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Physician, heal thyself

About Mysticarcanum

Hi there, I'm Piranesi!

The wonderful thing about the Whoniverse is that there are a thousand utterly different corners in which one might hang their hat. Hang out with me in mine, as I explore all things Eighth Doctor, Faction Paradox and the Master, while also slowly working my way through the vast behemoth that is Classic Who.

And, you know, one day I'll get around to finishing Gallifrey... and the Seventh Doctor audios... and the VNAs... and ... (ad infinitum)
☑ Completed
728 stories
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6 stories
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☒ Not yet completed
5500 stories
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♥ Favourited
45 stories
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★ Rated
685 stories
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Average Rating
3.73 / 5


Recent Activity:

2 days ago
☑ Completed: Nocturne
Rated it ★★★½
2 days ago
☑ Completed: Auld Lang Syne
Rated it ★★★★
2 days ago
☑ Completed: The False Dimitry
Rated it ★★★½
2 days ago
☑ Completed: Station to Station
Rated it ★★★★
2 days ago
☑ Completed: The Forth Generation
Rated it ★★★
2 days ago
☑ Completed: Way of the Burryman
Rated it ★★★½
2 days ago
☑ Completed: Fond Farewell
Rated it ★★★★
2 days ago
☑ Completed: Girl, Deconstructed
Rated it ★★★½
2 days ago
☑ Completed: Cataclysm
Rated it ★★★
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