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In the Night

2. Resistor

Average. Rating: 40%

What Lies Inside?

2. The Dalby Spook

Average. Rating: 57%

Torchwood Main Range

66. Torchwood: SUV

Average. Rating: 47%

Torchwood Main Range

61. War Chest

Average. Rating: 63%

Doctor Who Specials

Legend of the Sea Devils

Average. Rating: 45%

Doctor Who S12 • Episode 2

Spyfall, Part 2

Average. Rating: 68%

Doctor Who S11 • Episode 10

The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos

Average. Rating: 63%

The Tenth Doctor Adventures Volume 1

2. Time Reaver

Average. Rating: 63%

Doctor Who S9 • Episode 9

Sleep No More

Average. Rating: 62%

Dark Eyes 3

2. The Reviled

Average. Rating: 59%

The New Adventures of Bernice Summerfield Volume 1

3. Random Ghosts

Average. Rating: 66%

Dark Eyes 2

2. The White Room

Average. Rating: 64%

Doctor Who S7 • Episode 10

Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS

Average. Rating: 72%

Doctor Who Specials • Christmas Special

The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe

Average. Rating: 62%

Doctor Who S6 • Episode 9

Night Terrors

Average. Rating: 67%

Doctor Who S6 • Episode 6

The Almost People

Average. Rating: 71%

Doctor Who S6 • Episode 5

The Rebel Flesh

Average. Rating: 69%

Doctor Who S6 • Episode 3

The Curse of the Black Spot

Average. Rating: 66%

The Eighth Doctor Adventures S4

8. Prisoner of the Sun

Average. Rating: 65%

The Eighth Doctor Adventures S4

4. The Book of Kells

Average. Rating: 73%

The Eighth Doctor Adventures S4

3. Nevermore

Average. Rating: 60%

Doctor Who Specials Tenth Doctor Specials • New Year Special

The End of Time – Part 2

Average. Rating: 80%

Doctor Who Specials Tenth Doctor Specials • Christmas Special

The End of Time – Part 1

Average. Rating: 80%

The Eighth Doctor Adventures S3

6. The Cannibalists

Average. Rating: 67%

The Eighth Doctor Adventures S3

4. Wirrn Dawn

Average. Rating: 63%

The Eighth Doctor Adventures S3

3. The Beast of Orlok

Average. Rating: 64%

The Eighth Doctor Adventures S2

4. The Skull of Sobek

Average. Rating: 51%

Doctor Who S3 • Episode 2

The Shakespeare Code

Average. Rating: 70%

Classic Who S26 • Serial 2 · (3 episodes)

Ghost Light

Average. Rating: 75%

Classic Who S25 • Serial 2 · (3 episodes)

The Happiness Patrol

Average. Rating: 70%