix. Well, don't you recognise the Lord President's seal?DAMON: I will need to confirm your authorisation.MAXIL: Arrest him.DAMON: Please, please. Well, perhaps I spoke in haste, but to recall a TARDIS, and without prior announcement, well, you must understand my position.MAXIL: It's not without due and proper consideration that this decision has been made.DAMON: Where do you want the TARDIS located?MAXIL: The security compound. And only I am to have access. Tell my men when the TARDIS arrives. They'll be waiting outside. (Maxil and his guards leave. Damon puts the embossed gold plaque onto a red device and presses buttons.) [TARDIS] NYSSA: There was a massive energy transfer.DOCTOR: Hmm. This creature controls the shift of the Arc. Just think of it, Nyssa. With such power you can unlock the door to travel between the dimensions of matter and anti-matter. (An alarm sounds and a hexagonal light on the console flashes.) NYSSA: Doctor, we've changed course.DOCTOR: High Council of Time Lords. We're being taken back to Gallifrey.NYSSA: Why?DOCTOR: I don't know. It must be urgent. Only twice before in our history has the recall circuit been used. [Pump room] (Robin enters carefully and quickly gets dressed. The door to the crypt slowly swings open as he frantically rolls up his sleeping bag. A figure enters.) STUART: Colin! It's me, Colin. Come on, let's get out of here. I was just about to fetch the police. (Colin Frazer walks to the far wall and attaches a horse-shoe shaped device to it.) STUART: Come on, let's get out of this hell hole! (Colin turns, unseeing, his head tilted to the right. Robin grabs his stuff and flees.) [Computer room] (The TARDIS materialises in the security compound. Maxil enters the room.) MAXIL: The TARDIS has arrived.DAMON: Yes, I was about to inform you. The compound is secure.MAXIL: Excellent.DAMON: Commander Maxil, why are you treating the Doctor like a criminal?MAXIL: I'm simply following orders. (Robin Stuart enters a Dutch police station.) [Security compound] NYSSA: Where are we?DOCTOR: The security compound in the heart of the Citadel. (He waves his hand in front of a door control.) DOCTOR: Well, they're taking no chances.NYSSA: We're locked in.DOCTOR: Handprint activated, from the outside. Fetch my indent kit from the workbench, will you? I might just be able to trip it. Quickly! [Bob's Youth Hostel] (A young blonde woman is behind the reception desk.) RECEPTIONIST: Look, come back in half an hour, okay?MAN: Okay, thank you.RECEPTIONIST: Bye.MAN: Bye-bye. (The leather jacketed young man and his raincoat wearing companion leave. Robin enters.) STUART: You have a room booked for me.RECEPTIONIST: What's your name, please?STUART: Stuart.RECEPTIONIST: Ah yes. How long will you be staying for, Mister Stuart?STUART: I don't know. A few days.RECEPTIONIST: No problem. You are in room thirty four. Oh, one moment, please. Are you the Mister Stuart who reserved with Mister Frazer? Mister Colin Frazer?STUART: What about it?RECEPTIONIST: Well, will Mister Frazer be checking in today?STUART: Don't count on it.RECEPTIONIST: Sorry?STUART: What I said. Colin Frazer won't be coming here. Not today, not tomorrow. If you want the details, ask the police. Perhaps when they stop indifferent they might start looking for him.RECEPTIONIST: I'm sorry. I wish I could help. I'm only asking because there's a telephone message for him, that's all.STUART: Oh. What message?RECEPTIONIST: His cousin will arrive at Schiphol Airport tomorrow morning at ten thirty. [Security compound] NYSSA: I don't understand, Doctor.DOCTOR: Not now, Nyssa.NYSSA: Why are we locked in? Surely the Time Lords have brought you back to help find the creature and prevent its bonding with you.DOCTOR: I wish I could believe that.NYSSA: What other reason would there be?DOCTOR: It won't be that easy to track this creature down. The universe is rather a big place. And there is an easier alternative.NYSSA: To kill you? Is that why they've brought you back?DOCTOR: Possibly. (In the records room, Damon watches and hears all the conversation. He presses a button and the compound doors swing open.) NYSSA: You did it!DOCTOR: I doubt it. Not with this kind of lock. And certainly not as quickly. [Outside the security compound] DOCTOR: This way. [Citadel] (A guard sees the Doctor and Nyssa walking along a corridor. He uses his wrist communicator.) GUARD [OC]: Commander?MAXIL: Yes? (Meanwhile) NYSSA: Where are we trying to get to?DOCTOR: The computer room. It's not far now.NYSSA: Will it be guarded?DOCTOR: Well, they certainly know we've arrived. (Further on, the Doctor gestures Nyssa to wait while he goes forward. Then he sees a guard's silver boot poking out from around a corner and backs away. Another guard steps out behind him and Nyssa pushes him over.) DOCTOR: Quickly! (They run back the way they came as the guard shoots then goes to his fallen colleague, and come face to face with Maxil.) DOCTOR: Hello, I'm the Doctor. (Maxil shoots him, and he falls.) NYSSA: Doctor! (A pair of guards drag her away from him.) NYSSA: Doctor!Part Two [Citadel] (The Doctor starts to recover.) MAXIL: Take them away. [Council chamber] ZORAC: Each and every time the Doctor returns to Gallifrey there's violence.HEDIN: Perhaps it is we who should modify our approach.ZORAC: He resisted the guard!HEDIN: We send armed guards when a friendly face and a welcoming hand would have sufficed. Are you surprised that he resisted? [TARDIS] (A pair of guards half-carry the injured Doctor through to the interior.) NYSSA: He's hurt. He must have proper medical attention.MAXIL: He'll recover. (Maxil pulls a unit from the console base, and the TARDIS stops making noises.) MAXIL: The compound is guarded. If you try to leave again, my men will shoot to kill. See that the Doctor knows. [Council chamber] (The Castellan enters.) THALIA: Well, where is he?CASTELLAN: The Doctor tried to evade security. Some force had to be used. He'll be brought here as soon as he's recovered.THALIA: The situation is critical, Castellan.CASTELLAN: Of that fact I am more than aware. If I may pass? I must give my report to the Lord President. [Nyssa's room] (The Doctor is lying on Nyssa's bed. We know that because her butterfly girl costume is hanging up nearby. Nyssa has brought him a fruit drink in a glass with built in straw.) DOCTOR: Not the most welcoming return.NYSSA: They've taken the main space-time element.DOCTOR: That's the only way to keep me and the TARDIS here.NYSSA: What do we do now?DOCTOR: We need a link. Something to prove the connection between this creature and Gallifrey.NYSSA: And how are we going to find that? [Citadel] CASTELLAN: Maxil. The Doctor is secure?MAXIL: Yes.CASTELLAN: The High Council wish to see him the moment he's recovered. And Maxil? See that he's there, or you answer to me. [Schiphol Airport] TANNOY: KLM announces the arrival of the delayed flight from London.