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“I tolerate this century, but I don't enjoy it. Have you ever thought what it's like to be wanderers in the fourth dimension? Have you? To be exiles? Susan and I are cut off from our own planet, without friends or protection. But one day we shall get back. Yes, one day. One day.”

— First Doctor, An Unearthly Child

IAN: Susan Foreman? She your problem too?


IAN: You don't know what to make of her?


IAN: How old is she, Barbara?

BARBARA: Fifteen.

IAN: Fifteen. She lets her knowledge out a bit at a time so as not to embarrass me. That's what I feel about her. She knows more science than I'll ever know. She's a genius. Is that what she's doing with history?

BARBARA: Something like that.

An Unearthly Child

“Fear makes companions of all of us.”

— First Doctor, An Unearthly Child

“If you could touch the alien sand and hear the cries of strange birds and watch them wheel in another sky, would that satisfy you?”

— First Doctor, An Unearthly Child

“It's still a police box. Why hasn't it changed? Dear, dear, how very disturbing.”

— First Doctor, An Unearthly Child


— Susan, An Unearthly Child

SUSAN: Yes, I can see red turns to blue, Mister Chesterton, but that’s because we’re dealing with two inactive chemicals. They only act in relation to each other.

IAN: But that’s the whole point of the experiment, Susan.

SUSAN: Yes, it’s a bit obvious, isn’t it? Well, I’m not trying to be rude, but couldn’t we deal with two active chemicals? Then red could turn blue all by itself and get on with something else? I’m sorry, it was just an idea.

An Unearthly Child

SUSAN: The TARDIS can go anywhere.

BARBARA: TARDIS? I don’t understand you, Susan.

SUSAN: Well, I made up the name TARDIS from the initials, Time And Relative Dimension In Space. I thought you’d both understand when you saw the different dimensions inside from those outside.

IAN: Just let me get this straight. A thing that looks like a police box, standing in a junkyard, it can move anywhere in time and space?


DOCTOR: Quite so.

IAN: But that’s ridiculous.

An Unearthly Child

“You wanted advice you said. I never give it, never. But I might just say this to you. Always search for truth. My truth is in the stars and yours is here.”

— First Doctor, The Daleks

“As we learn about each other, so we learn about ourselves.”

— First Doctor, The Edge of Destruction

IAN: I think you should go and apologise to Barbara at once.

DOCTOR: I'm afraid we have no time for codes and manners.

The Edge of Destruction

“Rash action is worse than no action at all, hmm?”

— First Doctor, The Edge of Destruction

“I don’t believe that man was made to be controlled by machines. Machines can make laws, but they can not preserve justice. Only human beings can do that.”

— First Doctor, The Keys of Marinus

“But you can't rewrite history! Not one line!”

— First Doctor, The Aztecs

“You’re monsters. All of you, monsters. Oh, Grandfather. Grandfather.”

— Susan, The Aztecs

SUSAN: Hey, Barbara.

BARBARA: Just the thing for the Royal Enclosure at Ascot.

SUSAN: I’m rather mad about being handmaiden to a goddess.

BARBARA: Well, I must admit that this end of it isn’t too hard to take, either.

SUSAN: Isn’t that beautiful?

BARBARA: You know, that’s what gets me. I mean, take Autloc. He’s sensitive, intelligent. And then there’s

SUSAN: Tlotoxl. It’s incredible, isn’t it? Beauty and horror developing hand in hand.

The Aztecs

SUSAN: Well, how will I know?

AUTLOC: Know what?

SUSAN: Well, that he’s to be my future husband.

AUTLOC: You’ll be told.

SUSAN: Told? I’m not going to be told who to marry.

AUTLOC: What say have you in the matter?

SUSAN: It’s my life, I’ll spend it with whom I choose, not someone picked out for me.

The Aztecs

“I don’t make threats, but I do keep promises.”

— First Doctor, The Sensorites

“Isn't' it a better thing to travel hopefully than arrive?”

— Susan, The Sensorites

SUSAN: Barbara, I’ve got an idea.


SUSAN: He’s quiet now, but we can’t be sure the Sensorites won’t make him help them. Look, if they can use their brains, why can’t we use ours?

BARBARA: To defend him?

SUSAN: Yes, and ourselves. Grandfather and I landed on a planet once called Esto. The plants there used thought transference. If you stood in between two of the plants, they set up a sort of screeching noise. Grandfather said it was because they were aware of another mind.

BARBARA: Breaking in on their communications.

SUSAN: Yes, exactly. I thought if we both tried together.

The Sensorites

SUSAN: When will we get back, Grandfather?

DOCTOR: I don’t know, my dear. This old ship of mine seems to be an aimless thing. However, we don’t worry about it, do we? Do you?

SUSAN: Sometimes I feel I’d like to belong somewhere, not just be a wanderer. Still, I’m not unhappy.

DOCTOR: Good, good.

The Sensorites

SUSAN: I was going to say, why do you trust your people?

1ST ELDER: Why do you want to make me doubt them?

SUSAN: Trust can’t be taken for granted. It must be earned. I trust you, but only because I know you.

1ST ELDER: But Susan, our whole life is based on trust.

SUSAN: Yes, and that might be your downfall. Look you don’t trust the ground you walk on until you know it’s firm, do you. So why trust your people blindly?

1ST ELDER: When I listen to you, you who are so young among your own kind, I realise that we Sensorites have a lot to learn from the people of Earth.

SUSAN: Grandfather and I don’t come from Earth. Oh, it’s ages since we’ve seen our planet. It’s quite like Earth, but at night the sky is a burned orange, and the leaves on the trees are bright silver.

1ST ELDER: My mind tells me that you wish to see your home again, and yet there is a part of you which calls for adventure. A wanderlust.

SUSAN: Yes. Well, we’ll all go home some day. That’s if you’ll let us.

1ST ELDER: I think I will.

The Sensorites

DOCTOR: Most extraordinary. He ran away from me!

SUSAN: (laughs) That must have looked funny. Flip, flap, flip, flap.

DOCTOR: I can assure you he was very mobile, my child. Come along, let’s get into the First Elder’s room. Come along.

The Sensorites

DOCTOR: My dear girl, the one purpose in growing old is to accumulate knowledge and wisdom, and to help other people.

SUSAN: So I’m to be treated like a silly little child.

DOCTOR: If you behave like one, yes.

SUSAN: Oh, look, Grandfather. I understand the Sensorites. They’re timid little people. Because their minds and mine can communicate sometimes, they trust me.

DOCTOR: Yes, and I assure you we shall make good use of that fact, but not without discussions. You will not make decisions on your own accord. Now, do you understand? Is that quite clear? Well, is it?

SUSAN: Look, I’m not saying I’m as clever as you, of course I’m not. But I won’t be pushed aside. I’m not a child anymore, Grandfather. I’m not.

DOCTOR: Oh, Susan, Susan.

The Sensorites

“One day, I shall come back — yes, I shall come back. Until then, there must be no regrets, no tears, no anxieties. Just go forward in all your beliefs, and prove to me that I am not mistaken in mine. Goodbye, Susan, goodbye, my dear.”

— First Doctor, The Dalek Invasion of Earth
The First Doctor, in the TARDIS

“What you need is a jolly good smacked bottom!”

— First Doctor, The Dalek Invasion of Earth

“You know, I am so constantly outwitting the opposition, I tend to forget the delights and satisfaction of the arts, the gentle art of fisticuffs.”

— First Doctor, The Romans

IAN: I have a feeling we're being watched. Haven't you?

DOCTOR: No. No, no, no, no, I can't see any spooks or anything. I don't think so, no. Not particularly, no. I must say that if I lived here and I heard you roaring your head off, I'd probably come down and take a look at you.

IAN: Then take my pen?

DOCTOR: Yes, what if the power's that's got hold of the TARDIS has taken your pen? Of course! Ha ha! Now then, there's something for us to solve. Come along, come along, come along.

The Web Planet

“The least important things, sometimes, my dear boy, lead to the greatest discoveries.”

— First Doctor, The Space Museum

“History sometimes gives us a terrible shock, and that is because we don’t quite fully understand. Why should we? After all, we’re too small to realize its final pattern. Therefore don’t try and judge it from where you stand.”

— First Doctor, The Massacre

“Life depends on change, and renewal.”

— Second Doctor, The Power of the Daleks

“I’d like to see a butterfly fit into a chrysalis case after it spreads its wings. Life depends on change, and renewal.”

— Second Doctor, The Power of the Daleks

“There are some corners of the universe which have bred the most terrible things. They must be fought.”

— Second Doctor, The Moonbase

“Our lives are different to anybody else’s. That’s the exciting thing. There’s nobody in the universe can do what we’re doing.”

— Second Doctor, The Tomb of the Cybermen

DOCTOR: You look very nice in that dress, Victoria.

VICTORIA: Thank you. Don't you think it's a bit--

DOCTOR: A bit short? Oh, I shouldn't worry about that. Look at Jamie's.

The Tomb of the Cybermen

KLIEG: Yes, yes, I can see that, but how did you know in the first place?

DOCTOR: Oh, I use my own special technique.

KLIEG: Oh really, Doctor? And may we know what that is?

DOCTOR: Keeping my eyes open and my mouth shut.

The Tomb of the Cybermen

“Logic, my dear Zoe, merely enables one to be wrong with authority.”

— Second Doctor, The Wheel in Space

“An unintelligent enemy is far less dangerous than an intelligent one, Jamie. Just act stupid. Do you think you can manage that?”

— Second Doctor, The Dominators

JAMIE: Well it's simple isn't it? All we've got to do is dig a tunnel through from here to the borehole and catch the seed device thing on it's way down. Well, it was just an idea.

DOCTOR: But Jamie, it's a brilliant idea! It's so simple only you could have thought of it.

JAMIE: Oh. Eh?

The Dominators

“I hate computers and refuse to be bullied by them!”

— Second Doctor, The Invasion

“Oh, my giddy aunt.”

— Second Doctor, The Krotons

STEWART: You are giving us a great deal of trouble.

DOCTOR: I'm delighted to hear that.


“You, Sir, are a NITWIT!”

— Third Doctor, Inferno

DOCTOR: But I don't exist in your world!

LETHBRIDGE-STEWART: Then you won't feel the bullets when we shoot you.


DOCTOR: How much are they paying you?

ROSSINI: Come, come, Doctor. Gentlemen don't discuss money.

DOCTOR: Nonsense, gentlemen never talk about anything else.

Terror of the Autons

ROSSINI: (Italian) Who the heck are you? Well?

MASTER: I am usually referred to as the Master.

ROSSINI: Oh? Is that so?

MASTER: Universally.

Terror of the Autons

JO: It's all right. I've dealt with it.

DOCTOR: Dealt with it? You've ruined it!

JO: But your bench was on fire.

DOCTOR: Three months delicate work and now look at it, you ham-fisted bun vendor.

JO: But this whole place might have gone up in flames.

DOCTOR: My dear young lady, steady state micro-welding always creates more smoke than fire.

Terror of the Autons

JO: A translucent polyhedron, eight and a half inches in diameter.

(The Doctor grabs the file.)

DOCTOR: Well, that's the Nestene's energy unit. It should never have left this building.

JO: Apparently they wanted it for a special display. The Brigadier signed the authorisation.

DOCTOR: The Brigadier's an idiot!

Terror of the Autons

“Nonsense. What you need, Doctor, as Miss Shaw herself so often remarked, is someone to pass you your test tubes and to tell you how brilliant you are. Miss Grant will fulfil that function admirably.”

— The Brigadier, Terror of the Autons

“Do you know, Jo, I sometimes think that military intelligence is a contradiction in terms.”

— Third Doctor, Terror of the Autons

“People who talk about infallibility are usually on very shaky ground.”

— Third Doctor, The Mind of Evil

CALDWELL: Are you some kind of scientist?

DOCTOR: I'm every kind of scientist.

Colony in Space

“Now I'm not going to sit here like a spare lemon waiting for the squeezer.”

— The Brigadier, The Dæmons

“You know, if this got out, you'd be the laughing stock of UNIT. A dream. Really, Doctor, you'll be consulting the entrails of a sheep next.”

— The Brigadier, The Time Monster

HYDE: I feel like the back end of a pantomime horse.

RUTH: Very suitable for a keen young man like you.

HYDE: Eh, come again?

RUTH: Starting at the bottom.

The Time Monster

“A flower. One of those little weeds. Just like a daisy, it was. Well, I looked at it for a moment and suddenly I saw it through his eyes. It was simply glowing with life, like a perfectly cut jewel. And the colours? Well, the colours were deeper and richer than you could possibly imagine. Yes, that was the daisiest daisy I'd ever seen.”

— Third Doctor, The Time Monster

“Courage isn’t just a matter of not being frightened, you know. It’s being afraid and doing what you have to do anyway.”

— Third Doctor, Planet of the Daleks

“When you get back to Skaro, you’ll all be national heroes. Everybody’ll want to hear about your adventures. So be careful how you tell that story, will you? Don’t glamourize it. Don’t make war sound like an exciting and thrilling game. Tell them about the members of your mission that will not be returning. Like Maro, Vaber and Marat. Tell them about the fear. Otherwise your people might relish the idea of war. We don’t want that.”

— Third Doctor, Planet of the Daleks

“A straight line may be the shortest distance between two points, but it is by no means the most interesting.”

— Third Doctor, The Time Warrior

“I had to face my fear… That was more important than just going on living.”

— Third Doctor, Planet of the Spiders

SARAH JANE: Doctor, you're being childish.

DOCTOR: Well of course I am. There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish sometimes.


BRIGADIER: A few months ago, the superpowers, Russia, America and China, decided upon a plan to ensure peace. All three powers have hidden atomic missile sites. All three agreed to give details of those sites plus full operational instructions to another neutral country. In the event of trouble, that country could publish everyone's secrets and so cool things down. Well, naturally enough, the only country that could be trusted with such a role was Great Britain.

DOCTOR: Well, naturally, I mean, the rest were all foreigners.


“But the final responsibility is mine, and mine alone. Listen, if someone who knew the future pointed out a child to you and told you that that child would grow up totally evil, to be a ruthless dictator who would destroy millions of lives, could you then kill that child?”

— Fourth Doctor, Genesis of the Daleks

“Just touch these two strands together and the Daleks are finished. Have I that right?”

— Fourth Doctor, Genesis of the Daleks

FORGILL: I underestimated his intelligence, but he underestimated the power of organic crystallography.

Terror of the Zygons

LAURENCE: How could you possibly know that?

DOCTOR: Well, you see, Mister Scarman, I have the advantage of being slightly ahead of you. Sometimes behind you, but normally ahead of you.


DOCTOR: I'm sure you don't, but it's very nice of you to try.

Pyramids of Mars

DOCTOR: The Earth isn't my home, Sarah. I'm a Time Lord.

SARAH JANE: I know you're a Time Lord.

DOCTOR: You don't understand the implications. I'm not a human being. I walk in eternity.

SARAH JANE: What's that supposed to mean?

DOCTOR: It means I've lived for something like seven hundred and fifty years.

SARAH JANE: Oh, you'll soon be middle aged.

Pyramids of Mars

“Evil? Your evil is my good. I am Sutekh the Destroyer. Where I tread, I leave nothing but dust and darkness... I find that good!”

— Sutekh, Pyramids of Mars

DOCTOR: Something's very wrong.

SARAH: Doctor, I don't like it here.

DOCTOR: Something's going on contrary to the laws of the universe. I must find out what.

Pyramids of Mars

“No, no, shush, wait, wait. I've seen something like this before. My memory's getting terrible. You know, three hundred years ago I'd have recognised this like a shot.”

— Fourth Doctor, The Android Invasion

DOCTOR: I feel disorientated.

SARAH JANE: This is the Disorientation Centre.

DOCTOR: That makes sense.

The Android Invasion

“But they lost. You know, the worse the situation, the worse your jokes get.”

— Sarah Jane Smith, The Masque of Mandragora

DOCTOR: Therefore, if I've guessed correctly about the nature of Helix energy, I should be able to drain it off.

SARAH JANE: But what if you've guessed wrong?

DOCTOR: When did I ever guess wrong about anything?

SARAH JANE: (sotto) Lots of times.

The Masque of Mandragora

“Chancellor, all presidents are faced with difficult decisions. It is by their decisions that they are judged.”

— Borusa, The Deadly Assassin

SPANDRELL: I think you're going to be executed for it. They are preparing the vaporisation chamber now. You have about three hours to live, Doctor.

DOCTOR: What? Well, that's monstrous. Vaporisation without representation is against the constitution.

The Deadly Assassin

“The very powerful and the very stupid have one thing in common. They don’t alter their views to fit the facts, they alter the facts to fit their views. Which can be uncomfortable if you happen to be one of the facts that needs altering.”

— Fourth Doctor, The Face of Evil

“Answers are easy. It’s asking the right questions which is hard.”

— Fourth Doctor, The Face of Evil

“I'm the Doctor. Who are you and why are you shooting at me?”

— Fourth Doctor, The Face of Evil

“To the rational mind, nothing is inexplicable; only unexplained.”

— Fourth Doctor, The Robots of Death

LEELA: Doctor, why didn't the helium make your voice go squeaky?

DOCTOR: Because I'm a Time Lord. I've been around, you know. Two hearts, respiratory bypass system. I haven't lived seven hundred and fifty years without learning something.

The Robots of Death

“You know, you're a classic example of the inverse ratio between the size of the mouth and the size of the brain.”

— Fourth Doctor, The Robots of Death

“Elementary, my dear Litefoot.”

— Fourth Doctor, The Talons of Weng-Chiang

“Silence! You will do as the Doctor instructs, or I will cut out your heart.”

— Leela, Horror of Fang Rock

“Sometimes my brilliance astonishes even me.”

— Fourth Doctor, The Invisible Enemy

“That's the trouble with computers. Always think in black and white. No aquamarines, no blues, no imagination.”

— Fourth Doctor, The Invisible Enemy

“We Time Lords are a very meticulous people. You have to be when you live as long as we do.”

— Fourth Doctor, Image of the Fendahl

COLBY: There's a corpse by the wood.

FENDELMAN: What sort of corpse?

COLBY: A dead one. What other sort is there?

Image of the Fendahl

“Grinding oppression of the masses is the only policy that pays dividends.”

— , The Sun Makers

DOCTOR: Have you ever heard of the Flying Dutchman?


DOCTOR: Pity, I've often wanted to know who he was.


“Maybe I am getting too young for this sort of thing.”

— Fourth Doctor, The Invasion of Time

“There's no point in further discussion. Discussion is for the wise or the helpless, and I am neither.”

— Leela, The Invasion of Time

KIMUS: You don't think that's wrong, do you?

DOCTOR: Wrong? It's an economic miracle. Of course it's wrong.

The Pirate Planet

“Would you mind not standing on my chest? My hat's on fire.”

— Fourth Doctor, The Androids of Tara

“Optimism. Belief that everything will work out well. Irrational, bordering on insane.”

— K9, The Armageddon Factor

ROMANA: Yes, they taught me at school how to stop my hearts.

TYSSAN: Hearts? How many have you got?

ROMANA: One for casual, one for best.

Destiny of the Daleks

DAVROS: I have failed!

DOCTOR: Yes. What does it feel like?

Destiny of the Daleks

“I suppose the best way to find out where you come from is to find out where you’re going, and then work backwards.”

— Fourth Doctor, City of Death

“I say, what a wonderful butler. He's so violent.”

— Fourth Doctor, City of Death

“Well, to be fair, I did have a couple of gadgets which he probably didn't, like a teaspoon and an open mind.”

— Fourth Doctor, The Creature from the Pit

“Of course we should interfere. Always do what you’re best at, that’s what I say.”

— Fourth Doctor, Nightmare of Eden

RIGG: Yes, but who do you work for?

DOCTOR: Work for? I don't work for anybody. I'm just having fun.

Nightmare of Eden

SETH: If we don't pay tribute, the Nimon will destroy us.

ROMANA: Sounds like an insecure personality to me.

SETH: He lives in the power complex.

ROMANA: That fits.

The Horns of Nimon

DOCTOR: Ha ha! We did it!

K9: Please clarify.

DOCTOR: Well, I just put a lot of spin on the TARDIS, and the asteroid simply sliced us up out of the gravity whirlpool. Oh, you know, K9, sometimes I think I'm wasted just rushing around the universe saving planets from destruction. With a talent like mine, I might have been a great slow bowler.

The Horns of Nimon

TEKA: They say he's the only scientist left on Skonnos.

ROMANA: Really? Why is that?

SETH: The great Civil War. Only the army survived.

ROMANA: That sounds like a well-organised war.

The Horns of Nimon

“One must always accept the unexpected.”

— Fourth Doctor, The Leisure Hive

DOCTOR: First things first?

ROMANA: Exactly.

DOCTOR: But not necessarily in that order.


“We're all basically primeval slime with ideas above its station.”

— Fourth Doctor, Full Circle

ROMANA: How did you know?

DOCTOR: Oh, knowing's easy. Everyone does that ad nauseam. I just sort of hope.

State of Decay

“One solid hope's worth a cartload of certainties.”

— Fourth Doctor, Warriors’ Gate

ADRIC: Will Romana be all right?

DOCTOR: All right? She'll be superb.

Warriors’ Gate

“If all the stars were silver, and the sky a giant purse in my fist, I couldn't be happier than I am tonight.”

— Tremas, The Keeper of Traken

MASTER: If we do cooperate, there'll be no question of you ever returning to Gallifrey.

DOCTOR: If we don't cooperate, there'll be no question of Gallifrey.


ADRIC: The Earth people use it to beam messages to the stars. The Doctor calls it reiterated invitation to alien intelligences in deep space.

NYSSA: And that's us.


“It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for.”

— Fourth Doctor, Logopolis

“That's the trouble with regeneration. You never quite know what you're going to get.”

— Fifth Doctor, Castrovalva

“There's always something to look at if you open your eyes.”

— Fifth Doctor, Kinda

“What is the one thing evil can not face—not ever? Itself.”

— Fifth Doctor, Kinda

“An apple a day keeps the, er... no, never mind.”

— Fifth Doctor, Kinda

“When did you last have the pleasure of smelling a flower, watching a sunset, eating a well-prepared meal?”

— Fifth Doctor, Earthshock

“Now I'll never know if I was right.”

— Adric, Earthshock

“E-space is another universe. There isn't a taxi service goes back and forth.”

— Fifth Doctor, Earthshock

DOCTOR: Look, er, I'm sorry about our argument earlier.

ADRIC: So am I. I over-reacted.

DOCTOR: Do you really want to go home?

ADRIC: No, of course not. There's nothing there for me any more.

DOCTOR: So you've done all these calculations for nothing.

ADRIC: Well, it made a point, didn't it? Besides, who knows? I might change my mind again.


“You know how it is; you put things off for a day and next thing you know, it’s a hundred years later.”

— Fifth Doctor, Arc of Infinity

“Let me tell you, sir, that I'm in full possession of all my faculties. After all, if I was suffering from amnesia, I'd be the first to know about it, wouldn't I?”

— The Brigadier, Mawdryn Undead

“Oh, I know how many beans make five, Doctor, and you don't have to be a Time Lord to cope with A level maths. It may come as a surprise to you, but I also happen to like teaching.”

— The Brigadier, Mawdryn Undead

KARI: Why won't it move?

DOCTOR: It's controlled by the computer, and the computer's uncontrollable.


“Brigadier, I think our past is catching up on us. Or maybe it's our future.”

— Second Doctor, The Five Doctors

MASTER: I know this is going to be hard to believe, Doctor, but for once I mean you no harm.

DOCTOR: Like Alice, I try to believe three impossible things before breakfast. Go on.

The Five Doctors

“Change, my dear. And it seems not a moment too soon.”

— Sixth Doctor, The Caves of Androzani

“Regeneration in my case is a swift but volcanic experience. A kind of violent biological eruption in which the body cells are displaced, changed, renewed and rearranged. There are bound to be side-effects.”

— Sixth Doctor, The Twin Dilemma

PERI: I only hope it believes you.

DOCTOR: Well, if it doesn't, I shall beat it into submission with my charm.

Attack of the Cybermen

“A hyperactive Peri. Too ghastly to contemplate.”

— Sixth Doctor, The Mark of the Rani

“You are indeed a worthy opponent. It's what gives your destruction its piquancy.”

— The Rani, The Mark of the Rani

PERI: I'm not totally ignorant. What is the noun for a collection of geniuses? A bevy?

DOCTOR: An inspiration of geniuses? I don't know.

The Mark of the Rani

“Small though it is, the human brain can be quite effective when working at full efficiency.”

— Sixth Doctor, The Two Doctors

DOCTOR: Your Doctor is an antediluvian fogey. Allowing himself to be captured by the Sontarans. If anything happens to myself as a result of it I will never forgive himself.

PERI: Oh, I do wish you'd stop switching personal pronouns. It'd make it a lot easier to understand what you're talking about.

The Two Doctors

PERI: And what did it mean, defence alert?

DOCTOR: (sighs) The usual. Floor trips, electronic sensors, death rays, jets of nerve gas. Nothing to worry about.

PERI: Oh, good. I was afraid it might mean something serious.

The Two Doctors

DOCTOR: May I ask what you're doing here?

ORCINI: You may, but only a fool would expect an answer.

Revelation of the Daleks

“Well, how do you think I feel? I'm a nine hundred year old Time Lord. Not much dignity in scrambling over a wall like a small boy into an orchard on a scrumping spree.”

— Sixth Doctor, Revelation of the Daleks

GRIGORY: Instant death doesn't bother me. It's the long lingering kind I'm worried about. You forget I'm a doctor. When they slice me open, I'll know the name and function of each organ that plops out.

NATASHA: Well, at least you won't die in ignorance.

Revelation of the Daleks

“Planets come and go. Stars perish. Matter disperses, coalesces, forms into other patterns, other worlds. Nothing can be eternal.”

— Sixth Doctor, The Mysterious Planet

PERI: Do you think this wise, Doctor?

DOCTOR: My dear girl, if I stopped to question the wisdom of my actions, I'd never have left Gallifrey.

PERI: Sometimes I wish you hadn't.


“There's nothing you can do to prevent the catharsis of spurious morality.”

— The Valeyard, The Ultimate Foe

“Ah, well… Every dogma has its day.”

— Seventh Doctor, Time and the Rani

“Ah, thank goodness in this regeneration I've regained my impeccable sense of haute couture.”

— Seventh Doctor, Time and the Rani

“Love has never been noted for its rationality.”

— Seventh Doctor, Delta and the Bannermen

BURTON: Oh well, if that is all that is needed, it should be easy. Oh, by the way, can we have space buns and tea afterwards? Or don't they drink tea on Mars?

Delta and the Bannermen

“Think about me when you're living your life one day after another, all in a neat pattern. Think about the homeless traveller and his old police box, with his days like crazy paving.”

— Seventh Doctor, Dragonfire

“Do you feel like arguing with a can of deodorant that registers nine on the Richter scale? Run!”

— Ace, Dragonfire

BELAZS: What are you doing here?

DOCTOR: That's a very difficult question. Why is everyone round here so preoccupied with metaphysics?


“Right, freeze! I mean, don't freeze. Stand still and let Mel go.”

— Ace, Dragonfire

“Every great decision creates ripples, like a huge boulder dropped in a lake. The ripples merge and rebound off the banks in unforeseeable ways. The heavier the decision, the larger the waves, the more uncertain the consequences.”

— Seventh Doctor, Remembrance of the Daleks

“You can always judge a man by the quality of his enemies.”

— Seventh Doctor, Remembrance of the Daleks

“Ace, give me some of that Nitro Nine that you're not carrying.”

— Seventh Doctor, Remembrance of the Daleks

MIKE: I found him wandering the streets.

DOCTOR: I was not wandering the streets. I was merely contemplating certain local cartographic anomalies.

Remembrance of the Daleks

ACE: We did good, didn't we?

DOCTOR: Perhaps. Time will tell. It always does.

Remembrance of the Daleks

DAVROS: The Daleks shall become Lords of Time! We shall become all-

DOCTOR: - Powerful. Crush the lesser races. Conquer the galaxy. Unimaginable power. Unlimited rice pudding, et cetera, et cetera.

Remembrance of the Daleks

“Happiness is nothing unless it exists side by side with sadness.”

— Seventh Doctor, The Happiness Patrol

KANDYMAN: So you trusted me, then, Doctor.

DOCTOR: Of course.

KANDYMAN: Very wise. I am a Kandyman of my word, but now our bargain is over. It's time to kill you.

DOCTOR: I thought you might have said that.

The Happiness Patrol

“Hello, I'm the Doctor! I believe you want to kill me.”

— Seventh Doctor, Silver Nemesis

“Anybody remotely interesting is mad in some way or another.”

— Seventh Doctor, The Greatest Show in the Galaxy

ACE: You're just an aging hippy, Professor.

DOCTOR: There might be something in that, yes.

The Greatest Show in the Galaxy

DOCTOR: Ace, things may get dangerous, so I want you to have this.

ACE: It looks like a piece of chalk.

DOCTOR: It is. I got it from the dartboard.


“The point of archaeology is to carefully recover the past, not disintegrate it.”

— Seventh Doctor, Battlefield

JOSIAH: You're so smug and self-satisfied, Doctor.

DOCTOR: I try.

Ghost Light

LIGHT: You are endlessly agitating, unceasingly mischievous. Will you never stop?

DOCTOR: I suppose I could. It would make a change.

Ghost Light

ACE: Professor. Where's Nimrod?

DOCTOR: Gone to see a man about a god.

Ghost Light

“There are worlds out there where the sky is burning, where the sea's asleep, and the rivers dream. People made of smoke, and cities made of song. Somewhere there's danger, somewhere there's injustice, and somewhere else the tea's getting cold. Come on, Ace, we've got work to do!”

— Seventh Doctor, Survival

ACE: Master? Who's he?

DOCTOR: An evil genius. One of my oldest and deadliest of enemies.

ACE: Do you know any nice people? You know, ordinary people, not power-crazed nutters trying to take over the galaxy?


““It’s mostly a whiff I get. Evil, pure evil. When you’ve been after it as long as I have, it starts to feel like a bad stench in the air. And this city is filled with it.””

— Seventh Doctor, Timewyrm: Genesys

““I’m sort of a cosmic environmentalist. I like things to be tidied up and smelling pretty.””

— Seventh Doctor, Timewyrm: Genesys

““It’s not just the TARDIS that has relative dimensions, Ace, but the societies that we visit, too.””

