DOCTOR: A wise person once said to me, goodbyes only hurt because what came before was so special. Oh, and it's been so special. You, and Graham, and Ryan, and Dan. Nobody else got to be us. Nobody else got to live our days. Nobody. And my hearts are so full of love of all of you. Oh, I have loved being with you, Yaz. And I have loved being me. I think I need to do this next bit alone.
YASMIN: Let's not say goodbye.
RANI: You know what I think? I think it's not over, because I don't think she's dead. I really don't. That's not just me being mad, cos I honestly think in my heart and soul that he came back for her. Right at the end, the Doctor came back for his Sarah Jane, and he said, shall we go? Out into the stars? One last trip? And she said, oh yes please. And I think they're out there now, Sarah Jane and the Doctor in the TARDIS, travelling through space and time forever, in a story that never ends.
— Rani Chandra, Farewell, Sarah Jane
LUKE: She's the one who told me that Sanjay was looking at me in that way, and she's the one who told me to go and talk to him. And now we've been married for five years. That's the greatest gift she ever gave me. I may have been created by the Bane, but Mum, she gave me life.
— Luke Smith, Farewell, Sarah Jane
JO: I only left you because I got married. Did you think I was stupid?
DOCTOR: Why do you say that?
JO: I was a bit dumb. Still am, I suppose.
DOCTOR: Now what in the world would make you think that, ever, ever, ever?
JO: We'd been travelling down the Amazon for months, and we reached a village in Cristalino, and it was the only place in thousands of miles that had a telephone, so I called you. I just wanted to say hello. And they told me that you'd left, left UNIT, never came back. So I waited and waited, because you said you'd see me again. You did, I asked you and you said yes. You promised. So I thought, one day, I'd hear that sound, Deep in the jungle, I'd hear that funny wheezing noise, and a big blue box right in the middle of the rainforest. You see, he wouldn't just leave. Not forever. Not me. I've waited my whole silly life.
DOCTOR: But you're an idiot.
JO: Well, there we have it.
DOCTOR: No, but don't you see? How could I ever find you? You've spent the past forty years living in huts, climbing up trees, tearing down barricades. You've done everything from flying kites on Kilimanjaro to sailing down the Yangtze in a tea chest. Not even the TARDIS could pin you down.
JO: Hold on. I did sail down the Yangtze in a tea chest. How did you know?
DOCTOR: And that family. All seven kids, twelve grandchildren, thirteenth on his way. He's dyslexic but that'll be fine. Great swimmer.
JO: So you've been watching me all this time?
DOCTOR: No. Because you're right, I don't look back. I can't. But the last time I was dying, I looked back on all of you. Every single one. And I was so proud.
JO: It really is you, isn't it?
DOCTOR: Hello.
JAMIE: What the Doctor said... it was true. All of it. I've seen such wonders! I've walked on the moon. I've watched Atlantis sink beneath the waves. I've been to the other side of space and back again. And everywhere we went, there were monsters.
— Jamie McCrimmon, Legend of the Cybermen
IANTO: I love you.
JACK: Don't. Ianto? Ianto. Ianto, stay with me. Ianto, stay with me, please. Stay with me. Stay with me, please.
IANTO: Hey. It was good, yeah?
JACK: Yeah.
IANTO: Don't forget me.
JACK: Never could.
IANTO: A thousand year's time you won't remember me.
JACK: Yes, I will. I promise. I will. Ianto. Ianto? Don't go. Don't leave me, please. Please don't.
— Day Four
CHARLEY (reading the letter): Dear Doctor, it's been such a long journey for both of us. I never ever wanted it to end, but end it has, we both know that.
DOCTOR: Oh, Charley, no.
CHARLEY (reading the letter): A long time ago now I said you were the oddest man I'd ever met. You are that still. You are the best man I've ever met too. But we've chanced our luck once too often I think, so I'm bailing out. Escape strategy number Five.
DOCTOR: Number Six!
CHARLEY (reading the letter): I'm going to disappear. There's no freedom like being dead. I can go anywhere, be anyone I want. Just like a Timelord really... Don't look for me, please. But remember me. I'll remember you, always. With love, the girl who never was.
THE VOICE: This is the voice of Light City. Welcome to your new work day. Today is High Productivity Day. Your state loves you. Happiness through acceptance.
CHARLEY: Come on. Take my hand.
DOCTOR: But we can see now. We don’t need to hold on to each other.
CHARLEY: I know. Take my hand anyway.
— Scherzo
Charley: I thought I'd lost so much. But I've adjusted now. I can be happy. That's better, surely?
Doctor: But Charley, you have lost a lot. You have lost everything. Your family, your friends. Charley, you will never see another of your kind. Never. You will never fall in love with a man, get married, have children. Hang on to your losses. They make you what you are. Even if we spend the rest of our lives here, and I'm rather afraid we will, don't let them take away that regret and that pain. All that identity. Don't settle for this existence when once you've tasted life, because you are Charley Pollard, and you deserve better than that.