(Robin Stuart is waiting for Colin Frazer's cousin. The clock says 10:59.In the Computer room, Damon prints something out, rolls it up and leaves with it.Back at Schiphol, Tegan Jovanka carries her bags into the arrivals lounge. She is no longer in uniform, but wears shorts and a white camisole top under her collarless jacket.)STUART: Excuse me. Tegan Jovanka?TEGAN: Yes.STUART: Robin Stuart.TEGAN: Oh.STUART: I'm a friend of Colin's.TEGAN: Hello. Colin told me you were travelling round together. Is he here?STUART: I'm afraid not.TEGAN: Oh. He is all right?STUART: Look, let's go into town and I'll tell you all about it, okay? [TARDIS] (Maxil and his guards enter.) MAXIL: You're to come with us, Doctor.DOCTOR: There's no need for all the fire power.MAXIL: They have orders to kill at the slightest sign of resistance.DOCTOR: The Council Chamber, I suppose.MAXIL: Yes.DOCTOR: My companion is not involved in this.MAXIL: Move. My orders are to take you both. (Damon watches as the Doctor and Nyssa are escorted past a rest and recreation area. He fingers the printout nervously.) [Amsterdam cafe] TEGAN: Two coffees, please. (The waitress leaves.) TEGAN: When did you last see Colin?STUART: Well, it's difficult.TEGAN: What do you mean, difficult?STUART: It's hard to explain. He's disappeared.TEGAN: Disappeared? Couldn't he have just wandered off?STUART: You're not going to believe this. [Council chamber] (Maxil leaves, closing the doors behind him.) DOCTOR: Councillors.HEDIN: Doctor. A pleasure to see you again.DOCTOR: And you, Hedin. Nyssa, my old friend, Councillor Hedin. Councillors, my companion, Nyssa of Traken.THALIA: You are welcome to Gallifrey, Nyssa.NYSSA: Thank you.ZORAC: Well, Doctor, an unpleasant business, this. I'm sure you understand why the Lord President was forced to recall you.DOCTOR: Given the chance, I would have returned willingly.CASTELLAN: You've never proved as cooperative in the past.THALIA: If you remember, you were asked to return Romana, and you failed to do so.DOCTOR: Romana chose to stay in E-space.HEDIN: That's all past history.DOCTOR: Yes. Well, now that I'm here, Thalia, have you given any thought to what's happened?THALIA: There hasn't been much time, Doctor.DOCTOR: Has anyone checked to see if my biodata extracts have been removed from the Matrix, Castellan?CASTELLAN: What are you suggesting, Doctor?DOCTOR: I would have thought that was obvious. None of this could have happened unless the creature had that information.CASTELLAN: I should have thought the most importantZORAC: Councillors. The Lord President. (Borusa is escorted in.) BORUSA: You too have regenerated.DOCTOR: Indeed, President Borusa.BORUSA: And Nyssa of Traken, isn't it? Sorry to have kept you waiting. Please be seated, Councillors. (Only the Doctor and Nyssa are left standing.) BORUSA: This session of the High Council of Time Lords is now in progress. [Amsterdam cafe] TEGAN: It's the sort of thing the Doctor gets up to.STUART: Doctor?TEGAN: A friend of mine. Have you reported this to the police?STUART: Of course, but do you think I could tell them the same story?TEGAN: Colin has disappeared.STUART: He's a foreign national, a hitchhiker. Unless there's proof of violence, they're not interested. It's the same in any country.TEGAN: We'll see about that.STUART: I can't get involved. What I've said is the truth, but I've lost my passport. I can't risk making a fuss.TEGAN: Marvellous, isn't it. First I lose my job. Not to worry, I think. I'll go and see my favourite cousin, cheer myself up. Now this.STUART: I'm sorry. What do you want to do?TEGAN: Tell me your story again, every detail. Then we'll go to the police. It's all right. I'll handle it alone. [Council chamber] BORUSA: The space-time parameters of the Matrix have been invaded by a creature from the anti-matter world. We know its composition and how unstable is the magnetism that shields it. The creature must be expelled immediately if we are to avert disaster.DOCTOR: Without knowing its purpose here.BORUSA: Its presence here must be our first concern. Anti-matter cannot co-exist in harmony in our universe.DOCTOR: Lord President, this creature is here now because it bonded with me. To do so it needed something very special, full and precise details of my biological makeup. Now, I didn't pass this information on. Somebody did. The question is who.CASTELLAN: We considered this, Doctor, but the implications are quite preposterous.DOCTOR: Chancellor, can bonding occur without the full imprint of a so-called bioscan?THALIA: Not to my knowledge. But the power of this creature is outside the limits of what we know, Doctor.DOCTOR: Lord President, I ask for time to have this fully investigated.BORUSA: I'm sorry, Doctor, but we must deal with the situation as it exists now. The time factor involved leaves only one course of action open to us. Commander! (Maxil enters.) BORUSA: You know that capital punishment has long been abolished here in Gallifrey, but there is a precedent for a situation like this. Have you nothing further to say, Doctor?DOCTOR: I have a great deal to say.NYSSA: You can't do this! You must destroy the creature.BORUSA: Child, do you think we have not considered this? The creature is shielded. We have no way of tracing it.NYSSA: So you're prepared to kill the Doctor?BORUSA: Commander! Remove the Doctor to the security compound. As soon as the warrant is issued, you will convey him to a place of termination. I'm sorry, Doctor. (The Doctor is taken away.) NYSSA: No! You can't!DOCTOR: Executing me will not alter the fact there's a traitor at work on Gallifrey! [Amsterdam - Lijnbaansgracht] (Tegan comes out of the police station.) STUART: What did they say?TEGAN: Foreigners get themselves lost all the time. They'll make routine enquiries. Which means, as you said, they'll do nothing.STUART: Did you tell them about the crypt?TEGAN: Only that Colin was last seen there.STUART: So what now? We can't just abandon Colin.TEGAN: You are telling me the truth?STUART: Yes, I am.TEGAN: Let's see if we can find Colin ourselves. [Council chamber] NYSSA: Time Lords, I beg of you, think what you're doing. The creature knew the TARDIS' location, time zone coordinates, bioscan. That information could only have come from here, from Gallifrey.CASTELLAN: Only the High Council of Time Lords can extract such data from the Matrix. You too accuse us of treason.NYSSA: Can you deny the possibility? At least give the Doctor time.BORUSA: There is no time, nor can proof of what you say change things. We must prevent the full bonding.NYSSA: But the Doctor is innocent.THALIA: What would you have us do? Spare the Doctor and condemn untold billions to destruction? That is the choice we face here. [Outside the security compound] DAMON: Doctor.DOCTOR: Damon! (They briefly touch hands before Damon is dragged away.) MAXIL: I must speak to the Doctor.DOCTOR: He is a friend of mine.MAXIL: I have my orders.DOCTOR: You don't have to relish them so much. (The Doctor and two guards enter the TARDIS. One stands by the interior door, the other by the main door. The Doctor quietly slips the printout that Damon has given him into his pocket.) [Council chamber] BORUSA: We have listened to what you say, but the decision must stand.HEDIN: Lord President, in view of what she says, couldn't we at least delay carrying out the judgement?THALIA: We can't risk it, Hedin.ZORAC: We're sorry, child, but truly there's no other choice.NYSSA: So much for