— Seventh Doctor, Timewyrm: Genesys

“Fear - fear and evil. Can’t you feel it, Ace? It’s in the air… like poison…”

— Seventh Doctor, Timewyrm: Exodus

“I'll tell you what, Professor, I'm not crazy about the England I come from, but it's a bloody sight better than this one.”

— Ace, Timewyrm: Exodus

HEMMINGS: You devil - you cunning little devil!

DOCTOR: Cunning? Well, yes, I have to be sometimes. And as for little, these things are relative, you know. I've been much smaller than this. As a matter of fact, I was once in grave danger of being washed down the plughole. But devil? We make our own devils, and our own hell.

Timewyrm: Exodus

“I love humans. Always seeing patterns in things that aren’t there.”

— Eighth Doctor, Doctor Who (The TV Movie)

“But it was a childish dream that made you a doctor! You dreamt you could hold back death. Isn't that true? Don't be sad, Grace. You'll do great things.”

— Eighth Doctor, Doctor Who (The TV Movie)

ELLIE: I don’t quite see why I should be answering questions from an interloper. And anyway, you’re mistaken.

SIXTH DOCTOR: Oh, I’m afraid that won’t wash. I can assure you that if you knew me well enough you’d know that I’m hardly ever mistaken!

The Sirens of Time

“Why is it anywhere I go there are people like you stomping around in shiny boots, pointing guns, and asking stupid questions?”

— Sixth Doctor, The Sirens of Time

SIXTH DOCTOR: When it comes down to it I’m a bit of a know-it-all really. Androids, Cybermen, Daleks, Sontarans, Ice warriors, you name it I can quote you chapter and verse. Need I go on?

ELLIE: I have a feeling you’re going to.

The Sirens of Time

FIFTH DOCTOR: Perhaps it’s time we shared out experiences, agreed?

ALL: Agreed




The Sirens of Time

SIXTH DOCTOR: I think we’d better make ourselves scarce.

SEVENTH DOCTOR: Quick, over here! Argh! You’re on my foot!

SIXTH DOCTOR: Well shift up a bit! For someone so short, you’re taking up a lot of room.


FIFTH DOCTOR: Will you two keep quiet!?

The Sirens of Time

“Best foot forward, Doctors!”

— Seventh Doctor, The Sirens of Time

SEVENTH DOCTOR: Do you know, talking to yourself is often thought to be the first sign of madness?

SIXTH DOCTOR: Yes. But a little madness helps, don’t you think?

The Sirens of Time

“Azimendah, you're an android pilot with a spotless record. I'd trust you to fly me stark naked through a cheese grater. It's your show.”

— , The Sirens of Time

DOCTOR: The King's just died. How very convenient.

TURLOUGH: Not for him.


NYSSA: If we got the TARDIS working properly again, do you think it would stop landing us in danger all the time?

DOCTOR: Oh Nyssa, I do hope not.

The Land of the Dead

ACE: Oh, "No coloured" signs in 1963, "Pakis out" and petrol bombs in my time - now it's the future and it's ethnic cleansing. Nothing changes, does it?

DOCTOR: Forty years ago, Harper wouldn't even have been out of the ordinary. It does change, you know. Never completely, never all at once, but it does.

The Fearmonger

ACE: But when?

DOCTOR: Are you looking for the butterfly?

ACE: What the one who beats its wings and tips the balance, so the hurricane forms? There isn't one, is there?

DOCTOR: Not often. They just tell the butterflies that to keep them happy.

ACE: I should have known.

DOCTOR: No, mostly they break the butterfly on the wheel of time. But over the decades, the millions of butterflies, the weather still changes somehow. That's time. A million, multi-coloured pieces of time.

The Fearmonger

ACE: You could turn it all around you know, reach your hand in and just... well, change everything!

DOCTOR: Yes. But then I'm a silly old man, with far too much time in his hands already.

The Fearmonger

“This is ridiculous! How can you go from plenty of time to running out of time in no time at all?”

— Seventh Doctor, The Fearmonger

DOCTOR: Paul Tanner, congratulations, you're today’s lucky winner. Ace, tell the man what he’s won.

ACE: A complete set of explanations from the Professor here. And you have no idea what a rare and precious thing that is.

The Fearmonger

DOCTOR: Do you want a dangerous fugitive staying in your flat?

PAUL: Of course not.

DOCTOR: Well then, don’t upset him and he'll be a nice fugitive staying in your flat.

The Fearmonger

DOCTOR: You might want to break the window first.

WALTER: Doctor!

DOCTOR: After all, if it just bounces off the glass, well, fire-bombing her petunias isn’t much of a statement.

The Fearmonger

EVELYN: You must have a name.

DOCTOR: Sometimes it seems like I must. At those times I become yet another member of the great Smith clan. Doctor John Smith, in fact. But as I am going to save your life, you can call me The Doctor. And the sooner I get started, the better.

The Marian Conspiracy

“What would you say if I were to tell you that I once destroyed an entire race? That I have led friends to their deaths, and caused numerous wars? That my intervention has led to peaceful races taking up arms, and good people having their faith or reason destroyed? Or because I failed to act, millions upon millions of people have been enslaved or killed? What if I had done all those things, but had always, always believed I was doing the right thing?”

— Sixth Doctor, The Marian Conspiracy

EVELYN: You seem to have a gift for getting things wrong. 'Miracle of temporal engineering', you said.

DOCTOR: The TARDIS is an exceptionally fine craft!

EVELYN: With a lousy sense of timing. So much for visiting Queen Elisabeth! She doesn’t come to the throne for another three years!

DOCTOR: My dear Doctor Smythe, the universe exists for billions upon billions of years, and is bigger than your human brain can ever dream of comprehending. And it’s not even the only one in existence! To be able to travel to a certain planet, in a certain century, is a feat greater than any your race has ever achieved, and to reach the right city in the right decade, that’s an unbelievably skilled piece of work. And you complain about a mere three years?

EVELYN: Those three years almost got me killed.

The Marian Conspiracy

“The noble tradition of tit for tat?!”

— Fifth Doctor, Red Dawn

DOCTOR: Professor Morgan, have you ever heard the expression “only the used key shines”?

MORGAN: What are you talking about?

DOCTOR: Wherever I go in the universe I invariably meet people like you - intelligent, knowledgeable people who, for reasons I can only guess at, reach a point in their lives when they arbitrarily decide to close their minds to anything new. You make it a point of personal pride to scoff, mock, and ridicule anybody who happens to inhabit a larger universe than the one in which you have chosen to imprison yourself - well that’s your business, you may believe I’m talking nonsense and I can’t help what you personally choose to believe, but I do know this - the only way to learn is to keep your mind open to the input of those who are more knowledgeable than yourself.

The Spectre of Lanyon Moor

NYSSA: When you're with the Doctor, time very rapidly becomes relative. But occasionally it feels like a long time

DOCTOR: I trust I haven't been a boring companion?

NYSSA: Anything but!

Winter for the Adept

“So, this is it. The final journey. I had hoped for a while longer, time to prepare. Time’s slipping away from me. Only just arriving, but we’ve already stayed a lifetime. Too many lifetimes. Withering like roses.”

— Seventh Doctor, The Fires of Vulcan

MEL: Alright Doctor, what’s going on?

DOCTOR: I’m sorry Mel.

MEL: What for? Tell me Doctor.

DOCTOR: The year is AD 79. The Roman Empire is under the short-lived rule of Titus. We’re in the city of Pompeii, a prosperous trading centre on the bay of Naples. If you look between the buildings over there, you can see a mountain by the name of Vesuvius.

The Fires of Vulcan

“You feel that pounding in your heart? That tightness in the pit of your stomach? The blood rushing to your head, do you know what that is? That's adventure. The thrill and the fear, and the joy of stepping into the unknown. That's why we're all here, and that's why we're alive!”

— Eighth Doctor, Storm Warning

DOCTOR: You see, women... they're not exactly my area. Apart from Tegan, and Nyssa. But they were friends, I was responsible for them -- that wasn't the same.

TURLOUGH: Good friends.

DOCTOR: Then there was Sarah-Jane, of course, and Jo. And Romana, both of her. Zoe and Victoria, Dodo and Vicki, and.. Barbara.

TURLOUGH: And Susan?

DOCTOR: Ah, well of course, she was my granddaughter. Sometimes I feel very old.


“I’ve been too methodical recently, I think. Setting coordinates and things, actually deciding where we want to go. I’ve been getting far too safe and predictable these last few incarnations. Do you know I once traveled for centuries without ever knowing where I’d materialize next?”

— Eighth Doctor, The Chimes of Midnight

“You know, madness is the first sign of talking to yourself.”

— Bernice Summerfield, The Masquerade of Death

DOCTOR: I'm the Doctor, by the way. What's your name?

ROSE: Rose.

DOCTOR: Nice to meet you, Rose. Run for your life!


“Do you know like we were saying about the Earth revolving? It's like when you were a kid. The first time they tell you the world's turning and you just can't quite believe it because everything looks like it's standing still. I can feel it. The turn of the Earth. The ground beneath our feet is spinning at a thousand miles an hour, and the entire planet is hurtling round the sun at sixty seven thousand miles an hour, and I can feel it. We're falling through space, you and me, clinging to the skin of this tiny little world, and if we let go. That's who I am. Now, forget me, Rose Tyler. Go home.”

— Ninth Doctor, Rose

CLIVE: The Doctor is a legend woven throughout history. When disaster comes, he's there. He brings the storm in his wake and he has one constant companion.

ROSE: Who's that?

CLIVE: Death.


(About the TARDIS) The assembled hordes of Genghis Khan couldn't get through that door, and believe me, they've tried.”

— Ninth Doctor, Rose

DOCTOR: What do you think? You could stay here, fill your life with work and food and sleep, or you could go anywhere.

ROSE: Is it always this dangerous?



ROSE: Thanks.

MICKEY: Thanks for what?

ROSE: Exactly.


ROSE: If you are an alien, how comes you sound like you're from the North?

DOCTOR: Lots of planets have a North.


ROSE: You think you're so impressive.

DOCTOR: I am so impressive.

ROSE: You wish.

The End of the World

“You lot, you spend all your time thinking about dying, like you're going to get killed by eggs or beef or global warming or asteroids. But you never take time to imagine the impossible, that maybe you survive. This is the year five point five slash apple slash twenty six. Five billion years in your future, and this is the day- hold on - this is the day the Sun expands. Welcome to the end of the world.”

— Ninth Doctor, The End of the World

“The paper's slightly psychic. It shows them whatever I want them to see. Saves a lot of time.”

— Ninth Doctor, The End of the World

“I just sort of hitched a lift with this man. I didn't even think about it. I don't even know who he is. He's a complete stranger.”

— Rose Tyler, The End of the World

ROSE: They all speak English.

DOCTOR: No, you just hear English. It's a gift of the TARDIS. The telepathic field, gets inside your brain and translates.

ROSE: It's inside my brain?

DOCTOR: Well, in a good way.

ROSE: Your machine gets inside my head. It gets inside and it changes my mind, and you didn't even ask?

DOCTOR: I didn't think about it like that.

The End of the World

ROSE: That was five billion years ago. So, she's dead now. Five billion years later, my mum's dead.

DOCTOR: Bundle of laughs, you are.

The End of the World

“I was on board another ship once. They said that was unsinkable. I ended up clinging to an iceberg. It wasn't half cold.”

— Ninth Doctor, The End of the World

DOCTOR: You think it'll last forever, people and cars and concrete, but it won't. One day it's all gone. Even the sky. My planet's gone. It's dead. It burned like the Earth. It's just rocks and dust before its time.

ROSE: What happened?

DOCTOR: There was a war and we lost.

ROSE: A war with who? What about your people?

DOCTOR: I'm a Time Lord. I'm the last of the Time Lords. They're all gone. I'm the only survivor. I'm left travelling on my own 'cos there's no one else.

ROSE: There's me.

The End of the World

“But, it's like, think about it, though. Christmas. 1860. Happens once, just once and it's gone, it's finished, it'll never happen again. Except for you. You can go back and see days that are dead and gone a hundred thousand sunsets ago. No wonder you never stay still.”

— Rose Tyler, The Unquiet Dead

“Now, don't antagonise her. I love a happy medium.”

— Ninth Doctor, The Unquiet Dead

“Time's in flux, changing every second. Your cozy little world can be rewritten like that. Nothing is safe. Remember that. Nothing.”

— Ninth Doctor, The Unquiet Dead

ROSE: But it's 1869. How can I die now?

DOCTOR: Time isn't a straight line. It can twist into any shape. You can be born in the twentieth century and die in the nineteenth and it's all my fault. I brought you here.

ROSE: It's not your fault. I wanted to come.

The Unquiet Dead

“There are more things in Heaven and Earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy. Even for you, Doctor.”

— , The Unquiet Dead

JACKIE: Did you go online and pretend you're a doctor?

DOCTOR: I am a Doctor.

JACKIE: Prove it. Stitch this, mate!

Aliens of London

“Nine hundred years of time and space, and I've never been slapped by someone's mother.”

— Ninth Doctor, Aliens of London

“Every conversation with you just goes mental. There's no one else I can talk to. I've seen all that stuff up there, the size of it, and I can't say a word. Aliens and spaceships and things, and I'm the only person on planet Earth who knows they exist.”

— Rose Tyler, Aliens of London

“This is my life, Jackie. It’s not fun, it’s not smart, it’s just standing up and making a decision because nobody else will.”

— Ninth Doctor, World War Three

“You're happy to believe in something that's invisible, but if it's staring you in the face, nope, can't see it. There's a scientific explanation for that. You're thick.”

— Ninth Doctor, World War Three

VAN STATTEN: We're hidden away with the most valuable collection of extra-terrestrial artefacts in the world, and you just stumbled in by mistake.

DOCTOR: Pretty much sums me up, yeah.


VAN STATTEN: I thought you were the great expert, Doctor. If you're so impressive, then why not just reason with this Dalek? It must be willing to negotiate. There must be something it needs. Everything needs something.

DOCTOR: What's the nearest town?

VAN STATTEN: Salt Lake City.

DOCTOR: Population?

VAN STATTEN: One million.

DOCTOR: All dead. If the Dalek gets out, it'll murder every living creature. That's all it needs.

VAN STATTEN: But why would it do that?

DOCTOR: Because it honestly believes they should die. Human beings are different, and anything different is wrong. It's the ultimate in racial cleansing and you, Van Statten, you've let it loose!


DOCTOR: The Daleks have failed! Why don't you finish the job and make the Daleks extinct. Rid the Universe of your filth. Why don't you just die?

DALEK: You would make a good Dalek.


DOCTOR: Your race is dead! You all burnt, all of you. Ten million ships on fire. The entire Dalek race wiped out in one second.

DALEK: You lie!

DOCTOR: I watched it happen. I made it happen.


“Time travel is like visiting Paris. You can't just read the guidebook. You've got to throw yourself in! Eat the food, use the wrong verbs, get charged double and end up kissing complete strangers! Or is that just me?”

— Ninth Doctor, The Long Game

WYSE: Were you in the war?

DOCTOR: I’ve been in many wars. Far too many.

The Clockwise Man

DOCTOR: I’ve always wondered. Why isn’t “phonetic” spelt with an “F”?

ROSE: I can teach you how to spell “Doctor” with an “F”.

The Clockwise Man

DOCTOR: Do you know how long you can knock around space without happening to bump into Earth?

ROSE: Five days? Or is that just when we're out of milk?

DOCTOR: Of all the species in all the Universe and it has to come out of a cow.

The Empty Child

“You know, one day, just one day, maybe, I'm going to meet someone who gets the whole ‘don't wander off’ thing. Nine hundred years of phone box travel, it's the only thing left to surprise me.”

— Ninth Doctor, The Empty Child

“Amazing. 1941. Right now, not very far from here, the German war machine is rolling up the map of Europe. Country after country, falling like dominoes. Nothing can stop it. Nothing. Until one, tiny, damp little island says no. No. Not here. A mouse in front of a lion. You're amazing, the lot of you. Don't know what you do to Hitler, but you frighten the hell out of me. Off you go then do what you've got to do. Save the world.”

— Ninth Doctor, The Empty Child

DOCTOR: Mister Spock?

ROSE: What was I supposed to say? You don't have a name. Don't you ever get tired of Doctor? Doctor who?

DOCTOR: Nine centuries in, I'm coping.

The Empty Child

“Funny little human brains. How do you get around in those things?”

— Ninth Doctor, The Doctor Dances

DOCTOR: Relax, he's a fifty first century guy. He's just a bit more flexible when it comes to dancing.

ROSE: How flexible?

DOCTOR: Well, by his time, you lot have spread out across half the galaxy.

ROSE: Meaning?

DOCTOR: So many species, so little time.

ROSE: What, that's what we do when we get out there? That's our mission? We seek new life, and, and-

DOCTOR: Dance.

The Doctor Dances

“Everybody lives, Rose. Just this once, everybody lives!”

— Ninth Doctor, The Doctor Dances

IDRIS: The Lord Mayor says thank you for popping by. She'd love to have a chat, but, er, she's up to her eyes in paperwork. Perhaps if you could make an appointment for next week?

DOCTOR: She's climbing out of the window, isn't she?

IDRIS: Yes, she is.

Boom Town

DOCTOR: You let one of them go, but that's nothing new. Every now and then, a little victim's spared because she smiled, because he's got freckles, because they begged. And that's how you live with yourself. That's how you slaughter millions. Because once in a while, on a whim, if the wind's in the right direction, you happen to be kind.

MARGARET: Only a killer would know that. Is that right? From what I've seen, your funny little happy go lucky little life leaves devastation in its wake. Always moving on because you dare not look back. Playing with so many peoples lives, you might as well be a god. And you're right, Doctor. You're absolutely right. Sometimes you let one go. Let me go.

Boom Town

“Rose Tyler. I was going take you to so many places. Barcelona. Not the city Barcelona, the planet Barcelona. You'd love it. Fantastic place. They've got dogs with no noses. Imagine how many times a day you end up telling that joke, and it's still funny.”

— Ninth Doctor, The Parting of the Ways

“I... have got... a mole. I can feel it. Between my shoulder blades, there's a mole. That's all right. Love the mole.”

— Tenth Doctor, Born Again / Pudsey Cutaway

DOCTOR: Now, first things first. Be honest. How do I look?

ROSE: Umm... different.

DOCTOR: Good different or bad different?

ROSE: Just...different.

DOCTOR: Am I... ginger?

ROSE: No, you're just sort of... brown.

DOCTOR: Aw, I wanted to be ginger! I've never been ginger!

The Christmas Invasion

“Well, you could do that. Yeah, you could do that. Of course you could. But why? Look at these people, these human beings. Consider their potential! From the day they arrive on the planet, blinking, step into the sun, there is more to see than can ever be seen, more to do than-- no, hold on. Sorry, that's The Lion King. But the point still stands. Leave them alone!”

— Tenth Doctor, The Christmas Invasion
The Tenth Doctor, quoting the Lion King

JACKIE: Well, I reckon you're mad, the pair of you. It's like you go looking for trouble.

DOCTOR: Trouble's just the bits-in-between! It's all waiting out there, Jackie. And it's brand new to me-- all those planets and creatures and horizons! I haven't seen them yet, not with these eyes. And it is gonna be... fantastic!

The Christmas Invasion
The Tenth Doctor speaking to Jackie and Mickey, his arm on Jackie's shoulder

“I'm going to get killed by a Christmas tree!”

— Jackie Tyler, The Christmas Invasion
Jackie Tyler, cowering in a corner

DOCTOR: My head! I'm having a neuron implosion. I need-

JACKIE: What do you need?

DOCTOR: I need-

JACKIE: Say it. Tell me, tell me, tell me.

DOCTOR: I need-

JACKIE: Painkillers?

DOCTOR: I need-

JACKIE: Do you need aspirin?

DOCTOR: I need-

JACKIE: Codeine? Paracetamol? Oh, I don't know, Pepto-Bismol?

DOCTOR: I need-

JACKIE: Liquid paraffin. Vitamin C? Vitamin D? Vitamin E?

DOCTOR: I need-

JACKIE: Is it food? Something simple. Bowl of soup. A nice bowl of soup? Soup and a sandwich? Soup and a little ham sandwich?

DOCTOR: I need you to shut up!

The Christmas Invasion
The Tenth Doctor and Jackie Tyler

LLEWELLYN: You seem to be talking about aliens as a matter of fact.

HARRIET: There's an Act of Parliament banning my autobiography.

The Christmas Invasion
Harriet Jones, giving someone a cup of tea

“You can tell the President, and please use these exact words, he's not my boss, and he's certainly not turning this into a war.”

— Harriet Jones, The Christmas Invasion
Harriet Jones talking to Blake

“Tea. Like we're having a picnic while the world comes to an end. Very British.”

— Mickey Smith, The Christmas Invasion
Mickey Smith in the TARDIS with a flask of tea

“I don't know! See, there's the thing. I'm the Doctor, but beyond that, I just don't know. I literally do not know who I am. It's all untested. Am I funny? Am I sarcastic? Sexy? Right old misery? Life and soul? Right handed? Left handed? A gambler? A fighter? A coward? A traitor? A liar? A nervous wreck? I mean, judging by the evidence, I've certainly got a gob.”

— Tenth Doctor, The Christmas Invasion
The Doctor, in a bath robe and pyjamas, standing in the TARDIS doorway.

“You said yourself, Doctor, they'd go back to the stars and tell others about the Earth. I'm sorry, Doctor, but you're not here all the time. You come and go. It happened today. Mister Llewellyn and the Major, they were murdered. They died right in front of me while you were sleeping. In which case we have to defend ourselves.”

— Harriet Jones, The Christmas Invasion
Harriet Jones, talking to the Tenth Doctor

“You want weapons? We’re in a library! Books! The best weapons in the world!”

— Tenth Doctor, Tooth and Claw

DOCTOR: Hello, Sarah Jane.

SARAH JANE: [softly] It's you. Doctor. Oh, my God, it's you, isn't it? [realizing] You've regenerated.

DOCTOR: Oh. Half a dozen times since we last met.

SARAH JANE: You look.... incredible.

DOCTOR: So do you.

SARAH JANE: Hm. I got old. What are you doing here?

DOCTOR: Well. UFO sighting. School gets record results. I couldn't resist. What about you?


School Reunion

DOCTOR: I don't age. I regenerate. But humans decay; you wither and you die. Imagine watching that happen to someone that you-- [breaks off]

ROSE: What, Doctor?

DOCTOR: You can spend the rest of your life with me, but I can't spend the rest of mine with you. I have to live on. Alone. That's the curse of the Time Lords.

School Reunion

“Correctamundo! A word I have never used before and hopefully never will again.”

— Tenth Doctor, School Reunion

“So, physics. Physics, eh? Physics. Physics. Physics! Physics. Physics, physics, physics, physics, physics, physics, physics. I hope one of you is getting all this down.”

— Tenth Doctor, School Reunion

“The monsters and the Doctor. It seems you cannot have one without the other.”

— , The Girl in the Fireplace

“Human race. For such an intelligent lot, you aren't half susceptible. Give anyone a chance to take control, and you submit. Sometimes I think you like it. Easy life.”

— Tenth Doctor, The Age of Steel

DOCTOR: (talking about the TARDIS) I don't know what is wrong with her, she's sort of... queasy, indigestion... like she didn't want to land.

ROSE: (deadpan) Well if you think that's gonna be trouble, we can always get back inside and go somewhere else.

(The Doctor and Rose laugh.)

The Impossible Planet

DOCTOR: Hmm, there it is again. That itch. Go down, go down, go down, go down, go down.

IDA: The urge to jump. Do you know where it comes from, that sensation? Genetic heritage. Ever since we were primates in the trees. It's our body's way of testing us. Calculating whether or not we can reach the next branch.

DOCTOR: No, that's not it. That's too kind. It's not the urge to jump. It's deeper than that. It's the urge to fall.

The Satan Pit

DOCTOR: (with Rose on an alien planet) How long are you going to stay with me?

ROSE: Forever.

Army of Ghosts

“This is not war – this is pest control!”

— Daleks, Doomsday

ROSE: (breaking down) Am I ever gonna see you again?

DOCTOR: You can't.

ROSE: What are you gonna do?

DOCTOR: Oh, I've got the TARDIS. Same old life, last of the Time Lords.

ROSE: On your own?

[The Doctor nods his head]

ROSE: I... I love you.

DOCTOR: Quite right, too. And I suppose, if it's my last chance to say it... Rose Tyler...


CHARLEY: I'm alright. What was that?

DOCTOR: Something very large landing on the houses across the street.

CHARLEY: Yes, but what very large something?

DOCTOR: I shall find out using my super-Time-Lord-powers of "looking out of the window."

Memory Lane

DONNA: I'm in my wedding dress!

DOCTOR: Yes, you look lovely! Come on!

The Runaway Bride

“I've seen entire species destroyed, civilisations left in ruins. I've witnessed solar systems vanish in the twinkling of an eye. I've seen things that would freeze your blood. So don't threaten me, don't ever threaten me.”

— Eighth Doctor, Phobos

DOCTOR: Is this London?

TODD HULBERT: Yes. I used to be based in Ipswich. But when somebody’s come half way across the galaxy for a business lunch, they don’t want to have it in Ipswich.

DOCTOR: Understandable.

Human Resources Part 1

“Oh, you should have seen it, that old planet. The second sun would rise in the south, and the mountains would shine. The leaves on the trees were silver, and when they caught the light every morning, it looked like a forest on fire. When the autumn came, the breeze would blow through the branches like a song.”

— Tenth Doctor, Gridlock

“There was a war. A Time War. The last Great Time War. My people fought a race called the Daleks, for the sake of all creation. And they lost. They lost. Everyone lost. They're all gone now. My family, my friends, even that sky. Oh, you should have seen it, that old planet. The second sun would rise in the south, and the mountains would shine. The leaves on the trees were silver, and when they caught the light every morning, it looked like a forest on fire. When the autumn came, the breeze would blow through the branches like a song.”

— Tenth Doctor, Gridlock

“Some people live more in 20 years than others do in 80. It’s not the time that matters, it’s the person.”

— Tenth Doctor, The Lazarus Experiment

“I’m old enough to know that a longer life isn’t always a better one. In the end, you just get tired; tired of the struggle, tired of losing everyone that matters to you, tired of watching everything you love turn to dust. If you live long enough, Lazarus, the only certainty left is that you’ll end up alone.”

— Tenth Doctor, The Lazarus Experiment

“My father Sidney was a watchmaker from Nottingham, and my mother Verity was, er. Well, she was a nurse, actually.”

— Tenth Doctor, Human Nature

“You had to, didn't you? You had to go and fall in love with a human, and it wasn't me.”

— Martha Jones, It wasn’t me

LATIMER: He's like fire and ice and rage. He's like the night and the storm in the heart of the sun.

DOCTOR: Stop it.

LATIMER: He's ancient and forever. He burns at the centre of time and he can see the turn of the universe.

DOCTOR: Stop it! I said stop it.

LATIMER: And he's wonderful.

The Family of Blood

“He never raised his voice. That was the worst thing. The fury of the Time Lord. And then we discovered why. Why this Doctor, who had fought with gods and demons, why he'd run away from us and hidden. He was being kind.”

— , The Family of Blood

“Answer me this. Just one question, that's all. If the Doctor had never visited us, if he'd never chosen this place, on a whim, would anybody here have died?”

— Joan Redfern, The Family of Blood

“They're coming. They're coming for you, but listen, your life could depend on this. Don't blink. Don't even blink. Blink and you're dead. They are fast, faster than you can believe. Don't turn your back, don't look away, and don't blink. Good luck.”

— Tenth Doctor, Blink

BILLY: It was raining when we met.

SALLY: It's the same rain.


SALLY: They're mine.

LARRY: What?

SALLY: The DVDs on the list. The seventeen DVDs. What they've got in common is me. They're all the DVDs I own. The Easter Egg was intended for me.

LARRY: You've only got seventeen DVDs?


“People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but actually from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint, it's more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey... stuff.”

— Tenth Doctor, Blink

SALLY: I love old things. They make me feel sad.

KATHY: What's good about sad?

SALLY: It's happy for deep people.


DOCTOR: I love biographies.

DONNA: Yeah, very you. Always a death at the end.

DOCTOR: You need a good death. Without death, there'd only be comedies. Dying gives us size.

Silence in the Library

“I never land on Sundays. Sundays are boring.”

— Tenth Doctor, Silence in the Library

“Oh, I'm thick! Look at me, I'm old and thick. Head's too full of stuff. I need a bigger head.”

— Tenth Doctor, Silence in the Library

RIVER: Got a problem with archaeologists?

DOCTOR: I'm a time traveller. I point and laugh at archaeologists.

RIVER: Ah. Professor River Song, archaeologist.

Silence in the Library

“Almost every species in the universe has an irrational fear of the dark. But they're wrong, because it's not irrational. It's Vashta Nerada.”

— Vashta Nerada, Silence in the Library

RIVER: Sorry, you're not allowed to see inside the book. It's against the rules.

DOCTOR: What rules?

RIVER: Your rules.

Silence in the Library

“He hasn't met me yet. I sent him a message, but it went wrong. It arrived too early. This is the Doctor in the days before he knew me. And he looks at me, he looks right through me and it shouldn't kill me, but it does.”

— River Song, Silence in the Library

“Listen, all you need to know is this. I'd trust that man to the end of the universe. And actually, we've been.”

— River Song, Forest of the Dead

“You know when you see a photograph of someone you know, but it's from years before you knew them. and it's like they're not quite finished. They're not done yet. Well, yes, the Doctor's here. He came when I called, just like he always does. But not my Doctor. Now my Doctor, I've seen whole armies turn and run away. And he'd just swagger off back to his TARDIS and open the doors with a snap of his fingers. The Doctor in the TARDIS. Next stop, everywhere.”

— River Song, Forest of the Dead

“Wait, no, just hang on. So this isn't the real me? This isn't my real body? But I've been dieting!”

— Donna Noble, Forest of the Dead

“Don't play games with me. You just killed someone I liked. That is not a safe place to stand. I'm the Doctor, and you're in the biggest library in the universe. Look me up.”

— Tenth Doctor, Forest of the Dead

DOCTOR: Why am I handcuffed? Why do you even have handcuffs?

RIVER: Spoilers.

Forest of the Dead

“Funny thing is, this means you've always known how I was going to die. All the time we've been together, you knew I was coming here. The last time I saw you, the real you, the future you, I mean, you turned up on my doorstep, with a new haircut and a suit. You took me to Darillium to see the Singing Towers. What a night that was. The Towers sang, and you cried.”

— River Song, Forest of the Dead

RIVER: If you die here, it'll mean I've never met you.

