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Doctor Who Season One • Episode 5

Dot and Bubble

Average. Rating: 70%

Doctor Who Season One • Episode 4

73 Yards

Average. Rating: 77%

Doctor Who Season One • Episode 2

The Devil’s Chord

Average. Rating: 65%

Doctor Who Specials • Christmas Special

The Church on Ruby Road

Average. Rating: 71%

60th Anniversary Specials • Episode 2

Wild Blue Yonder

Average. Rating: 78%

60th Anniversary Specials • Episode 1

The Star Beast

Average. Rating: 69%

Torchwood Main Range

77. Oodunnit

Average. Rating: 63%

Torchwood Main Range

74. Sigil

Average. Rating: 71%

The Ninth Doctor Adventures 10

3. Run

Average. Rating: 69%

The Ninth Doctor Adventures 8

3. Red Darkness

Average. Rating: 76%

Classic Who S9 (Minisode)

Defenders of Earth!

Average. Rating: 66%

The Diary of River Song 11

1. The Rules of the House

Average. Rating: 74%

Short Trips

The World Tree

Average. Rating: 75%

The Third Doctor Adventures S10

1. Kaleidoscope

Average. Rating: 66%

The Ninth Doctor Adventures 6

3. Break the Ice

Average. Rating: 71%

UNIT: Nemesis 1

1. The Enemy Beyond

Average. Rating: 62%

The Ninth Doctor Adventures 2

3. Planet of the End

Average. Rating: 76%

The Ninth Doctor Adventures 2

1. Girl, Deconstructed

Average. Rating: 72%

BBC Books


Average. Rating: 73%

The War Master 2

3. The Persistence of Dreams

Average. Rating: 68%

Doctor Who S11 • Episode 6

Demons of the Punjab

Average. Rating: 75%

Doctor Who S11 • Episode 3


Average. Rating: 73%

The Eleventh Doctor Chronicles 1

2. The Top of the Tree

Average. Rating: 55%

Doctor Who S10 • Episode 11

World Enough and Time

Average. Rating: 83%

The Companion Chronicles: The First Doctor Volume 2

4. The Plague of Dreams

Average. Rating: 69%

Doctor Who S10 • Episode 9

Empress of Mars

Average. Rating: 71%

Doctor Who S10 • Episode 6


Average. Rating: 78%

Doctor Who S10 • Episode 5


Average. Rating: 77%

Doctor Who S10 • Episode 1

The Pilot

Average. Rating: 78%

Class S1 • Episode 3


Average. Rating: 71%