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VoRus1 Book Club

VoRus1 has submitted 16 reviews and received 42 likes

Review of Image of the Fendahl by VoRus1

7 March 2025

Chris Boucher is really one of the greatest Who writers huh. Absolutely adore gothic horror vibes in the last two episodes (I wasn't particularly impressed by first two episodes, but they made a REALLY good job at the end of the serial imo)


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Review of Dalek War Chapter 1 by VoRus1

4 March 2025

Wow, I'm the first reviewer of this story! This review will be kinda experimental cause I will write my thoughts on the story while listening to it. So it's more like an initial reaction than a review

The episode's beginning feels like a nice way to re-introduce listeners to the overall plot. Not exactly fresh start but a solid entry point nevertheless. Also probably one of the most grand Daleks' plans

The Mentor is an interesting new character. Really like her robotic yet human-like voice. Feels soothing in a way

While listening to these Dalek stories I found out I really like all the clicking 'sci-fi' sounds lol

Decided to randomly browse TARDIS.Guide and realized Nicholas Briggs wrote literally every story in this spin-off. Wow. That's dedication I guess

Gareth Thomas as Kalendorf is certainly a highlight of the whole series from an acting standpoint

Yes, hallucinations (or not)! Doubts about the reality of story's events! Love this stuff

Btw I will correct myself from earlier and say that The Mentor is a true highlight of this episode in particular

Again, the themes of a story (especially this thin line between something and something... I will need to edit the review because I forgot what I wanted to write)

LOVE the twist (not exactly huge but it adds a curious element to Susan) near the end. Feels creepy in a way that every Dalek story should be imo

The music is so 2000s coded I really appreciate it

Wow a trailer in the end

In conclusion I can say that this is a pretty solid episode. I'm excited for next chapters of the story but I'll definently have at lest a week-long break before listening to them because I don't want to go mad from hearing so many Dalek voices. Also writing this review simultaneously with listening to it was an interesting experience maybe I'll try it again

Well, I guess that's everything I was going to say. Really hope I didn't forget to do something that I intended to do...

P.S. Sorry for a non-funny 'joke' near the end I just couldn't help myself


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Review of Exile by VoRus1

14 February 2025

It's usually really hard to make me hate a story. I am one of those people who think that 'every Doctor Who story is someone's favourite' (but if anyone thinks this is their favourite Doctor Who story - no offence)

But... This is just sexist

My anarchist nature likes that Theta Sigma is described as an anarchist by the Time Lords but that's literally the only positive thing I can say about this story

First ½ rating from me. Never thought I'll do it


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Review of Day One by VoRus1

4 January 2025

Look, I like laughing. And this episode is a great comedy for an asexual person. Don't trying to offend anyone but I just can't imagine the same happening to me. Although, again, this is too funny for me and I simply can't give anything this hilarious a rating lower than 10/10


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Review of Everything Changes by VoRus1

4 January 2025

It was alright. Not the best story ever, but a pretty good introduction to Torchwood as a group and as a series. I like the fact that everyone is so unlikeable right from the start lol


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Review of Appropriation by VoRus1

4 January 2025

This review contains spoilers!

Too good of a story. Love the themes. This is my introduction to Paul Sutton, and so far... he's a pretty great writer! [spoiler]Return of Colin Baker was very pleasing. I think everyone by now knows this theory, but I still got to say that Colin Baker's appereance is just one of the standart appereances of Time Lords. He could play any Time Lord! So let's presume the next incarnation of Rani is played by him... /j[/spoiler] Tense political thriller with great character development... It's 10/10 in my book!


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Review of The Eleventh Hour by VoRus1

23 November 2024

I will be as honest as I can: this is not an ideal episode of Doctor Who. But it was one of the first episodes I ever watched. And I love it for it. Nothing too special, simple premise, but a really good time (and also really effective Clean Break for new Whovians). And... Yes... My review is shamelessly written for the sake of getting the new badge! Although I truly rewatched it, don't think I'm trying to fool you


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Review of The Chase by VoRus1

15 October 2024

This review contains spoilers!

So, after watching the episodes composing this serial semi-regularly (one or two a day, with a nice addition of Doctor Who and the Daleks between 5th and 6th), I can definently say that I overall enjoyed it. It is not a flawless story, there are some ploblems here and there, but… idc


This serial just feels really… Doctor Who. Like, you got everything here: some classic sci-fi of the Daleks vs Mechanoids, some comedy (certain episodes just outright feel like a light-hearted spoof), then there is adventure, danger and a early step into that would eventually become The Land of Fiction (lk it’s not technically The Land of Fiction, but the Nation’s idea for that place certainly have similarities with that would eventually become The Land of Fiction).


The first episode is literally just our protagonists chilling in the TARDIS and watching some historical scenes that bear practically no relevence to the plot of the story! Gotta love the story that manages to be everything Doctor Who is about. It is trying to be sci-fi, in some ways it is trying to be a horror, in some ways it is trying to be a comedy, but in all ways… It is trying to be Doctor Who. And I love this show. So it was impossible for me to not like it I think. 10/10


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Review of Storm of the Horofax by VoRus1

18 August 2024

Very solid audio drama. Really feels like an episode from Pertwee era. Ending is truly sad


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Review of Unnatural Selection by VoRus1

18 August 2024

Mark Gatiss is probably having fun. I had fun. Definently more 'Torchwood' than 'Doctor Who'. Caroline John as Liz Shaw is great, geniunely upset that we got only one tv season of her as a full-time companion (great one though), but I will probably listen to Big Finish with her someday


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