DOCTOR: Time can be rewritten.

RIVER: Not those times. Not one line. Don't you dare. It's okay. It's okay. It's not over for you. You'll see me again. You've got all of that to come. You and me, time and space. You watch us run.

Forest of the Dead

DOCTOR: River, you know my name. You whispered my name in my ear. There's only one reason I would ever tell anyone my name. There's only one time I could.

RIVER: Hush, now. Spoilers.

Forest of the Dead

DONNA: I made up the perfect man. Gorgeous, adores me, and hardly able to speak a word. What's that say about me?

DOCTOR: Everything. Sorry, did I say everything? I meant to say nothing. I was aiming for nothing. I accidentally said everything.

Forest of the Dead

“When you run with the Doctor, it feels like it will never end. But however hard you try, you can't run forever. Everybody knows that everybody dies, and nobody knows it like the Doctor. But I do think that all the skies of all the worlds might just turn dark, if he ever, for one moment, accepts it.”

— River Song, Forest of the Dead

“Taking a big space truck with a bunch of strangers across a diamond planet called Midnight? What could possibly go wrong?”

— Tenth Doctor, Midnight

“We must not look at goblin men. We must not buy their fruits. Who knows upon what soil they fed, their hungry, thirsty roots?”

— Dee Dee, Midnight

“Sometimes I think there's way too much coincidence around you, Donna. I met you once, then I met your grandfather, then I met you again! In the whole wide universe, I met you for a second time! It's like something's binding us together.”

— Donna Noble, Turn Left

ROSE: He was a Time Lord. Last of his kind.

DONNA: But if he was so special, what was he doing with me?

ROSE: He thought you were brilliant.

DONNA: Don't be stupid.

ROSE: But you are. It just took the Doctor to show you that, simply by being with him. He did the same to me. To everyone he touches.

Turn Left

“No broken bones. Slight loss of dignity. No change there then.”

— Ianto Jones, The Stolen Earth

“Time Lords are the stuff of legend. They belong in the myths and whispers of the Higher Species. You cannot possibly exist.”

— Shadow Architect, The Stolen Earth

“Donna. I'm a human being. Maybe not the stuff of legend but every bit as important as Time Lords, thank you.”

— Donna Noble, The Stolen Earth

“He is coming, the threefold man. He dances in the lonely places. Oh, creator of us all, the Doctor is coming. Tee hee hee hee”

— Dalek Caan, The Stolen Earth

“My vision is not impaired.”

— Daleks, The Stolen Earth

HARRIET: Harriet Jones, former Prime Minister.

JACK: Yeah, I know who you are.

The Stolen Earth

SARAH: Only, excuse me, Harriet, but. Well, the thing is, if you're looking for the Doctor, didn't he depose you?

HARRIET: He did. And I've wondered about that for a long time, whether I was wrong. But I stand by my actions to this day, because I knew, I knew that one day, the Earth would be in danger, and the Doctor would fail to appear. I told him so myself, and he didn't listen.

The Stolen Earth

HARRIET: Harriet Jones. Former Prime Minister.

DALEK: Yes, we know who you are.

HARRIET: Oh, you know nothing of any human, and that will be your downfall.

DALEK: Exterminate.

The Stolen Earth

“Your voice is different, and yet its arrogance is unchanged. Welcome to my new Empire Doctor. It is only fitting that you should bear witness to the resurrection and the triumph of Davros, lord and creator of the Dalek race.”

— Davros, The Stolen Earth

DOCTOR: Sarah Jane said they were taking the people. What for? Think, Donna. When you met Rose in that parallel world, what did she say?

DONNA: Just, the darkness is coming.

DOCTOR: Anything else?

DONNA: Why don't you ask her yourself?

The Stolen Earth

JACK: Here we go. Good luck, Doctor.

DONNA: Will someone please tell me what is going on?.

ROSE: When he's dying, his er, his body, it repairs itself. It changes. But you can't!

DOCTOR: I'm sorry, it's too late. I'm regenerating.

The Stolen Earth

“Detonate the Reality Bomb!”

— Davros, Journey’s End

“Jackie Tyler, Rose's mum. Now where the hell is my daughter?”

— Jackie Tyler, Journey’s End

DOCTOR: You see? Used the regeneration energy to heal myself, but soon as I was done, I didn't need to change. I didn't want to. Why would I? Look at me. So, to stop the energy going all the way, I siphoned off the rest into a handy bio-matching receptacle, namely my hand. My hand there. My handy spare hand. Remember? Christmas Day, Sycorax. Lost my hand in a sword fight? That's my hand. What do you think?

ROSE: You're still you?

DOCTOR: I'm still me.

Journey’s End

“Halt! Sonst werden wir Sie exterminieren! Sie sind jetzt ein Gefangener der Daleks”

— Daleks, Journey’s End

ROSE: Basically, we've been building this, er, this travel machine, this, this er, dimension cannon, so I could. Well, so I could-


ROSE: So I could come back. Shut up.

Journey’s End

“Last time we fought the Daleks, they were scavengers and hybrids, and mad. But this is a fully-fledged Dalek Empire, at the height of its power. Experts at fighting TARDISes, they can do anything. Right now, that wooden door is just wood.”

— Tenth Doctor, Journey’s End

“It's been good, though, hasn't it? All of us. All of it. Everything we did. (to Donna) You were brilliant. (to Jack) And you were brilliant. (to Rose) And you were brilliant. Blimey.”

— Tenth Doctor, Journey’s End

“Is that what Time Lords do? Lop a bit off, grow another one? You're like worms.”

— Donna Noble, Journey’s End

METACRISIS DOCTOR: No, no, no, no, no. I'm unique. Never been another like me. Because all that regeneration energy went into the hand. Look at my hand. I love that hand. But then you touched it. Wham! Shush. Instantaneous biological metacrisis. I grew out of you. Still, could be worse.

DONNA: Oi, watch it, spaceman.

METACRISIS DOCTOR: Oi, watch it, Earth girl. Ooo. I sound like you. I sound all, all sort of rough.




METACRISIS DOCTOR: Spanners. Shush. I must have picked up a bit of your voice, that's all. Is it? Did I? No. Oh, you are kidding me. No way. One heart. I've only got one heart. This body has got only one heart.

DONNA: What, like you're human?

METACRISIS DOCTOR: Oh, that's disgusting.

Journey’s End

METACRISIS DOCTOR: Because you're special.

DONNA: Oh, I keep telling you, I'm not.

METACRISIS DOCTOR: No, but you are. Oh. You really don't believe that, do you? I can see, Donna, what you're thinking. All that attitude, all that lip, all this time you think you're not worth it.

DONNA: Stop it.

METACRISIS DOCTOR: Shouting at the world because no one's listening. Well, why should they?

DONNA: Doctor? Stop it.

METACRISIS DOCTOR: But look at what you did. No, it's more than that. It's like we were always heading for this. You came to the TARDIS. And you found me again. Your granddad. Your car. Donna, your car. You parked your car right where the TARDIS was going land. That's not coincidence at all! We've been blind. Something's been drawing us together for such a long time.

DONNA: But you're talking like destiny. There's no such thing. Is there?

METACRISIS DOCTOR: It's still not finished. It's like the pattern's not complete. The strands are still drawing together. But heading for what?

Journey’s End

“This I have foreseen, in the wild and the wind. The Doctor will be here as witness, at the end of everything. The Doctor and his precious Children of Time. And one of them will die.”

— Dalek Caan, Journey’s End

“Across the entire universe. Never stopping, never faltering, never fading. People and planets and stars will become dust, and the dust will become atoms, and the atoms will become nothing. And the wavelength will continue, breaking through the Rift at the heart of the Medusa Cascade into every dimension, every parallel, every single corner of creation. This is my ultimate victory, Doctor! The destruction of reality itself!”

— Davros, Journey’s End

JACK: Just my luck. I climb through two miles of ventilation shafts, chasing life signs on this thing, and who do I find? Mickey Mouse.

MICKEY: You can talk, Captain Cheesecake.

Journey’s End

ROSE: She's good.

MARTHA: Who's that?

ROSE: My name's Rose. Rose Tyler.

MARTHA: Oh, my God. He found you.

Journey’s End

DAVROS: Impossible. That face. After all these years.

SARAH: Davros. It's been quite a while. Sarah Jane Smith. Remember?

DAVROS: Oh, this is meant to be. The circle of time is closing. You were there on Skaro at the very beginning of my creation.

SARAH: And I've learnt how to fight since then.

Journey’s End

“The man who abhors violence, never carrying a gun. But this is the truth, Doctor. You take ordinary people and you fashion them into weapons. Behold your Children of Time. Transformed into murderers. I made the Daleks, Doctor. You made this.”

— Davros, Journey’s End

“The Doctor. The man who keeps running, never looking back because he dare not, out of shame. This is my final victory, Doctor. I have shown you yourself.”

— Davros, Journey’s End

“The final prophecy is in place. The Doctor and his children, all gathered as witnesses. Supreme Dalek, the time has come. Now, detonate the Reality Bomb!”

— Davros, Journey’s End

“Stand witness, Time Lord. Stand witness, humans. Your strategies have failed, your weapons are useless, and. Oh. The end of the universe has come.”

— Davros, Journey’s End

“Mmm, closing all Z-neutrino relay loops using an internalised synchronous back-feed reversal loop. That button there.”

— Donna Noble, Journey’s End

DONNA: Phwor. Macrotransmission of a K-filter wavelength blocking Dalek weaponry in a self-replicating energy blindfold matrix.

DOCTOR: How did you work that out? You're-

METACRISIS DOCTOR: Time Lord. Part Time Lord.

DONNA: Part human. Oh, yes. That was a two-way biological metacrisis. Half Doctor, half Donna.

DOCTOR: The Doctor Donna. Just like the Ood said, remember? They saw it coming. The Doctor Donna.

Journey’s End

“Because you two were just Time Lords, you dumbos, lacking that little bit of human. That gut instinct that comes hand in hand with Planet Earth. I can think of ideas you two couldn't dream of in a million years. Ah, the universe has been waiting for me. Now, let's send that trip switch all over the ship. Did I ever tell you, best temp in Chiswick? Hundred words per minute.”

— Donna Noble, Journey’s End

SARAH: So there's three of you?

ROSE: Three Doctors?

JACK: I can't tell you what I'm thinking right now.

Journey’s End

“I saw the Daleks. What we have done, throughout time and space, I saw the truth of us, Creator, and I decreed, no more!”

— Dalek Caan, Journey’s End

DOCTOR: Davros? Come with me. I promise I can save you.

DAVROS: Never forget, Doctor, you did this. I name you. Forever, you are the Destroyer of Worlds!

Journey’s End

DOCTOR: Tell me, Gwen Cooper, are you from an old Cardiff family?

GWEN: Yes, all the way back to the eighteen hundreds.

DOCTOR: Ah, thought so. Spatial genetic multiplicity.

ROSE: Oh, yeah.

DOCTOR: Yeah, it's a funny old world.

Journey’s End

MR SMITH: I regret I will need remote access to TARDIS base code numerals.

DOCTOR: Oh, blimey, that's going to take a while.

SARAH: No, no, no. Let me. K9, out you come!

K9: Affirmative, Mistress.

DOCTOR: Oh! Oh ho! Oh, good dog!

Journey’s End

“Now then, you lot. Sarah, hold that down. Mickey, you hold that. Because you know why this TARDIS always is always rattling about the place? Rose? That, there. It's designed to have six pilots, and I have to do it single handed. Martha, keep that level. But not any more. Jack, there you go. Steady that. Now we can fly this thing. No, Jackie. No, no. Not you. Don't touch anything. Just stand back. Like it's meant to be flown. We've got the Torchwood Rift looped around the TARDIS by Mister Smith, and we're going to fly Planet Earth back home. Right then. Off we go!”

— Tenth Doctor, Journey’s End

(To the Doctor) You know, you act like such a lonely man. But look at you. You've got the biggest family on Earth.”

— Sarah Jane Smith, Journey’s End

(To Martha) You know, I'm not sure about UNIT these days. Maybe there's something else you could be doing?”

— Captain Jack Harkness, Journey’s End

JACKIE: Oh, fat lot of good this is. Back of beyond. Bloody Norway? I'm going to have to phone your father. He's on the nursery run. I was pregnant, do you remember? Had a baby boy.

METACRISIS DOCTOR: Oh, brilliant. What did you call him?

JACKIE: Doctor.


JACKIE: No, you plum. He's called Tony.

Journey’s End

METACRISIS DOCTOR: I'm part human. Specifically, the aging part. I'll grow old and never regenerate. I've only got one life, Rose Tyler. I could spend it with you, if you want.

ROSE: You'll grow old at the same time as me?


Journey’s End

ROSE: All right. Both of you, answer me this. When I last stood on this beach, on the worst day of my life, what was the last thing you said to me? Go on, say it.

DOCTOR: I said, Rose Tyler.

ROSE: Yeah, and how was that sentence going to end?

DOCTOR: Does it need saying?

Journey’s End

“Brilliant! Fantastic! Molto bene! Great big universe, packed into my brain. You know you could fix that chameleon circuit if you just tried hotbinding the fragment links and superseding the binary, binary, binary, binary, binary, binary, binary, binary, binary, binary, binary, binary, binary, binary. (gasp) I'm fine. Nah, never mind Felspoon. You know who I'd like to meet? Charlie Chaplin. I bet he's great, Charlie Chaplin. Shall we do that? Shall we go and see Charlie Chaplin? Shall we? Charlie Chaplin? Charlie Chester. Charlie Brown. No, he's fiction. Friction, fiction, fixing, mixing, Rickston, Brixton.”

— Donna Noble, Journey’s End

DOCTOR: There's never been a human Time Lord metacrisis before now. And you know why.

DONNA: Because there can't be.

Journey’s End

“I was going to be with you forever. The rest of my life, travelling in the TARDIS. The Doctor Donna. No. Oh my god. I can't go back. Don't make me go back. Doctor, please, please don't make me go back.”

— Donna Noble, Journey’s End

DOCTOR: Donna. Oh, Donna Noble. I am so sorry. But we had the best of times.


DOCTOR: The best. Goodbye.

DONNA: No, no, no. Please. Please. No. No.

Journey’s End

DOCTOR: I had to wipe her mind completely. Every trace of me, or the TARDIS, anything we did together, anywhere we went, had to go.

WILF: All those wonderful things she did.

DOCTOR: I know. But that version of Donna is dead. Because if she remembers, just for a second, she'll burn up. You can never tell her. You can't mention me or any of it for the rest of her life.

SYLVIA: But the whole world's talking about it. We travelled across space.

DOCTOR: It'll just be a story. One of those Donna Noble stories, where she missed it all again.

WILF: But she was better with you.

Journey’s End

“I just want you to know there are worlds out there, safe in the sky because of her. That there are people living in the light, and singing songs of Donna Noble, a thousand million light years away. They will never forget her, while she can never remember. And for one moment, one shining moment, she was the most important woman in the whole wide universe.”

— Tenth Doctor, Journey’s End

“Every night, Doctor, when it gets dark, and the stars come out, I'll look up on her behalf. I'll look up at the sky, and think of you.”

— Wilfred Mott, Journey’s End

WILF: Oh, Doctor? What about you now? Who've you got? I mean, all those friends of yours.

DOCTOR: They've all got someone else. Still, that's fine. I'm fine.

Journey’s End

“Lucie, there's a lot of darkness out there. Some of it where Orbis used to be. But you know something? We wouldn't notice any of it if it weren't for all those little pinpricks of light; planets and stars. And that's where I go whenever I feel sad. The next bit of light in the darkness. Keep on moving. Never look back. Well, hardly ever.”

— Eighth Doctor, The Scapegoat

“It's weird. It's just different. It's not men, it's just him. It's only him. And I don't even know what it is, really, so. So I'm not broadcasting it.”

— Ianto Jones, Day One

“There's one thing I always meant to ask Jack. Back in the old days, I wanted to know about that Doctor of his. The man who appears out of nowhere and saves the world. Except sometimes he doesn't. All those times in history when there was no sign of him, I wanted to know why not. But I don't need to ask any more. I know the answer now. Sometimes the Doctor must look at this planet and turn away in shame.”

— Gwen Cooper, Day Five

“I don’t want to go.”

— Tenth Doctor, The End of Time – Part 2

“I'm the Doctor. Do everything I tell you, don't ask stupid questions, and don't wander off.”

— Eleventh Doctor, The Eleventh Hour

DOCTOR: You know when grown-ups tell you everything's going to be fine and you think they're probably lying to make you feel better?


DOCTOR: Everything's going to be fine.

The Eleventh Hour


— Eleventh Doctor, The Eleventh Hour

AMY: You're worse than my aunt.

DOCTOR: I'm the Doctor. I'm worse than everybody's aunt.

The Eleventh Hour

“Hello. I'm the Doctor. Basically, run.”

— Eleventh Doctor, The Eleventh Hour

“All of time and space, everything that ever happened or ever will. Where do you want to start?”

— Eleventh Doctor, The Eleventh Hour

AMY: I'm fine. It's just, there's a whole world in here, just like you said. It's all true. I thought. Well, I started to think that maybe you were just like a madman with a box.

DOCTOR: Amy Pond, there's something you'd better understand about me, because it's important, and one day your life may depend on it. I am definitely a madman with a box.

The Eleventh Hour

“I've got pictures of all your faces. You never show up in the right order, though. I need the spotter's guide.”

— River Song, The Time of Angels
River Song, looking up from her diary

DOCTOR: The writing, the graffiti. Old High Gallifreyan. The lost language of the Time Lords. There were days, there were many days, these words could burn stars and raise up empires, and topple gods.

AMY: What does it say?

DOCTOR: Hello, sweetie.

The Time of Angels
Amy and The Doctor, looking at the Home Box

“Like I said on the dancefloor, you might want to find something to hang on to.”

— River Song, The Time of Angels
River Song

DOCTOR: Parked us? We haven't landed.

RIVER: Of course we've landed. I just landed her.

DOCTOR: But, it didn't make the noise.

RIVER: What noise?

DOCTOR: You know, the (wheezing).

RIVER: It's not supposed to make that noise. You leave the brakes on.

DOCTOR: Yeah, well, it's a brilliant noise. I love that noise.

The Time of Angels
The Doctor, doing his TARDIS impression

AMY: How come you can fly the TARDIS?

RIVER: Oh, I had lessons from the very best.

DOCTOR: Well, yeah.

RIVER: It's a shame you were busy that day.

The Time of Angels
Amy and River in the TARDIS

AMY: Aren't you going to introduce us?

DOCTOR: Amy Pond, Professor River Song.

RIVER: Ah, I'm going to be a Professor some day, am I? How exciting. Spoilers.

The Time of Angels
River Song on the beach

RIVER: Where are we up to? Have we done the Bone Meadows?

AMY: What's the book?

DOCTOR: Stay away from it.

AMY: What is it though?

DOCTOR: Her diary.

RIVER: Our diary.

DOCTOR: Her past, my future. Time travel. We keep meeting in the wrong order.

The Time of Angels
River Song looking through her diary

“A Weeping Angel, Amy, is the deadliest, most powerful, most malevolent life form evolution has ever produced, and right now one of them is trapped inside that wreckage and I'm supposed to climb in after it with a screwdriver and a torch, and assuming I survive the radiation long enough and assuming the whole ship doesn't explode in my face, do something incredibly clever which I haven't actually thought of yet. That's my day. That's what I'm up to. Any questions?”

— Eleventh Doctor, The Time of Angels
The Doctor, talking to Amy

“"That which holds the image of an angel becomes itself an angel."”

— Eleventh Doctor, The Time of Angels
The Doctor, reading the book about the Angels, with River in the background

DOCTOR: Each time it moves, it'll move faster. Don't even blink.

AMY: I'm not blinking. Have you ever tried not blinking?

The Time of Angels
Amy winking at the Angel

“"The eyes are not the windows of the soul. They are the doors. Beware what may enter there."”

— Eleventh Doctor, The Time of Angels
The Doctor, reading from the book about the Angels

RIVER: A needle in a haystack.

DOCTOR: A needle that looks like hay. A hay-like needle of death. A hay-alike needle of death in a haystack of, er, statues. No, yours was fine.

The Time of Angels
Stone Statues

AMY: You're so his wife.

RIVER: Oh, Amy, Amy, Amy. This is the Doctor we're talking about. Do you really think it could be anything that simple?

AMY: Yep.

RIVER: You're good. I'm not saying you're right, but you are very good.

The Time of Angels
River and Amy, laughing

“Ah, good. Scared keeps you fast. Anyone in this room who isn't scared is a moron.”

— Eleventh Doctor, The Time of Angels
The Doctor, talking to the clerics

“"What if we had ideas that could think for themselves? What if one day our dreams no longer needed us? When these things occur and are held to be true, the time will be upon us. The Time of Angels."”

— River Song, The Time of Angels
The Doctor in the foreground, with a torch. River is reading from a book in the background

DOCTOR: Didn't anyone every tell you there's one thing you never put in a trap? If you're smart, if you value your continued existence, if you have any plans about seeing tomorrow, there is one thing you never, ever put in a trap.

ANGEL BOB: And what would that be, sir?


The Time of Angels
The Doctor, firing a gun up in the air

OCTAVIAN: Doctor Song, I've lost good Clerics today. You trust this man?

RIVER: I absolutely trust him.

OCTAVIAN: He's not some kind of madman, then?

RIVER: I absolutely trust him.

Flesh and Stone

“A forest in a bottle on a space ship in a maze. Have I impressed you yet, Amy Pond?”

— Eleventh Doctor, Flesh and Stone
The Doctor

“Father Octavian, when the Doctor's in the room, your one and only mission is to keep him alive long enough to get everyone else home. And trust me, it's not easy. Now, if he's dead back there, I'll never forgive myself. And if he's alive, I'll never forgive him. And, Doctor, you're standing right behind me, aren't you?”

— River Song, Flesh and Stone
River Song

“Cracks. Cracks in time. Time running out. No, couldn't be. Couldn't be. But how is a duck pond a duck pond if there aren't any ducks? And she didn't recognise the Daleks. Okay, time can shift. Time can change. Time can be rewritten. Ah. Oh! ... ... Time can be unwritten.”

— Eleventh Doctor, Flesh and Stone
The Doctor

OCTAVIAN: Listen to me, it's important. You can't trust her.

DOCTOR: Trust who?

OCTAVIAN: River Song. You think you know her, but you don't. You don't understand who or what she is.

DOCTOR: Then tell me.

OCTAVIAN: I've told you more than I should. Now please, you have to go. It's your duty to your friends.

DOCTOR: Just tell me why she was in Stormcage?

OCTAVIAN: She killed a man. A good man. A hero to many.

Flesh and Stone
Octavian being strangled by a Weeping Angel

DOCTOR: River Song, I could bloody kiss you.

RIVER: Ah well, maybe when you're older.

Flesh and Stone
River holding Amy

AMY: Then why do I remember it at all? Those guys on the ship didn't remember each other.

DOCTOR: You're a time traveller now, Amy. It changes the way you see the universe, forever. Good, isn't it?

Flesh and Stone
Amy on the beach, wrapped up, laughing

“You, me, handcuffs. Must it always end this way?”

— River Song, Flesh and Stone
River shows The Doctor that she has handcuffs on

DOCTOR: Octavian said you killed a man.

RIVER: Yes, I did.

DOCTOR: A good man.

RIVER: A very good man. The best man I've ever known.


RIVER: It's a long story. Doctor. It can't be told, it has to be lived. No sneak previews. Well, except for this one. You'll see me again quite soon, when the Pandorica opens.

DOCTOR: The Pandorica. Ha! That's a fairy tale.

RIVER: Doctor, aren't we all?

Flesh and Stone
River laughing

DOCTOR: Can I trust you. River Song?

RIVER: If you like. Ha, but where's the fun in that?

Flesh and Stone
River laughing

“The way I see it, every life is a pile of good things and bad things. The good things don’t always soften the bad things, but vice versa, the bad things don’t always spoil the good things or make them unimportant.”

— Eleventh Doctor, Vincent and the Doctor

CRAIG: Has anyone ever told you that you're a bit weird?

DOCTOR: They never really stop.

The Lodger

“Never ignore coincidence. Unless, of course, you’re busy. In which case, always ignore coincidence.”

— Eleventh Doctor, The Pandorica Opens
The Doctor

AMY: That's a Roman Legion.

DOCTOR: Well, yeah. The Romans invaded Britain several times during this period.

AMY: Oh, I know. My favourite topic at school. Invasion of the hot Italians. Yeah, I did get marked down for the title.

The Pandorica Opens
The Doctor and Amy

DOCTOR: You graffitied the oldest cliff face in the universe.

RIVER: You wouldn't answer your phone.

The Pandorica Opens
River, dressed as Cleopatra

DOCTOR: There was a goblin, or a trickster, or a warrior. A nameless, terrible thing, soaked in the blood of a billion galaxies. The most feared being in all the cosmos. And nothing could stop it, or hold it, or reason with it. One day it would just drop out of the sky and tear down your world.

AMY: How did it end up in there?

DOCTOR: You know fairy tales. A good wizard tricked it.

RIVER: I hate good wizards in fairy tales. They always turn out to be him.

The Pandorica Opens
The Doctor, leaning up against the Pandorica, smiling

“Yes. Okay, okay, okay, okay. Dalek fleet, minimum twelve thousand battleships, armed to the teeth. Ah! But we've got surprise on our side. They'll never expect three people to attack twelve thousand Dalek battleships. Because we'd be killed instantly. So it would be a fairly short surprise. Forget surprise.”

— Eleventh Doctor, The Pandorica Opens
The Doctor

RIVER: When you fight Barbarians, what must they think of you?

COMMANDER: Oh, riddles now.

RIVER: Where do they think you come from?

COMMANDER: A place more deadly and more powerful and more impatient than their tiny minds can imagine.

(River uses her gun to disintegrate a wooden stand.)

RIVER: Where do I come from? Your world has visitors. You're all Barbarians now.

The Pandorica Opens
River Song, holding up her gun

“Sorry, sorry, dropped it. Hello, Stonehenge! Who takes the Pandorica, takes the universe. But bad news, everyone, because guess who? Ha! Listen, you lot, you're all whizzing about. It's really very distracting. Could you all just stay still a minute because I am talking! The question of the hour is, who's got the Pandorica? Answer, I do. Next question. Who's coming to take it from me? Come on! Look at me. No plan, no back up, no weapons worth a damn. Oh, and something else. I don't have anything to lose! So, if you're sitting up there in your silly little spaceship, with all your silly little guns, and you've got any plans on taking the Pandorica tonight, just remember who's standing in your way. Remember every black day I ever stopped you, and then, and then, do the smart thing. Let somebody else try first.”

— Eleventh Doctor, The Pandorica Opens
The Doctor, at Stonehenge, talking on a mic to all the spaceships above

RORY: But I don't understand. Why am I here?

DOCTOR: Because you are. The universe is big. It's vast and complicated and ridiculous, and sometimes, very rarely, impossible things just happen and we call them miracles, and that's the theory. Nine hundred years, never seen one yet, but this would do me. Now get upstairs. She's Amy and she's surrounded by Romans. I'm not sure history can take it.

The Pandorica Opens
The Doctor

DOCTOR: You lot, working together. An alliance. How is that possible?

WHITE DALEK: The cracks in the skin of the universe.

STARK: All reality is threatened.

CYBERLEADER: All universes will be deleted.

DOCTOR: What? And you've come to me for help?

STARK: No. We will save the universe from you!

The Pandorica Opens
The Alliance of monsters

“We’re all stories, in the end. Just make it a good one, eh?”

— Eleventh Doctor, The Big Bang

“Okay, kid. This is where it gets complicated.”

— Amy Pond, The Big Bang
Amy, strapped inside the Pandorica

“Oh, you can do loads in twelve minutes. Suck a mint, buy a sledge, have a fast bath.”

— Eleventh Doctor, The Big Bang
The Doctor, in the museum, wearing a fez

DOCTOR: Hi, honey. I'm home.

RIVER: And what sort of time do you call this?

The Big Bang

RIVER: Right then, I have questions, but number one is this. What in the name of sanity have you got on your head?

DOCTOR: It's a fez. I wear a fez now. Fezes are cool.

The Big Bang
The Doctor, River, and Amy on the roof. The Doctor is wearing a fez.

DALEK: You will be exterminated!

RIVER: Not yet. Your systems are still restoring, which means your shield density is compromised. One Alpha Mezon burst through your eyestalk would kill you stone dead.

DALEK: Records indicate you will show mercy. You are an associate of the Doctor's.

RIVER: I'm River Song. Check your records again.

DALEK: Mercy.

RIVER: Say it again.

DALEK: Mercy!

RIVER: One more time.

DALEK: Mercy!

The Big Bang
River Song, pointing a gun

AMY: I found you. I found you in words, like you knew I would. That's why you told me the story the brand new, ancient blue box. Oh, clever. Very clever.

RORY: Amy, what is it?

AMY: Something old. Something new. Something borrowed. Something blue.

The Big Bang
Amy, in her wedding dress

AMY: Okay, Doctor. Did I surprise you this time?

(The Doctor appears in top hat and tails.)

DOCTOR: Er, yeah. Completely astonished. Never expected that. How lucky I happened to be wearing this old thing. Hello, everyone. I'm Amy's imaginary friend. But I came anyway.

The Big Bang
The Doctor, landed his TARDIS in the middle of the wedding, in a top hat and tails

RIVER: Did you dance? Well, you always dance at weddings, don't you?

DOCTOR: You tell me.

RIVER: Spoilers.

The Big Bang
River Song

DOCTOR: River, who are you?

RIVER: You're going to find out very soon now. And I'm sorry, but that's when everything changes.

The Big Bang
River using her vortex manipulator

DOCTOR: Sorry, something's come up. This will have to be goodbye.

AMY: Yeah, I think it's goodbye. Do you think it's goodbye?

RORY: Definitely goodbye.

(Amy goes to the door and shouts to Leadworth.)

AMY: Goodbye! Goodbye.

The Big Bang
Amy saying goodbye to her wedding party

“I was once a man with a masterplan. I’d seek out injustices, topple governments, all in the name of the greater good. I’d started doing the maths, you see…. This is how evil starts, with the belief that the ends justify the means. But once you start down that road, there’s no turning back. What if you can save a million lives, but you have to let ten people die, or a hundred, or a hundred thousand. Where do you stop?”

— Eighth Doctor, The Resurrection of Mars

“Everything’s got to end sometime. Otherwise, nothing would ever get started.”