your justice. (Nyssa storms out.) CASTELLAN: All that remains is the warrant of termination. The precise wording should be in the Matrix.HEDIN: What would we do without your diligence.BORUSA: This session of the High Council is now adjourned. [Citadel] DAMON: Nyssa of Traken, I am Damon, a friend of the Doctor's. We must talk, but not here. [Council chamber] HEDIN: Castellan. (Thalia and Zorac leave.) HEDIN: I'm worried by what both the Doctor and his companion have said.CASTELLAN: The possible connection between this creature and Gallifrey?HEDIN: Yes. And the fact that a Time Lord could be a traitor. You do intend to pursue it?CASTELLAN: They were both overwrought.HEDIN: But if it were trueCASTELLAN: I'm sure I'd know if such a serious breach of security had occurred. [Rest area] NYSSA: You're sure it was the Doctor's biodata extract?DAMON: Yes, I managed to pass it to him on his way to the compound.NYSSA: We must tell the High Council immediately.DAMON: But who to trust? Only members of the High Council have access to biodata information.NYSSA: We must find a way to speak to the Doctor.DAMON: That could be difficult. He's closely confined. [Gallifrey] (The traitor reports to his master.) TIME LORD: The Doctor is to be terminated.OMEGA: Good. You are prepared?TIME LORD: Yes. The Matrix is already programmed. [TARDIS] (Maxil enters.) MAXIL: You wanted to see me?DOCTOR: Your guards will not allow me to leave the console room.MAXIL: They have their orders.DOCTOR: If I'm to die, I want to prepare myself mentally. For that I need to be alone.MAXIL: Which is the nearest room?DOCTOR: My companion's. It has already been searched. (The guard nods.) MAXIL: Then you may withdraw. But be sensible, Doctor. If you try to lose yourself in the corridors of the TARDIS, my men will hunt you down, and your death will be far from dignified and painless. [Hedin's chambers] HEDIN: Nyssa, Damon.NYSSA: We had to see you, Councillor.HEDIN: I'm deeply sorry for what has happened.NYSSA: Councillor Hedin, we need your help.HEDIN: Anything I can do.NYSSA: We must see the Doctor. Can you arrange it?HEDIN: Difficult. The Castellan is very possessive about his charges.DAMON: The Doctor isn't a criminal.HEDIN: True, but what has happened makes him very dangerous.NYSSA: Please, try.HEDIN: I said difficult, Nyssa, but not impossible. Especially with one so sensitive to public opinion as the Castellan is. [Nyssa's room] (The Doctor looks at what Damon had given him.) DOCTOR: My bioscan. [Amsterdam] STUART: I just don't think it's wise, that's all.TEGAN: I'm not scared to go into that crypt, if that's what you mean.STUART: Look, I feel bad enough about Colin. What if something happens to you?TEGAN: Don't worry on my account. How much further is it?STUART: Just over the next bridge. [Security compound] (Nyssa and Damon have been granted their wish.) MAXIL: Wait here. (Maxil enters the TARDIS.) DAMON: I feel there is something wrong.NYSSA: What?DAMON: The Castellan agreed too quickly to our visiting the Doctor. Even if he knows he can't refuse, he always attempts to make it appear he's granting you permission. I mean, that's the Castellan's way. [Outside Nyssa's room] (A guard beckons the Doctor out of the room.) DOCTOR: So soon? What about my appeal? [TARDIS] MAXIL: You have visitors, Doctor. (Nyssa and Damon enter.) NYSSA: Doctor.DOCTOR: How did you get in here?NYSSA: Councillor Hedin arranged it with the Castellan. (Maxil plants a device under the edge of the console.) DOCTOR: Well, that's very generous of the Castellan. Come, we'll walk while we speak.MAXIL: You're to talk here, where I can see you.DAMON: Castellan said we might be alone.DOCTOR: Excellent. Well, Damon, what news of my old companion Leela? (The Doctor, Nyssa and Damon head into the interior.) [Castellan's office] DAMON [OC]: Er, she's, she's well, and very happy.DOCTOR [OC]: I was so sorry to miss her wedding. Still, perhaps I'll get to see her before I (out of range)CASTELLAN: You're a fool, Maxil. [Nyssa's room] DOCTOR: In here. Maxil has just planted a listening device in the console room. Well now, we have proof my biodata extract was removed from the Matrix.NYSSA: So there is a traitor.DOCTOR: Indeed. And a disaster in the making. Unless I'm mistaken, Gallifrey could lose control of the space-time Matrix.DAMON: But that's impossible.DOCTOR: That's exactly what the High Council think. So, we must see what we can do to stop it happening. Look, Damon, I know you've already risked a great deal for me, but could I impose on you a little further?DAMON: Anything.DOCTOR: I need another space-time element for the TARDIS. Preferably without a recall circuit.DAMON: I'll see what I can do. Anything else?DOCTOR: Yes. You could check to see if the Matrix is aware of any details concerning power equipment, movement, transportation.DAMON: Right. (Maxil enters.) DOCTOR: Well, Commander, our time is up so soon. Well, Nyssa, that's my final word. No appeals. We must accept the decision of the High Council. Understood? [Outside Frankendael House] TEGAN: This is it?STUART: Yes. The entrance to the crypt is over there, behind the fountain, but I found a back way in behind the house. [Computer room] NYSSA: It's impressive.DAMON: We must hurry. I must first check the coding for a Type Forty time rotor. [Castellan's office] CASTELLAN: Well?MAXIL: All is in order, Castellan.CASTELLAN: No appeals? No last minute requests?MAXIL: Nothing. The Doctor seems to be taking it quite well, in fact.CASTELLAN: You are extremely privileged, Maxil. It's given to very few to supervise the destruction of a Time Lord. It has in fact only happened once before.MAXIL: The warrant is issued?CASTELLAN: Yes. Summon the Doctor. [Gallifrey] TIME LORD: It is time, my friend. The Council have been summoned to the place of termination. You have little time. Can you do it?OMEGA: All will be ready here. [Omega's TARDIS] OMEGA: Do precisely as you have been instructed. To the controls. (Mouth open, head still tilted, Colin Frazer obeys.) [Computer room] (Damon is putting the finishing touches to a new space-time element when a Cloister Bell starts to toll.) NYSSA: What is it?DAMON: The alert. The Doctor is being taken to the place of termination. We're too late.NYSSA: They'll execute him now, this instant?DAMON: Yes. (Nyssa goes to a rack of weapons she spotted earlier, and tries to open it.) DAMON: No, Nyssa. Look, you can't stop them now.NYSSA: Help me!DAMON: Please, Nyssa, please. You'll die too.NYSSA: We can't fail him, Damon. You finish assembling the time element. Now please, I want this thing open.DAMON: It's madness. (He opens the rack and Nyssa takes a hand weapon.) NYSSA: You must get to the TARDIS and fit the element into place. If all goes well, we'll need to leave in a hurry.DAMON: Be careful and, and good luck. (Maxil leads the procession through the Citadel, and Nyssa tags on behind.) [Place of execution] DOCTOR: I trust you know what you are doing?BORUSA: You know the choice we have to face, Doctor. Our duty, if not our conscience, is clear.DOCTOR: And the decision was unanimous?BORUSA: There was one dissenter, your good friend Councillor Hedin.DOCTOR: Thank you, Hedin. I