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The prophecies of old foretold a war across the stars.

The cosmos torn asunder. Every planet left with scars.

From Skaro to Kasterborous, and Villengard as well —

Some know it as the Time War, but the Time Lords call it Hell.

The seven deaths of Davros, and the slaughter of Skull Moon.

The Neverwhen, the Never-weres, the Never-Gone-Too-Soon.

The war raged on for eons, and it’s only just begun,

Fragmenting space and causing time itself to be undone.

Until a man is born upon the barren sands of Karn,

Until that man confronts himself twice over, in a barn.

Until the Daleks breach the second city, and it falls.

Until that man engraves the words “No More” into the walls.

I am that man, and I will take this Moment to avow:

If once there was a Doctor, there is not a Doctor now.

MR COLCHESTER: You can never go wrong with the Muppets.

ACE: The Doctor once showed the film to Charles Dickens. He died a very happy man.

Audacity: Doctor, at least try to make sense?

— Audacity Montague, The Gloaming

They always found one another, didn't they? Romana, and Narvin, and Leela; always together in some combination. An enclave of familiarity against the vastness of time.

TEGAN: I can't go back there Doctor, you can't let me go back there.

DOCTOR: I won't.

ADRIC: The Doctor can find a way out of this Tegan, you know that, he'll never let any of us down.

TEGAN: I was angry about the suppression coronet, I still am, but I don't know if I was entirely fair.

ADRIC: People aren't always fair to me.

TEGAN: Shut up Adric.

EMILY BARNFATHER: Who are you Doctor?

DOCTOR: I am me.

BUCCA: Who are you?

DOCTOR: I'm the Doctor. You are the Bucca, I presume.

BUCCA: Are you the good one?

DOCTOR: I've always thought so, but some people prefer one of my other regenerations.

DOCTOR: We've gone on holiday by mistake!

— Eighth Doctor, The Stuff Of Legend: LIVE

DOCTOR: You always were a terrible judge of character. Look at me!

BERNICE: Happily.

DOCTOR: Have you had a good life?

BERNICE: All things considered.

DOCTOR: Quite. And you’ve just saved the universe again.

BERNICE: I have, haven’t I? Something to tell the cats when I get home.

DOCTOR: Cats, eh? Plural?

BERNICE: Plural.

DOCTOR: How many? Not too many?

BERNICE: No such thing. Oh, you’re going to love them. Come on.

DOCTOR: Back home?

BERNICE: And beyond.

DOCTOR: Tegan, sometimes I wonder how well I'd get on without you

TEGAN: Thank You

DOCTOR: Probably quite alright, all things considered

SUTEKH: Every living thing is an abomination. I am come to release them into blessed death, and I find that good.

DOCTOR: Then I damn you, Sutekh. I damn you in the name of life itself! And I swear to you, with both the hearts of the last of the Time Lords, I will stop you. I will defeat you. And I will turn back death.

NAOMI: Can that tiger understand you?

DOCTOR: She’s doing her best.

HARRY: And you just met this wild animal… on the street?

DOCTOR: Don’t be ridiculous, Harry! We met in the pub.

DOCTOR: You cad!

— Fifteenth Doctor, Rogue

ROGUE: They'll kill us. Then this house. Then London. Then the world. You know that. You absolutely know it. So can you do it? Can you lose your friend to save the world?


ROGUE: I know.

(Rogue kisses the Doctor and takes the trigger off him. He pushes Ruby out of the triform and takes her place.)


DOCTOR: I'm not a Chuldur. I'm something much older and far more powerful. I'm a Lord of Time from the lost and fallen planet of Gallifrey. Now, let me go, bounty hunter. We have work to do.

— Fifteenth Doctor, Rogue

KATE: Well, we're the Unified Intelligence Taskforce, created to investigate the extraterrestrial and, more and more, the supernatural. Things seem to be turning that way these days.

RUBY: And you worked with the Doctor?

KATE: With him. Despite him. Against him, sometimes. And I adore him. I can only say that now he's not here.

KATE: That's what we do, all of us. We see something inexplicable and invent the rules to make it work. Mankind saw the sunrise and created God. Or we saw the arrival of a Sontaran, one or the other.

— Kate Stewart, 73 Yards

TEGAN: You… helped me? You could’ve escaped!

ADRIC: You talk of family; we’re family

VALARIE: As my mum told me once - don't put anything off until tomorrow... Except giving up.

CYBERLEADER: You are not from this world. You are a Timelord.

DOCTOR: Oh, is that why my body keeps changing? I just thought it was vindictive puberty.

NARVIN: Never change, Leela. You are the one rock in this whole turbulent universe.

LEELA: Thank you, I think.

DOCTOR: There goes my plan A

SARAH JANE: Is there a plan B?

DOCTOR: Eh. Plan B would never work, we'll try plan C.