— Eleventh Doctor, A Christmas Carol

“In 900 years of time and space, I’ve never met anyone who wasn’t important.”

— Eleventh Doctor, A Christmas Carol

DOCTOR: Who's she?

SARDICK: Nobody important.

DOCTOR: Nobody important. Blimey, that's amazing. Do you know, in nine hundred years of time and space, I've never met anyone who wasn't important before.

A Christmas Carol

“I wear a Stetson now. Stetsons are cool.”

— Eleventh Doctor, The Impossible Astronaut
Amy, the Doctor, and Rory, in America. The Doctor is wearing a Stetson.

DOCTOR: I'm being extremely clever up here, and there's no one to stand around looking impressed! What's the point in having you all?

RIVER: Couldn't you just slap him sometimes?

The Impossible Astronaut
The Doctor is upside down looking at River in the TARDIS

“Time isn't a straight line. It's all bumpy wumpy. There's loads of boring stuff like Sundays and Tuesdays and Thursday afternoons. But now and then there are Saturdays. Big temporal tipping points when anything's possible. The TARDIS can't resist them, like a moth to a flame.”

— Eleventh Doctor, The Impossible Astronaut
The Doctor waving his arms and being impressive in the TARDIS. Rory is in the background.

RIVER: You're going to have to trust us this time.

DOCTOR: Trust you? Sure. But, first of all, Doctor Song, just one thing. Who are you? You're someone from my future. Getting that. But who? Okay. Why are you in prison? Who did you kill, hmm? Now, I love a bad girl, me, but trust you? Seriously.

The Impossible Astronaut
The Doctor, talking to River. Amy is in the background.

DOCTOR: You're lying.

AMY: I'm not lying.

DOCTOR: Swear to me. Swear to me on something that matters.

AMY: Fish fingers and custard.

DOCTOR: My life in your hands, Amelia Pond.

The Impossible Astronaut
Amy smiling at The Doctor

NIXON: You were my second choice for this, Mister Delaware.

CANTON: That's okay. You were my second choice for President, Mister Nixon.

The Impossible Astronaut
Canton on the phone

“I'm going to need a SWAT team, ready to mobilise. Street level maps covering all of Florida. A pot of coffee, twelve Jammie Dodgers and a fez.”

— Eleventh Doctor, The Impossible Astronaut
The Doctor behind the desk in the Oval Office, hands up pointing

“Argh! I saw you before, at the lake. And here. But then I forgot. How did I forget? What are you?”

— Amy Pond, The Impossible Astronaut
Amy, in the restroom, encountering a Silence.

DOCTOR: Jefferson isn't a girl's name. It's not her name either. Jefferson, Adams, Hamilton... River?

RIVER: Surnames of three of America's founding fathers.

DOCTOR: Lovely fellows. Two of them fancied me.

The Impossible Astronaut
The Doctor and River in the TARDIS.

Doctor Song, you've got that face on again.

RIVER: What face?

DOCTOR: The "he's hot when he's clever" face.

RIVER: This is my normal face.

DOCTOR: Yes, it is.

RIVER: Oh, shut up.

DOCTOR: Not a chance.

The Impossible Astronaut
The Doctor

DOCTOR: Life signs?

RIVER: No, nothing that's showing up.

DOCTOR: Those are the worst kind.

The Impossible Astronaut
The Doctor looking down a manhole.

DOCTOR: Shout if you get in trouble.

RIVER: Don't worry, I'm quite the screamer. Now there's a spoiler for you.

The Impossible Astronaut
River, climbing down a manhole

RORY: What did you mean? What you said to Amy. There's a worst day coming for you.

RIVER: When I first met the Doctor, a long, long time ago, he knew all about me. Think about that. An impressionable young girl and, suddenly this man just drops out of the sky and he's clever and mad and wonderful, and knows every last thing about her. Imagine what that does to a girl.

RORY: I don't really have to.

RIVER: The trouble is, it's all back to front. My past is his future. We're travelling in opposite directions. Every time we meet, I know him more, he knows me less. I live for the days when I see him, but I know that every time I do, he'll be one step further away. And the day is coming when I'll look into that man's eyes, my Doctor, and he won't have the faintest idea who I am. And I think it's going to kill me.

The Impossible Astronaut
River opening a locked door

“Silence will fall.”

— The Silence, Day of the Moon
A Silent

RIVER: She climbed out of this suit. Like she forced her way out. She must be incredibly strong.

DOCTOR: Incredibly strong and running away. I like her.

Day of the Moon
River Song

“You should kill us all on sight.”

— The Silence, Day of the Moon
The Silence, on TV

RORY: So, what kind of doctor are you?

RIVER: Archaeology. Love a tomb.

Day of the Moon
River, on her knees, she has been shooting

NIXON: This person you want to marry. Black?


NIXON: Hmm. I know what people think of me, but perhaps I'm a little more liberal.

CANTON: He is.

NIXON: I think the Moon is far enough, for now, don't you, Mister Delaware?

CANTON: I figured it might be.

Day of the Moon
Canton and Nixon

(River kisses the Doctor.)

DOCTOR: Right. Okay. Interesting.

RIVER: What's wrong? You're acting like we've never done that before.

DOCTOR: We haven't.

RIVER: We haven't?

DOCTOR: Oh, look at the time. Must be off. But it was very nice. It was, it was good. It was er, unexpected. You know what they say. There's a first time for everything.

(The Doctor goes into the TARDIS.)

RIVER: And a last time.

Day of the Moon
River kissing the Doctor

DOCTOR: Amy, why tell me and not Rory?

AMY: Why do you think? I travelled with you in this TARDIS for so long. All that time. If I was pregnant for some of it, wouldn't it have had an effect?

AMY: I don't want to tell Rory his baby might have three heads or, like, a time head, or something.

DOCTOR: What's a time head?

AMY: I don't know, but what if it had one?

DOCTOR: A timehead.

AMY: Shut up.

Day of the Moon
Amy and The Doctor, laughing

TRAMP: Are you okay? Little girl, are you okay?

GIRL: It's all right. It's quite all right. I'm dying. But I can fix that. It's easy, really. See?

(Her skin glows with golden regeneration energy. She smiles, and the tramp runs.)

Day of the Moon

“Letting it get to you. You know what that's called? Being alive. Best thing there is. Being alive right now, that's all that counts.”

— Eleventh Doctor, The Doctor’s Wife

“Biting's excellent. It's like kissing, only there's a winner.”

— Idris, The Doctor’s Wife

RORY: He'll be fine. He's a Time Lord.

AMY: It's just what they're called. It doesn't mean he actually knows what he's doing.

The Doctor’s Wife

IDRIS: Are all people like this?

DOCTOR: Like what?

IDRIS: So much bigger on the inside.

The Doctor’s Wife

DOCTOR: I just want to say, you know, you have never been very reliable.

IDRIS: And you have?

DOCTOR: You didn't always take me where I wanted to go.

IDRIS: No, but I always took you where you needed to go.

The Doctor’s Wife

“I wanted to see the universe, so I stole a Time Lord and I ran away. And you were the only one mad enough.”

— Idris, The Doctor’s Wife

HOUSE: Fear me. I've killed hundreds of Time Lords.

DOCTOR: Fear me. I've killed all of them.

The Doctor’s Wife

“Look at you pair. It's always you and her, isn't it, long after the rest of us have gone. A boy and his box, off to see the universe.”

— Amy Pond, The Doctor’s Wife

AMY: You want to be forgiven.

DOCTOR: Don't we all?

The Doctor’s Wife
The Eleventh Doctor, looking sad

“Oh, I know what you're up to. I hear everything in this place. I even hear rumours about whose child you've taken. Are you mad? You know the stories about the Doctor, the things that man has done. God help us if you've made him angry.”

— Dorium Maldovar, Brain Trafficking

“She's having a baby. I needed to see the Flesh in its early days. That's why I scanned it. That's why we were there in the first place. I was going to drop you off for fish and chips first, but things happened and there was stuff and shenanigans. Beautiful word, shenanigans.”

— Eleventh Doctor, The Almost People
The Doctor

AMY: No. No. Doctor, I am frightened. I'm properly, properly scared.

DOCTOR: Don't be. Hold on. We're coming for you. I swear it. Whatever happens, however hard, however far, we will find you.

AMY: I'm right here.

DOCTOR: No, you're not. You haven't been here for a long, long time.

The Almost People
The Doctor using the Sonic on Amy

KOVARIAN: The anger of a good man is not a problem. Good men have too many rules.

DOCTOR: Good men don't need rules. Today is not the day to find out why I have so many.

A Good Man Goes to War

“I wish I could tell you that you'll be loved, that you'll be safe and cared for and protected. But this isn't a time for lies. What you are going to be, Melody is very, very brave. But not as brave as they'll have to be. Because there's someone coming. I don't know where he is, or what he's doing, but trust me, he's on his way. There's a man who's never going to let us down, and not even an army can get in the way. He's the last of his kind. He looks young, but he's lived for hundreds and hundreds of years. And wherever they take you, Melody, however scared you are, I promise you, you will never be alone. Because this man is your father. He has a name, but the people of our world know him better... as the Last Centurion.”

— Amy Pond, A Good Man Goes to War
Amy Pond, looking down at her baby

RORY: I have a message and a question. A message from the Doctor and a question from me. Where is my wife? Oh, don't give me those blank looks. The Twelfth Cyber Legion monitors this entire quadrant. You hear everything. So you tell me what I need to know. You tell me now, and I'll be on my way.

CYBERLEADER: What is the Doctor's message?

(Outside, all the other ships in the Legion explode.)

RORY: Would you like me to repeat the question?

A Good Man Goes to War
Rory, on a spaceship, explosions outside in space

THIN ONE: Hello. I'm the Thin One. This is my husband. He's the Fat One.

LORNA: Don't you have names?

FAT ONE: We're the thin fat gay married Anglican marines. Why would we need names as well?

A Good Man Goes to War
The Thin One

THIN ONE: Lorna Bucket. You've had an Encounter, haven't you? You've met him.

LORNA: I was just a kid.

THIN ONE: But what's he like? The Doctor.

LORNA: He said run.

THIN ONE: Just run?

LORNA: He said it a lot.

A Good Man Goes to War
Lorna Bucket

VASTRA: Send a telegram to Inspector Abberline of the yard. Jack the Ripper has claimed his last victim.

JENNY: How did you find him?

VASTRA: Stringy, but tasty all the same. I shan't be needing dinner.

A Good Man Goes to War
Madame Vastra

STRAX: Of course you will, my boy. You'll be up and around in no time. And perhaps one day, you and I shall meet on the field of battle, and I will destroy you for the glory of the Sontaran Empire.

ARTHUR: Thanks, Nurse.

A Good Man Goes to War
Strax the nurse, attending to a patient

RORY: I've come from the Doctor too.

RIVER: Yes, but at a different point in time.

RORY: Unless there's two of them.

RIVER: Now, that's a whole different birthday.

A Good Man Goes to War
River Song

RIVER: This is the Battle of Demon's Run. The Doctor's darkest hour. He'll rise higher than ever before and then fall so much further, and I can't be with him till the very end.

RORY: Why not?

RIVER: Because this is it. This is the day he finds out who I am.

A Good Man Goes to War
River Song, in her cell

KOVARIAN: We've been waiting a month. He's done nothing.

DORIUM: Do you really think so? There are people all over this galaxy that owe that man a debt. By now, a few of them will have found a blue box waiting for them on their doorstep, poor devils.

MANTON: You think he's raising an army?

DORIUM: You think he isn't? If that man is finally collecting on his debts, God help you, and God help his debtors.

A Good Man Goes to War
Madame Kovarian and General Manton, talking to Dorium

DORIUM: The asteroid, where you've made your base. Do you know why they call it Demon's Run?

KOVARIAN: It's just some old saying.

DORIUM: A very old saying. The oldest. Demons run when a good man goes to war.

A Good Man Goes to War

“No. No, no, please. Not me. You don't need me. Why would you need me? I'm old, I'm fat, I'm blue! You can't need me!”

— Dorium Maldovar, A Good Man Goes to War

“He is not the devil. He is not a god. He is not a goblin, or a phantom or a trickster. The Doctor is a living, breathing man, and as I look around this room I know one thing. We're sure as hell going to fix that.”

— Colonel Manton, A Good Man Goes to War
Manton, talking to his troops

AMY: Can I borrow your gun?


AMY: Because I've got a feeling you're going to keep talking.

A Good Man Goes to War

MANTON: Because these guys never can be persuaded.

MANTON: They never can be afraid.

MANTON: And they can never, ever be

DOCTOR: Surprised! Ha, ha! Hello, everyone. Guess who. Please, point a gun at me if it helps you relax. You're only human.

A Good Man Goes to War
The Doctor, disguised as a headless monk

JENNY: Clever, isn't he?

VASTRA: And rather attractive.

JENNY: You do realise he's a man, don't you, ma'am?

VASTRA: Mammals. They all look alike.

A Good Man Goes to War
Vastra with a tied up prisoner

STRAX: Colonel Manton, you will give the order for your men to withdraw.

DOCTOR: No. Colonel Manton, I want you to tell your men to run away.

MANTON: You what?

DOCTOR: Those words. Run away. I want you to be famous for those exact words. I want people to call you Colonel Run Away. I want children laughing outside your door, because they've found the house of Colonel Run Away. And, when people come to you, and ask if trying to get to me through the people I love is in any way a good idea, I want you to tell them your name. Oh, look, I'm angry. That's new. I'm really not sure what's going to happen now.

A Good Man Goes to War
The Eleventh Doctor, angry and pointing at Manton

DOCTOR: Hello. Hello, baby.

AMY: Melody.

DOCTOR: Melody? Hello, Melody Pond.

RORY: Melody Williams.

AMY: -is a geography teacher. Melody Pond is a superhero.

A Good Man Goes to War
Rory is holding Melody, The Doctor is pointing at her

RORY: She's fine. Amy, she's fine. I checked. She's beautiful. Oh God, I was going to be cool. I wanted to be cool. Look at me.

AMY: You're okay. Crying Roman with a baby. Definitely cool. Come here, you.

A Good Man Goes to War
Rory crying

VASTRA: Now, I have a question. A simple one. Is Melody human?

DOCTOR: Sorry, what? Of course she is. Completely human. What are you talking about?

DORIUM: They've been scanning her since she was born, and I think they found what they were looking for.


VASTRA: Look closer. Human plus. Specifically, human plus Time Lord.

A Good Man Goes to War
Vastra talking to the Doctor

“Oh, my God. It's the Doctor's first stars.”

— Amy Pond, A Good Man Goes to War
Amy playing with stars from The Doctor's cot

VASTRA: But could the child have begun on the TARDIS in flight, in the vortex?

DOCTOR: No! No! Impossible! It's all running about, sexy fish vampires and blowing up stuff. And Rory wasn't even there at the beginning. Then he was dead, then he didn't exist, then he was plastic. Then I had to reboot the whole universe. Long story. So, technically the first time they were on the TARDIS together in this version of reality, was on their w-

VASTRA: On their what?

DOCTOR: On their wedding night.

A Good Man Goes to War
The Doctor

DOCTOR: It doesn't make sense. You can't just cook yourself a Time Lord.

VASTRA: Of course not. But you gave them one hell of a start, and they've been working very hard ever since.

A Good Man Goes to War
The Doctor talking to Vastra

KOVARIAN: The child, then. What do you think?

DOCTOR: What is she?

KOVARIAN: Hope. Hope in this endless, bitter war.

DOCTOR: What war? Against who?

KOVARIAN: Against you, Doctor.

A Good Man Goes to War
Kovarian on a screen

“Oh, Doctor. Fooling you once was a joy, but fooling you twice the same way? It's a privilege.”

— Madame Kovarian, A Good Man Goes to War
Kovarian on a screen

“Demons run when a good man goes to war. Night will fall and drown the sun, when a good man goes to war. Friendship dies and true love lies, night will fall and the dark will rise, when a good man goes to war. Demons run but count the cost. The battle's won, but the child is lost.”

— River Song, A Good Man Goes to War
Kovarian, appearing to the baby Melody

“This was exactly you. All this. All of it. You make them so afraid. When you began, all those years ago, sailing off to see the universe, did you ever think you'd become this? The man who can turn an army around at the mention of his name. Doctor. The word for healer and wise man throughout the universe. We get that word from you, you know. But if you carry on the way you are, what might that word come to mean? To the people of the Gamma Forests, the word Doctor means mighty warrior. How far you've come. And now they've taken a child, the child of your best friends, and they're going to turn her into a weapon just to bring you down. And all this, my love, in fear of you.”

— River Song, A Good Man Goes to War
River talking to the Doctor

RIVER: It's your daughter's name in the language of the Forest.

AMY: I know my daughter's name.

RIVER: Except they don't have a word for Pond, because the only water in the forest is the River. The Doctor will find your daughter, and he will care for her whatever it takes. And I know that. It's me. I'm Melody. I'm your daughter.

A Good Man Goes to War
River and Amy

“Well, let's see. You've got a time machine, I've got a gun. What the hell. Let's kill Hitler.”

— Mels, Let’s Kill Hitler
Melt pointing a gun at the Doctor

“You said he was funny. You never said he was hot.”

— Mels, Let’s Kill Hitler
Mels, looking down, TARDIS in the background

DOCTOR: You've shot it! You shot my TARDIS! You shot the console!

MELS: It's your fault!

DOCTOR: Argh! How's it my fault?

MELS: You said guns didn't work in this place. You said we're in a state of temporal grace.

DOCTOR: That was a clever lie, you idiot! Anyone could tell that was a clever lie.

Let’s Kill Hitler
The Doctor, looking at the TARDIS time rotor which has a bullet hole in it

“Welcome. You are unauthorised. Your death will now be implemented. Welcome. You will experience a tingling sensation and then death. Remain calm while your life is extracted.”

— Antibodies, Let’s Kill Hitler
An Antibody

HITLER: Thank you, whoever you are. I think you have just saved my life.

DOCTOR: Believe me, it was an accident.

Let’s Kill Hitler

MELS: When I was little, I was going to marry you.

DOCTOR: Good idea, let's get married. You stay alive and I'll marry you, deal? Deal?

MELS: Shouldn't you ask my parents permission?

DOCTOR: As soon as you're well, I'll get on the phone.

MELS: Might as well do it now, since they're both right here. Penny in the air. Penny drops.

Let’s Kill Hitler
Mels, dying, speaks to The Doctor

DOCTOR: Mels. Short for-

MELS: Melody.

AMY: Yeah. I named my daughter after her.

DOCTOR: You named your daughter after your daughter.

Let’s Kill Hitler
Amy, The Doctor, and Rory, looking stunned

“Oh! Oh! Oh! Whoa! Right, let's see, then. Ooo, it's all going on down there, isn't it? The hair! Oh, the hair. It just doesn't stop, does it? Look at that. Everything changes. Oh, but I love it. I love it! I'm all sort of mature.”

— River Song, Let’s Kill Hitler

AMY: That's Melody.

RORY: That's River Song.

RIVER: Who's River Song?

DOCTOR: Spoilers.

RIVER: Spoilers? What's spoilers?

Let’s Kill Hitler

“Oh, that's magnificent! I'm going to wear lots of jodhpurs.”

— River Song, Let’s Kill Hitler
River Song

“Oh, Mummy, Mummy, pay attention. I was trained and conditioned for one purpose. I was born to kill the Doctor.”

— River Song, Let’s Kill Hitler
River pointing a gun

NAZI OFFICER: What are you doing here?

RIVER: Well, I was on my way to this gay Gypsy Bar-Mitzvah for the disabled, when I thought gosh, the Third Reich's a bit rubbish. I think I'll kill the Fuhrer. Who's with me?

NAZI OFFICER: Shoot her.

Let’s Kill Hitler
River Song

“Tip for you all. Never shoot a girl while she's regenerating.”

— River Song, Let’s Kill Hitler
River Song, exploding with regeneration energy

HOLO-DOCTOR: Voice interface enabled.

DOCTOR: Oh no, no, no, no, no. Give me someone I like.

(Holo-Rose Tyler.)

DOCTOR: Oh, thanks. Give me guilt.

(Holo-Martha Jones.)

DOCTOR: Also guilt.

(Holo-Donna Noble.)

DOCTOR: More guilt. Argh. Come on, there must be someone left in the universe I haven't screwed up yet.

Let’s Kill Hitler
The Doctor, dying

“Okay. Okay, I am trapped inside a giant robot replica of my wife. I'm really trying not to see this as a metaphor.”

— Rory Williams, Let’s Kill Hitler
Amy and Rory in the Tesselecta

“I might take the age down a little, just gradually, to freak people out.”

— River Song, Let’s Kill Hitler
River Song, checking herself out in the mirror

“Never knowingly be serious.”

— Eleventh Doctor, Let’s Kill Hitler
The Doctor in a top hat, on a view screen

TESELECTA-AMY: The Silence is not a species. It is a religious order, or movement. Their core belief is that silence will fall when the question is asked.

DOCTOR: What question?

TESELECTA-AMY: The first question. The oldest question in the universe, hidden in plain sight.

DOCTOR: Yes, but what is the question?


Let’s Kill Hitler
Tesselecta Amy

“All life forms prepare for immediate decease. You will experience a tingling sensation and then death.”

— Antibodies, Let’s Kill Hitler
An Antibody

“I seem to be able to fly her. She showed me how. She taught me. The Doctor says I'm the child of the TARDIS. What does he mean?”

— River Song, Let’s Kill Hitler
River Song, flying the TARDIS

AMY: You can't die now. I know you don't die now.

DOCTOR: Oh, Pond, you've got a schedule for everything.

Let’s Kill Hitler
The Doctor, on the floor dying

RIVER: Just tell me. The Doctor, is he worth it?

AMY: Yes! Yes, he is!

(River pours her golden regeneration energy into the Doctor, and he revives.)

DOCTOR: River. No. What are you doing?

RIVER: Hello, sweetie.

Let’s Kill Hitler

“Rule one. The Doctor lies.”

— Eleventh Doctor, Let’s Kill Hitler
The Doctor

RORY: Doctor, River was brainwashed to kill you, right?

DOCTOR: Well, she did kill me, and then she used her remaining lives to bring me back. As first dates go, I'd say that was mixed signals.

Let’s Kill Hitler
The Doctor

PROFESSOR: So then, tell me. Why do you want to study archaeology?

RIVER: Well, to be perfectly honest, Professor, I'm looking for a good man.

Let’s Kill Hitler
River Song

KOVARIAN: By Silencio Lake, on the Plain of Sighs, an Impossible Astronaut will rise from the deep and strike the Time Lord dead.

RIVER: It's a story.

KOVARIAN: And this is where it begins.

Closing Time

DORIUM: Hello? Is someone there? Ah, Doctor. Thank God it's you. The Monks, they turned on me.

DOCTOR: Well, I'm afraid they rather did, a bit.

DORIUM: Give it to me straight, Doctor. How bad are my injuries?


DORIUM: Ha, ha! Oh, your face.

The Wedding of River Song
Dorium's head in a box, he's laughing

“On the Fields of Trenzalore, at the fall of the Eleventh, when no living creature can speak falsely, or fail to answer, a question will be asked. A question that must never, ever be answered.”

— Dorium Maldovar, The Wedding of River Song
Dorium's head in a box, surrounded by skulls

DOCTOR: Suppose there was a man who knew a secret. A terrible, dangerous secret that must never be told. How would you erase that secret from the world? Destroy it forever, before it can be spoken.

CHURCHILL: If I had to, I'd destroy the man.

DOCTOR: And silence would fall. All the times I've heard those words, I never realised it was my silence, my death. The Doctor will fall.

The Wedding of River Song
The Doctor, as the soothsayer, with a scraggy beard, talking to Churchill

DOCTOR: Been knocking about. A bit of a farewell tour. Things to do, people to see. There's always more. I could invent a new colour, save the Dodo, join the Beatles. I have got a time machine, Dorium. It's all still going on. For me, it never stops. Liz the First is still waiting in a glade to elope with me. I could help Rose Tyler with her homework. I could go on all of Jack's stag parties in one night.

DORIUM: Time catches up with us all, Doctor.

DOCTOR: Well, it has never laid a glove on me!

The Wedding of River Song
The Doctor in the TARDIS, wearing a Stetson and on the phone, gesticulating as he talks to Dorium.

“Amy and Rory. The last Centurion and the girl who waited. However dark it got, I'd turn around, and there they'd be. If it's time to go, remember what you're leaving. Remember the best. My friends have always been the best of me.”

— Eleventh Doctor, The Wedding of River Song
Wide angle shot of The Doctor hugging Amy, Rory is there, in the desert in USA with a car.

DOCTOR: Look over there.

RIVER: That's me. How can I be there?

DOCTOR: That's you from the future, serving time for a murder you probably can't remember. My murder.

RIVER: Why would you do that? Make me watch?

DOCTOR: So that you know this is inevitable. And you are forgiven. Always and completely forgiven.

The Wedding of River Song
River in the spacesuit

“It was such a basic mistake, wasn't it, Madame Kovarian. Take a child, raise her into a perfect psychopath, introduce her to the Doctor. Who else was I going to fall in love with?”

— River Song, The Wedding of River Song
River Song, wearing an eye patch. Madame Kovarian is behind her.

RIVER: There are so many theories about you and I, you know.

DOCTOR: Idle gossip.

RIVER: Archaeology.

DOCTOR: Same thing.

RIVER: Am I the woman who marries you, or the woman who murders you?

DOCTOR: I don't want to marry you.

RIVER: I don't want to murder you.

The Wedding of River Song
River Song, speaking to The Doctor

“Rory Williams, the man who dies and dies again. Die one last time and know she will never come back for you.”

— The Silence, The Wedding of River Song
The Silence, zapping

AMY: You took my baby from me and hurt her. And now she's all grown up and she's fine, but I'll never see my baby again.

KOVARIAN: But you'll still save me, though. Because he would, and you'd never do anything to disappoint your precious Doctor.

RORY: Ma'am, we have to go, now.

AMY: The Doctor is very precious to me, you're right. But do you know what else he is, Madame Kovarian? Not here.

(Amy puts Kovarian's eye drive back in place, it zaps her)

AMY: River Song didn't get it all from you, sweetie.

The Wedding of River Song
Amy angrily talking to Kovarian

“Those reports of the sun spots and the solar flares. They're wrong. There aren't any. It's not the sun, it's you. The sky is full of a million, million voices saying yes, of course we'll help. You've touched so many lives, saved so many people. Did you think when your time came, you'd really have to do more than just ask? You've decided that the universe is better off without you, but the universe doesn't agree.”

— River Song, The Wedding of River Song
River Song, looking at the Doctor, teary eyed.

RIVER: I can't let you die without knowing you are loved by so many, and so much, and by no one more than me.

DOCTOR: River, you and I, we know what this means. We are ground zero of an explosion that will engulf all reality. Billions on billions will suffer and die.

RIVER: I'll suffer if I have to kill you.

DOCTOR: More than every living thing in the universe?


The Wedding of River Song
River Song, looking at the Doctor, teary eyed.

DOCTOR: I just told you my name. Now, there you go, River Song. Melody Pond. You're the woman who married me. And wife, I have a request. This world is dying and it's my fault, and I can't bear it another day. Please, help me. There isn't another way.

RIVER: Then you may kiss the bride.

DOCTOR: I'll make it a good one.

RIVER: You'd better.

The Wedding of River Song
The Doctor and River, kissing during their wedding

AMY: Heard there was a freak meteor shower two miles away, so I got us a bottle.

RIVER: Thank you, dear.

AMY: So where are we?

RIVER: I just climbed out of the Byzantium. You were there. So young. Didn't have a clue who I was. You're funny like that.

The Wedding of River Song
Amy and River, in the garden together drinking wine

RIVER: Rule One?

AMY: The Doctor lies.

RIVER: So do I, all the time. Have to. Spoilers. Pretending I don't know you're my mother, pretending I don't recognise a space suit in Florida.

The Wedding of River Song
River, smiling at Amy

RORY: Are you sure, River? Are you really, properly sure?

RIVER: Of course I'm sure. I'm his wife.

AMY: Yes! And I'm his --- mother in law.

RIVER: Father dear, I think Mummy might need another drink.

The Wedding of River Song
Amy Pond, coming to a realisation she's not happy about

“The first question. The question that must never be answered, hidden in plain sight. The question you've been running from all your life. Doctor who? Doctor who? Doctor Who?”

— Dorium Maldovar, The Wedding of River Song
Dorium, head in a box, asking "Doctor Who?"

DOCTOR: How's Stormcage?

RIVER: I'm on the first night of twelve thousand consecutive life sentences, kind of early to say.

First Night

“Because every time you see them happy you remember how sad they’re going to be. And it breaks your heart. Because what’s the point in them being happy if they’re going to be sad later? The answer is, of course, because they are going to be sad later.”

— Eleventh Doctor, The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe

OSWIN: Lovely name, Rory. First boy I ever fancied was called Rory.

RORY: Okay.

OSWIN: Actually, she was called Nina. I was going through a phase.

Asylum of the Daleks

“I'm not running away. But this is one corner of one country in one continent on one planet that's a corner of a galaxy that's a corner of a universe that is forever growing and shrinking and creating and destroying and never remaining the same for a single millisecond. And there is so much, so much to see, Amy. Because it goes so fast. I'm not running away from things, I am running to them before they flare and fade forever. And it's all right. Our lives won't run the same. They can't. One day, soon maybe, you'll stop. I've known for a while.”

— Eleventh Doctor, The Power of Three

“I always rip out the last page of a book. Then it doesn't have to end. I hate endings.”

— Eleventh Doctor, The Angels Take Manhattan
Amy and The Doctor, in New York. The Doctor is reading a book.

DOCTOR: And if you read ahead and find that Rory dies? This isn't any old future, Amy, it's ours. Once we know what's coming, it's fixed. I'm going to break something, because you told me that I'm going to do it. No choice now.

AMY: Time can be rewritten.

DOCTOR: Not once you've read it. Once we know what's coming, it's written in stone.

The Angels Take Manhattan
Rory's gravestone

GRAYLE: What are you doing?

RIVER: Oh, you know, texting a boy.

The Angels Take Manhattan
River using her Vortex Manipulator. There is a Weeping Angel behind her.

DOCTOR: So where are we now, Doctor Song? How's prison?

RIVER: Oh, I was pardoned ages ago. And it's Professor Song to you.

DOCTOR: Pardoned?

RIVER: Mmm. Turns out the person I killed never existed in the first place. Apparently, there's no record of him. It's almost as if someone's gone around deleting himself from every database in the universe.

