sircarolyn Lucie Bleedin' Miller! she/her Patron+ Followers 38 Following 32 Following Follow Follows you Overview Diary Badges Statistics Reviews My Stories My Completed Stories My Favourite Stories ♥ My Rated Stories 1 ★ 2 ★ 3 ★ 4 ★ 5 ★ Stories I have reviewed Stories I own My Saved Stories My Completed, Unrated Stories My Skipped Stories My Next Story My Uncompleted Stories My Unreviewed Stories Stories I do not own My Collectables My Owned Collectables My Unowned Collectables My Saved Collectables (Wishlist) My Quotes My Favourite Quotes My Submitted Quotes sircarolyn has submitted 61 reviews and received 120 likes Sort: Newest First Oldest First Most Likes Highest Rating Lowest Rating Spoilers First Spoilers Last 61 reviews 13 January 2025 · 220 words BBC BooksThe Janus Conjunction sircarolyn Spoilers 1 Review of The Janus Conjunction by sircarolyn 13 January 2025 This review contains spoilers! If you are the kind of person who likes militaristic action-adventure SF with two warring factions, gore, and a lot of nonsense technobabble, you would enjoy this book. Generally, I am not that person. I prefer my SF a little more abstract, a little slower and more contemplative. That said, this is a solid book. There are a lot of characters to keep track of and unfortunately Sam yet again gets the short end of the 'why won't these writers give her a personality' stick and spends most of the story lying around dying, but it is what it is and it's a solid enough adventure. It clips through the plot nicely and doesn't feel too much like it's dragging. If I'm honest, my favourite part was the Janusians, the spider inhabitants of the planet. I have to give Baxendale his due here - so often, bugs and spiders are the scary monsters, but the Doctor spends a long time treating them with sensitivity and humanity which was refreshing to me. There are a few places where the spider fear factor is played up, but the Doctor's outrage at the inhumane experiments performed on the Spidroids makes up for that for me. One I'm not likely to visit again, but one I didn't hate, so that's a win to me. Like Liked 1 10 December 2024 · 246 words Main Range • Episode 41Nekromanteia sircarolyn Spoilers 2 Review of Nekromanteia by sircarolyn 10 December 2024 This review contains spoilers! The thing about this audio is, I think its reputation precedes it. I for one usually enjoy myself when there are cults and witches and DW goes a little dark magic. I think that's fun, even if it's usually silly. In this one, it is definitely silly. There's a strange blend of true hard SF elements and the more magical elements, and they don't mesh together terribly well. More than anything, this audio is just boring. That's the worst of it. Part one starts decently enough - I always love a Pakhar, and as I say, there are witches and a clear Macbeth image. And then it unravels from there. Each scene just feels like people going somewhere and doing stuff. Oh look, Peri is kidnapped and drugged again. Oh look, the Doctor got beheaded. Oh look, Erimem nearly gets sexually assaulted. All the elements that want to be edgy and dark and violent for the sake of it feel like they have very little impact because staying awake during this is difficult. There is a lot going on, and yet it flows like the Boston Molassacre - thick and heavy and bizarre. And then it's all over. It's perhaps not the very worst MR story, though it's fighting for that place. I cannot remember my first listen well enough, but I did DNF the relisten, and honestly I think that tells you all you need to know about how compelling this is. Like Liked 2 27 November 2024 · 233 words Counter-Measures S1 • Episode 1Threshold sircarolyn 2 Review of Threshold by sircarolyn 27 November 2024 I love Remembrance of the Daleks, so naturally it follows that I adore Counter-Measures. This series is the brilliant idea of taking the three secondary characters from Remembrance and putting them in audios. Though this is a concept that has variable success in Big Finish's endless spinoffs, C-M is very much worthwhile. This is also just an excellent opening episode to a series. The story is engaging, rattles along at a great pace, and gives all our four characters a great deal of depth - more than Remembrance could ever have afforded them. We get a great sense for Ian and Rachel, and it's easy to forget that Toby was never on TV at all. But it's Allison that I love most of all, and so I am of course delighted that she is well served by this episode. It would have been so easy to make her Rachel's little assistant with no brain of her own, but she crucial to the narrative in this story, and cements her place as a vital member of the ICMG. This story is kind of spooky, with alien possession and a horrid old doll, but it is very compelling, and the sound and music design is wonderful. It's easy to get lost in the atmosphere of it all, and easy to love our characters. Fully reccommended. Like Liked 2 26 November 2024 · 166 words Bernice Summerfield S9 • Episode 3The Adventure of the Diogenes Damsel sircarolyn Spoilers Review of The Adventure of the Diogenes Damsel by sircarolyn 26 November 2024 This review contains spoilers! This is a fine episode. Benny is fun as she always is, and the idea of her meeting Sherlock Holmes sounds fun in theory. And I'm sure, if Victoriana and Sherlock are things that appeal to you, you would enjoy