much appreciate all you've done. (Borusa reads the scroll.) BORUSA: By the authority vested in me as laid down by Rassilon, I, Lord President Borusa, and in harmony with the majority of the Time Lords here present, we are resolved [Outside the place of execution] (Nyssa adjusts the setting on her weapon and approaches the guards at the door.) GUARD: Halt! (She shoots them both.) [Place of execution] BORUSA: By reason of cruel but unavoidable necessity, we have no recourse but to exercise the final sanction of termination. Commander Maxil, this warrant empowers you to carry out judgement.MAXIL: Guards, bring the Doctor forward. (The guards lead the Doctor to a pair of curved railings. Nyssa bursts in.) [Omega's TARDIS] OMEGA: Align scan coordinates. (Colin obeys.) [Place of execution] (Nyssa has her weapon trained on Borusa.) NYSSA: Over here, Doctor.DOCTOR: No! Nyssa, I will not have blood spilt to save my life.BORUSA: Nyssa of Traken, I command you to lay aside that weapon.NYSSA: Doctor, quickly!THALIA: Obey the Lord President, or you too will die.CASTELLAN: You cannot escape, girl.NYSSA: Don't you understand? The Doctor was betrayed. His bioscan was extracted from the Matrix. Doctor, tell them.DOCTOR: They're right, Nyssa. We cannot escape.NYSSA: But we're ready to leave.DOCTOR: Please. You must obey the Lord President. I know what I'm doing. The weapon, please? (Nyssa gives the weapon to the Doctor, who hands it off to a guard.) DOCTOR: Lord President, my companion acted from misguided loyalty. She will cause no further trouble. In return, I ask that she is allowed to go free.BORUSA: Thank you, Doctor. For your sake, we will overlook it. (The Doctor steps between the curved railings and an orange tube descends.) [Omega's TARDIS] OMEGA: Activate booster terminal, now! [Place of execution] (A bright light from the tube, together with dry ice, begin to obscure the Doctor. Suddenly, his image is overlapped by that of Omega, then they both vanish.) MAXIL: Judgement has been carried out, Lord President.Part Three [Place of execution] (Borusa turns and looks at a monitor high on the wall above the heads of the Time Lords.) BORUSA: The space-time dimensions of the Matrix are clear. The creature has been expelled.NYSSA: I hope you know what you've done. [Matrix] (The Doctor floats inside the massive computer memory. There is a sinister laugh.) DOCTOR: Who are you? [Citadel] CASTELLAN: What was your opinion, Maxil?MAXIL: The termination? Not quite what I expected.CASTELLAN: Nor me. I want a full analysis of the event. Be discreet, but do it right away. [TARDIS] (Damon puts the new space-time element into the TARDIS console base and the machine hums back into life. Nyssa enters, slowly.) DAMON: It's ready, Nyssa. The Doctor? [Gallifrey] (The traitorous Time Lord summons his master.) TIME LORD: The Doctor?OMEGA: Weak, but he'll live. You did well, Time Lord. (Maxil goes to the records room to analyse the Doctor's 'termination'. Someone watches him on a monitor.) [Matrix] OMEGA: Doctor. Doctor. You know where you are, Doctor?DOCTOR: I must be in the Matrix. (A faint image of Omega appears.) OMEGA: Only your mind, Doctor. Your body is still in the termination area, shielded by an energy band.DOCTOR: I knew you couldn't let me die.OMEGA: You realised this would happen?DOCTOR: I guessed. Besides, I hoped it would give me the chance to meet you.OMEGA: And now that you have?DOCTOR: It'd difficult to say without knowing who you are.OMEGA: A friend, Doctor. A friend who holds your feeble lifeforce this side of existence. [Pump room] (Robin leads Tegan in from outside.) TEGAN: It's filthy in here. What is this place?STUART: A service passage.TEGAN: This is where you slept?STUART: Yes. The crypt's through there.TEGAN: It's locked.STUART: It must be bolted on the other side. Maybe a gardener or worker's been down here.TEGAN: Colin could be behind there, hurt.STUART: Look, Tegan. (The sleeping bag is still on the floor.) TEGAN: Colin's.STUART: He must be still around. [Computer room] (Maxil calls up some data, then uses his wrist communicator.) CASTELLAN [OC]: Yes, Maxil?MAXIL: I think you should come down here, Castellan. [Matrix] DOCTOR: If you have something to offer the Time Lords, why not speak directly?OMEGA: I considered that, but it wouldn't work.DOCTOR: Then you must be known to Gallifrey.OMEGA: I was not always as I am now, Doctor. Once I too had life, real existence in your dimension. Soon, with your help, I shall have it again.DOCTOR: It would mean losing control of the Matrix to you. The price is too high.OMEGA: Do not provoke me. We shall talk when you are ready to listen. (Omega vanishes.) [Computer room] (The text on the screen reveals - Analysis of termination. Booster reaction 475622549A Termination not completed.) MAXIL: The circuit was altered, rigged to cut out at the moment of termination.CASTELLAN: Then the Doctor didn't die.MAXIL: Not according to this. And something else. The girl was correct about his bioscan. It was transmitted from Gallifrey. (The traitor switches off his secret monitor.) CASTELLAN: We must find the Doctor and the rest will fall into place.MAXIL: Should the High Council be told?CASTELLAN: No. We'll handle this ourselves. Bring Damon and the girl here. [Pump room] (Tegan and Robin roll up Colin's sleeping bag.) STUART: At least you know Colin was here.TEGAN: What I don't understand is why you'd want to sleep in a place like this. (A device starts up, whirring and beeping.) [Nyssa's room] DAMON: There's no sense brooding on it, Nyssa. (A guard enters, then Maxil.) DAMON: What are you doing here?MAXIL: We've orders to search the Doctor's TARDIS.NYSSA: Who are you looking for?MAXIL: You two come with me.NYSSA: I demandMAXIL: Move.DAMON: Do as he says, Nyssa. [Pump room] (Tegan looks at the device Colin put on the wall earlier. It has lights flashing on it now.) TEGAN: What is it?STUART: I don't know. (There's a bang somewhere.) STUART: Quick, over here. (They hide behind a pump. Colin enters and goes to the device. Tegan starts to get up.) STUART: No. [Computer room] (In the Matrix, the Doctor is struggling but tiring.) CASTELLAN: You transmitted the Doctor's bioscan, didn't you.DAMON: Without the codes? How could I?CASTELLAN: But you knew about it.DAMON: Yes. Talor and I found out by accident.CASTELLAN: Why didn't you tell me what Talor had learnt.DAMON: Only members of the High Council have access to bioscan circuits and you are a Councillor, Castellan. That was my dilemma.CASTELLAN: But there is still the matter of the interference of the termination circuits.DAMON: Of that I know nothing. I don't know the coding that would give access.CASTELLAN: The Doctor would know. He could instruct you. You had contact with the Doctor, didn't you?NYSSA: It's a pity you weren't so concerned when the Doctor was alive.CASTELLAN: Don't play games with me, girl. The Doctor is alive, and you know it. [Pump room] (Colin finishes his work on the device and turns around to leave.) STUART: No, Tegan, don't.TEGAN: We can't just leave him. Colin! [Crypt] (Tegan runs after Colin and almost straight into the weird giant skeleton bird. It shoots her, she flashes