DOCTOR: You said I got too big.

RIVER: And now no one's ever heard of you. Didn't you used to be somebody?

DOCTOR: Weren't you the woman who killed the Doctor?

RIVER: Doctor who?

The Angels Take Manhattan
The Doctor and River, playfully flirting. River's arm is trapped by a Weeping Angel

DOCTOR: Why did you lie to me?

RIVER: When one's in love with an ageless god who insists on the face of a twelve year old, one does one's best to hide the damage.

DOCTOR: It must hurt. Come here.

RIVER: Yes. The wrist is pretty bad too.

The Angels Take Manhattan
The Doctor and River, sitting together on the stairs

AMY: Okay, why did you lie?

RIVER: Never let him see the damage. And never, ever let him see you age. He doesn't like endings.

The Angels Take Manhattan
River and Amy taking

DOCTOR: Displacing someone back in time creates time energy, and that is what the Angels feed on. But normally, it's a one off, a hit and run. If they could keep hold of their victims, feed off their time energy over and over again. This place is a farm. A battery farm. How many Angels in New York?

RIVER: It's like they've taken over every statue in the city.

DOCTOR: The Angels take Manhattan because they can, because they've never had a food source like this one. The city that never sleeps.

The Angels Take Manhattan
The Doctor in focus, River in the background

“I always wanted to visit the Statue Of Liberty. I guess she got impatient.”

— Rory Williams, The Angels Take Manhattan
The Statue of Liberty is a Weeping Angel

DOCTOR: What the hell are you doing!?

AMY: Changing the future. It's called marriage.

The Angels Take Manhattan
Rory and Amy on the rooftop, about to jump

“Raggedy man, goodbye!”

— Amy Pond, The Angels Take Manhattan
Amy, crying, turns away from the Doctor

“Good evening. I'm a Lizard Woman from the Dawn of Time, and this is my wife.”

— Madame Vastra, The Snowmen

DOCTOR: I walked away from the last Great Time War. I marked the passing of the Time Lords.

I saw the birth of the universe and I watched as time ran out, moment by moment, until nothing remained.

No time. No space. Just me.

I walked in universes where the laws of physics were devised by the mind of a mad man.

I've watched universes freeze and creations burn. I've seen things you wouldn't believe. I have lost things you will never understand.

And I know things. Secrets that must never be told. Knowledge that must never be spoken. Knowledge that will make parasite gods blaze.

So come on, then. Take it! Take it all, baby! Have it! You have it all!

The Rings of Akhaten

“You get used to not knowing. I thought I never would. I was wrong. I know who he is. I know how he began and I know where he’s going. I learnt the truth about The Doctor, and his greatest secret - the day we went to Trenzalore.”

— Clara Oswald, She Said, He Said

“You get used to not knowing. I thought I never would. I was wrong. I know who Clara Oswald is. I know how she came to be in my life, and I know what she will always mean. I found out, the day we went to Trenzalore.”

— Eleventh Doctor, She Said, He Said

“I don't know where I am. It's like I'm breaking into a million pieces and there's only one thing I remember. I have to save the Doctor.”

— Clara Oswald, The Name of the Doctor

“Do you hear the Whisper Men? The Whisper Men are near. If you hear the Whisper Men, then turn away your ear. Do not hear the Whisper men, whatever else you do. For once you've heard the Whisper Men, they'll stop and look at you.”

— Clarence DeMarco, The Name of the Doctor

(Looking at Trenzalor) Okay, so that's where I end up. Always thought maybe I'd retire. Take up watercolours or bee-keeping, or something. Apparently not.”

— Eleventh Doctor, The Name of the Doctor

STRAX: There we go. Just a standard electro-cardio restart. She'll be fine.

VASTRA: Are you all right, my love? Can you hear me?

STRAX: The heart is a relatively simple thing.

VASTRA: I have not found it to be so.

The Name of the Doctor

“I died saving him. In return, he saved me to a database in the biggest library in the universe. Left me like a book on a shelf. Didn't even say goodbye. He doesn't like endings.”

— River Song, The Name of the Doctor

“Look, my name, my real name, that is not the point. The name I chose is the Doctor. The name you choose, it's like, it's like a promise you make. He's the one who broke the promise.”

— War Doctor, The Name of the Doctor

(River's image goes to hit the Doctor, and he catches her arm in his hand.)

RIVER: How are you even doing that? I'm not really here.

DOCTOR: You are always here to me. And I always listen, and I can always see you.

The Name of the Doctor

RIVER: It's hard to leave when you haven't said goodbye.

DOCTOR: Then tell me, because I don't know. How do I say it?

RIVER: There's only one way I'd accept. If you ever loved me, say it like you're going to come back.

DOCTOR: Well, then. See you around, Professor River Song.

RIVER: Till the next time, Doctor.

DOCTOR: Don't wait up.

The Name of the Doctor

“I'm a doctor. But probably not the one you're expecting.”

— Eighth Doctor, The Night of the Doctor

OHILA: We restored you to life, but it's a temporary measure. You have a little under four minutes.

DOCTOR: Four minutes? That's ages. What if I get bored? I need a television, couple of books, anyone for chess? Bring me knitting.

The Night of the Doctor

“Charley, C'Rizz, Lucie, Tamsin, Molly. Friends, companions I've known, I salute you. And Cass, I apologise. Physician, heal thyself.”

— Eighth Doctor, The Night of the Doctor

“Doctor no more.”

— War Doctor, The Night of the Doctor

“I don't suppose there's any need for a Doctor, anymore. Make me a warrior, now.”

— Eighth Doctor, The Night of the Doctor

“Never give up. Never give in.”

— War Doctor, The Day of the Doctor
Eleventh, War, and Tenth Doctors

DOCTOR: Kate Lethbridge Stewart, a word to the wise. As I'm sure your father would have told you, I don't like being picked up.

CLARA: That probably sounded better in his head.

The Day of the Doctor

“I've had many faces, many lives. I don't admit to all of them. There's one life I've tried very hard to forget. He was the Doctor who fought in the Time War, and that was the day he did it. The day I did it. The day he killed them all. The last day of the Time War. The war to end all wars between my people and the Daleks. And in that battle there was a man with more blood on his hands than any other, a man who would commit a crime that would silence the universe. And that man was me.”

— Eleventh Doctor, The Day of the Doctor

“Soldier, I'm going to need your gun.”

— War Doctor, The Day of the Doctor

“Time Lords of Gallifrey, Daleks of Skaro, I serve notice on you all. Too long I have stayed my hand. No more. Today you leave me no choice. Today, this war will end. No more. No more.”

— War Doctor, The Day of the Doctor
The War Doctor, carrying a sack, in the deserts of Gallifrey

“They must have told you the Moment had a conscience. Hello! Oh, look at you. Stuck between a girl and a box. Story of your life, eh, Doctor?”

— The Moment, The Day of the Doctor
The Moment, speaking to The War Doctor

“I think I'm called Rose Tyler. No. Yes. No, sorry, no, no, in this form, I'm called Bad Wolf. Are you afraid of the big bad wolf, Doctor?”

— The Moment, The Day of the Doctor
The Moment, her eyes are glowing like Bad Wolf

WAR DOCTOR: If you have been inside my head, then you know what I've seen. The suffering. Every moment in time and space is burning. It must end, and I intend to end it the only way I can.

MOMENT: And you're going to use me to end it by killing them all, Daleks and Time Lords alike. I could, but there will be consequences for you.

WAR DOCTOR: I have no desire to survive this.

MOMENT: Then that's your punishment. If you do this, if you kill them all, then that's the consequence. You live.

The Day of the Doctor
The Moment and The Doctor, speaking

“It's a machine that goes ding. Made it myself. Lights up in the presence of shape-shifter DNA. Ooo. Also it can microwave frozen dinners from up to twenty feet and download comics from the future. I never know when to stop.”

— Tenth Doctor, The Day of the Doctor
The Tenth Doctor, holding up his machine that goes ding to Queen Elisabeth I

“Whatever you've got planned, forget it. I'm the Doctor. I'm nine hundred and four years old. I'm from the planet Gallifrey in the constellation of Kasterborous. I am the Oncoming Storm, the Bringer of Darkness, and you are basically just a rabbit, aren't you? Okay, carry on. Just a general warning.”

— Tenth Doctor, The Day of the Doctor
The Doctor, giving a speech to a rabbit

DOCTOR: Now, I want this stone dust analysed. And I want a report in triplicate, with lots of graphs and diagrams and complicated sums on my desk, tomorrow morning, ASAP, pronto, L O L. See? Job. Do I have a desk?


DOCTOR: And I want a desk.

The Day of the Doctor
The Eleventh Doctor handing Osgood some stone dust

ELEVENTH DOCTOR: Listen, what you get up to in the privacy of your own regeneration is your business.

TENTH DOCTOR: One of them is a Zygon.

ELEVENTH DOCTOR: Urgh. I'm not judging you.

The Day of the Doctor
The Eleventh Doctor, wearing a fez, pulls a face at the Tenth

TENTH DOCTOR: Oooh, lovely.

ELEVENTH DOCTOR: Oooh, lovely.

The Day of the Doctor
The Tenth and Eleventh Doctor are both wearing glasses, pointing at each other

ELEVENTH DOCTOR: It's not working.

TENTH DOCTOR: We're both reversing the polarity.

ELEVENTH DOCTOR: Yes, I know that.

TENTH DOCTOR: There's two of us. I'm reversing it, you're reversing it back again. We're confusing the polarity.

The Day of the Doctor
The Tenth and Eleventh Doctors, holding up their sonic screwdrivers

WAR DOCTOR: You're my future selves?


WAR DOCTOR: Am I having a midlife crisis? Why are you pointing your screwdrivers like that? They're scientific instruments, not water pistols. Look like you've seen a ghost.

The Day of the Doctor
The Tenth and Eleventh Doctors pointing their sonic screwdrivers at the War Doctor

BENTHAM: Encircle them. Which of you is the Doctor? The Queen of England is bewitched. I would have the Doctor's head.

WAR DOCTOR: Well, this has all the makings of your lucky day.

The Day of the Doctor
The War Doctor, looking amused. Ten and Eleven in the background

ELEVENTH DOCTOR: It's a timey-wimey thing.

WAR DOCTOR: Timey what? Timey-wimey?

TENTH DOCTOR: I've no idea where he picks that stuff up.

The Day of the Doctor
The War Doctor, looking flabbergasted at Eleven, Ten in the background pretending not to understand

WAR DOCTOR: Are you capable of speaking without flapping your hands about?

ELEVENTH DOCTOR: Yes. No. I demand to be incarcerated in the Tower immediately with my co-conspirators Sandshoes and Granddad.

WAR DOCTOR: Granddad?

The Day of the Doctor
The Eleventh, War, and Tenth Doctors

KATE: The Black Archive. Highest security rating on the planet. The entire staff have their memories wiped at the end of every shift. Automated memory filters in the ceiling. Access, please.

ATKINS: Ma'am.

KATE: Atkins, isn't it?

ATKINS: Yes, ma'am. First day here.

KATE: (sotto) Been here ten years.

The Day of the Doctor
Atkins and Kate

OSGOOD-Z: Excuse me. I'm going to need my inhaler. I so hate it when I get one with a defect. Ooo, you've got some perfectly horrible memories in here, haven't you? So jealous of your pretty sister. I don't blame you. I wish I'd copied her.

OSGOOD: So do I!

The Day of the Doctor
Osgood and her Zygon duplicate

“Think about it. Americans with the ability to rewrite history? You've seen their movies.”

— Kate Stewart, The Day of the Doctor
Clara and Kate look at the Vortex Manipulator

WAR DOCTOR: I don't know who you are, either of you. I haven't got the faintest idea.

MOMENT: They're you. They're what you become if you destroy Gallifrey. The man who regrets, and the man who forgets.

The Day of the Doctor
The Moment, looking sadly at The War Doctor

“Great men are forged in fire. It is the privilege of lesser men to light the flame, whatever the cost.”

— War Doctor, The Day of the Doctor
The War Doctor's hand hovers over the Big Red Button of The Moment

MOMENT: You know the sound the TARDIS makes? That wheezing, groaning. That sound brings hope wherever it goes.

WAR DOCTOR: Yes. Yes, I like to think it does.

MOMENT: To anyone who hears it, Doctor. Anyone, however lost... Even you.

The Day of the Doctor
The Moment, smiling at The War Doctor

CLARA: Be a doctor. You told me the name you chose was a promise. What was the promise?

TENTH DOCTOR: Never cruel or cowardly.

WAR DOCTOR: Never give up, never give in.

The Day of the Doctor
Eleventh, War, and Tenth Doctors

ELEVENTH DOCTOR: Okay. Gentlemen, we're ready. Geronimo!


WAR DOCTOR: Oh, for God's sake. Gallifrey stands!

The Day of the Doctor
The War Doctor in his TARDIS

WAR DOCTOR: I don't suppose we'll know if we actually succeeded. But at worst, we failed doing the right thing, as opposed to succeeding in doing the wrong.

CLARA: Life and soul, you are.

The Day of the Doctor
Clara, looking worryingly at The War Doctor

“Oh yes, of course. I suppose it makes sense. Wearing a bit thin. I hope the ears are a bit less conspicuous this time.”

— War Doctor, The Day of the Doctor
The War Doctor regenerates

TENTH DOCTOR: Trenzalore. We need a new destination, because I don't want to go.

ELEVENTH DOCTOR: He always says that.

The Day of the Doctor
The Tenth Doctor, entering his TARDIS

ELEVENTH DOCTOR: I could be a curator. I'd be great at curating. I'd be the Great Curator. I could retire and do that. I could retire and be the curator of this place.

CURATOR: You know, I really think you might.

The Day of the Doctor
The Eleventh Doctor, gesturing with his hands

ELEVENTH DOCTOR: I never forget a face.

CURATOR: I know you don't. And in years to come, you might find yourself revisiting a few. But just the old favourites, eh?

The Day of the Doctor
The Curator, talking to the Eleventh Doctor

CURATOR: Oh, it's entirely up to you. Your choice, eh? I can only tell you what I would do if I were you. Oh, if I were you. Oh, perhaps I was you, of course. Or perhaps you are me. Congratulations.

ELEVENTH DOCTOR: Thank you very much.

CURATOR: Or perhaps it doesn't matter either way. Who knows, eh? Who knows?

The Day of the Doctor
The Curator touches his nose as he says "who knows"

ELEVENTH DOCTOR: Hey, look. The round things.

TENTH DOCTOR: I love the round things.

ELEVENTH DOCTOR: What are the round things?


The Day of the Doctor

“We all change, when you think about it. We're all different people all through our lives. And that's okay, that's good, you've got to keep moving, so long as you remember all the people that you used to be. I will not forget one line of this. Not one day. I swear. I will always remember when the Doctor was me.”

— Eleventh Doctor, The Time of the Doctor

“And now it's time for one last bow, like all your other selves. Eleven's hour is over now. The clock is striking twelve's.”

— Clara Oswald, The Time of the Doctor
Clara, reading a poem from a Christmas Cracker

HANDLES: Attention. Emergency. Attention.

DOCTOR: Handles, what is it? What's wrong?

HANDLES: Urgent action required. You must patch the telephone device back through the console unit.

The Time of the Doctor

VASTRA: You thought he was young?

CLARA: He looked young.

VASTRA: He looked like your dashing young gentleman friend. Your lover, even.

CLARA: Shut up.

VASTRA: But he is the Doctor. He has walked this universe for centuries untold, he has seen stars fall to dust. You might as well flirt with a mountain range.

Deep Breath

DOCTOR: He asked you a question. Will you help me?

CLARA: You shouldn't have been listening.

DOCTOR: I wasn't. I didn't need to. That was me talking. You can't see me, can you? You look at me, and you can't see me. Have you any idea what that's like? I'm not on the phone, I'm right here, standing in front of you. Please, just, just see me.

Deep Breath
Clara, looking at the Twelfth Doctor, on a busy street, TARDIS in the background

“Let me tell you about scared. Your heart is beating so hard, I can feel it through your hands. There's so much blood and oxygen pumping through your brain, it's like rocket fuel. Right now, you could run faster and you could fight harder, you could jump higher than ever in your life. And you are so alert, it's like you can slow down time. What's wrong with scared? Scared is a superpower. It's your superpower. There is danger in this room and guess what? It's you.”

— Twelfth Doctor, Listen

“Question. Why is there no such thing as perfect hiding? Answer. How would you know? Logically, if evolution were to perfect a creature whose primary skill were to hide from view, how could you know it existed?”

— Twelfth Doctor, Listen

“You've probably just forgotten. Have you seen the size of human brains? They're hilarious.”

— Twelfth Doctor, Listen

“Imagine a thing that must never be seen. What would it do if you saw it?”

— Twelfth Doctor, Listen

“You're always going to be afraid, even if you learn to hide it. Fear is like a companion. A constant companion, always there. But that's okay, because fear can bring us together. Fear can bring you home. I'm going to leave you something, just so you'll always remember, fear makes companions of us all.”

— Clara Oswald, Listen

DOCTOR: You're doing it again.

CLARA: Doing what?

DOCTOR: The smile.

CLARA: Yeah, I'm smiling.

DOCTOR: It's the sad smile. It's a smile but you're sad. It's confusing. It's like two emotions at once. It's like you're malfunctioning.

Mummy on the Orient Express

QUELL: So, what are you a doctor of?

DOCTOR: Now, there's a question that's never asked often enough. Let's say intestinal parasites.

Mummy on the Orient Express
12 and Clara, on the Orient Express

“There's a body and there's a mummy. I mean, can you not just get on a train? Did a wizard put a curse on you about mini-breaks?”

— Clara Oswald, Mummy on the Orient Express

PERKINS: You know, Doctor, I can't tell if you're a genius or just incredibly arrogant.

DOCTOR: Well, ah, on a good day, I'm both.

Mummy on the Orient Express
12 and Perkins

“I'm so pleased to finally see you. I'm the Doctor and I will be your victim this evening. Are you my mummy?”

— Twelfth Doctor, Mummy on the Orient Express

“Sometimes the only choices you have are bad ones. But you still have to choose.”

— Twelfth Doctor, Mummy on the Orient Express
The 12th Doctor

CLARA: I know it's scary and difficult, but do you love being the man making the impossible choice?

DOCTOR: Why would I?

CLARA: Because it's what you do, all day, every day.

DOCTOR: It's my life.

CLARA: Doesn't have to be. Is it like-

DOCTOR: Like what?

CLARA: An addiction?

DOCTOR: You can't really tell if something's an addiction till you try and give it up.

CLARA: And you never have.

DOCTOR: Let me know how it goes.

Mummy on the Orient Express

“Believe me, you do not want to make an enemy of humanity. I’ve faced monsters in my time - Daleks, Cybermen, Sontarans - all masters at war in their own way but nothing scares me quite so much as human beings’ capacity for vengeance.”

— Eighth Doctor, The Reviled

MASTER: The title you chose: Doctor. Now, it’s not just a man of healing. It means “teacher”. It means “tutor”. Whereas I am a Master. We both want to change the universe, to make it better, it’s only the scale of our ambition separates us.

DOCTOR: What are you saying? You’d like to have been a Doctor but you didn’t have the patients?


“Sometimes the best way to fight a fire is to make sure it doesn’t get started. I’m taking away your matches.”

— Eighth Doctor, Masterplan

“There's a horror movie called Alien? That's really offensive. No wonder everyone keeps invading you.”

— Twelfth Doctor, Last Christmas

“We go back a long, long way, the Doctor and I. We were at school together, we went out into the universe together. We’ve even killed each other a few times and that always gives you a very special bond with someone.”

— The Reborn Master, Master of the Daleks

LIV: I’ll stay, you know. As long as you need me

DOCTOR: We all need someone. That’s what hope is. Other people.

Eye of Darkness

“Jane Austen. Amazing writer, brilliant comic observer, and strictly among ourselves, a phenomenal kisser.”

— Clara Oswald, The Magician’s Apprentice

CLARA: How did you know I was here? Did you see me?

DOCTOR: When do I not see you?

CLARA: What, one face in all of that crowd?

DOCTOR: There was a crowd, too?

The Magician’s Apprentice

MISSY: Apparently, you think you're going to die tomorrow.

DOCTOR: Well, I've got some good news about that.

MISSY: Oh, yeah?

DOCTOR: It's still today!

The Magician’s Apprentice

CLARA: What are you doing?

MISSY: Murdering a Dalek. I'm a Time Lady. It's our golf.

The Witch’s Familiar

DOCTOR: The human race, you're obsessed. You all need to get a hobby.

CLARA: I've got a hobby, thanks. It's you, by the way.

The Girl Who Died

“Immortality isn't living forever. That's not what it feels like. Immortality is everybody else dying. She might meet someone she can't bear to lose. That happens, I believe.”

— Twelfth Doctor, The Girl Who Died

DOCTOR: I'm so sick of losing.

CLARA: You didn't lose. You saved the town.

DOCTOR: I don't mean the war. I'll lose any war you like. I'm sick of losing people.

The Girl Who Died

“Do you know what thinking is? It’s just a fancy word for changing your mind.”

— Twelfth Doctor, The Zygon Inversion
The 12th Doctor, in the Black Archive, speaking to Zygon Clara

“You'll find that it's a very small universe when I'm angry with you.”

— Twelfth Doctor, Face the Raven

“As you come into this world, something else is also born. You begin your life, and it begins a journey towards you. It moves slowly, but it never stops. Wherever you go, whatever path you take, it will follow. Never faster, never slower, always coming. You will run. It will walk. You will rest. It will not. One day, you will linger in the same place too long. You will sit too still or sleep too deep, and when, too late, you rise to go, you will notice a second shadow next to yours. Your life will then be over.”

— Twelfth Doctor, Heaven Sent
The teleporter in Heaven Sent

“I am the Doctor. I'm coming to find you, and I will never, ever stop.”

— Twelfth Doctor, Heaven Sent
The 12th Doctor, very angry.

CLARA: Doctor, you are not the only person who ever lost someone. It's the story of everybody. Get over it. Beat it. Break free. 

(Her hand touches his cheek.)

CLARA: Doctor, it's time. Get up, off your arse, and win!

Heaven Sent

“I can't! Why is it always me? Why is it never anybody else's turn? Can't I just lose? Just this once?”

— Twelfth Doctor, Heaven Sent

“I've finally run out of corridor. There's a life summed up.”

— Twelfth Doctor, Heaven Sent
The 12th Doctor, up against a door

“If you think because she is dead I am weak, then you understand very little. If you were any part of killing her, and you're not afraid, then you understand nothing at all. So, for your own sake, understand this. I am the Doctor. I'm coming to find you, and I will never, ever stop.”

— Twelfth Doctor, Heaven Sent
The 12th Doctor, very angry.

“You've got the rest of your life. The faster you think, the slower it will pass. Concentrate. Assume you're going to survive. Always assume that. Imagine you've already survived. There's a storm room in your mind. Lock the door and think. This is my storm room. I always imagine that I'm back in my TARDIS, showing off, telling you how I escaped, making you laugh. That's what I'm doing right now. I am falling, Clara. I'm dying. And I am going to explain to you how I survived. I can't wait to hear what I say. I'm nothing without an audience.”

— Twelfth Doctor, Heaven Sent

“Nothing’s sad until it’s over, and then everything is.”

— Twelfth Doctor, Hell Bent
The Twelfth Doctor playing Clara's theme on the guitar in the diner

CLARA: No. Why would you even do that? I was dead! I was dead and gone. Why? Why would you even do that to yourself?

DOCTOR: I had a duty of care.

Hell Bent

“Never eat pears. They're too squishy and they always make your chin wet. That one's quite important. Write it down.”

— Twelfth Doctor, Hell Bent

BERTIE: Ooh! Look at this painting. Cattle, would you say? It's magnificent!

RIVER: Couldn't care less!

BERTIE: What kind of archaeologist are you?!

RIVER: Part time.

The Boundless Sea

RIVER: You don't look much like your pictures.

DOCTOR: Well, that's an ongoing problem for me.

The Husbands of River Song
River Song, her face covered, talking to The Doctor. Nardole is in the background.

RIVER: How do you know me?

DOCTOR: Well, it's a tiny bit complicated. People usually need a flowchart.

The Husbands of River Song
River Song, smiling. Nardole in the background.

DOCTOR: It's my back.

RIVER: Your back?

DOCTOR: Yeah, my back's playing up. It simply refuses to carry the weight of an entirely pointless stratum of society who contribute nothing of worth to the world and crush the hopes and dreams of working people.

The Husbands of River Song
The Twelfth Doctor, crossing his arms

“An archaeologist is just a thief. With patience.”

— River Song, The Husbands of River Song
River Song

DOCTOR: My entire understanding of physical space has been transformed! Three-dimensional Euclidean geometry has been torn up, thrown in the air and snogged to death! My grasp of the universal constants of physical reality has been changed forever!

DOCTOR: Sorry. I've always wanted to see that done properly.

The Husbands of River Song
Vertical shot looking down on the Doctor in the TARDIS as he gesticulates

RIVER: Does sarcasm help?

DOCTOR: Wouldn't it be a great universe if it did?

The Husbands of River Song
The Doctor in the TARDIS, holding the King's head

RIVER: The man who gave me this was the sort of man who'd know exactly how long a diary you were going to need.

DOCTOR: He sounds awful.

RIVER: I suppose he is. I've never really thought about it.

The Husbands of River Song

“When you love the Doctor, it's like loving the stars themselves. You don't expect a sunset to admire you back. And if I happen to find myself in danger, let me tell you, the Doctor is not stupid enough, or sentimental enough, and he is certainly not in love enough to find himself standing in it with me!”

— River Song, The Husbands of River Song
River Song

RIVER: I'm an archaeologist from the future. I dug you up.

RIVER: I had this book. History's Finest Exploding Restaurants. The best food for free. Skip the coffee.

The Husbands of River Song
The Doctor and River, falling and hugging

DOCTOR: You look, er, amazing.

RIVER: Doctor, you have no idea whether I look amazing or not.

DOCTOR: Well, you've moved your hair about, haven't you?

RIVER: Well done. It's very sweet of you to try.

The Husbands of River Song
The Doctor and River in the restaurant

DOCTOR: Times end, River, because they have to. Because there's no such thing as happy ever after. It's just a lie we tell ourselves because the truth is so hard.

RIVER: No, Doctor, you're wrong. Happy ever after doesn't mean forever. It just means time. A little time. But that's not the sort of thing you could ever understand, is it?

The Husbands of River Song
The Doctor and River Song

RIVER: So, assuming tonight is all we have left.

DOCTOR: I didn't say that.

RIVER: How long is a night on Darillium?

DOCTOR: Twenty four years.

RIVER: I hate you.

DOCTOR: No, you don't.

The Husbands of River Song
The Doctor and River, looking into each others eyes

“Ohhh, the Cloister Bell. Always just that little bit too late to be of any real use, aren't you?”

— Eighth Doctor, Scenes From Her Life

DOCTOR: We’ll have the door open in a jiffy.

LIV: Except we still don’t know what’s out there.

HELEN: Please be careful!

DOCTOR: Are you scaredy cats?


LIV: Just sensible

DOCTOR: Oh come on, we could sit here all day being sensible, we’d still be here next week, filling out risk assessment forms. And how boring would that be?

The Gift

HELEN: Sorry, you know the Doctor?

RIVER: Intimately. What’s he come as? The magician, the spiv, or the geography teacher?

The Sonomancer

“You all leave. Even the robot dog left me... twice!”

— Tenth Doctor, Death and the Queen

JOEL: Also I might have invented the sandwich.

DOCTOR: No, you can't have.

JOEL: Why?

DOCTOR: Because I invented the sandwich.

Fallen Angels

“Oh time lords! Honestly! You spend your whole life believing there’s only one left, then they start turning up like buses!”

— River Song, The Doomsday Chronometer

RIVER: You have no idea, do you? What you mean to them?

DOCTOR: Me? I’m just passing through, I give people rides, they have fun for the most part when they’re not being captured, shot at, or blown up. But sometimes, sometimes it gets real. I find something that’s too big, too dangerous. And I care about them. I can’t risk their lives. Not them

RIVER: You love them too!

DOCTOR: I can’t afford to let people get attached.

RIVER: It’s lucky I’m here then. As an impartial observer.

The Doomsday Chronometer

RAM: What about football?

DOCTOR: Unbelievably boring sport. Now, darts? Darts is something worth practising for. Maths and alcoholic beverages. The best way to spend a morning.

For Tonight We Might Die

“Oh, come on! Cheer up! It's not that hard. It's no harder than all these exams that you have to take these days. Except for Media Studies. It's going to be harder than that.”

— Twelfth Doctor, For Tonight We Might Die

DOCTOR: Yes, yes, he will. But the more interesting question is, what are we going to do with you lot?

CHARLIE: That opening the Shadow Kin came through, you couldn't close it all the way.

DOCTOR: Well, obviously, there's been so much artron energy around good old Coal Hill that Time itself has worn thin. I bet they didn't take that into account when they renovated. And it can only be patched up so well. Even by me.

TANYA: So those things'll come back?

DOCTOR: Well, they'll have to find you first. I scrambled the pulsation. Of course, Coal Hill will continue to act like a beacon across all of space-time, to any being who might want to make mischief with it. So, you will have to be on your guard.

QUILL: But. No, no, no. I thought you were going to get us out of here?

DOCTOR: Why would you be safer somewhere else? Time has looked at your faces. And Time, Time never forgets.

(The Memorial on the wall has as its most recent names - Pink, RD and Oswald, C.)

For Tonight We Might Die

QUILL: No, wait. Wait. You can't seriously expect these juveniles to deal with whatever is going to come through these tears in space and time?

RAM: Through the what?

APRIL: It's like the Hellmouth.

TANYA: Or that town in Once Upon A Time.

CHARLIE: Or The Vampire Diaries.

RAM: You watch Vampire Diaries?

CHARLIE: Everyone is very attractive.

MATTEUSZ: Yes, it's true.

For Tonight We Might Die

TANYA: Do you honestly think that nothing else will happen? That nothing else will get pooped out of The Bunghole of Time?

CHARLIE: That's not what we're calling it, are we?

The Coach with the Dragon Tattoo

“Right, well if you ever do something like that again without warning me, I will pluck the eyelids from your screaming face.”

— Andrea Quill, The Metaphysical Engine, or What Quill Did

HEADMISTRESS: In another life, you and I could have been great friends Miss Quill.

MISS QUILL: Oh I'd rather swim in my own vomit.

The Metaphysical Engine, or What Quill Did

CHARLIE: Matteusz...

