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The Third Doctor Adventures S10 • Episode 1


74% 99 votes

Released Tuesday, October 25, 2022
Written by Alan Barnes
Runtime 210 minutes

His name is Kaleidoscope. He claims to have travelled halfway across the universe to warn all humankind that it stands on the brink of extinction. And a certain tenacious young journalist has got an exclusive interview with this alien messiah...

But it's not Sarah Jane Smith who's got the out-of-this-world scoop - it's her rival, the unscrupulous Jenny Nettles. Sarah's busy helping the Doctor and UNIT work out if Kaleidoscope is for real or a fake when RAF Phantoms scramble to intercept an unidentified something homing in on a top-secret missile base.

It seems like Kaleidoscope's apocalyptic predictions might all be about to come true.

Signal Strength: 40%

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Also featuring:

Sergeant Major Roach  UNIT