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Classic Who S7 • Serial 1 · (4 episodes)

Spearhead from Space

Average. Rating: 79%

Classic Who S8 • Serial 1 · (4 episodes)

Terror of the Autons

Average. Rating: 71%

Target Collection

Doctor Who and the Auton Invasion

Average. Rating: 74%

Target Collection

Doctor Who and the Terror of the Autons

Average. Rating: 71%

Doctor Who Magazine Back Up Strips

Business as Usual

Doctor Who Magazine Comics

Plastic Millenium

Auton • Episode 1

1. Auton

Average. Rating: 37%

Auton • Episode 2

2. Auton 2: Sentinel

Average. Rating: 38%

Auton • Episode 3

3. Auton 3: Awakening

Average. Rating: 35%

(No Series)

Do You Have A License To Save This Planet?

Average. Rating: 34%

BBC Books


Average. Rating: 62%

Doctor Who S1 • Episode 1


Average. Rating: 73%

The Eighth Doctor Adventures S2

3. Brave New Town

Average. Rating: 61%

BBC Books


Average. Rating: 74%

Doctor Who S5 • Episode 12

The Pandorica Opens

Average. Rating: 78%

Doctor Who S5 • Episode 13

The Big Bang

River Song, pointing a gun
Average. Rating: 78%

(No Series)

The Christmas Trap

(No Series)

Worlds in Time

Average. Rating: 18%

BBC Books

Strangers in the Outland

Average. Rating: 32%

UNIT: Extinction

1. Vanguard

Average. Rating: 51%

UNIT: Extinction

2. Earthfall

Average. Rating: 45%

UNIT: Extinction

3. Bridgehead

Average. Rating: 48%

UNIT: Extinction

4. Armageddon

Average. Rating: 47%

Dr. Men

Dr. Ninth

Average. Rating: 74%