MATTEUSZ: Please, no more promises. I won't make any either. Except one. I promise to love you today. Tomorrow I'll make this promise again.

CHARLIE: I'll make that promise too.

MATTEUSZ: I would quite like to kiss you now.

The Lost

(Miss Quill points at her pregnant stomach)

MISS QUILL: What the hell is this?

CHARLIE: Is this the er.. is this the part where your offspring eats you?

MISS QUILL: What the? Oh crap, that is part of it isn't it.

The Lost

LIV: You’ll think of something. That’s what happens!

DOCTOR: What if I can’t?

HELEN: There’ll be a way out, there always is.

DOCTOR: No, there’s not. Well that’s true every time, except one - except with what gets you.

HELEN: But, I-

DOCTOR: You think we’re doing something special? Surviving whatever life’s thrown at you so far isn’t a skill! It’s called ‘still being alive’. Everyone you’ve ever met has done it, by definition.

HELEN: I suppose that’s true.

DOCTOR: Just because we’ve managed to muddle through everything so far doesn’t mean we always will. There’s always a way out, until there isn’t. One time, you don’t have an escape route. And for us, I think this might be that time.

Ship in a Bottle

LIV: As a med tech, there’s nothing you can say to me that I haven’t said to a hundred grieving families over the years. I’ve seen people die, I’ve had to break the news to bereaved relatives. Tell weeping widows that’s it’s going to get better, and it’s a rotten job to do - every time. That’s why I don’t give up. Not until I’m certain. I try and I try until there’s no hope at all, until every last option is exhausted and then I keep trying. I keep hoping for a - a miracle

HELEN: Miracles don’t happen

LIV: Not if you don’t make them.

Ship in a Bottle

“It’s only worth giving up if you’ve given it the best shot you’ve got.”

— Liv Chenka, Ship in a Bottle

THE SONOMANCER: Silence! I’m an archivist. Let me do my job. I have things to find. I will deal with you later.

RIVER: I have things to find too. You might be a native of Gallifrey, but I’m a child of a TARDIS! These data streams, this Artron power, all mother’s milk to me. This Matrix of yours, connected to all Time Lord minds, all their TARDISes, I only need one mind. And I know it so well, I should know the tune by hearts!

Songs of Love

MONK: I’m happy to do my bit to stop him destroying the future.

HELEN: Oh, that’s what I don’t understand. The future isn’t destroyed - we’ve been there. Liv comes from the future!

MONK: As with most things in a temporal nexus, things don’t happen until they do. Are you familiar with the term “Pit Canary”?

The Side of the Angels

“Did the Doctor go to school with anyone who didn’t turn out to be a Time Lord Super Criminal?!”

— Liv Chenka, The Side of the Angels

DOCTOR: Round and around, like a snake eating its own tail

HELEN: Ouroboros?

DOCTOR: Bless you.

The Side of the Angels

OLLISTRA: My work is not finished. Gallifrey… Gallifrey…

(Ollistra regenerates)

OLLISTRA: Gallifrey Must Stand.

The Side of the Angels

“Time And Relative Dimension In Space. TARDIS for short. You're safe in here. You're safe in here and you always will be.”

— Twelfth Doctor, The Pilot

BILL: Look at this place. It's like a-

DOCTOR: Spaceship.

BILL: - kitchen.

DOCTOR: A what?

BILL: A really posh kitchen, all metal. What happened with the doors, though? Did you run out of money?

DOCTOR: What you are standing in is a technological marvel. It is science beyond magic. This is the gateway to everything that ever was, or ever can be.

BILL: Can I use the toilet?

The Pilot

DOCTOR: That's some sort of flavoured algae. I haven't seen any livestock yet.

BILL: That's good, isn't it? In the future we don't eat living things, we eat algae.

DOCTOR: I met an emperor made of algae once. He fancied me.


“Human progress isn't measured by industry, it's measured by the value you place on a life. An unimportant life. A life without privilege. The boy who died on the river, that boy's value is your value. That's what defines an age. That's what defines a species.”

— Twelfth Doctor, Thin Ice
The 12th Doctor

“They're not your rescuers. They're your replacements. The end point of capitalism. A bottom line where human life has no value at all. We're fighting an algorithm, a spreadsheet. Like every worker, everywhere, we're fighting the suits.”

— Twelfth Doctor, Oxygen
The Twelfth Doctor. He is blinded and in a suit.

DOCTOR: Oh, look, Bill, it's Nardole. What a lovely surprise. I thought I sent you to Birmingham for a packet of crisps. 

NARDOLE: Yeah, I saw through your cunning ruse. 

DOCTOR: Yes, well, if you will go thinking for yourself. What do you want? 

NARDOLE: I was given strict instructions to keep you at the university. 

DOCTOR: Who by?


DOCTOR: Well, you're not doing a very good job, are you? I'll overlook it this once. 

NARDOLE: Do you know what this is? 

DOCTOR: If it's not crisps, you're sacked.


“Hello. I'm Doctor Who. And these are my plucky assistants, Thing One and the Other One.”

— Missy, World Enough and Time

“You're probably handsome, aren't you? Well, congratulations on your relative symmetry.”

— Missy, World Enough and Time

“Well, I am that mysterious adventurer in all of time and space, known only as Doctor Who. And these are my disposables, Exposition and Comic Relief.”

— Missy, World Enough and Time

(Talking about Missy)

BILL: She's a murderer.

DOCTOR: Enjoying your bacon sandwich?

BILL: Why?

DOCTOR: Because it had a mummy and a daddy. Go tell a pig about your moral high ground.

World Enough and Time

BILL: So, the Time Lords, bit flexible on the whole man-woman thing, then, yeah?

DOCTOR: We're the most civilised civilisation in the universe. We're billions of years beyond your petty human obsession with gender and its associated stereotypes.

BILL: But you still call yourselves Time Lords?

DOCTOR: Yeah. Shut up.

World Enough and Time
12 and Bill, eating chips on a bench

“Hello, ordinary person. Please maintain a minimum separation of three feet. I'm really trying not to kill anyone today, but it would be tremendously helpful if your major arteries were out of reach.”

— Missy, World Enough and Time

NARDOLE: Are you having an emotion?

DOCTOR: I know I can help her.

NARDOLE: Yeah. Look at that face, he's having an emotion. Yeah. Yes, look at that bit, yeah, he's doing emotions.

World Enough and Time

MASTER: Shut up! Do you want to see my city, Doctor? Do you want to see what happens when you're too late to save your little friend and everybody else?

(He wheels the Doctor to the parapet to watch the columns of people being escorted by patients.)

MASTER: See? This used to be just a hospital. Now it's mass production. The Cyber Foundries.

MISSY: The whole city is a machine to turn people into Cybermen. What do you think? Exciting, isn't it?

World Enough and Time

“Who I am is where I stand. Where I stand is where I fall.”

— Twelfth Doctor, The Doctor Falls

“The Doctor? No, I don't think so! No, dear me, no! You may be a Doctor, but I am the Doctor. The original, you might say!”

— First Doctor, The Doctor Falls

“Winning? Is that what you think it's about? I'm not trying to win. I'm not doing this because I want to beat someone, or because I hate someone, or because, because I want to blame someone. It's not because it's fun and God knows it's not because it's easy. It's not even because it works, because it hardly ever does. I do what I do, because it's right! Because it's decent! And above all, it's kind. It's just that. Just kind. If I run away today, good people will die. If I stand and fight, some of them might live. Maybe not many, maybe not for long. Hey, you know, maybe there's no point in any of this at all, but it's the best I can do, so I'm going to do it. And I will stand here doing it till it kills me. You're going to die too, some day. How will that be? Have you thought about it? What would you die for? Who I am is where I stand. Where I stand, is where I fall. Stand with me. These people are terrified. Maybe we can help, a little. Why not, just at the end, just be kind?”

— Twelfth Doctor, The Doctor Falls
The Twelfth Doctor, talking to The Saxon Master and Missy. He is angry and pointing

MISSY: Exciting, isn't it? Watching the Cybermen getting started.

DOCTOR: They always get started. They happen everywhere there's people. Mondas, Telos, Earth, Planet 14, Marinus. Like sewage and smartphones and Donald Trump, some things are just inevitable.

The Doctor Falls

“People plus technology minus humanity. The internet, cyberspace, Cybermen. Always read the comments, because one day they'll be an army.”

— Twelfth Doctor, The Doctor Falls

MASTER: Is the future going to be all girl?

DOCTOR: We can only hope.

The Doctor Falls

“Without hope. Without witness. Without reward.”

— Twelfth Doctor, The Doctor Falls

“I've seen worlds destroyed, civilisations choked in their cradles, whole races fleeing in terror. I've seen centuries of art, of science, wiped out in an instant. I just saw a beautiful rainforest burn along with every creature in it. I didn't even know the planet's name! If you're prepared to accept that much collateral damage to the rest of the universe, then what exactly are you fighting for? I'll protect those with no choice in the matter, no voice.”

— Eighth Doctor, The Conscript

“Never be cruel. Never be cowardly. Hate is always foolish. Love is always wise. Always try to be nice, but never fail to be kind.”

— Twelfth Doctor, Twice Upon a Time
The Twelfth Doctor, in the TARDIS

FIRST DOCTOR: There is good and there is evil. I left Gallifrey to answer a question of my own. By any analysis, evil should always win. Good is not a practical survival strategy - it requires loyalty, self-sacrifice and love. And so, why does good prevail? What keeps the balance between good and evil in this appalling universe? Is there some kind of logic? Some mysterious force?

BILL: Perhaps it's just... a bloke.

FIRST DOCTOR: A... bloke?

BILL: Yeah! Perhaps it's just some bloke, wandering around, putting everything right when it goes wrong.

FIRST DOCTOR: Well, that would be a nice story, wouldn't it?

BILL: That would be the best.

Twice Upon a Time
Bill speaking to the First Doctor

“Don’t die. Because if you do, I think everybody in the universe might just go cold.”

— Nardole, Twice Upon a Time

CHURCHILL: Doctor, good to see you. Alhough that face...

DOCTOR: Isn't the one you were expecting? No, nor me - funny, I have that feeling every time I look in the mirror. I can't quite shake the feeling I should be Scottish...

Their Finest Hour

“You don't get it, do you? I was doing you a favour not answering you. Now I don't know why I bothered. The person who sorted those shields, the person you're after - he eats things like you for breakfast. You might have a big, scary invisible ship but I've got a Doctor. You wanna take him on? Go ahead. Bring me some popcorn. Make my day! You want me to tell you where he is? Oh, it'll be a pleasure.”

— Liv Chenka, Their Finest Hour

ROMANA: Oh, I do love the spring. All the leaves, the colours.

DOCTOR: It's October.

ROMANA: I thought that you said we were coming here for May week.

DOCTOR: I did. May week's in June.

ROMANA: I'm confused.

DOCTOR: So was the TARDIS.

ROMANA: Oh, I do love the autumn. All the leaves, the colours.


DOCTOR: Well, at least with something as simple as a punt nothing can go wrong. No coordinates, no dimensional stabilisers, nothing. Just the water, a punt, a strong pair of hands and the pole.

(Whereupon the pole gets stuck in the mud of the riverbed and the Doctor has to let it go. They drift on under a bridge.)


SHIP: Dead men do not require oxygen.


“We’re all capable of the most incredible change. We can evolve while still staying true to who we are. We can honour who we’ve been and choose who we want to be next. Now’s your chance. How about it?”

— Thirteenth Doctor, The Woman Who Fell to Earth

“There's this moment where you're sure you're about to die and then you're born. It's terrifying. Right now I'm a stranger to myself. There's echoes of who I was and a sort of call towards who I am. And I have to hold my nerve and trust all these new instincts. Shape myself towards them. I'll be fine. In the end. Hopefully. Well, I have to be, because you guys need help and if there's one thing I'm certain of, when people need help, I never refuse. Right? This is going to be fun.”

— Thirteenth Doctor, The Woman Who Fell to Earth

“When people need help, I never refuse.”

— Thirteenth Doctor, The Woman Who Fell to Earth

DOCTOR: Why are you calling me madam?

YASMIN: Because you're a woman.

DOCTOR: Am I? Does it suit me?


DOCTOR: Oh yeah, I remember. Sorry, half an hour ago I was a white-haired Scotsman.

The Woman Who Fell to Earth

“Come on, Ryan. Come on, Yaz. I'm calling you Yaz, cos we're friends now.”

— Thirteenth Doctor, The Woman Who Fell to Earth

“Don't be daft. There's no such thing as aliens. Anyway even if there was, they ain't going to be on a train in Sheffield.”

— Graham O'Brien, The Woman Who Fell to Earth

“Bit of adrenaline, dash of outrage, and a hint of panic knitted my brain back together. I know exactly who I am. I'm the Doctor. Sorting out fair play throughout the universe. Now please, get off this planet while you still have a choice.”

— Thirteenth Doctor, The Woman Who Fell to Earth

“Come on, please. Give us this. It's all right, it's me! Stabilise. Come to Daddy. I mean Mummy.”

— Thirteenth Doctor, The Ghost Monument

“I want more. More of the universe. More time with you. You're like the best person I've ever met.”

— Yasmin Khan, Arachnids in the UK

NAJIA: Are you two seeing each other?

DOCTOR: I don't think so. Are we?

YASMIN: We're friends.


Arachnids in the UK

“You have to use your imagination. Imagine the solution and work to make it a reality. Whole worlds pivot on acts of imagination.”

— Thirteenth Doctor, The Tsuranga Conundrum

DOCTOR: I'm the Doctor.

MABLI: A doctor of medicine?

DOCTOR: Well, medicine, science, engineering, candyfloss, LEGO, philosophy, music, problems, people, hope. Mostly hope.

The Tsuranga Conundrum

“Love, in all its forms, is the most powerful weapon we have. Because love is a form of hope. And like hope, love abides. In the face of everything.”

— Thirteenth Doctor, Demons of the Punjab

“If something happens to Umbreen, your whole timeline could be erased. No Yaz! We can't have a universe with no Yaz!”

— Thirteenth Doctor, Demons of the Punjab

“We want certainty, security, to believe that people are evil or heroic. But that's not how people are. You want to know the secrets of existence? Start with the mysteries of the heart. I can show you everything if you stop being afraid of what you don't understand.”

— Thirteenth Doctor, The Witchfinders

“None of us know for sure what's out there. That's why we keep looking. Keep your faith. Travel hopefully. The universe'll surprise you... constantly.”

— Thirteenth Doctor, The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos

MISSY: Spoilers!

RIVER: Oh I get the feeling you’ve always wanted to say that.

The Bekdel Test

THE MASTER: You will both do exactly as I command.

RIVER: Oh, yes, yes, yes, I like it. Oh, proper old school villainy. Although from what the Doctor said I was expecting suave, you're more... crispy.

Animal Instinct

THE NINE: I’ve never been all that troubled with causality.

RIVER: You and me both, sweetheart!

Companion Piece

“You must throw off your shackles and seize the means of production!”

— Strax, The Cars That Ate London!

HELEN: I do love your positive attitude. Look at The Eleven. After everything he’s done you still hope for the best.

DOCTOR: Hope is always a good thing. Sometimes it’s been the only thing that’s kept me going.

HELEN: Still, doesn’t the universe tend to let you down?

DOCTOR: You can keep hoping that it won’t.

HELEN: Really Doctor, I don’t know how you’ve survived this long.

DOCTOR: To be honest, I haven’t. Technically I’ve died more than half a dozen times, but I keep on trying.

Planet of Dust

LIV: There can’t be two of you here, surely, not simultaneously

BRUCE MASTER: Ha ha ha, it does break the laws of time

WAR MASTER: Yeah but we don’t generally pay much attention to laws. I think we’ll get away with it.

Day of the Master – Part 1

BRUCE MASTER: Whatever, you’re here now, we need your help.

MISSY: Well howdy, stud. I’d forgotten about you. Goodness! How did I ever get anything done when I had a face like that? Haha sorry.

BRUCE MASTER: Excuse me?

MISSY: Oh, why bother with evil plans, I should have just stood around looking at myself in a mirror all day.

WAR MASTER: Moving on…

MISSY: Although to be fair, I do that now anyway. I am gorgeous

Day of the Master – Part 1

HELEN: Does that mean the woman that captured me was working for them? For the Masters?

DOCTOR: Could be, maybe The Rani? He partnered with her once.

LIV: The Rani?

DOCTOR: Another old school friend of mine. Also evil.

LIV: What were they teaching you at your school?

Day of the Master – Part 1

“Mind over matter. Or more accurately, I have a mind and you don’t matter.”

— Second Doctor, Save Yourself

C: Don't be ridiculous, Franklin. I've read the files. The Doctor is a man.

DOCTOR: I've had an upgrade.

Spyfall, Part 1

“Humans. I think you forget how powerful you are. Lives change worlds. People can save planets, or wreck them. That's the choice. Be the best of humanity.”

— Thirteenth Doctor, Orphan 55

(To The Thirteenth Doctor) I'd quite like it if you got off my ship now.”

— Fugitive Doctor, Fugitive of the Judoon

“Let me take it from the top. Hello, I’m The Doctor.”

— Fugitive Doctor, Fugitive of the Judoon

“Words matter! One death, one ripple, and history will change in a blink. The future will not be the world you know. The world you came from, the world you were created in won't exist, so neither will you.”

— Thirteenth Doctor, The Haunting of Villa Diodati

“Cos sometimes this team structure isn't flat. It's mountainous, with me at the summit in the stratosphere, alone, left to choose.”

— Thirteenth Doctor, The Haunting of Villa Diodati

CLAIRE: This enigmatic person of yours, would you trade them for reliable and dull?

YASMIN: My person's a bit different.

The Haunting of Villa Diodati

(To the Thirteenth Doctor) Have you ever been limited by who you were before?”

— Fugitive Doctor, The Timeless Children

“You know what I think? I think it's not over, because I don't think she's dead. I really don't. That's not just me being mad, cos I honestly think in my heart and soul that he came back for her. Right at the end, the Doctor came back for his Sarah Jane, and he said, shall we go? Out into the stars? One last trip? And she said, oh yes please. And I think they're out there now, Sarah Jane and the Doctor in the TARDIS, travelling through space and time forever, in a story that never ends.”

— Rani Chandra, Farewell, Sarah Jane

“She's the one who told me that Sanjay was looking at me in that way, and she's the one who told me to go and talk to him. And now we've been married for five years. That's the greatest gift she ever gave me. I may have been created by the Bane, but Mum, she gave me life.”

— Luke Smith, Farewell, Sarah Jane

BURNSBRIGHT: It's in the basement. It's impregnable!

MISSY: That's what they told me about Gandhi's boudoir and we all know what happened there.

Too Many Masters

“A bottle? Floating in the middle of deep space. It's a milk bottle. Right. Well, I've clearly got a very determined milkman!”

— Tenth Doctor, Expiry Dating

“Two hearts. One happy, one sad.”

— Thirteenth Doctor, Revolution of the Daleks

“Right, fam, I thought we could try the Meringue Galaxy. It's not a place, it's a restaurant where every course is meringue. And the furniture. Plus the waiters!”

— Thirteenth Doctor, Revolution of the Daleks

RYAN: Yeah. Me mates need me. And I know this sounds stupid, but... I feel like my planet needs me. You've got to fight for it, right? Look, Doctor, before... before I met you, I didn't know what I wanted to do with me life. And... and now... And now, I know.

DOCTOR: Ten months. I made it back too late. Missed my time with you.

RYAN: So, are we hugging, or...?

Revolution of the Daleks

“It felt cruel... to be shown something I couldn't have any more. Felt like, er, I'd rather not have known. I'd rather not have met her, cos having met her and then... being without her, that's worse. How do you deal with that?”

— Yasmin Khan, Revolution of the Daleks

“Daleks are not pets of the Doctor!”

— Daleks, Revolution of the Daleks

DOCTOR: Are you going to...?

YASMIN: Stay? Yeah, definitely.


YASMIN: I'm not ready to let you go yet.

Revolution of the Daleks

“Bye, fam.”

— Thirteenth Doctor, Revolution of the Daleks

“When I was with the Doctor, I saw more than I could have ever dreamed. And then... we lost each other. I didn't know what happened to him. If he was alive or... if I was ever going to see him again. Hard way to live. Being with the Doctor, you don't get to choose when it stops. Whether you leave her or... she leaves you.”

— Captain Jack Harkness, Revolution of the Daleks

“How many people in the universe get to meet the Doctor, let alone travel with her? We're the lucky ones, Yaz. Enjoy the journey while you're on it. Cos the joy... is worth the pain.”

— Captain Jack Harkness, Revolution of the Daleks

TENTH DOCTOR: We must stop meeting like this.

FIFTH DOCTOR: (chuckles) No, we really must, I mean, it could literally tear the fabric of reality apart.


FIFTH DOCTOR: So we shouldn't.


FIFTH DOCTOR: Fun, though. At times.

TENTH DOCTOR: Yes. Yes, it was!

Out of Time 2 – The Gates of Hell

FIFTH DOCTOR: So that thing can scan for temporal anomalies but it can't open a lock?

TENTH DOCTOR: Totally different mechanics.

Out of Time 2 – The Gates of Hell

MONK: This is your plan? You want to rob an intergalactic master criminal?

MISSY: Well, excuse me. I am an intergalactic master criminal too, y'know. The clue's in the name.

MONK: Come off it.

MISSY: Who threatened the whole universe with destruction using the science of Logopolis? Who overwrote all human DNA with their own? Who hijacked a Concorde dressed up as a sort of, you know, dodgy looking magician?

MONK: Yes, why did you do that?

MISSY: Well, not every plan is a winner. But if we play this one right, we'll get a tank full of plutonium and I'll have got hitched to one of the universe's most terrifying gangsters. I mean think of the size of the divorce settlement!

Two Monks, One Mistress

KARVANISTA: You defile the sacred legacy of my forebears.

DAN: You don't look anything like four bears.

The Halloween Apocalypse

(Dan knocks out a Sontaran by hitting it in the back of the head with a wok)

DAN: How'd you like that, eh? Pan-fried Sontaran! Now I'm gonna... wok right out of here!

War of the Sontarans

“And they've got this obsession with Japanese food. I heard one of the big chief potatoheads talking about Tempura Command. Tempura Offensive. What's that all about?”

— Dan Lewis, War of the Sontarans

“The mediator between the head and the hands must be the heart. If only.”

— Ninth Doctor, Monsters in Metropolis

DOCTOR: I'm probably worried for you, if you're hearing this. And I'm sure I miss you.

YASMIN: I miss you too.

DOCTOR: I know you do. I hope you said I miss you too, or else that bit's weird.

Survivors of the Flux

DOCTOR: Yaz. I'm sorry. I didn't let you in to what I was doing. Going after Karvanista. What I was looking for. I shouldn't have shut you out.

YASMIN: No. You shouldn't have.

DOCTOR: I was looking for... information... about me. A life I never knew. I want to tell you everything.

YASMIN: I'd like that.

The Vanquishers

DOCTOR: You okay?

YASMIN: I am now.

DOCTOR: How long has it been for you two?

YASMIN: A few years.

DAN: We went all over the world. She was amazing. She is amazing.

YASMIN: Don't go soppy on me now, Scouse.

DOCTOR: I missed you.

YASMIN: I missed you too. Thanks for the hologram.

The Vanquishers

NICK: And when you say hazardous?

SARAH: When I say hazardous? Well, I suppose I'd ask myself, if I set fire to this item, will it have potentially explosive or devastating consequences?

NICK: So, this... would be okay?

SARAH: Well, that's a board game.

NICK: Yes.

SARAH: Is it a toxic, hazardous or radioactive board game?

Eve of the Daleks
Sarah, talking to Nick, looking at his Monopoly board game

MARY: The lines will all be busy at midnight.

SARAH: No, they won't, because it's not 1973.

Eve of the Daleks

SARAH: You all done, Nick?

DALEK: I am not Nick.

Eve of the Daleks

DAN: Has anyone else got proper deja vu?

YASMIN: Yeah. Didn't we just get exterminated?

Eve of the Daleks
Yaz, The Doctor, and Dan

DAN: So, we're dead. Second time round.

DALEK: The inferior human is correct.

DAN: Oi! Who are you calling inferior?

DALEK: You. Assessment has been made.

YASMIN: Pretty smart, Daleks.

Eve of the Daleks
Dan, The Doctor, and Yaz

DOCTOR: Time loop.

YASMIN: Time loop.

DAN: Groundhog Day. Same difference.

Eve of the Daleks
Yaz, the Doctor, and Dan

“I'm trying to figure out which one is most unlikely. Time loop with robots or three people from the council working on New Years.”

— , Eve of the Daleks
Nick and Sarah

DAN: Yeah, well, er... I've got some stuff I need storing, and I just wanted to see what was available.

DALEK: Daleks do not store stuff.

Eve of the Daleks
Dan talking to a Dalek

DAN: What kind of a welcome is that, eh? I'll report you to your manager!

DALEK: Daleks do not have managers.

Eve of the Daleks
Dan touching the Dalek

YASMIN: We're never going to get that moment on the beach where you tell me everything that happened to you, are we?

DOCTOR: Of course we will.

Eve of the Daleks
The Doctor and Yaz

“Oh, Jeff. You bad, bad man. Yaz, this is the sort of stuff about which you would ask yourself, if I set fire to this, will it have explosive and potentially devastating consequences? And the answer is yes.”

— Thirteenth Doctor, Eve of the Daleks
The Doctor looking at explosives

DALEK: Exterminate!

SARAH: No! You're going to be sorry for that.

DALEK: Daleks are never sorry.

Eve of the Daleks
Sarah hiding from a Dalek

“You are responsible for the destruction of millions of Daleks. Your death is the priority of the Dalek race. We will not stop.”

— Daleks, Eve of the Daleks
The Doctor and Yaz surrounded by Daleks

DOCTOR: What did you do?

NICK: It was a lot of strategic analysis, weapons assessment and battle-ready thinking.

DOCTOR: Did you duck?

NICK: Yeah.

Eve of the Daleks
Nick ducking, the Daleks destroy each other

DOCTOR: How would you feel about destroying this place?

SARAH: I mean, I'd have to talk to my insurance providers.

DOCTOR: I don't think you'll be covered for an Act of Dalek.

Eve of the Daleks
The Doctor talking to Sarah

“Because something seems impossible. We try, it doesn't work, we try again. We learn, we improve, we fail again, but better, we make friends, we learn to trust, we help each other. We get it wrong again. We improve together, then ultimately succeed. Because this is what being alive is. And it's better than the alternative. So come on, you brilliant humans. We go again and we win. Deal?”

— Thirteenth Doctor, Eve of the Daleks

SARAH: What? Oh, come on! No, no, no! That's not fair!

DALEK: Daleks are not fair.

Eve of the Daleks

YASMIN: I don't know what to do, Dan. I've never told anyone. Not even myself.

DAN: Just tell her.

YASMIN: It's not that easy.

DAN: Look, I took way too long to tell somebody that I liked them and then... the universe ended and everything got messy. I wouldn't want that to happen to you, Sheffield.

Eve of the Daleks

“Sorry. No time. Really, no time. My actions are catching up with me. Time is catching up with me. I will not let you die because of decisions I've taken.”

— Thirteenth Doctor, Eve of the Daleks
The Doctor getting angry at Yaz

DOCTOR: See? Worried now.

DALEK: Daleks are not worried.

DOCTOR: You should be.

DALEK: Exterminate!

Eve of the Daleks

DOCTOR: What about you? Any plans? Seeing friends?

DALEK: Daleks do not have friends.

DOCTOR: Yeah, well, you've only got yourselves to blame for that.

Eve of the Daleks

“Where's the beach?”

— Yasmin Khan, Eve of the Daleks

DAN: She likes you.

DOCTOR: I like her, too.

DAN: No, I mean... she likes you.

DOCTOR: I don't understand what you're saying, Dan.

DAN: I think you do. But for some reason you pretend to me, and to her, that you don't.

Eve of the Daleks

“Sometimes I think I never have the answers. I only seem to keep pointing out the problems.”

— Ninth Doctor, Fond Farewell

“900 years of time travel, I’ve never been asked to whip up a latte.”

— Ninth Doctor, Way of the Burryman

“Always happy to find out more. That’s why I travel. I want the universe to surprise me.”

— Ninth Doctor, Way of the Burryman

“A doctor with a buzz cut. Well, I never. We’ll make a soldier of you yet!”

— The Brigadier, Way of the Burryman

DOCTOR: Yaz, I can't fix myself to anything, anywhere or anyone. I've never been able to. That's what my life is.

YASMIN: Yeah, of course.

DOCTOR: Not because I don't want to, because I might. But if I do fix myself to somebody I know, sooner or later, it'll hurt.

Legend of the Sea Devils

YASMIN: Make a wish and skim it.

DOCTOR: I wish...

YASMIN: You can't say your wish out loud!

DOCTOR: You can where I'm from. I wish... I wish this would go on forever.

Legend of the Sea Devils
Yas handing a skimming stone to The Doctor

DAN: Has she said something to you?

YASMIN: Why? What would she say to me?

DAN: Oh, come on, Yaz. Can't you see it?

Legend of the Sea Devils

DOCTOR: Wow. Isn't it spectacular? What a universe. What a planet. Just when you think you've seen the lot there's something like this.

YASMIN: It's stunning.

DOCTOR: Yes, it is. Not a bad date, am I?

Legend of the Sea Devils

“You know what I said earlier about not being a bad date? Well, dates are not something I really do, you know. I mean, I used to. Have done. And if I was going to, believe me, it'd be with you. I think you're one of the greatest people I've ever known.”

— Thirteenth Doctor, Legend of the Sea Devils

“It’s not about losing hope. It’s about never forgetting that hope's always there, even when you can’t see it.”

— Ninth Doctor, Station to Station

“You don’t need me telling you your family isn’t always the one you were born in. Usually it is, and that’s great, that’s fantastic, but it’s not always like that, and that’s ok. And if you do find people who love you - hold on tight.”

— Ninth Doctor, Station to Station

MANDY: You’re not gonna kill them are you?

DOCTOR: I never kill… Not anymore.

Auld Lang Syne


SIXTH DOCTOR: What are you afraid will happen if you pause for breath?

TENTH DOCTOR: That there won't be another.

Out of Time 3 – Wink

SIXTH DOCTOR: Angel to the left of us, angel to the right

TENTH DOCTOR: Here I am, stuck in the middle with you

Out of Time 3 – Wink

VALARIE: You mean out there right now there are families like mine, under threat from terrible things?

DOCTOR: Loads of them, unfortunately

VALARIE: And we can save them?