this episode a great deal, because it is absolutely full of Victorian atmosphere and tropes. Unfortunately, I find that dull as ditchwater. As I say, Benny is a highlight to me, as she always is. But this episode is long, chock full of weird 'period typical' sexism which for some reason modern writers always feel compelled to force into Victorian period fiction, and tediously boring as far as investigations go. I think, mostly, this one is just not for me. Even when it turns into aliens and SF-ness, it's still mostly just Benny and the aliens talking and talking and talking. Benny wants her Time Ring back. And then she gets it. And it takes us an hour and fifteen minutes of tedium to get there. Like Liked 0 23 November 2024 · 68 words Doctor Who Specials • Christmas SpecialThe Time of the Doctor sircarolyn 4 Review of The Time of the Doctor by sircarolyn 23 November 2024 This episode has a lot of haters. I am not one of them. It's bombastic and Moffat-y and indulgent, and it's wonderful. Handles is excellent, Tasha Lem is compelling, it retroactively does make s5 and 6 make sense (mostly), and it's fun. It's just fun. And then it breaks your heart. Matt Smith and Jenna Coleman put their all into this and it shows. I can't ask for more. Like Liked 4 23 November 2024 · 73 words BBC BooksDevil in the Smoke sircarolyn 1 Review of Devil in the Smoke by sircarolyn 23 November 2024 By no means a revolutionary or astonishing story, but this was a fun listen. Dan Starkey was easy to listen to, and Justin Richards has a good grasp on the Paternoster Gang characters. Quite a brutal tale in places, what with the murder and the hard lives of the young boys, but one that really captured the atmosphere of Victorian London. Never boring either, which in my book is a great big win. Like Liked 1 20 November 2024 · 71 words The New Adventures of Bernice Summerfield Volume 8: The Eternity Club 3 • Episode 6Mr Pym Has an Adventure sircarolyn Spoilers 3 Review of Mr Pym Has an Adventure by sircarolyn 20 November 2024 This review contains spoilers! Echoing the sentiment of the previous reviewer. Made me physically say "Shut up!!!" out loud. Another adventure in Benny kidnapping someone which I again thought was a weird choice, but Pym at least enjoyed his adventure, mostly, and I found him discovering the world outside the Club Asteroid to be very wholesome. Now, what would really make me lose my mind is if they have surprise Brax in the next boxset. Like Liked 3 20 November 2024 · 136 words The New Adventures of Bernice Summerfield Volume 8: The Eternity Club 3 • Episode 5The Terrible Shame of a Tree sircarolyn Spoilers 3 Review of The Terrible Shame of a Tree by sircarolyn 20 November 2024 This review contains spoilers! A good story, and I loved the reveals about Derek the tree and his whole history, but I didn't love Benny kidnapping him despite his vehement protests. It seemed a little too callous of her to just do whatever she wanted with a character who has no ability to control his ability to move on his own. It is fitting with her character that she wanted to explore, but I'm not sure about the kidnap. I also didn't the logger woman having regional accent. When will we stop associating regional accents with the bad guys... It's such a lazy shorthand and Big Finish stories often fall for it. But overall, a very good story. I liked it, and thought it was fun except those items were annoying enough to me to stop me rating it higher. Like Liked 3 13 November 2024 · 111 words Doctor Who S12 • Episode 7Can You Hear Me? sircarolyn Spoilers 3 Review of Can You Hear Me? by sircarolyn 13 November 2024 This review contains spoilers! Perhaps I am in the minority here, but I *loathed* this episode. The story of the Eternals was gorgeous and the historical setting was beautiful, but that's where it stops for me. Nothing else about this one worked for me. I hated the pacing, and the way that the characters bumble along without much happening. The Eternals were pointless and not nearly as menacing as they should have been, and I spent the entire episode waiting for the punch that I felt sure must have been coming. And then it didn't. Instead of this, what you want to watch is *Sarah Jane Adventures: The Nightmare Man*. That's this concept done properly. Like Liked 3 12 November 2024 · 159 words Bernice Summerfield S8 • Episode 2The Judas Gift sircarolyn Spoilers Review of The Judas Gift by sircarolyn 12 November 2024 This review contains spoilers! Argh. Just another hard hitting Benny episode, and on relisten this one upset me a lot more than the first time, I think. I forgot until the second that Bev put the gauntlet on that this is the episode she doesn't make it out of, and though her character is a little hit and miss overall, I am fond of her and seeing Adrian through this one just hurts all the more. He's so sweet, trying to propose the whole time, and then.... This is one of those where there are several threads going on at the same time from the start, and it's only as it goes on that you realise what it's all adding up to, and you realised the threads are pulling tighter and tighter around each other. I very much enjoyed this on this listen. It's the perfect combination of mystery and politics and dread, and it all ends with Brax, as all things must. Like Liked 0 Show All Reviews (61) Sorting, filtering, and pagination, coming soon!