positive and negative while screaming, then vanishes.) STUART: Tegan! (He suffers the same fate.) [Matrix] DOCTOR: All right, let's talk. Do you hear me? [Computer room] CASTELLAN: We know there's a conspiracy, and we'll get to the heart of it.DAMON: Then find the Time Lord who killed Talor.CASTELLAN: We will, and the Doctor too. Maxil, continue the search. He must be somewhere in the Citadel. You two will remain here until I return. (The Castellan follows Maxil and his guards out.) NYSSA: He's alive, Damon! [Citadel] MAXIL: Search the residential wing, but be discreet. No one is to know we're looking for the Doctor. [Omega's TARDIS - room] (The giant bird stands guard over Tegan and Robin.) TEGAN: Where are we?STUART: I don't know. Are you all right?TEGAN: Yes. (An interior door opens, and Omega enters.) OMEGA: If you cooperate, you will come to no further harm.TEGAN: What do you want of us?OMEGA: You intruded where you had no business to be.TEGAN: We were looking for my cousin.OMEGA: The primitive?TEGAN: His name is Colin Frazer. Where is he?OMEGA: He serves me in here. If you are capable of doing the same, you will not find me ungrateful. The Ergon will scan you for possible future use. Step forward, girl. It would be unwise to resist. (Tegan steps forward, and the big bird puts its 'hand' on her head. She is enveloped by a bright light.) OMEGA: So, you are known to the Doctor.TEGAN: What of it?OMEGA: Answer.TEGAN: Yes, I'm a friend of the Doctor's.OMEGA: Then we are both fortunate. [Gallifrey] TIME LORD: We have trouble. A full-scale security search is in progress for the Doctor.OMEGA: How did this happen?TIME LORD: The termination aroused suspicion, but the High Council haven't been told yet. We must act swiftly before they do.OMEGA: Act? How?TIME LORD: Release the Doctor. You must concentrate your powers on transfer.OMEGA: We can't risk it. Once free, the Doctor will make trouble.TIME LORD: We must take that chance. Your only hope now is for a swift transfer.OMEGA: Hmm. Perhaps the Doctor can be persuaded not to interfere. Very well. I'll do as you say. [Matrix] OMEGA: Doctor? I have good news for you, Doctor. Since I wish no enmity between us, I intend to release you.DOCTOR: That's very generous of you. May I ask what I've done to deserve it?OMEGA: You will be freed if you give me your word not to interfere.DOCTOR: I will do everything I can to stop you.OMEGA: Then I am forced to persuade you. (Tegan appears.) DOCTOR: Tegan!OMEGA: A friend of yours, Doctor. Please, your word not to interfere or she must suffer.DOCTOR: No, it's a trick. It's not Tegan.OMEGA: Tell him, girl.TEGAN: Please, Doctor, help me.DOCTOR: It can't be. Tegan's on Earth. I know she is.OMEGA: Very well. If she is an illusion, then you will not be upset to see her destroyed.TEGAN: Doctor, please! [Computer room] (The screen shows items with numbers next to them.) DAMON: It'll need your handprint to decode it, Castellan. (The Castellan puts his hand over the reader, and it beeps. He uses his wrist communicator.) MAXIL [OC]: Castellan?CASTELLAN: Have you found him?MAXIL [OC]: Not yet.CASTELLAN: While your men continue the search, have Thalia, Hedin and Zorac come to my office immediately. (The Castellan takes the decoded printout.) DAMON: You know who it is?CASTELLAN: Yes. We have all the proof we need.NYSSA: So you know the Doctor is innocent.CASTELLAN: The Doctor plotted this conspiracy. Now we know who helped him. (The Castellan leaves. The door beeps.) NYSSA: Can we get out?DAMON: No, he's operated the lock. [Matrix] (Tegan whimpers in pain.) DOCTOR: All right. Whatever you say. (Tegan relaxes then vanishes.) OMEGA: Her life depends on you, Doctor.DOCTOR: As yours depends on mine.OMEGA: Then see that nothing threatens it. The next time we meet, it will be on Gallifrey. Goodbye, Doctor. (Omega vanishes.) DOCTOR: Wait! (The Doctor vanishes, and reappears in the termination chamber. He falls to his knees, breathless, then gets up and leaves.) [Omega's TARDIS - room] STUART: Tegan, are you all right?TEGAN: I saw the Doctor.STUART: How?TEGAN: I don't know. It was like a nightmare. Unreal. But I saw him. (Omega enters.) OMEGA: I'm glad you were of help to me, girl. To show my appreciation, your cousin will be returned to you. (Colin enters. Omega leaves and Colin's senses return to him.) TEGAN: Colin!FRAZER: Tegan. (Colin collapses.) [Castellan's office] (Maxil is with the three Councillors.) ZORAC: What the devil's going on, Castellan? Guards crashing about. It's like a madhouse out there.CASTELLAN: My apologies, Councillors. (The Castellan sits at his desk with his back to them.) THALIA: Castellan, we are not in the habit of being summoned by armed soldiers. We are waiting, Castellan.CASTELLAN: A very grave situation has come to light. We have indisputable evidence that the Doctor is alive.ZORAC: Ridiculous! We saw him terminated.CASTELLAN: He's alive, Zorac. My men are searching for him now.THALIA: How can he be?CASTELLAN: He was helped to evade termination by one of us. One of the High Council. (At a signal, Maxil hands out copies of the printout.) CASTELLAN: That is a full analysis of the relevant security circuit traffic. Study them well, Councillors. They will tell you who it was. [Outside the Computer room] (The Doctor puts his hand up to the door lock. Nothing happens.) DOCTOR: Pity. Long cancelled, I expect. Presidential code. Four five, four? Four five, five! Three nine one. (Marching footsteps echo.) DOCTOR: Three nine one. Three nine one. Three nine one. Six five nine two! (The door opens.) [Computer room] NYSSA: Doctor!DAMON: How did you manage to open the door?DOCTOR: Pure luck. [Castellan's office] THALIA: The Lord President?CASTELLAN: You have the proof. His personal codes were used to manipulate the Matrix. Again, his code registered in the computer room the precise time Talor was killed.ZORAC: Why?CASTELLAN: The creature. It's linked to the Doctor and through him to Gallifrey.THALIA: To achieve what, Castellan?CASTELLAN: We know the creature controls the shift of the Arc of Infinity. So, what if the Arc were to be permanently located here, linked to the Matrix? (silence) Enormous power, way beyond the ability of anyone to control it, except those already at one with the Matrix.ZORAC: The Lord President.CASTELLAN: Yes. And the Doctor. Together with this creature, I'm convinced this is what they intend to do. [Computer room] NYSSA: At least you could have told me what you were up to.DOCTOR: There wasn't time, Nyssa. Damon, did you do as I asked?DAMON: The TARDIS element? Yes.DOCTOR: What about the power equipment? Anything turn up?DAMON: Just one item. A fusion booster element was transported recently.DOCTOR: Fusion?DAMON: It's a highly advanced piece of equipment. Unstable, but capable of an enormous conversion rate over very short periods.DOCTOR: What, from water?DAMON: It's fuelled by anything that contains hydrogen atoms. Water would be perfect.DOCTOR: Now listen, Damon, this is very important. I need to know the precise destination and who sent it. Do you think you could find that out?NYSSA: Shouldn't we go while we've got the chance?DOCTOR: We're going to Earth, Nyssa.NYSSA: Earth? What for?DOCTOR: That's where this creature is.NYSSA: How do you know?DOCTOR: It's got Tegan. I saw her in the Matrix. [Citadel] MAXIL: The residential wings are clear. My men are searching the technical areas.CASTELLAN: You've sealed the Citadel?MAXIL: Nothing can get in or out, Castellan.CASTELLAN: Then it's just a question of time. [Gallifrey] TIME LORD: The Council know.OMEGA: They will take action?TIME LORD: Not until they find the Doctor.OMEGA: You must delay them. I need more time. I must generate sufficient power for transfer.TIME LORD: I can't guarantee you will have it.OMEGA: You must! You will have to isolate the Matrix master control. Use your influence with the Lord President.TIME LORD: Very well, I will.OMEGA: Thank you, Time Lord.TIME LORD: What we are, we owe to you. Your return is all that matters.OMEGA: Meanwhile, I will try to prevent them using the Matrix against us. (The transmission ends, and we finally see the face of the traitor - Hedin. ) [Omega's TARDIS - room] (Tegan makes Colin comfortable on a bench.) STUART: There's no way out.TEGAN: The Doctor knows we're here. He'll find a way to help us. [Computer room] DAMON: You were right, Doctor. The fusion booster element was transported to Earth. It could have been anywhere. The reception area was lost in severe temporal distortion.DOCTOR: Pity.DAMON: We know who sent it, though.DOCTOR: Who?DAMON: These codes are unmistakable. You used them yourself to get in here.DOCTOR: The Lord President.DAMON: There's no mistake.NYSSA: What are you going to do?DOCTOR: Well, we must see the Lord President immediately.DAMON: The Castellan's guards are all over the place.DOCTOR: Thank you for all your help, Damon. I shall never be able to repay you. (Nyssa has got another weapon from the locker.) DOCTOR: Nyssa.NYSSA: Just in case.DAMON: Good luck, Doctor. [Castellan's office] (The Castellan is alone when his wall monitor lights up.) MAXIL [on screen]: You wanted to know if any other High Councillor attempted to see the Lord President.CASTELLAN: Yes?MAXIL [on screen]: Councillor Hedin is with him now.CASTELLAN: Thank you. (The Castellan changes channels to Thalia.) CASTELLAN: Hedin has gone to see the Lord President.THALIA [on screen]: But we agreed to wait.CASTELLAN: We must act now, Thalia. [Citadel] (A guard shoots at Nyssa and the Doctor.) DOCTOR: No! (They run back round the corner, and the guard sounds the alarm. In another corridor, Nyssa shoots a guard.) DOCTOR: Come on! Come on. In here. (Maxil and his guards arrive on scene.) [Citadel corridor] CASTELLAN: You found him? [Citadel] MAXIL: Not yet, but he can't be far away. (The guard Nyssa shot was only stunned.) [Citadel corridor] CASTELLAN: Hurry it up, Maxil. I need him. Find him! [Citadel] (Maxil and the guards leave. The Doctor and Nyssa come out of hiding.) DOCTOR: Come on. [Council chamber] BORUSA: It's a highly unusual request, Hedin.HEDIN: It would only affect the master controls. The secondary functions will continue to operate.BORUSA: If I charge the transduction field, the Matrix itself will be isolated. No one could use it.HEDIN: That's why you must do it, Lord President.BORUSA: You forget yourself, Hedin. Access to the Matrix is guaranteed. Only the gravest emergency could permit me to do what you want.HEDIN: Nevertheless, you will do it.BORUSA: No one is above the law, Hedin. Not you, not (Hedin raises his weapon.) HEDIN: Don't force me to use it. Now, if you please, Lord President. (A guard reports the Doctor and Nyssa's position.) BORUSA: Why are you doing this, Hedin?HEDIN: There's no time to explain now. (The Doctor and Nyssa enter.) DOCTOR: Hedin, you don't believe this stuff about the Lord President?BORUSA: Doctor, be careful.DOCTOR: What is it? (Hedin turns around.) HEDIN: Throw down the weapon.DOCTOR: So it's you.HEDIN: Nyssa, the weapon. I shall kill even you. (Nyssa throws her weapon on the floor.) HEDIN: Now, over there.DOCTOR: The bioscan, the rigged termination, all your work, Hedin?HEDIN: I did what I had to. Now do as you are told. (The Doctor and Nyssa stand either side of Borusa. The Castellan and a pair of guards run through the corridors.) DOCTOR: It was all done to make us think you were responsible, Lord President. And now, Hedin?HEDIN: Nothing must interfere with transfer.DOCTOR: It's that close?HEDIN: Very. (The Doctor stands in front of Borusa.) DOCTOR: I always considered you a friend, Hedin. A man of learning, respected by all. Why now turn to evil?HEDIN: You don't understand.DOCTOR: This creature will soon control the Matrix. Is that what you want?HEDIN: This is no alien creature, Doctor. It's one of us, a Time Lord, the first and greatest of our people. The one who sacrificed all to give us mastery of time and was shamefully abandoned in return.DOCTOR: Omega?HEDIN: Yes, Omega.DOCTOR: But Omega died.HEDIN: No, he exists, Doctor. He only wants to live amongst us, and he will, as soon as he transfers here.DOCTOR: Omega is insane. Once in control of the MatrixHEDIN: He wants nothing for himself. The power he brings is for the good of all. (The Castellan enters, weapon at the ready.) CASTELLAN: Well done, Hedin.BORUSA: Castellan!CASTELLAN: You're under arrest, Lord President. As for you, Doctor, you were sentenced to death. This time sentence will be carried out.HEDIN: No! (Hedin steps in front of the Doctor as the Castellan fires. He falls, dead.) DOCTOR: You fool. He could have told us where Omega is.CASTELLAN: Omega?BORUSA: Put up your weapon, Castellan.CASTELLAN: The Doctor is a traitor.BORUSA: Hedin is your traitor.DOCTOR: Lord President, we must shut down the Matrix.BORUSA: It won't prevent transfer.DOCTOR: No, but it could delay it, give us time to hunt Omega down. (Everyone looks up at the Matrix monitor.) NYSSA: Doctor!DOCTOR: It's too late. Omega controls the Matrix. (Omega is on the Matrix monitor.) Part Four [Council chamber] DOCTOR: We know who you are.OMEGA [on monitor]: That changes nothing. Transfer will take place as planned.BORUSA: But you are anti-matter.DOCTOR: You seriously believe you can reverse what happened?OMEGA [on monitor]: Oh yes, Doctor.BORUSA: Not without Hedin's help. Your friend is dead. (Omega growls and ends transmission.) DOCTOR: Omega, listen!BORUSA: Omega must be found and stopped.DOCTOR: We know he's on Earth.NYSSA: He has a friend of ours captive. Tegan, an Earthwoman.BORUSA: Would she know their precise location?DOCTOR: Perhaps, but I would have to enter the Matrix to find out.NYSSA: No. Omega's mad. He'll kill her.DOCTOR: Please, NyssaNYSSA: You know thatDOCTOR: Wait in the TARDIS! Please. (Nyssa leaves.) DOCTOR: Even if we know where Omega is, can the TARDIS leave Gallifrey?BORUSA: We will contrive a way for you to leave. (While Tegan continues to hold the unconscious Colin's hand, the Doctor dons the Lord President's circlet and enters the Matrix.) [Matrix] DOCTOR: Well, Omega, you've won. We can't stop you now.OMEGA: It cost Hedin's life to convince you.DOCTOR: That was an accident. Is Tegan safe?OMEGA: She is.DOCTOR: Prove it. Let me speak to her.TEGAN: Help us, Doctor. My cousin, he's sick. We're in an underground crypt behind a fountainOMEGA: Silence, girl!DOCTOR: I told you, you've won. Even if we know where you are, we can't leave Gallifrey. You know that.TEGAN: Holland, Doctor. Amsterdam.OMEGA: Tell him the precise location and you will die.TEGAN: JHC!OMEGA: Silence! (Tegan screams and vanishes.) DOCTOR: She's unharmed?OMEGA: Of course. And so long as you do not work against me, she will remain so. [Council chamber] (The circlet rises from the Doctor's head. In Omega's TARDIS, Tegan wakes up on the floor of the room.) BORUSA: Amsterdam? Do you know the precise location of this Earth city?DOCTOR: Yes.BORUSA: Prepare your TARDIS. Be ready to leave as soon as I communicate with you. Trust me. [Omega's TARDIS - room] (Colin groans.) TEGAN: The Doctor will find us. If anyone can, he will. [Computer room] (Borusa, Thalia and Zorac enter.) BORUSA: Damon, the Doctor's TARDIS must leave undetected. Isn't there any way of distracting Omega?DAMON: I've already tested the bypass procedures. Omega has cut us off.THALIA: A pulse loop, Lord President?BORUSA: Of course! Fetch it, Damon. Thalia, prepare the Matrix terminal.ZORAC: A pulse loop?BORUSA: Oh, a simple device to trace faults on the master circuits.THALIA: It has a photon pulse. Omega will have to track it down to confirm that we're not trying to bypass the matrix control.BORUSA: And in the confusion it will allow the Doctor's TARDIS to leave undetected. [TARDIS] (Nyssa is still fuming at her dismissal from the Council chamber.) NYSSA: Well?DOCTOR: Don't worry, Tegan's unharmed. [Computer room] BORUSA: Are you ready to leave, Doctor? [TARDIS] DOCTOR: As soon as you give the word. [Computer room] BORUSA: Right.DAMON: Now.BORUSA: Now. Go, Doctor. (The Doctor hits the console to get the time rotor started.) BORUSA: Doctor? He's gone. [TARDIS] DOCTOR: We're clear. Come on, Nyssa.NYSSA: Now what?DOCTOR: One or two things I've got to get together. [Computer room] (The red warning light flashes on the console.) DAMON: It's working, sir. Omega is confused. [TARDIS] (The Doctor and Nyssa are each working on a small device.) NYSSA: We're almost ready to materialise.DOCTOR: Good.NYSSA: What's that for?DOCTOR: Omega's using a fusion booster to build up energy to transfer. If we can attach this, it should knock it out of phase.NYSSA: Isn't that dangerous?DOCTOR: Hopefully it'll feed the power back through his own equipment.NYSSA: A kind of short circuit.DOCTOR: Exactly. How's the meter?NYSSA: Now calibrated to detect any change in anti-matter. [Computer room] (The warning light blows up.) DAMON: Omega's destroyed the loop.BORUSA: Let's hope it gave the Doctor all the time he needed. [TARDIS] (The TARDIS lands. The scanner shows that they are on or near a bridge over a canal.) DOCTOR: I don't believe it.NYSSA: What?DOCTOR: I think we made it. Come on. [Omega's TARDIS - room] (A loud buzzing noise fills the air.) STUART: It sounds like a power house in there. [Amsterdam - Leidseplein] NYSSA: How do you know where to look?DOCTOR: When I spoke to Tegan, she mentioned her cousin and the JHC.NYSSA: So?DOCTOR: She risked her life to give us that piece of information. If we find out what the JHC is, it might lead us to where she is. (He goes into a telephone kiosk and picks up the directory.) NYSSA: How will you find out?DOCTOR: We'll start with the telephone directory.NYSSA: You're dealing with a Time Lord, Doctor. You won't find answers in there.DOCTOR: Won't we? JHC, JHC, JHC, JHC, JHC Jeugdherberg Central Youth Hostels. Must be where Tegan was staying.NYSSA: So?DOCTOR: Well, there's not many of them. We'll give them a ring. Ah. Nyssa, money? (Omega's power transfer indicator is up to half way. The Doctor empties his pockets into Nyssa's hands.) NYSSA: You must have a coin somewhere. Is that it?DOCTOR: Afraid so. Anti-matter present but steady. Omega hasn't transferred yet, but it can't be much longer.NYSSA: Can you find him using that?DOCTOR: If only it were that easy.NYSSA: What now?DOCTOR: No other choice. We must check every hostel on foot.NYSSA: Can't we use the TARDIS?DOCTOR: Can't risk it. Might alert Omega. This way. [Computer room] (The Castellan enters.) BORUSA: Ah, Castellan.CASTELLAN: You wanted to see me, Lord President?BORUSA: You wish to resign.CASTELLAN: I had no right, without evidence, to accuse the Doctor of treason.BORUSA: True, you made a foolish mistake, but ultimately we are judged by how much we profit from our mistakes. Will you?CASTELLAN: Who can say, Lord President?BORUSA: Your offer to resign is refused, Castellan. You will return to duty forthwith.DAMON: Lord President, Omega's transfer is imminent. (The indicator is approaching the top, and Omega clutches his 'head'. He is starting to look rather moist.) [Amsterdam - Zandpad] (The Doctor and Nyssa leave Jeugdherberg Vondelpark.) NYSSA: This could take forever.DOCTOR: Well, there's no other way.NYSSA: That receptionist wasn't very friendly. What if he was being difficult, chose not to remember Tegan.DOCTOR: We go on, Nyssa.NYSSA: Can't the Time Lords help?DOCTOR: No, they've done all they can, and now it's up to us. (As Omega continues to suffer, the Doctor and Nyssa cross a bridge.) DOCTOR: We'll try one more hostel, then we'll split up. Divide our effort.NYSSA: How much time do we have?DOCTOR: Well, it can't be long. I fear Omega is about to transfer. [Bob's Youth hostel] (Colin is now awake. The Doctor and Nyssa speak to a male receptionist.) MAN: We have no record of a Miss Jovanka.DOCTOR: And what about her cousin?MAN: How would I know that, sir?DOCTOR: Yes. Sorry. Well, thank you. (They start to leave.) MAN: Excuse me? You said your friend was from Australia?DOCTOR: Yes.MAN: Well, I wasn't on duty yesterday, but there was an Australian. Colin Frazer. One moment, please. (He turns away to speak to a woman who has just come out of the back office.) NYSSA: Isn't there anything at all we can do?DOCTOR: No. Tegan is our only link.RECEPTIONIST: Excuse me. You wish to know about Miss Jovanka?DOCTOR: Yes.RECEPTIONIST: Well, Mister Stuart, a friend of Mister Frazer, left something for her. I was to give this to her if he missed her at the airport.DOCTOR: May I see?RECEPTIONIST: Well, I'm not supposed toNYSSA: It's very important we find her. (The receptionist hands the note to the Doctor.) DOCTOR: Frankendael. Where is that?RECEPTIONIST: Frankendael? Not far.DOCTOR: Could you show me?RECEPTIONIST: Of course. (They go to the big map on the opposite wall from the desk.) RECEPTIONIST: Er, there.DOCTOR: Thank you. (He starts to leave, then returns to double-check the location.) DOCTOR: Thank you. [Outside Bob's Youth Hostel] NYSSA: Where is it?DOCTOR: Er, it's very near. [Amsterdam - Herengracht] (While Omega is melting in his TARDIS, the Doctor accidentally knocks over a pedestrian.) DOCTOR: Oh, sorry.NYSSA: Oh, I'm so sorry. (Nyssa tries to gather the woman's shopping but she says something in Dutch. They run on.) DOCTOR: Sorry, sorry. [Computer room] DAMON: Come on, Doctor. Come on. (The Doctor and Nyssa run over the last bridge while Tegan, Colin and Robin wait anxiously.) [Outside Frankendael House] DOCTOR: Frankendael!NYSSA: I can't see a crypt. It must be behind the house. (The Doctor checks the anti-matter