DOCTOR: We can try. It’s all we can do. And sometimes it’s enough.

VALARIE: Then yeah. I’m in.

DOCTOR: Well then. Welcome aboard, Valarie.

The Inheritance

(Inside the TARDIS)

VALARIE: How does she work?

DOCTOR: Big bit fits inside the small bit. It’s like an optical illusion except with dimensions and not an illusion, so nothing like an optical illusion I suppose.

The Inheritance

“You’re right. Could be extremely dangerous. Unconscionably dangerous. So dangerous I haven’t thought of a word for it yet. I’d better go first!”

— Eleventh Doctor, The House of Masks

VALARIE: Tell me why then. Why did they have to die?

DOCTOR: So they and countless others wouldn’t die in agony later. So that the universe could heal.

VALARIE: Hmmm. If you were a monster, I’d leave. No, that’s a lie - er - I’d try and stop you. But you don’t sound like a monster.

DOCTOR: Thanks very much

VALARIE: Having to make a call like that. To save a universe that sick. Sounds like you’re a doctor.

The House of Masks

“If this universe has taught me anything, it's that you should always hold onto every moment you can, every hour, every minute, every second. Even when all hope is gone, you should still cling on, because you can never know what fresh hope the future may bring.”

— Eleventh Doctor, The End

“Oh, the blossomiest blossom. That's the only sad thing. I want to know what happens next. Right, then. Doctor Whoever-I'm-about-to-be. Tag, you're it.”

— Thirteenth Doctor, The Power of the Doctor

DAN LEWIS: I've only been back a month, and I've got to say, I'm glad I'm not on the verge of being exterminated any more. But I do miss her.

IAN CHESTERTON: Sorry. Did you say her?

The Power of the Doctor

“I know these teeth. What? What? What?!”

— Fourteenth Doctor, The Power of the Doctor

DOCTOR: A wise person once said to me, goodbyes only hurt because what came before was so special. Oh, and it's been so special. You, and Graham, and Ryan, and Dan. Nobody else got to be us. Nobody else got to live our days. Nobody. And my hearts are so full of love of all of you. Oh, I have loved being with you, Yaz. And I have loved being me. I think I need to do this next bit alone.

YASMIN: Let's not say goodbye.

The Power of the Doctor

“It's all right. It's all right, Yaz. One last trip. Where would you choose? What flavour ice cream?”

— Thirteenth Doctor, The Power of the Doctor

“Amazing thing, history. People always assume it's a straight line because they're in the middle of it. Viewed from outside it's more like a Möbius strip.”

— Eighth Doctor, The Love Vampires

DALEK: Your appearance corresponds with the Time Lord known as "The Doctor". You are the enemy of the Daleks!

DOCTOR: It's the first line on my CV. Current Employment - The Oncoming Storm.

A Genius for War

“Hello. Just passing by, cos I got a bit lost. It's funny, 60 minutes ago I was this really brilliant woman, and now I've got this old face back again. I mean, why? Why? I ask of you, my brand-new friend. Why?”

— Fourteenth Doctor, Destination: Skaro

“Once upon a time… Once upon a Time Lord, I had a best friend, and her name was Donna Noble. A Time Lord and a human, and we travelled the stars together.”

— Fourteenth Doctor, The Star Beast
The Doctor, against a cosmic background

SHAUN: Oh, sat nav says they're closing all the roads.

DOCTOR: Oh, I know some roads even the taxi drivers don't. Trust me. (psychic paper) Grand Master of the Knowledge.

SHAUN: That says Grand Mistress.

DOCTOR: (to the psychic paper) Oh, catch up.

The Star Beast
Shaun, driving a taxi, talking to the Doctor

(to Rose) Listen, you. I would burn down the world for you, darling. Anyone has a go, I will be there and I will descend.”

— Donna Noble, The Star Beast
Donna talking to Rose

“Sometimes I think there's something missing. Like I had something lovely, and it's gone. And I… I kind of… I kind of look to the side, like… like something should be there, but it's not. And I know I've got Rose and Shaun and you, and the biggest sausage roll I've ever seen, frankly. I should be happy. I should be really happy. But some nights… I lie in bed thinking "What have I lost?"”

— Donna Noble, The Star Beast
Donna, having a sad conversation with Sylvia.

MEEP: Meep, meep!

ROSE: Oh, my God. Hello. I mean, wow. What are you?

MEEP: I am The Meep.

ROSE: You can talk? Oh, my God.

MEEP: Meep, meep.

ROSE: My name is Rose. I'm a human. What happened? Did you crash?

MEEP: I fell from the stars. I hurt my paw.

ROSE: Let me see.

MEEP: No! But I'm not safe. There are others from the sky. They're hunting me down to kill me.

ROSE: Who are they?

MEEP: Monsters.

The Star Beast
Beep The Meep

SHIRLEY: Shirley Anne Bingham, UNIT Scientific Adviser No. 56.

DOCTOR: Oh! I was Scientific Adviser No. 1.

The Star Beast
The Doctor talking to Shirley.

“I don't believe in destiny, but if destiny exists, then it is heading for Donna Noble right now.”

— Fourteenth Doctor, The Star Beast
The Doctor, having an emotional conversation with Shirley.

“No such thing as spaceships? We've got a bloody Martian in the shed!”

— Donna Noble, The Star Beast
Donna and Rose. Donna is pointing angrily.

ROSE: You're assuming "he" as a pronoun?

DOCTOR: True. Yes. Sorry. Good point. Are you he or she or they?

MEEP: My chosen pronoun is the definite article. I am always The Meep.

DOCTOR: Oh. I do that.

The Star Beast
The Doctor is applying a bandage to The Meep

MEEP: The Wrarth Warriors. They cultivate Meepkind for our beautiful fur. But then the galaxy said, "No more fur. It's wrong." So the Wrarth Warriors slaughtered their livestock.

DOCTOR: You're a fashion victim. Sorry.

The Star Beast
The Doctor on the floor talking to The Meep.

“Oh, to hell with this. Exhibit C! No stun guns for me! Just die!”

— Beep the Meep, The Star Beast
The Meep, brandishing his teeth and a weapon.

DONNA: We could be living somewhere far away from here. Monte Carlo. Switzerland. And you'd be safe, Rose. It's all my fault. I gave away that lottery money.


DONNA: Because… there are places out there where people are in danger and in pain and fear. And I could help. It just felt like the sort of thing he would do.

The Star Beast

DOCTOR: You've got weapons in your wheelchair?

SHIRLEY: We all have.

The Star Beast
Shirley in her wheelchair

DONNA: How long have I got to live?


DONNA: Best 55 seconds of my life, because I get to do this.

COMPUTER: Ignition halted.

DONNA: Donna Noble is descending.

The Star Beast
Donna, looking triumphant. The machinery is exploding in the background.

DONNA: Why did this face come back?

DOCTOR: I don't know.

DONNA: To say goodbye?

The Star Beast
The Doctor has Donna in his arms

DOCTOR: We're binary.

DONNA: She's not, because the Doctor's…

DOCTOR: ..male…

DONNA: ..and female.

ROSE: And neither. And more.

The Star Beast
Rose Noble

“My father would be impressed. I have no higher compliment.”

— Sylvia Noble, The Star Beast
The Doctor talking to Sylvia Noble

SHIRLEY: There's a word for you, Doctor. And that word is "jammy".

DOCTOR: Jam on toast.

The Star Beast
Shirley Anne Bingham

“After all these years, I'm… finally me.”

— Rose Noble, The Star Beast
Rose Noble

“Ha-ha-ha! Oh, this is amazing! It changed! Oh, you clever thing! Look at that! It's got this! And that!”

— Fourteenth Doctor, The Star Beast
The Doctor running through his brand new TARDIS. There are ramps everywhere.

“I really do remember, though. Every second with you. I'm so glad you're back, cos it killed me, Donna. It killed me, it killed me, it killed me.”

— Fourteenth Doctor, The Star Beast
The Doctor and Donna in the TARDIS, Donna has a cup of coffee

“We can have more days, can't we? I mean, why is it such a big goodbye with you? Why is it one last trip? Cos you could visit with my family. We could do outrageous things, like have tea, or dinner, and a laugh. And Rose's school play. Well, maybe not that. She can't act. She's terrible. I don't know how to tell her. But the point is, you've been given a second chance. You can do things different this time. So why don't you do something completely new, and have some friends?”

— Donna Noble, The Star Beast
The Doctor and Donna in the TARDIS

DONNA: What's happening?

DOCTOR: I've got no idea. It's completely out of control! We could end up anywhere in Time and Space!

The Star Beast
The Doctor and Donna in the TARDIS, which is exploding

DOCTOR: She just dropped some coffee into the console.

DONNA: But don't worry, he's got a time machine, which means he can blame me for all eternity.

Wild Blue Yonder
Donna and The Doctor, hanging out of the TARDIS doors which is up a tree.

DONNA: Was it me, or was Isaac Newton hot?

DOCTOR: He was, wasn't he? He was so hot. Oh! Is that who I am now?

DONNA: Well, it was never that far from the surface, mate. I always thought…

Wild Blue Yonder
Donna and The Doctor talking

“Allons - as idiots say - y.”

— Donna Noble, Wild Blue Yonder
Donna driving the Doctor in a golf cart along a giant space corridor

“I was thinking… And let me finish, okay? I know I sound daft, but… I wonder how long they'll wait, Rose and Shaun and my mother. Standing there in that alley… waiting for the TARDIS to come back. What if we never do? And then time will pass. Rose will grow up, she'll have a life. She might go back to that alley once a year for old times' sake, but she'll move on. Not Shaun, though. He'll keep going back every single day. He's nice, you know. He's lovely. I hope you get to know him.”

— Donna Noble, Wild Blue Yonder
Donna, with sticky files

“It's funny, cos I wonder where the TARDIS goes at random. Maybe it lands on some outcrop by the sea. And there's a tribe and they worship it for 100 years. Then they grow up and try to burn it. Then they get wise. They preserve it. Then they build a city all around it, till the TARDIS is just a tiny little dot, surrounded by skyscrapers and monorails. Time passes and the city falls. It all gets swept away. And there's the TARDIS… still on its outcrop… by the sea. She's the only thing I've got left.”

— Fourteenth Doctor, Wild Blue Yonder
Doctor fixing something whilst talking to Not-Donna

“It destroyed half the universe because of me. We stand here now on the edge of creation, a creation which I devastated. So, yes, I keep running. Of course I do. How am I supposed to look back on that?”

— Fourteenth Doctor, Wild Blue Yonder
The Doctor, angry

DONNA: I've got to say, this is the biggest nightmare of my life. But… I look quite good.

NOT-DONNA: I can't argue.

Wild Blue Yonder
Donna gesturing at her duplicate

DOCTOR: Oh, I keep thinking, I wish I hadn't done that thing with the salt.

DONNA: What, the bad luck thing? But that was just a lie.

DOCTOR: Normally, except… I invoked a superstition at the edge of the universe, where the walls are thin and all things are possible. I've just got this feeling.

DONNA: What?

DOCTOR: A feeling of something… which is gone. Fine. Good. Onwards.

Wild Blue Yonder
The Doctor in the TARDIS

DONNA: You okay?

DOCTOR: I will be.

DONNA: When?

DOCTOR: A million years.

Wild Blue Yonder
The Doctor in the TARDIS, looking sad

DOCTOR: Wilfred Mott. Oh, now I feel better. Now nothing is wrong, nothing in the whole wide world! Hello, me old soldier!

WILF: I never thought I'd see you again after all these years. Oh, Doctor, that lovely face! It's like springtime.

Wild Blue Yonder
The Doctor hugging Wilf

“My arms are too long.”

— Not-Things, Wild Blue Yonder
The Not-Doctor, with huge arms

Not-Donna: We came from nothing.

Not-Doctor: We are not-things.

Not-Donna: But you, you’re not nothing.

Wild Blue Yonder
The Not-Things, duplicates of the Doctor and Donna

Not-Doctor: The notion of shape is strange.

Not-Donna: It limits. It is limiting.

Wild Blue Yonder
The Not-Things, duplicates of The Doctor and Donna

“Have you got the controls set to "famous", or what?”

— Donna Noble, Wild Blue Yonder
Donna and The Doctor, hanging out of the TARDIS doors which is up a tree. They are saying something in unison.

“Kate Lethbridge-Stewart! I remember your father working night and day to keep UNIT secret, and look at you now, out and proud and defending the Earth.”

— Fourteenth Doctor, The Giggle
The 14th Doctor with his arms wide open. He is on the UNIT HQ helipad.

“I fought them all. Robots and insects and Yetis and clones. But what do we do this time, Doctor? How do we fight the human race?”

— Kate Stewart, The Giggle
Kate and the 14th Doctor on the UNIT HQ Helipad. Kate is hugging him, looking worried.

MEL: I used to be like you. I was one of his companions.

DONNA: I wasn't the first redhead?

MEL: No, that was me.

The Giggle
Mel, smiling at Donna across from the 14th Doctor.

“The human race might be clever and bright and brilliant, it's also savage and venal and relentless. All the anger out there on the street - the lies, the righteousness - that's human, that's you. That's who you are. Using your intelligence to be stupid. Poisoning the world. And hating each other? You've never needed any help with that. But today, something else is using your worst attributes, playing with you like toys.”

— Fourteenth Doctor, The Giggle
The 14th Doctor, angrily giving a lecture to the humans.

MEL: I got a lift off a zingo and came back to Earth.

DOCTOR: What's a zingo?

MEL: It's a thing you get a lift off.

The Giggle
Mel and the 14th Doctor reminiscing.

DONNA: Yeah, but you always say…

DOCTOR: Oh, what do I say? What do I say? What do I say?! Because I'm always so certain. I'm all sonic and TARDIS and Time Lord. Take that away… Take away the toys, what am I? What am I now? I don't know if I can save your life this time.

The Giggle
The 14th Doctor looking sad.

“Because my dad used to say, dice don't know what the dice did last time. Games don't have a memory. Every game starts from scratch.”

— Donna Noble, The Giggle
Donna, smiling at The Doctor. They are in the toyshop.

“Do you like my puppets, Doctor? Do you like my fun? All of them have played and lost, but here's my favourite one.”

— The Toymaker, The Giggle
The Toymaker with puppets controls in his hands, he is giant and the sky is cloudy.

“I came to this universe with such delight. And I played them all, Doctor. I toyed with supernovas, turned galaxies into spinning tops. I gambled with God and made him a jack-in-the-box. I made a jigsaw out of your history. Did you like it? The Master was dying and begged for his life with one final game, and when he lost, I sealed him for all eternity inside my gold tooth. There's only one player I didn't dare face. The One Who Waits.”

— The Toymaker, The Giggle
The Toymaker's teeth. Are there too many?

“You think life is a balance between order and chaos. But the universe is not binary. Far from it. There is order and chaos… and there is play.”

— Fourteenth Doctor, The Giggle
The Doctor, in UNIT, explaining

KATE: Where are my staff? The beam had a pilot, and the armourer and the ground staff. Where are they?

TOYMAKER: I think they're still falling.

The Giggle
The Toymaker, looking down

DOCTOR: I don't understand why you're so small! You can turn bullets into flowers. Think of the good you could do. So tell me why you don't!

TOYMAKER: You know full well this is merely a face concealing a vastness that will never cease, because your good and your bad are nothing to me. All that exists is to win or to lose.

DOCTOR: And you know full well that I've had many faces, containing something far more. So come with me. Leave this tiny world. We can take your games back to the stars. We can play across the cosmos. We can be… Celestial.

The Giggle
The 14th Doctor extending an arm out to the Toymaker

“I have fallen in love with humanity. This world is the ultimate playground. All of the sport, the matches, the medals, the gambling and the anger and the children shackled to their bedrooms with their joysticks and their buttons. You make games out of bricks falling upon other bricks. You are exceptional. And then there are the mind games. Oh, the dating and ghosting, the deceit and the control. You make me dizzy. I am in no hurry to leave this place.”

— The Toymaker, The Giggle
The Toymaker, on the gun, talking.

“You're going to be someone else. It doesn't matter who, because every single one of you is fantastic.”

— Melanie Bush, The Giggle
Mel, talking to the 14th Doctor as he regenerates.

14th Doctor: You're me.

15th Doctor: No, I'm me. I think I'm really, really me. Oh, ho-ho, I am completely me! Don't just stand there, push!

The Giggle
The 14 & 15th Doctor, bigenerating

“Now, someone tell me what the hell is going on here?”

— Fifteenth Doctor, The Giggle
The 15th Doctor, angrily asking what is going on

“Bi-generation. I have bi-generated! There's no such thing. Bi-generation is supposed to be a myth, but… look at me.”

— Fifteenth Doctor, The Giggle
The 15th Doctor

15th DOCTOR: Mel, what do you think?

MEL: I think you're beautiful.

14th DOCTOR: Still beautiful?

MEL: Yeah.

The Giggle
The 15th Doctor, talking to Mel, the 14th & Donna in the background

“Do you come in a range of colours?”

— Donna Noble, The Giggle
Donna, asking the 15th Doctor

15th DOCTOR: Ah! It's more than that. Our whole lifetime. That Doctor that first met the Toymaker never, ever stopped. Put on trial, exiled, Key to Time, all the devastation of Logopolis.

14th DOCTOR: Adric.

15th DOCTOR: Adric. River Song. All the people we lost. Sarah Jane has gone. Can you believe that for a second?

14th DOCTOR: I loved her.

15th DOCTOR: I loved her. And Rose. But the Time War, Pandorica, Mavic Chen. We fought the Gods of Ragnarok, and we didn't stop for a second… say, what the hell?

14th DOCTOR: But you're fine.

15th DOCTOR: I'm fine because you fixed yourself. We're Time Lords. We're doing rehab out of order.

The Giggle
The 15th Doctor, in the TARDIS, talking to the 14th. He gestures to himself, talking about his memories.

DONNA: But you keep on going. And that's the adventure. The one adventure you've never had. Because I've… I've worked out what happened. You changed your face, and then you found me. Do you know why?

14th DOCTOR: No.

DONNA: To come home.

The Giggle
Donna, having an emotional conversation with the 14th Doctor

“We won the game. You get a prize, honey, and here is mine!”

— Fifteenth Doctor, The Giggle
The 15th Doctor swinging a giant comedy carnival mallet at the TARDIS,

14th DOCTOR: Oh, look! Oh, that's not bad. Wheelchair accessible.

SHIRLEY: At last! You finally caught up with the 21st century!

The Giggle
A wheelchair-accessible ramp to get into the TARDIS

15th DOCTOR: Look after him, you know? Now, you two, if you don't mind, there is a great big universe out there calling, and I've got to get going. So off you pop, old man.

14th DOCTOR: Oh. You're the old man. You're older than me.

DONNA: Actually, that is true. He's younger because you came after him. So you're the older Doctor.

15th DOCTOR: Okay, kid. I love you. Get out!

The Giggle
The 15th Doctor, in his TARDIS, gesturing towards the time rotor because it is taking off.

14th DOCTOR: Well, yeah. Just can't turn down my favourite niece.

ROSE: Ah! Niece. I like that.

14th DOCTOR: Well, that's what you are. With my best friend, my brother-in-law, the evil stepmother…

SYLVIA: Oh, I have barely begun.

14th DOCTOR: ..and Mad Aunty Mel.

MEL: Mad Aunty Mel! (toasts) Mad Aunty Mel.

The Giggle
The 14th Doctor's family, saying a toast to Mad Aunty Mel.

14th DOCTOR: And Grandad! Where is he?

SYLVIA: Oh, he's off shooting moles.


14th DOCTOR: Don't worry, I gave the moles a forcefield. I love the moles.

DONNA: You love the moles?

14th DOCTOR: I love them.

The Giggle
The 14th Doctor, looking into the direction of Grandad.

“The funny thing is, I fought all those battles for all those years, and now I know what for. This. I've never been so happy in my life.”

— Fourteenth Doctor, The Giggle
The 14th Doctor, finally happy.

DOCTOR: Donna!

DONNA: I'm already running!

The Giggle
Donna running from the Toymaker

“Come here. I've got you. Yeah? It's okay. I'm here.”

— Fifteenth Doctor, The Giggle
The 15th Doctor hugs the 14th and gives him a kiss on the forehead.

“Well, that’s alright, then!”

— The Toymaker, The Giggle

“I know what it's like to lose someone! The grief? Oh, that comes easy. The hard part is realising you can't change the past!”

— Valarie Lockwood, All’s Fair

HAYDEN: It is a necessary evil.

DOCTOR: Oh I've met evils you wouldn't believe, gods and devils, warewolves and vampires, every monster every child's ever imagined creeping out from under the bed and you know what? They're all real. But a necessary evil - that's the only one that's a fiction.

All’s Fair

LUKE: It’s just like old times, isn’t it? The three of us, in the attic of Bannerman Road.

CLYDE: Except there’s one thing missing.

LUKE: Mum. Sarah-Jane.

RANI: She’s still with us though, in spirit. I can still hear her voice sometimes, you know. “You go girl. Take on the world. Get to the truth. Don’t let anyone stand in your way”.

CLYDE: Rani takes on the world. I’ll tell you what- I don’t fancy the world’s chances much.

The Ghost of Bannerman Road

“Years ago, when we lost Sarah-Jane, it felt like the story was over. And it was. But there are always other stories to be told. There are always more wonders to see, more friendships to make, and more injustices to be fought. Like Sarah-Jane always said.. Life on Earth is an adventure too. And it’s an adventure that never ends.”

— Rani Chandra, The Ghost of Bannerman Road

“Once upon a time, late on Christmas Eve, a stranger came to the church on Ruby Road. She carried in her arms the most precious gift of all. A newborn child. A baby girl. Just before midnight, she left her daughter on the steps of the church. The child was taken in, and they named her Ruby, after the place where she was found. As for the mother, she was never seen again. No one ever knew her name, until that night a time traveller came to call. A traveller known as the Doctor.”

— Fifteenth Doctor, The Church on Ruby Road
The Church on Ruby Road

“Health and safety. Gin and tonic division.”

— Fifteenth Doctor, The Church on Ruby Road
The Doctor in a club, showing Ruby the psychic paper

“Okay. Name - the Doctor. Occupation - not a doctor. Current status - just passing by. Employer - myself. Address - that blue box over there. Now, if you don't mind, I just got snowmanned, and I would like to go home.”

— Fifteenth Doctor, The Church on Ruby Road
The Doctor and a policeman

“Bad luck. Ever since that day, it's never stopped. I've been hit, I've been thrown, I've been bumped. I fell off a boat on dry land. I've been in accidents, collisions. I've even been trampled by a moose! And I can't help thinking it all comes back to when I met you.”

— , The Church on Ruby Road
Davina, in a wheelchair, her leg is broken

DOCTOR: What the hell are you doing?!

RUBY: I'm... just... There's...

DOCTOR: But what did you do that for? Who sees a ladder and just pops on? A ladder in the sky and you thought, "Yeah, I'll give that a go, babes"?

RUBY: They've got the baby!

The Church on Ruby Road
The Doctor running along rooftops

“Intelligent gloves. One each. Should work. Put it on. Cos I thought to myself, "What's the problem with hanging on?" It's all the friction and the weight and the burn, so I got rid of that. The glove's a kind of super-kinetic transfer of mass. Ah, that's better. The glove takes all my weight. All the weight is in the glove. So nothing burns. Nothing pulls. Nothing hurts. Ta-da!”

— Fifteenth Doctor, The Church on Ruby Road
The Doctor with his intelligent gloves

“This is a brand new science for me, and I love it. The language of luck. Cos what is a coincidence but a form of accident? Two things bumping together unexpectedly. Like you and me.”

— Fifteenth Doctor, The Church on Ruby Road
The Doctor, beaming, is tied to a mast with Ruby in the Goblin ship

“Oh! Pssh! They are not time travellers. Excuse me. Time travellers are great. Like the best. Like, wow. This lot just bimble.”

— Fifteenth Doctor, The Church on Ruby Road
The Doctor and Ruby, tied to a mast

RUBY: Wait, how did you do that?

DOCTOR: I spent a long, hot summer with Harry Houdini.

The Church on Ruby Road
Ruby tied to a mast, The Doctor has freed himself.

“We've got a baby, we can feast. We can dine three days at least. Baby blood and baby bones. Baby butter for the baby scones.”

— Goblins, The Church on Ruby Road
Goblin singers

“He can eat me. He makes me swoon.”

— Goblins, The Church on Ruby Road
A goblin, fanning themselves

“I've given up on that cuppa and opted for a life of abstinence.”

— Cherry Sunday, The Church on Ruby Road
Cherry Sunday in bed

“We three queens of the sky up here in the attic.”

— Cherry Sunday, The Church on Ruby Road
Cherry Sunday in bed

DOCTOR: You have got the biggest family in the world.

RUBY: I have. What about you?

DOCTOR: Er, I've got no one.

The Church on Ruby Road
The Doctor and Ruby

DOCTOR: It's not magic. It's a language. It's a different form of physics.

RUBY: Yes. Like magic.

The Church on Ruby Road
The Doctor looking at the fridge and smiling

“Can't get a cup of tea round here for love nor money.”

— Cherry Sunday, The Church on Ruby Road

“I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Just er... What I mean is... they phoned. From the TV show. When you were out this morning. But they didn't find anything. Just... No mum. No dad. No brothers or sisters. No cousins. Just... just... nothing.”

— Ruby Sunday, The Church on Ruby Road

DOCTOR: I'm adopted.

RUBY: Are you?

DOCTOR: Yeah, yeah. I, er... I only found out recently.

The Church on Ruby Road
The Doctor

“Merry Christmas, Davina McCall.”

— Fifteenth Doctor, The Church on Ruby Road
The Doctor, holding a Christmas tree

DOCTOR: I'd better go. Merry Christmas.

FLOOD: Who are you, anyway?

DOCTOR: No one. Just passing by.

FLOOD: Well, you take care.

The Church on Ruby Road
Mrs Flood

RUBY: He went back. He said he went back. What did he mean, he went back? When was Houdini?

CARLA: What?

RUBY: When was Houdini? Houdini was, like, 1900s, 1920? How could he...? And then he spoke about time travellers and then he...

The Church on Ruby Road
Ruby Sunday, working it out

FLOOD: Busy man, sweetheart. You and your box of tricks. You look like you've lost a pound and found a sixpence. What's wrong?

DOCTOR: Just wondering. Maybe I'm the bad luck.

The Church on Ruby Road
The Doctor

RUBY: Who are you?

DOCTOR: I'm the Doctor.

The Church on Ruby Road

“Oh, Merry Christmas, Abdul. Stop making such a fuss. Never seen a TARDIS before?”

— Mrs Flood, The Church on Ruby Road
Mrs Flood

“As my mum told me once - don't put anything off until tomorrow... Except giving up.”

— Valarie Lockwood, The Last Stand of Miss Valarie Lockwood

RUBY: But hold on. I can't call you Doctor. No, I want to know your name.

DOCTOR: Yeah, that's er... that's tricky, because I was adopted, and the planet that took me in, they were kind of... they were kind of posh. They'd use titles like the Doctor, or the Bishop, or the Rani, or the Conquistador. Say Doctor for a thousand years and it becomes my name.

Space Babies

RUBY: Gallifrey? And where's that?

DOCTOR: Gone! Ruby, it's gone. It's gone. They died. There was a genocide, and they died. So the one that was adopted was the only one left. I am the last of the Time Lords. And I am so, so glad to be alive.

Space Babies

RUBY: Wait! No. Is it safe? What if I change history by stepping on a butterfly or summat?

DOCTOR: Well, that's not going to happen, is it? Who steps on butterflies? You'd literally have to be like, "Wait. Come 'ere, butterfly! "Come 'ere, 'ave it!"

Space Babies

RUBY: Hey, but you said the TARDIS was like a chameleon, but it still looks like a police box.

DOCTOR: Oh, it's, er... it's broken. Most of the universe is knackered, babes.

Space Babies

RUBY: Is that a monster?

DOCTOR: No. No, don't be silly, Ruby. There's no such thing as monsters, there's just... just creatures you haven't met yet.

Space Babies

DOCTOR: Oh. Oh, we're on a baby farm. Ha-ha! A parthenogenesis machine. What is it with you and babies?

RUBY: I was going to say the same thing to you.

DOCTOR: We've gone from baby to baby. I'm not saying things are connected, and yet... things connect.

Space Babies

RUBY: We made it. The human race, we survived. We went to the stars. And ten minutes ago, Doctor, just ten minutes ago, you said genocide. Your people are gone.


RUBY: How do you keep going?

DOCTOR: For days like this, Ruby Sunday. I don't have a people. I don't have a home. But I don't have a job, either. I don't have a boss, or taxes or rent or bills to pay. I don't have a purpose or a cause, or a mission, but I have... ..freedom. And so I keep moving on, to see the next thing, and the next, and the next. And sometimes... it looks even better through your eyes.

Space Babies

“Ha-ha! Space babies!”

— Fifteenth Doctor, Space Babies

POPPY: We're not meant to be like this. Did we grow up wrong?

DOCTOR: Oh, Poppy. Oh, Popsicle. Look at me. Look at me. Nobody grows up wrong. You are what you are, and that is magnificent.

Space Babies

“And do you want to know my secret? There's no one like me in the whole wide universe. No one like me exists, and that's true of everyone. It's not a problem, Captain Pops. It's a superpower.”

— Fifteenth Doctor, Space Babies

RUBY: It's snowing. Okay, what just happened? I said snow, and we've got... ..snowflakes.

DOCTOR: It's like a memory just came through, from the day that you were born.

RUBY: But how? Is this the sort of thing that happens with time travel?

DOCTOR: I have been to the ends of time and back, and I have never seen anything like this before.

Space Babies

RUBY: Hang on. So the planet down below refused to stop the babies being born... but once they're born, they don't look after them?

JOCELYN: It's a very strange planet.

RUBY: It's not that strange.

Space Babies

DOCTOR: Oh, that's good. DuBarryDuPlessy is a starwide organisation. It means they can take in lots of refugees.

RUBY: Oh. Well, can't we call them for help?

JOCELYN: They don't go and fetch refugees. That's the fate of every refugee in the universe. You physically have to turn up on someone else's shore. And we can't move.

Space Babies

“Yeah, but I've met a million ugly bugs. I'm an ugly bug.”

— Fifteenth Doctor, Space Babies

JOCELYN: I can't get a proper fix. I told you, these systems are a crock of... (the Nan-E filter turns on) ..waste products.

DOCTOR: Mind your language, Nan-E.

