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kiraoho has submitted 96 reviews and received 100 likes

Review of The Last by kiraoho

27 September 2024


This play was so boring it put me off from Big Finish for like 9 months. I tried to start over at least 4 times.
Anyway, Chibnall-level of message depth. Non-sensical conclusion, feeling out of nowhere despite being setup from the beginning. Chekhov's guns of "beware the lone cybermen" caliber that make you literally groan out loud when they're resolved.
1/5 if I've ever seen one.


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Review of Faith Stealer by kiraoho

27 September 2024


Outside of a few minor gags, this is horrifically empty. Stinks of Gatiss through and through, but throw a few torture porn scenes on top for good measure. What good it has is derivative and unimportant to the story. Also obligatory "But we don't know what time is" non-sensical mention. 1/5


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Review of Medicinal Purposes by kiraoho

27 September 2024

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Fundamentally misunderstands the Doctor — he unironically treats people as unimportant. Also hinges on the fact the Doctor knows the minutiae of a very specific history event (see Blake the Snake). Also David Tennant plays a caricature. Nothing about this feels Doctor Who. Also I can barely remember the plot just two weeks after listening to this. 1/5


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Review of The Roof of the World by kiraoho

27 September 2024

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Great in concept, painfully mid in execution. Mind f**kery where you can't trust what you see, put through the lens of a naïve and trusting character — pure gold when I describe it. Unfortunately, apart from a couple of moments, it falls flat.

Same with the concept of ancient evil and another one of the Doctor's iconic "yelling at ancient evil" speeches. Great in theory, lacking in execution.
I'm surprised this is the one people are remembering when they're choosing from literally hundreds of Five/Peri/?Erimem audio plays. As 2.5/5 as it gets.


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Review of The Harvest by kiraoho

27 September 2024


Strong characterization. I immediately forgot they were supposed to feel like characters in a story. Perfect introduction to a new companion award goes here. Ace has a whole new dimension to her while still staying true to the foundation of her character.

They had an interesting direction to take the villain to but chickened out. Shame. This could've been an instant classic.

The procedural part of this episode works just fine. Suspense where it's needed, intrigue where it's appropriate. It loses steam towards the latter half, but it's a decent thriller.

A major flaw is the preview. I don't need to hear the most interesting scenes at the beginning like it's a Mr Beast video. Also confused the hell out of me before I figured out what it was supposed to be.



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Review of Arrangements For War by kiraoho

27 September 2024

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Mid. The very conflict that was supposed to prompt the story is pushed aside and forgotten. Then the very conflict that was to prompt the story (a different one) is pushed aside and forgotten.

The story itself is very procedural, with most scenes either developing bland surface-level relationships or going through the plot motions. The deaths of two central characters are comical. The Doctor's outburst at the end feels out of character, I'd rather expect it of someone's first time.

Evelyn's acceptance of her own mortality is interesting though. 2/5


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Review of The Axis of Insanity by kiraoho

27 September 2024


Mom says i'm a shitty knock-off Joker of no substance, but she just doesn't understand the evil trickster archetype.
Anyway, this play is just noise. Skippable if I've ever seen one. 1/5


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Review of The Twilight Kingdom by kiraoho

27 September 2024

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It has a few interesting ideas. Time Lord without time as someone who's lost their soul is very poetic and I'm definitely stealing it someday. Being unable to leave because your mind turns against you is, though nothing new, still a cool concept to explore.
Unfortunately, that's about it. The whole story is mostly filler, with bland characters, bland run-arounds and a bland villain. The cliffhanger is hilarious and ruins the whole arc for me, perhaps. 1.5/5


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Review of The Natural History of Fear by kiraoho

27 September 2024


A very tasteful play on 1984, with a phenomenally deep lead and a rich world of which you feel every room.

I never would've thought a dystopia would be a logical thematic continuation of a weird timeless world outside the universe, yet it fits perfectly, giving me a new understanding of the genre. This ties up the previous (e52) episode nicely and for my taste concludes the saga perfectly, even if there's more after.

The final twist is the best kind of twist there is.

5/5 and a must-relisten status for myself.


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Review of The Creed of the Kromon by kiraoho

27 September 2024

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It's just torture porn. No narrative substance in here, I'll tell you that.

Also an award for the most unimaginative implementation of a great concept. In Scherzo the world with no time felt distinctly alien and incomprehensible, almost lovecraftian. Here it's "What is this time you mention? I don't know this word. Anyway, see you in two days".

Filler after filler after filler, the only scenes of any character substance are downright pornographic in their depiction of suffering. The writer gets off on this, I can grant you this.

Another award for the blandest secondary cast of all time. There's no distinct features for any other character. One of them becomes the companion by the end 🤮...

This ain't it, chief. 0/5


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