meter.) DOCTOR: It's only a matter of minutes. The fountain! Tegan said behind the fountain. [Crypt] NYSSA: Where could they be?DOCTOR: Well, that depends on the form Omega's given his TARDIS. Listen. (There is a slow, regular beep.) [Pump room] DOCTOR: Yes, perfect.NYSSA: Doctor?DOCTOR: Of course. I've been so silly. Amsterdam is located on the curve of the Arc, below sea level to maintain pressure for fusion conversion. (He goes over to the horseshoe device Colin put on the wall.) DOCTOR: The fusion booster from Gallifrey. (While the Doctor fits his booster sabotage device, the Ergon comes out of Omega's TARDIS and into the pump room. It raises its weapon and fires just as the Doctor bends down to get another tool from his kit. Nyssa screams. The Ergon is distracted. The Doctor rushes it and makes it drop the weapon. They struggle, and the Ergo starts to throttle the Doctor..) DOCTOR: Nyssa! (Nyssa picks up the Ergon's weapon.) DOCTOR: Nyssa! Fire, Nyssa! (The Doctor sags, pulling the Ergon round. Nyssa fires at its head and it vanishes. The Doctor takes the weapon from her.) NYSSA: What was it?DOCTOR: An Ergon. One of Omega's less successful attempts at psychosynthesis. Quickly. (They run back into the crypt. The TARDIS door is still open so they enter.) [Omega's TARDIS] (Omega looks very unwell.) OMEGA: Drop the weapon, Doctor. Drop it, or the Earthwoman dies. (The interior door swings open.) NYSSA: Tegan! (The Doctor throws down the weapon.) DOCTOR: It's too late, Omega. You can't transfer now.OMEGA: I have all the energy I need. (The tone of the noise changes.) OMEGA: What have you done? (The fusion booster explodes.) DOCTOR: The Arc of Infinity is shifting. Go, Omega, please, while you still have a chance.OMEGA: I must transfer. Cease to be anti-matter. (The light in the room turns red.) DOCTOR: Down! (Tegan is released and steps back into the room just before Omega's equipment goes KaBOOM! and Omega throws himself from his chair. When it quietens down, everyone picks themselves up.) OMEGA: Yes, Doctor. I live.DOCTOR: No. The bond is not complete.OMEGA: Isn't it? (Omega removes a glove to reveal a nice pink hand, then peels of his mask to show the Doctor's face is now his own.) DOCTOR: It's not permanent. It will fail, revert to anti-matter.OMEGA: You're wrong, Doctor. I have life again. You destroyed my TARDIS, but I shall build another. Expect me on Gallifrey soon. (Omega leaves. The Doctor starts hunting through the debris of wiring.) NYSSA: Doctor, quickly.DOCTOR: I must find the matter converter. I can't destroy Omega without it. Tegan, help me!TEGAN: I must help Colin. (Outside Frankendael House, Omega spots a gardener. The Doctor finds the Ergon's weapon and starts to take it apart.) DOCTOR: Tegan, hurry! [Computer room] DAMON: The Doctor has failed. Anti-matter, and building up fast. [Outside Frankendael House] (Omega walks through the streets dressed in the gardener's jumper and overalls.) TEGAN: Doctor! (They run over to the gardener's body.) TEGAN: Omega killed him?DOCTOR: Yes. He'd want to hide himself in the crowd. Well, at least we have some idea of what he's wearing.TEGAN: What happens if we don't find him?DOCTOR: The biggest explosion this part of the universe is ever likely to witness. [Amsterdam - Prinsengracht] (The owner of the steam organ in Amstelveld that is playing 'Tulips from Amsterdam' is collecting money from the audience when Omega walks up. A little boy pushes past and smiles. Omega smiles back and stays to listen to the music for a while before moving on to a bridge. There he rests his hands on the railing, then notices that they are starting to revert to anti-matter.The Doctor, Tegan and Nyssa run along the canal path, in earshot of the organ.)DOCTOR: He can't be far ahead.TEGAN: How much time do we have?DOCTOR: I don't know. The magnetic shield is in accelerated decay now.NYSSA: What'll happen?DOCTOR: He'll revert to anti-matter. (The reversion is spreading to Omega's face, and passers-by are staring. Across the road, a woman screams. The Doctor, Tegan and Nyssa run over.) TEGAN: Doctor! (They see a figure in overalls running away, and give chase.) [Computer room] ZORAC: The Doctor's not going to be able to contain it.CASTELLAN: I've found it unwise to predict what the Doctor can or cannot do. [Amsterdam - Sint Nicolaasstraat] TEGAN: We've lost him. (Omega is across the road, by the corner of a building.) DOCTOR: (shouts, lying) I see you, Omega.NYSSA: Doctor! (Omega breaks cover and they chase him across a bridge, but trams stop them from following him across the road straight away.) DOCTOR: This way. (A clattering noise makes them turn around. Someone has knocked down a chef taking out the bins at the back of a restaurant.) DOCTOR: He'll be all right.TEGAN: Are you okay?DOCTOR: He'll be all right. (Omega runs across Dam Square.) [Computer room] DAMON: The shielding is going fast. [Amsterdam - Amstel Sluize] (Omega hides underneath some front steps as the Doctor, Tegan and Nyssa go past.) TEGAN: He's disappeared.NYSSA: He can't have. (A dog barks. A very large dog. It's owner drags it away, and Omega comes out of hiding. The chase resumes, but Omega's escape is thwarted by the raising of a bridge to allow a vessel to pass along the canal. Finally he is trapped at the end of a pier.) DOCTOR: I warned you this would happen, Omega.OMEGA: Things could have been different. Power, and the greatness of Omega, could have been yours. But no, your hatred of meDOCTOR: We didn't hate you, Omega. Why couldn't you be content to survive as you were? Why?OMEGA: Time to come home, Doctor. Time for rest, to find peace. But it's over now. All must die. (The Doctor starts to reassemble the Ergon's weapon.) OMEGA: You'll never have the courage to use it, Doctor.DOCTOR: I can expel or destroy you, Omega. It's your choice.OMEGA: Too late, Doctor. What you offer is worse than death. If I am denied life, then all must perish.TEGAN: What's he trying to do?DOCTOR: Willing his own destruction. Don't force me, Omega. (The Doctor completes the weapon.) OMEGA: Farewell, Doctor.TEGAN: Stop him! (The Doctor shoots Omega. He falls. Small explosions go off all over his body as he screams and twitches, then he vanishes.) DOCTOR: It's over. [Computer room] DAMON: The anti-matter source is gone. Omega has been destroyed.BORUSA: Unfortunate, wretched creature. My hope is that he has found peace at last. [Amsterdam - Stationsplein] (Tegan is using a public telephone.) NYSSA: Is Omega dead?DOCTOR: Well, he seemed to die before, yet he returned to confound us all.TEGAN: Well, you'll be pleased to hear Colin will be out of hospital in a couple of days and on his way home to Brisbane.DOCTOR: Excellent.NYSSA: And what about you?TEGAN: Oh, indestructible. I'm fine.DOCTOR: It's been marvellous to see you again.NYSSA: Indeed. I've missed you. I wish you didn't have to go back to your job.TEGAN: What job? Didn't I tell you? I got the sack. So you're stuck with me, aren't you.DOCTOR: So it seems. Transcript originally provided by Chrissie. Adapted by The transcripts are for educational and entertainment purposes only. All other copyrights property of their respective holders.