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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Written by

Steven Hall


134 minutes

Time Travel


Tropes (Potential Spoilers!)

Companion Death, Dawn of Time, Time Loop

Location (Potential Spoilers!)

Pelachan, Earth, England, London


"The future folds into the past. The homeless hero has fallen. Now begins the time of three tales: The Tale of the Herald. The Tale of the Hidden Woman. The Tale of the Final Speaker. When the last tale is told, all the lights shall fail. The world will end."

21st century London: Nobody No One, the extra-dimensional Word Lord, is again running amok. Only this time, he's unbeatable — and a terrible tragedy is about to unfold.

It is written.

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3 reviews

This is part of a series of reviews of Doctor Who in chronological timeline order.

Previous Story: Project: Destiny

Ever since I started this one, this story was one of those big "milestone" stories for me. I'm glad to say I haven't been disappointed. In fact, after all the praise I heard about this story it STILL exceeded my expectations, that's how good it is.

Nobody No-one is back here and Ian Reddington gives one of the best villain performances in Doctor Who. Full stop. The entire cast are putting in 110% to be fair. In particular, Sophie Aldred who gives a fantastic performance and really gets to the star of the show for a while.

The idea of the Doctor literally dying, but having put a plan into motion that would mean his eventual resurrection is genuinely the chessmaster persona of this Doctor at his best. Hearing it all fall into place was an indescribable feeling. The sheer amount of twists and reveals that all fit satisfyingly together is frankly ridiculous.

I feel like this story balanced Ace and Hex really well - devoting seperate parts to each of them. Hex getting to meet Evelyn and finally learn about his mother is really sweet. I found the part with Ace and Henry Noone to be a bit boring though, and that's my only complaint with the entire story. I can even forgive it for being a bit boring because the way it's later recontextualised by a certain reveal makes it absolutely worth it.

Phenomenal story that everybody should listen to at some point (with the required context).

Next Story: Lurkers at Sunlight's Edge


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É muito difícil descrever em poucas palavras o quanto a minha experiencia com “A Death In The Family” foi um marco extraordinário, algo indescritível. Eis aqui uma das maiores histórias de Doctor Who de todos os tempos a nível dos grandes medalhões consagrados como “The Caves Of Androzani”, “Heaven Sent”, “Genesis Of The Daleks”, “Spare Parts”, The Chimes Of Midnight” entre outras grandes histórias. Tratando-se de um áudio que é muito coligado a uma série de eventos e personagens, é necessário que seja feita toda a caminhada que antecede “A Death In The Family” - Digo isso porque fica bem difícil passar a vocês um contexto geral ou a sinopse de sua trama, teria que fazer uma explicação muito grande e cometeria a infelicidade de soltar muitos Spoilers fortíssimos para vocês – É uma experiência única e que todos os amantes da série deveriam desfrutar dessa obra prima irretocável. Venho por meio desse post fazer um apelo, você ai que está lendo isso... se você gosta mesmo disso tudo, reserve um tempo de sua vida para dedicar-se a caminhada até “A Death In The Family”, isso fará você sentir novamente os verdadeiros motivos do porque você assisti, consome e ama tanto Doctor Who. A Parte 1 é incrivelmente arrepiante e chocante, logo em seus minutos iniciais eu me vi chocado com uma revelação fortíssima – A Parte 2 é linda, tocante, inspiradora de tirar lagrimas, suspeito que existe uma mensagem genial e muito linda por trás dessa parte (só não entro em detalhes para não soltar Spoilers) – A Parte 3 É sobre recomeçar, felicidade, desesperança e salvação – Já a parte 4 concluído toda a obra finalizando com uma cena final pesado de triste gelando profundamente o nosso coração. Talvez esse seja o melhor e mais genial áudio que a BIG FINISH já nos proporcionou em toda a sua história – É uma Obra Prima ESSENCIAL!


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What a story, I don't want to write too much so as not to spoil it for those who are yet to listen but this story is fully deserving of its reputation and will destroy you in many ways as you listen to it. Credit to Sophie Aldred for a fantastic performance as Ace and Ian Reddington as a delightfully evil performance as Nobody No One. All in all, probably the best main range story Big Finish has ever done


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DOCTOR: Oh yes, I’ve got last words! Several billion last words, in fact! It’s high time, Nobody No-one, that you heard exactly what kind of a man I am…

— Seventh Doctor, A Death in the Family

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