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timewyrm1997 has submitted 7 reviews and received 2 likes

Review of Timewyrm: Exodus by timewyrm1997

10 March 2025

i absolutely adore the pacing, its fast but not too messy. and the plot is engaging. i also think the war chief was well placed and i liked his backstory. only thing is the idea that an alien made hitler do what he did. no, that was all us, all humans. but really, this is a fantastic book. it offers a breath of fresh air as its sandwiched between two pretty mediocre novels (although i do think genesis is overhated, its not amazing but its not awful either)


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Review of Minuet in Hell by timewyrm1997

10 March 2025

i feel like this story gets a slightly bad rep. just bc this story has sex slaves in it, doesn't mean the writer or writers are creepy. the hellfire club was a real club and this was the s**t that was happening. the pacing was as good as it could have been, being vka long it was. could have been shorter. but there was enough going on preventing me from going to sleep. i didn't care much for the zebidia doe subplot, made the writing feel a bit unfocused bc it had not much to do with the rest of the story, although it was nice having it converge at the end. the American accents are a bit naff except from rober jezek but that's just bc hes acc American. the brigadear's involvement served the story quite well. overall, theres not too much to praise, but you could tell there had been work put into it.


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Review of City of Death by timewyrm1997

10 March 2025

absolutely adorable, perfect chemistry between the doctor and romana, a memorable villiain in a memorable setting, Paris, and some brilliant characters like the countess and duggan. it also features some if the beat charming and witty dialogue that has ever come out of doctor who. this is THE classic dr who story and i love it. no notes. perfect.


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Review of The War Games in Colour by timewyrm1997

10 March 2025

the war chief is not the master. he was created before the master existed and timewyrm exodus (written by dicks!!) tells his whole backstory and origins on gallifrey, which crashes with the idea that hes the master. its not anybodys place other than the original writers to make this decision, and especially not in this weird way where it's implied but not confirmed. that bit rlly pisses me off. other than that, its great! the colourisation is perfect, all the colours pop but in a way that you forget it was b&w in the first place, and for a ~250 min story cut down to ab 90 mins, the editing was well done, the pacing felt good. some amazing model work is there as well, with the exterior of the war dome, the tardos and sidrat models, and cool cgi. the only problem might be the sound mixing, the new soundtrack is wonderful but its too loud and so the dialogue is hard to hear. not perfect by any means but i do love these colourisations and would like to see more in the future. tomb of the cybermen pleaase!!


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Review of Robophobia by timewyrm1997

6 March 2025

dont rlly know if the robots of death needed a sequal. but if there is going to be one this is how to do it



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Review of Red Dawn by timewyrm1997

6 March 2025

red yawn more like.


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Review of Dr. Who and the Daleks by timewyrm1997

6 March 2025

the reason this film was made was to make money. just that, to profit off dalekmania. and this shows. the original story was perfect as it was, giving it a million cajillion pound budget doesn't rlly disguise the fact that it has nothing to add to the source material. the budget does make it look great, and it really does, especially with technicolour, but this is pointless. so me no likey :(


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