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DOCTOR: We’re not lost, Charley. Think of it more as we’ve “gone on holiday by mistake”.

CHARLEY: Doctor, that’s life with you all over!

DOCTOR: What can I say? I’m the original accidental tourist.

OHILA: We restored you to life, but it's a temporary measure. You have a little under four minutes.

DOCTOR: Four minutes? That's ages. What if I get bored? I need a television, couple of books, anyone for chess? Bring me knitting.

THE VOICE: This is the voice of Light City. Welcome to your new work day. Today is High Productivity Day. Your state loves you. Happiness through acceptance.

MASTER: Why did I choose continuing existence? Listening to him being right all the time, when I had the option of a slow, painful death.

— The Master [Scream of the Shalka], Scream of the Shalka

PRIME: Stand aside, lower creature.

MASTER: I pride myself that I'm the dearest companion to the owner of this craft, so I'm very much afraid I shall not.

DOCTOR: You feel that pounding in your heart? That tightness in the pit of your stomach? The blood rushing to your head, do you know what that is? That's adventure. The thrill and the fear, and the joy of stepping into the unknown. That's why we're all here, and that's why we're alive!

— Eighth Doctor, Storm Warning

DOCTOR: Grace, let me in. We can sit down, we can have a cup of tea, we can talk about this reasonably.

GRACE: Sure, Time lord to Earthling.

DOCTOR: Yes, that's right. I am a Time Lord.

GRACE: I thought you were a doctor.

DOCTOR: I thought you were a doctor!

GRACE: I am calling an ambulance to take you back to Psychiatric from which you have obviously escaped!

POLICEMAN: Sir, ma'am, go back to your vehicle.

GRACE: What? Stop! He's er, he's British.

DOCTOR: Yes, I suppose I am. Jelly baby, officer?

POLICEMAN: Jelly baby?

GRACE: Just take it.

(The policeman takes a sweet and sniffs it while the Doctor makes lip-smacking noises. When he bites into it, the Doctor takes his gun and points it at his own chest.)

DOCTOR: Now, would you stand aside before I shoot myself.

DOCTOR: I love humans. Always seeing patterns in things that aren’t there.

— Eighth Doctor, Doctor Who (The TV Movie)

DOCTOR: No, I will not join you in your absurd dreams of a galactic conquest.

MASTER: Why? Why? Look at this. Look at all those planetary systems, Doctor. We could rule them all!

DOCTOR: What for? What is the point?

MASTER: The point is that one must rule or serve. That's a basic law of life. Why do you hesitate, Doctor? Surely it's not loyalty to the Time Lords, who exiled you on one insignificant planet?

DOCTOR: You'll never understand, will you? I want to see the universe, not rule it.

MASTER: Then I'm very sorry, Doctor.

(The Master aims his laser gun at the Doctor, and the Guardian's panel rises.)

DOCTOR: No. No, I'm afraid not. No, obviously the Time Lords have programmed the TARDIS always to return to Earth. It seems that I'm some kind of a galactic yo-yo!

— Third Doctor, The Claws of Axos