— Scherzo
DOCTOR: I didn't expect to care for you as much as I did. That was my mistake. When it came to it, with the Web of Time hanging in the balance, having to make a choice between you and the universe, I'd say hang the Web of Time, you're more important. Let the universe rot. Charley, you're worth more than all that. I sacrificed myself for you, to save your life. And I did it gladly. I thought I'd never see you again. That it wouldn't matter so long as I knew you were safe.
CHARLEY: I don't understand. You're saying you did care for me, after all. That you loved me.
DOCTOR: Of course I loved you! I killed myself for you, didn't I? Of course I loved you. Of course I love you.
— Scherzo
CHARLEY: Thank you, Doctor. Thank you for that strength. But I have my own strength too, and I refuse.
DOCTOR: You refuse, Charley? You'd do that for me?
CHARLEY: I do not accept your sacrifice. Not this time
CHARLEY: Let her burn in the R101. Let her be executed by the Time Lords. Live on. With regret, but live on.
CHARLEY: Right or wrong, whatever happens to Charley Pollard, I choose the Doctor to live.
— Scherzo
THE DOCTOR: We must fill these seconds quickly. We'll never get another chance. All the waste. These seconds are gone forever. What's the point of filling them? Everything temporary. Only memories left until the memories fade. How can you live like this? How can it not drive you mad?
— Eighth Doctor, Scherzo
CHARLEY: You're so sweet, so kind, so caring. Too good to be true, like a dream. And all this is just dreaming. These adventures we've had, these scrapes and japes in Never-Never Land, with monsters and ray guns and magic, they've been wonderful. Better than my wildest dreams. But you can't hide in dreams. Everyone wakes up in the end. It's time to stop dreaming, Doctor. Time to grow up.
— Charlotte Pollard, Neverland
SARAH: It's weird seeing London like this. All those deserted streets.
YATES: I rather like it.
YATES: Have you noticed the air?
YATES: It's clean. No cars, no people. Do you know yesterday I saw a fox in Piccadilly?
SARAH: And nightingales in Berkeley Square?
YATES: It's not impossible.
SARAH: No. No, I like London the way it was, traffic jams and all.
YATES: Yes, I expect you're right.
DOCTOR: No! Stop, you're making me giddy! No, you can't do this to me! No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!
— Second Doctor, The War Games
DOCTOR: Goodbye, Jamie.
JAMIE: I won't forget you, you know.
DOCTOR: I won't forget you. Don't go blundering into too much trouble, will you?
JAMIE: Oh, you're a fine one to talk.
DOCTOR: Goodbye, Zoe.
ZOE: Goodbye, Doctor. Will we ever meet again?
DOCTOR: Again? Now, Zoe, you and I know, time is relative, isn't it?
JAMIE: We're stuck here in this lift now!
DOCTOR: No, no it's the lift that's stuck, not us. Look.
(The Doctor points up at a maintenance hatch on the ceiling)
JAMIE: Hey, where does that lead to?
DOCTOR: Out into the lift shaft, I imagine. Quickly, on me back.
(The Doctor leans down)
JAMIE: You know something?
DOCTOR: Mmhmm?
JAMIE: You're a clever wee chappie.
ISOBEL: You're still worried about your two friends, aren't you?
ZOE: Yes, a bit.
ISOBEL: They can't have got themselves into any sort of trouble, can they?
ZOE: Oh, you wouldn't say that if you knew them. If there's trouble to be found, the Doctor and Jamie can't miss it.
JAMIE: Well it's simple isn't it? All we've got to do is dig a tunnel through from here to the borehole and catch the seed device thing on it's way down. Well, it was just an idea.
DOCTOR: But Jamie, it's a brilliant idea! It's so simple only you could have thought of it.
JAMIE: Oh. Eh?
JAMIE: Doctor, come on, will ye? The whole place is going to blow up.
DOCTOR: Oh, it's quite all right, Jamie. The planet is quite safe. There's just going to be a localised volcanic eruption. It'll only affect the island.
JAMIE: Maybe so, but we happen to be on the island.
DOCTOR: Oh, my word!
JAMIE: You're just not trained for an emergency like this.
ZOE: Well, that's the whole point. What good am I? I've been created for some false kind of existence where only known kinds of emergencies are catered for. Well, what good is that to me now?
JAMIE: Hey, we're not done yet, you know.
ZOE: And if we survive? What then, Jamie? Suppose we do get ourselves out of this mess. What have I got left? A blind reliance on facts and logic.
CORWYN: Thank you. And your friend?
JAMIE: Er, the Doctor
CORWYN: I can't put that down.
JAMIE: Er. John Smith.
CORWYN: Really?
(Corwyn sees that her medical equipment was manufactured by John Smith and Associates.)