Space Babies

DOCTOR: Into the belly of the beast. Yeah, this stuff is slippy, Rubes. Be careful.

(She slips then gets dribbled on from a pipe outlet.)

RUBY: Oh. Ah. Oh, my God. Oh, this is disgusting. Don't call me Rubes!

Space Babies

RUBY: So that was a normal day for you, then?

DOCTOR: No, no. That was extra-special nuts. And you, Ruby Sunday, get this. Your very own TARDIS key.

RUBY: What for?

DOCTOR: I have the whole universe at my fingertips, and I'm all on my own. So I'd love it if you came with me.

Space Babies

“If you change one thing, a single snowflake, that could change your birth mother's story and then you would never meet me, none of this would ever happen, and we would fall into the deepest, darkest paradox. Ruby, trust me. I think that snow was a warning. I can't. And I won't.”

— Fifteenth Doctor, Space Babies


— Maestro, The Devil’s Chord

TIMOTHY: Henry, get away from him.





MAESTRO: I'm them.

TIMOTHY: You're who?

MAESTRO: You're who?

The Devil’s Chord

“Music, Maestro, please!”

— Maestro, The Devil’s Chord

“Oh! People always say the Titanic, or Mars, or Bethlehem. But the Beatles! Why have I never done that before? Come on!”

— Fifteenth Doctor, The Devil’s Chord

DOCTOR: In the past, right now, I live in a place called Totter's Lane. 1963, I park the TARDIS in a junkyard and live there with my granddaughter, Susan.



RUBY: Your what?

DOCTOR: My granddaughter.

RUBY: Susan.

The Devil’s Chord

DOCTOR: The Time Lords were murdered. The genocide rolled across Time and Space, like a great big cellular explosion. Maybe it killed her too.

RUBY: Doctor, God...

The Devil’s Chord

“I wrote this for my friend Trudy when a girl broke her heart.”

— Ruby Sunday, The Devil’s Chord


— Fifteenth Doctor, The Devil’s Chord

“Sound and vision.”

— Maestro, The Devil’s Chord

RUBY: You're scaring me now.

DOCTOR: That thing must be part of the Pantheon. Oh, Ruby, there are vast powers beyond the universe. I told you, when we first met. I said, I said the Toymaker... And defeating him took everything. It ripped me in half.

RUBY: But you survived.

DOCTOR: It literally... it tore my soul in half. I can't survive that again. The Toymaker said... he said, he warned me, he said, "My legions are coming. My legions are coming." He said, "My legions are coming."

The Devil’s Chord

DOCTOR: This is what we're trying to stop.

RUBY: But this isn't real. This is... this is just like a parallel universe.

DOCTOR: This is your time. This is your home if Maestro isn't stopped.

The Devil’s Chord

“I thought that was non-diegetic.”

— Fifteenth Doctor, The Devil’s Chord

“But she's the only human left with music in her heart! Playing lovesick songs for heartbroken lesbians. And that just makes me hungry for all those delicious songs.”

— Maestro, The Devil’s Chord

MAESTRO: What is this?

DOCTOR: Christmas. The music that was playing the night that she was born.

MAESTRO: How can a song have so much power? And power like him?

DOCTOR: Like who?

MAESTRO: The Oldest One. On the night of her birth. He can't have been there. What for? What for? What for?

DOCTOR: Who was there?

The Devil’s Chord

MAESTRO: Go on, then. Do it. Can you find it? The lost chord? Are you enough of a genius?

DOCTOR: Oh, I would never call myself that, Maestro. But I have lived. And I have loved. And I can only smile like this because I have lost so much. I've experienced everything, every single thing, and if that's where music comes from... I can find the chord to banish you.

The Devil’s Chord

“The One who Waits... is almost here!”

— Maestro, The Devil’s Chord

“But there is one thing that I should warn you about, Ruby, and this is really very serious. With all of my adventures throughout Time and Space, I have to tell you there is always a twist at the end.”

— Fifteenth Doctor, The Devil’s Chord

AMBULANCE: Leave a message at the tone.

VATER: Kiss-kiss.

AMBULANCE: Next of kin informed. The Villengard Corporation would like to extend its deepest condolences on your upcoming loss. Thoughts and prayers. Sharp scratch.


RUBY: Where are we?

DOCTOR: In the middle of a war.

RUBY: Oh. I was kind of hoping for a beach.

DOCTOR: Ah. What do you think this is?

RUBY: It's not a beach.

DOCTOR: Give it time. Everywhere's a beach eventually.


RUBY: Why does a land mine have lights on it?

DOCTOR: Oh, capitalism.

RUBY: Excuse me?

DOCTOR: Flashy lights play well in a showroom. Modern warfare. Death by salesman.


“Villengard. V for Villengard. Biggest weapons manufacturer in recorded history. Supplied all sides in all conflicts for the past two centuries in this sector. Had to deactivate one of these once at a lesbian gymkhana. Underwater. For a bet. Except it wasn't live and I wasn't standing on it. And I lost that bet. Sorry, wrong moment for this story.”

— Fifteenth Doctor, Boom

“What's wrong? Ruby, have you seen something? Oh. Oh, Ruby, I'm sorry, I forgot. Your first time on a new planet. It flips your stomach, doesn't it? A brand-new sky. We're on Kastarion 3, going by the rings next door. Decent enough. Seven out of ten. Good trees, great mountains. Rainbow crystal. Oh, wait until you see the dawn.”

— Fifteenth Doctor, Boom

DOCTOR: If it goes wrong, you will be caught in the blast.

RUBY: Well, let's get it right, then.

DOCTOR: Ruby, I forbid this.

RUBY: Yeah, good luck with that.


DOCTOR: Ruby, if this doesn't work... You are brave and you are wonderful... and I forgive you for being incredibly stupid.

RUBY: Good, then.

DOCTOR: And if it does work, I'm going to be very cross at you for a very, very long time.

RUBY: Not that long, babes. You're standing on a landmine.


“I went down to the beach and there she stood, dark and tall at the edge of the wood. "The sky's too big, I'm scared," I cried. She replied, "Young man, don't you know there's more to life than the moon and the President's wife?"”

— Fifteenth Doctor, Boom

RUBY: Sorry, killed by an ambulance?

DOCTOR: Life is cheap, patients are expensive. The Villengard algorithm.

RUBY: The what?

DOCTOR: Villengard battle products are fitted with AI. The algorithm maintains a fighting force at just above the acceptable number of casualties. Keeps you fighting, keeps you dying, keeps you buying. The medical services optimise the casualty rate for continued conflict. War is business, and business is booming.


“Great name, Mundy Flynn. You should marry Ruby. Then you'd be Mundy Sunday. Go on, get married, I'd laugh every day.”

— Fifteenth Doctor, Boom

DOCTOR: I am a higher-dimension lifeform. I am a complex Space/Time event.

MUNDY: I'm Anglican.


“I'm a much bigger bang than you bargained for. I'm a lot more explosive than I look, and honey... I know how I look. Put a quantum chain reaction through me and I will shatter this silly little battlefield of yours into dust. All of it, in a heartbeat, into dust.”

— Fifteenth Doctor, Boom

DOCTOR: Most armies would notice that they were fighting smoke and shadows, but not this lot, Ruby. You know why? Cos they have faith.

MUNDY: Shut up.

DOCTOR: Faith. The magic word that keeps you never having to think for yourself. Just surrender, Mundy. Just stop, and it's all over.

MUNDY: Prove it.

DOCTOR: What, seriously? Now you need proof, faith gyal?


“Listen to me. However little is left of you, you are still a father. Dad to Dad... you never let them down, right? Ever. To the end, right? Dad to Dad, dust to dust. Am I right?”

— Fifteenth Doctor, Boom

DOCTOR: Well, it's kind of hard to sum up. I think if I had a diary, it would be a little bit too exciting for words. I think I could write it with drums. Can you write a diary in drums? I bet I could.

DOCTOR: A-boom. Tap. Tap. Boom. Tap-tap. Boom. Tap. Tap. Boom. Tap-tap. Boom. Tap. Tap. Boom. Tap-tap.


“Yeah, two minutes, no lingering. Plenty more universe to see and, quite frankly, your lifespan sucks.”

— Fifteenth Doctor, Boom

SPLICE: Silly. He's not gone. He's just dead. He's not gone.

DOCTOR: That is right. That is exactly right. You keep the faith, Splice.

MUNDY: I thought you didn't like faith much, Doctor.

DOCTOR: Just because I don't like it doesn't mean I don't need it, Mundy.


DOCTOR: We're all dead eventually. There's hardly any time that we're not dead. Which is a good thing, too. We've got to keep the pace up, otherwise nothing would get done. Dying defines us. Snow isn't snow until it falls.

RUBY: Snow...?

DOCTOR: Yeah, snow. We all melt away in the end, but something stays. Maybe the best part.


“A sad old man once told me, what survives of us is love.”

— Fifteenth Doctor, Boom

DOCTOR: Oh, yes! We are in Wales. Spectacular!

RUBY: How can you tell?

DOCTOR: Oh... That smell. That green. That coastline, Ruby. Oh, the rocks and the water, it never ends. The war between the land and the sea.

73 Yards

“I can't think of a synonym for keeping your distance. I suppose, to coin a new word, in Latin, it would be semper distans. Always distant. She's semper distans to you.”

— , 73 Yards

KATE: We have a tradition of helping the Doctor's former companions, once they return to a... normal life.

RUBY: I was... I was hardly with him, really.

KATE: But it felt like a lifetime?

RUBY: Yeah.

73 Yards

KATE: Well, we're the Unified Intelligence Taskforce, created to investigate the extraterrestrial and, more and more, the supernatural. Things seem to be turning that way these days.

RUBY: And you worked with the Doctor?

KATE: With him. Despite him. Against him, sometimes. And I adore him. I can only say that now he's not here.

73 Yards

“73 yards. I have measured it 100 times. I've measured it a thousand times. It's 73 yards.”

— Ruby Sunday, 73 Yards

“That's what we do, all of us. We see something inexplicable and invent the rules to make it work. Mankind saw the sunrise and created God. Or we saw the arrival of a Sontaran, one or the other.”

— Kate Stewart, 73 Yards

RUBY: But it's taken me all this time to realise what I'm here to do.

RUFUS: Which is what?

RUBY: I'm going to save the world. See ya.

73 Yards

“* (To Marti)* I'm sorry I took so long, because I think I'll only get one chance and I had to make sure I was right. But I wish I could have helped you. I'm so sorry.”

— Ruby Sunday, 73 Yards

ELIZABETH: Why do people put flowers here?

OLD RUBY: I don't think they know.

73 Yards

LINDY: Do I need to pee?

DR PEE: Urine content is zero for the third day in a row. Well done, Lindy. Remember, don't waste the day with daily waste.

Dot and Bubble

DOCTOR: You don't know me, but my name is the Doctor, and your life is in danger, okay? There are creatures out there in the real world that are monsters, and they are coming to get you. No. No, Lindy, don't!

DOT: Blocked.

Dot and Bubble

(Lindy stands up, steps to the side, then tries walking forward and kicks the desk.)

LINDY: Oh, God, I'm so stupid. Dot, Bubble.

RUBY: Did you do it? Are you out?

LINDY: I don't know how to walk.

RUBY: What do you mean?

LINDY: I don't know how to walk without the arrows.

RUBY: You don't know how to walk?

LINDY: Without the arrows.

DOCTOR: You don't know how to walk without the arrows?

LINDY: That's what I just said. Now shut up. I hate you, I hate you, I hate you. Exit, please.

Dot and Bubble

LINDY: You... you lied to me. This is like a conspiracy. Who are you?

RUBY: We're just trying to help.

LINDY: You. I blocked you. Didn't I block you? I knew it, I did. I thought that you just looked the same, but you're... How did you do that?

(The Doctor points his sonic.)

DOCTOR: Unblocked, babes.

Dot and Bubble

LINDY: Sorry. I'm sorry, it's just that's the first time I've ever done that.

RICKY: Oh no, well, it's not every day you walk past monsters.

LINDY: No, I mean the hug.

RICKY: That was your first hug?

LINDY: Yeah.

Dot and Bubble

LINDY: Don't be so surprised. I found it. I'm at the conduit. But guess what? I'm with Ricky September.

RUBY: Ah! What, Ricky the singer?

LINDY: That's him.

RUBY: Oh, nice one.

DOCTOR: He's hot.

BOTH: (to each other) Hands off!

Dot and Bubble

RICKY: Lindy, watch out.

(The Dot flies over to her.)

LINDY: His surname is Coombes. He was born Richard Coombes. Cos I know everything about him. He changed his name to Ricky September when he reached 50,000 followers, but check your files. He was born Coombes. C comes before P!

(Ricky stares at her in disbelief.)

Dot and Bubble

DOCTOR: I have a ship. It's called the TARDIS. That blue box. It harnesses technology that makes it bigger on the inside than on the outside. I could take you all. I could carry you to the stars. I... could find you a home that is safe and clean and everything you want.

LINDY: But... we couldn't travel with you.

RUBY: What? Why... Why not?

LINDY: Because you, sir, are not one of us. I mean, you were kind, although it was your duty to save me, obviously. I mean, screen-to-screen contact is just about acceptable, but... in person? That's impossible.

Dot and Bubble

DOCTOR: I don't care what you think. And you can say whatever you want. You can think absolutely anything. I will do anything if you just allow me to save your lives.

BREWSTER: If you'll turn away, ladies, before you're contaminated.

DOCTOR: You will die out there! And I can save your lives! Now let me!

Dot and Bubble

“Oh, my Bridgerton! This is my actual dream!”

— Ruby Sunday, Rogue

ROGUE: This is a murder far beyond the technology of Planet Earth. It could only be done by someone brilliant.

DOCTOR: And monstrous.

ROGUE: And ruthless.

DOCTOR: Contemptible.

BOTH: You. You. No, you.


“You are a bounty hunter? That is so... cool. Catching monsters, getting into scrapes. Meeting handsome strangers.”

— Fifteenth Doctor, Rogue

DOCTOR: Where do you hide a spaceship in 1813?

ROGUE: It's cloaked, past that shed.

DOCTOR: Shed? That's my ship.

ROGUE: You travel in a shed?

DOCTOR: Love the shed.

ROGUE: Why isn't it cloaked?

DOCTOR: It's behind a tree.


“Oh, I see. My name's bond, molecular bond.”

— Fifteenth Doctor, Rogue

DOCTOR: Rogue, I am telling you, you've got the wrong man, okay? And I can prove it. This authenticates me as non-Chuldur.

(Psychic paper.)

ROGUE: It says you're hot.

DOCTOR: Does it? I'm sorr... No, it's broken.

ROGUE: Is it you're hot, or I'm hot?

DOCTOR: No, it is just that it's...

ROGUE: Who's hot, Doctor?

DOCTOR: It means the temperature.

ROGUE: It suits you, flustered. It's a good look. You should try it more often.


“I'm not a Chuldur. I'm something much older and far more powerful. I'm a Lord of Time from the lost and fallen planet of Gallifrey. Now, let me go, bounty hunter. We have work to do.”

— Fifteenth Doctor, Rogue

(sings) Come with me, and you'll be, in a world of pure imagination. Take a look and you'll see, into your imagination.”

— Fifteenth Doctor, Rogue

DOCTOR: You lost someone.

ROGUE: How do you know that?

DOCTOR: Because I know.

ROGUE: There was... Yeah. We travelled together. We had fun, y'know? And then a day came along, and at the end of that day... I lost them. What about you?

DOCTOR: I lost everyone.

ROGUE: At the party, I saw you with that woman.

DOCTOR: Mmm. My best friend.

ROGUE: Do you ever wonder... why keep going?

DOCTOR: Because we have to. We have to live each day because they can't. You don't have to stay a bounty hunter, Rogue. You could travel with me. Oh, the worlds I could show you, Rogue.

ROGUE: And what if I like what I do? Would you travel with me?

DOCTOR: That is quite an argument. I'll tell you what. When we both get out of this, let's argue across the stars.

ROGUE: I'd like that.


DOCTOR: We need to get the Duchess outside, on her own, and if there's one thing that attracts her, it's scandal. And outrage and plot twists. So, come on, Rogue. Shall we?

ROGUE: I don't see how us dancing will create a scene.

DOCTOR: Then you should have researched this era a little more, because we are scandalous.


“You cad!”

— Fifteenth Doctor, Rogue

DOCTOR: (sotto) Say anything.

(Rogue goes down on one knee and holds up a ring.)

DOCTOR: Sorry. I c... I ca...


CARLA: You know I can't stop her. And I wouldn't want to do that. And if anyone deserves to see it all, feel it all, it's Ruby. But I'm still her mum. I need to know she'll be okay. You'll keep her safe?

DOCTOR: I will keep her safe. I promise.


ROGUE: They'll kill us. Then this house. Then London. Then the world. You know that. You absolutely know it. So can you do it? Can you lose your friend to save the world?


ROGUE: I know.

(Rogue kisses the Doctor and takes the trigger off him. He pushes Ruby out of the triform and takes her place.)


“Find me.”

— Rogue, Rogue

RUBY: Can't we use the TARDIS and go find him?

DOCTOR: There are as many dimensions as there are atoms in the universe. Don't even know his real name.

RUBY: I'm sorry.

DOCTOR: Anyway. It is what it is, so onwards. Fine. Next. Off we go. Where shall we go? Anywhere.

RUBY: Doctor, you don't have to be like this.

DOCTOR: I have to be like this, 'cos this is what I'm like. Onwards. Upwards. New horizons. Moving on. It's fine.

RUBY: Okay, can you just shut up a second?

(She gives him a hug.)

DOCTOR: It's good to have you back, Ruby.

RUBY: And you, Doctor. Hmm.


RUBY: Oh, that's a tall glass of heartbreak. Ah...

BARTON: Your Grace, where have you been hiding this absolute delight, with hair like golden strands, spun in the rays of the evening sun?

RUBY: Oh, you're not a tall glass at all. You're half a pint of shandy.


DOCTOR: Ruby, Rose. Rose, Ruby.


DOCTOR: Two different shades of red!

The Legend of Ruby Sunday

“Give me the loving!”

— Fifteenth Doctor, The Legend of Ruby Sunday

“Anything I can do to help. It's nice for me to get out. I'm always hiding myself away.”

— Mrs Flood, The Legend of Ruby Sunday

DOCTOR: That is the Vlinx.

VLINX: Greetings.

DOCTOR: Oh! Nice upgrade!

VLINX: Hot metal, Doctor.

The Legend of Ruby Sunday

MORRIS: I'm Morris Gibbons, UNIT scientific advisor. Thirteen years old, accelerated genius, thanks to a passing asteroid.

The Legend of Ruby Sunday

DOCTOR: Oh, man. Don't you see? It's an anagram. S Triad spells out... TARDIS. The name is TARDIS Technology.

KATE: Well, obviously. Thank you.

IBRAHIM: Even I got that.

The Legend of Ruby Sunday

KATE: Well, even without the TARDIS anagram, evil genius with secret alien software is top of our list. God knows we stopped enough of them. Well, except the obvious.

MORRIS: We'll get him.

The Legend of Ruby Sunday

RUBY: But, hold on, excuse me. Doctor, am I being thick here? How do you not know your own granddaughter? I mean, don't you recognise her?

DOCTOR: Er... The truth is, Time Lords can regenerate their faces like a disguise. So we look different, but we're still the same.

RUBY: Right. Okay. But what for?

DOCTOR: It can save us if we're dying, or sometimes we can hide ourselves away...

DOCTOR: ..with a new face.

DOCTOR: Does that sound mad?

RUBY: Just don't go changing yours, okay?

DOCTOR: Oh, no. I'm keeping this one for a long, long time.

The Legend of Ruby Sunday

CARLA: I just need you to look after Mum. It's only going to be for a couple of hours.

FLOOD: Oh, leave her to me. I nursed my old mum through diabetes and a hip operation. She died of an ulcer. But that was when I wasn't looking.

The Legend of Ruby Sunday

CHERRY: I would love a cup of tea.

FLOOD: Would you, sweetheart? Well, we'd all like a lot of things... that aren't going to happen.

CHERRY: What that supposed to mean?

FLOOD: I'd be very careful, Mrs Sunday. There's a storm coming in. He waits no more.

The Legend of Ruby Sunday

KATE: My father, he'd tell me stories about you when I was a kid. He'd sit there in the firelight, telling tales of the Doctor, his eyes... shining. But he never, ever mentioned a granddaughter.

DOCTOR: I was a different Doctor back then, Kate. Great enigma. Still can't shake it off. I'm trying.

KATE: If you've got a granddaughter, that means you've got kids!

DOCTOR: Well, not quite. Not yet.

KATE: But... You mean... you can have a granddaughter before a daughter?

DOCTOR: Life of a Time Lord.

The Legend of Ruby Sunday

KATE: But... Okay, the grandchild exists and you've got the TARDIS, but you've never gone back to see her. Why not?

DOCTOR: You've seen my life. I bring disaster, Kate. Disaster. What if I go back and ruin her?

KATE: For what it's worth, I think you bring joy.

The Legend of Ruby Sunday

“Name, anagram, TARDIS. Probability of a trap, 95% and rising.”

— Morris Gibbons, The Legend of Ruby Sunday

KATE: Come here. Come on.

(Big hug.)

MEL: I'll have some of that.

(Another hug.)

MEL: Oh, yes!

DOCTOR: Hello, trouble.

The Legend of Ruby Sunday

KATE: Ruby, this is a gold security establishment. Even the Prime Minister can't walk into UNIT.

MORRIS: Especially the Prime Minister.

The Legend of Ruby Sunday

DOCTOR: Oh, we are not just going to analyse this... Kate, do you have a Time window?

KATE: You expressly told us in the 1970s, UNIT was absolutely forbidden to experiment with any form of time technology.

DOCTOR: Do you have a Time window?

KATE: Ten floors down.

The Legend of Ruby Sunday

“We've got sound and vision. I've never seen the window this strong.”

— Kate Stewart, The Legend of Ruby Sunday

“If Time is memory and memory is Time, then what is the memory of a time machine?”

— Fifteenth Doctor, The Legend of Ruby Sunday

MORRIS: It's off the scale. That thing is hot. It's cold. It's radioactive. It's dead. It's everything. I don't know!

CARLA: I know its name. It's the Beast!

The Legend of Ruby Sunday

HARRIET: I've got image control. All desks link to mine. Coordinating... now.

KATE: What do you think?

HARRIET: It's a crude videotape of a snowstorm, 19 years old, kept under the bed in a shoe box. I was born for this.

The Legend of Ruby Sunday

“He has hidden in the howling void. He has hidden within the tempest. He has braved the storm and the darkness and the pain. And he whispered to the vessel. All this time, he whispered and delighted and seduced, and the vessel did obey, for none should be more mighty and none should be more wise than the King himself. And the Lord of Time was blind and vain, and knew nothing.”

— Harriet Arbinger, The Legend of Ruby Sunday

HARRIET: There is the Toymaker, the god of games. There is Trickster, the god of traps. There is Maestro, the god of music. There is Reprobate, the god of spite. There is the Mara, the god of beasts. And the threefold deity of malice and mischief and misery. There are gods of skin and shame and secrets. There is Incensor the god of disaster and her children, called Doubt and Dread. And standing on high is the mother and father and other of them all.

For the god of all gods has returned, and his names are many.

His name has been Set. And Seth. And Sithifer. And his one true name for evermore is... Sutekh!

The Legend of Ruby Sunday

“I am Sutekh, the god of death. I am the night. I am the terror. I am the loss. And all life will perish at my hand!”

— Sutekh, The Legend of Ruby Sunday

“Did you think I was family, Doctor? I bring Sutekh's gift of death for you and for all your tiny, vile, incessant universe!”

— Susan Triad, The Legend of Ruby Sunday

“I bring Sutekh's dust of death.”

— Susan Triad, Empire of Death

“Doctor, are you there? This is me signing off… with thanks and love. And please send this monster back into hell. Because I have to hope that the birds will sing again. There will be birds.”

— Kate Stewart, Empire of Death

“There's nothing we can do… except fight!”

— Melanie Bush, Empire of Death

FLOOD: Do you believe in the power of prayer?

CHERRY: I most certainly do.

FLOOD: Then tell your maker I will come to storm down his gates of gold and seize his kingdom in my true name.

CHERRY: Wh… whatcha talkin' about? Who… who are you?

(Mrs Flood puts her arm around Cherry.)

FLOOD: I'm sorry, you tiny little woman. I'm so, so sorry it ends like this. I had such plans…

Empire of Death

“If Time is a memory, then memory is a time machine.”

— Fifteenth Doctor, Empire of Death

SARAH [Pyramids of Mars]: If Sutekh is so totally evil, why didn't Horus and the other Osirans destroy him?

FOURTH DOCTOR [on screen]: It's against their code. To have killed him would have meant that they were no better than he.

FOURTH DOCTOR [on screen]: So they simply imprisoned him.

Empire of Death

DOCTOR: A long time ago, in the England of 1911, Sutekh had been bound and imprisoned for all eternity, but he rose again and I defeated him. I cast you into the Time Vortex. I sent you forward to your own death!

SUTEKH: Instead, I found a home. I clung to your infernal machine. And for so many years I hid. I have travelled with you for all this time, riding the spine of your ship, staring into eternity and evolving into my true godhood. Now I know every beat of the heart of your time machine, and I can bend it to my will. It will stand as my altar, the temple of my Empire of Death. Never yours again, Doctor. Never.

Empire of Death

SUTEKH: Every living thing is an abomination. I am come to release them into blessed death, and I find that good.

DOCTOR: Then I damn you, Sutekh. I damn you in the name of life itself! And I swear to you, with both the hearts of the last of the Time Lords, I will stop you. I will defeat you. And I will turn back death.

Empire of Death

RUBY: What is it?

DOCTOR: It's a remembered TARDIS. It's bits and pieces of every TARDIS that ever was, held together by hopes and wishes and luck.

Empire of Death

MEL: Is this thing safe?

DOCTOR: Absolute deathtrap, Melanie B.

Empire of Death

DOCTOR: It's happening over and over again. Every time I landed there. 1999. 1066. 2005. The Earth is dying… so many times.

DOCTOR: Every world that I ever stood upon… all dead. Venus. Telos. Karn. The Ood Sphere. And Skaro.

MEL: The Daleks are dead?

DOCTOR: Everything is dead.

MEL: But there's so many places you haven't been. They must be safe.

DOCTOR: I've travelled so far. Everything caught in that pattern is dying. The whole of Time and Space. I did this.

Empire of Death

DOCTOR: Every sun is dead. The universe has come to a halt. And it is my fault, 'cos I travelled to all those worlds. I thought it was fun.

(The Doctor screams into the void.)

Empire of Death

DOCTOR: That's very kind of you. I will use this spoon, I promise. I might save the universe with this spoon.

KIND WOMAN: That would be nice.

Empire of Death

KIND WOMAN: I think my daughter died, didn't she? And I forgot.

DOCTOR: I think she did. I'm sorry.

Empire of Death

RUBY: Yeah, I never understood. What was all that Egyptian stuff?

DOCTOR: Cultural appropriation.

Empire of Death

DOCTOR: She died. She died, Ruby. I'm sorry. I loved you, Mel.

SUTEKH-MEL: And what good did love do, Doctor? When did it ever help? Now, give me the name.

RUBY: But what does it mean?

SUTEKH-MEL: Give… Sutekh… the name.

Empire of Death

“You great big god of nothing!”

— Ruby Sunday, Empire of Death

“Into the Vortex!”

— Fifteenth Doctor, Empire of Death

“You saw all of Time and Space with me, Sutekh! So I thought, what if you see it again? What happens if you bring death to death? You bring life!”

— Fifteenth Doctor, Empire of Death

“We fought a monster. And now… I must become a monster.”

— Fifteenth Doctor, Empire of Death

DOCTOR: Sutekh the Destroyer! The Lord God of Death itself! You win! Because I pride myself… I pride myself that I am better than you. Because if you're death… then I must represent life. Surely, that's what I am. Life! And that's how you win, Sutekh. Because you've turned me into this. I am the one that brings death.


Empire of Death

RUBY: That's what I don't understand. She… she's so ordinary.

DOCTOR: She's wonderful.

RUBY: No, she's wonderful and she's ordinary, but I love her for that. I just… How did she stay invisible from a god? She defeated Sutekh.

DOCTOR: She was important… because we think she's important. That's how everything happens, every war, every religion, every love story. We invest things with significance. So while the whole of creation was turning around her, it made her sheer existence more powerful than Time Lords and gods. In the end, the most important person in the universe… was the most ordinary. A scared little girl… making her baby safe.

Empire of Death

“God… I always thought I was called Ruby because the social workers chose it, or the paramedics, or whatever, but, no, it was… her. My own mother chose it. My name is Ruby.”

— Ruby Sunday, Empire of Death

DOCTOR: She's happy. She's got a flat. She's got a fella named Mike. She goes to Spain in three weeks. And the point is is that she has had over 7,000 days to come and find you, and she never has.

RUBY: But I've found her.

DOCTOR: With a time machine. Is that fair?

Empire of Death


RUBY: That's me. I was named after a road. Ruby Road. You left me by a church… 19 years ago.

LOUISE: Oh, my God.

RUBY: You left me where I was safe. And I just want to say thank you.

LOUISE: I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.

Empire of Death

LOUISE: I always thought I should get in touch. Every Christmas I thought, right, this is the year. But every Christmas, I thought, what if she hates me?

CHERRY: There is no hatred in this house, darling.

Empire of Death

“Don't be sorry. Don't be sorry at all. Your life… is out there now. I've shown you monsters and planets, and legends… but this… Honey, your adventure is just beginning.”

— Fifteenth Doctor, Empire of Death

RUBY: But you could come and see my dad. You don't do that, do you? Will I ever see you again?

DOCTOR: Of course you will. Of course you will.

RUBY: Your own granddaughter. You left her and never went back.

DOCTOR: And that was my mistake. Maybe I'll find her again, one day. But you, Ruby Sunday, I will see again. Because you changed me. I talk about family in a way that I never did before. That's because of you. You have made my life bigger and better. And now, Ruby Sunday… goodbye.

RUBY: I love you.

Empire of Death

“And that's how the story of the Church on Ruby Road comes to an end, with a very happy ending for little Ruby Sunday. But life goes on, doesn't it? Ruthlessly. And what happens, you might wonder. Oh, what happens to that mysterious traveller in Time and Space known as the Doctor? I'm sorry to say his story ends in absolute terror. Night, night.”

— Mrs Flood, Empire of Death


— Daleks, The Stuff of Legend (Studio Version)