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About Poppiesforthirteen

Whoever finds me an image of a poppy field that meets this site's standards wins a free fic. poppiesforthirteen / prydonacademia on Tumblr, daring_elm on AO3
☑ Completed
194 stories
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☒ Not yet completed
6215 stories
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♥ Favourited
19 stories
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★ Rated
79 stories
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Average Rating
3.92 / 5


Recent Activity:

9 months ago
☑ Completed: Let’s Kill Hitler
Rated it ★
9 months ago
☑ Completed: Closing Time
Rated it ★★
9 months ago
☑ Completed: The Snowmen
Rated it ★★★
9 months ago
☑ Completed: The Day of the Doctor
Rated it ★★½
9 months ago
☑ Completed: The Time of the Doctor
Rated it ★★★
9 months ago
☑ Completed: Deep Breath
Rated it ★★★★★
Added it to ♥ Favourites
9 months ago
☑ Completed: Into the Dalek
Rated it ★★★★
9 months ago
☑ Completed: Robot of Sherwood
Rated it ★★★½
9 months ago
☑ Completed: Listen
Rated it ★★★★
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