Yeah, I just didn't get it.
This was my first taste of the multi-media Doom's Day crossover, a series of stories I can't say really piqued my interest. Doom is a character leading this story and she kind of gave me the vibe in the promotional material that very closely matches what I saw in these two comic book issues. This is a character the introductory blurb of the comic describes as "fun as she is dangerous" but I really get the impression of neither character trait. She just has those same detached, Whedon-esque quips that so many hero protagonist have these days. It was very, very boring.
The UNIT Master and Missy show up here in a way that ties in nicely to the Titan Missy comics, but they aren't really used in a way I'd call that fun or memorable. Missy is in her phase of posing as "Doctor Who" and sincerely trying to help people, but she never really does anything that fun. She has her moments but a lot of the weakness of this comic I unfortunately have to credit to writer Jody Houser. I've read enough of her comics to by now notice a pattern of getting access to all these cool and interesting Doctor Who characters and never managing to quite capture the spirit of them in the dialogue. It's disappointing, to say the least.

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