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SophieScarlet Quoter Level 2
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SophieScarlet has submitted 22 reviews and received 37 likes

Review of The Little Drummer Boy by SophieScarlet

23 December 2024

The premise of this sounded rather dopey, but it actually works rather well. The ending is incredibly bittersweet and actually made me cry, which I was by no means expecting. It shows, however briefly, a real soft side to the First Doctor that I appreciated.


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Review of Echoes of Extinction by SophieScarlet

20 October 2024

The Eighth Doctor story is a cool little "you're trapped in here with me/I'm trapped in here with you" type story, with a really enjoyable robot character and Dame Kathryn Drysdale to boot. The Tenth Doctor story is a bland space opera that might have made half of a good TV episode.


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Review of Genetics of the Daleks by SophieScarlet

20 October 2024

It's literally just The Power of the Daleks (Remix), with an interpolation of The Ark in Space. Tom's fantastic though.


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Review of The Minds of Magnox by SophieScarlet

20 October 2024

This did not need to be as long as it is. Cut ten minutes and make the coda part of the story proper and we'd have been in business. Instead, the exposition is painfully slow.


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Review of He Kills Me, He Kills Me Not by SophieScarlet

20 October 2024

What an absolute, unadulterated delight!

It has an evil Ood, a lesbian couple fighting for their love (but not against homophobia!), a nicely foreshadowed B-plot, absolutely sparkling dialogue, and of course over-the-top pseudo-Western accents and settings. It's the campest Western I've ever met, and I love that journey for me.


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Review of Lesser Evils by SophieScarlet

18 October 2024

This review contains spoilers!

This is a really, really interesting look at the Master being a good guy, if only temporarily. It's worth it for that, and for one line that absolutely stunned me, but my god does it drag on.


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Review of The Ghosts of N-Space by SophieScarlet

18 October 2024

This has a really interesting structure, both in that it constantly shifts between the Doctor's and the Brig's (and later Sarah's) perspectives and in its combination of multiple genres and elements: post-medieval and Regency historical, Gothic, hard sci-fi, Christian/European mythology, probably more I'm forgetting already. I didn't enjoy it as much as its predecessor, The Paradise of Death, as its dialogue isn't as snappy and it's denser (hard sci-fi is always hard for me to follow, though). But Christian mythology specifically is something I've always felt is underused in Doctor Who – probably to avoid offense – so it's very cool to see it get some use here. The Brig's uncle is a good comic relief character, and Jeremy is still a solid quasi-companion. On the other hand, by this time Jon wasn't always audibly recognizable as the Doctor, and Sarah is a bit weak and imo even out of character in this.


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Review of Time and the Rani by SophieScarlet

16 October 2024

If I'd been a Whovian as a kid, I would have been obsessed with this story. The Rani's back! And she dresses up as Mel! And she helps the Doctor choose his new outfit! And the Tetraps are the most adorable monsters since the Daleks! (Sorry, The Meep.) And Wanda Ventham's back in yet another fabulous role!

But then... there are three more episodes. The story simply can't sustain that long a script. They should have cut this to 3 episodes and given Delta a fourth. The Rani also isn't as entertaining when she's not fighting with the Master for dominance nor pulling the wool over the Doctor's eyes, and she ends up being a waste of a great actor on a pretty pedestrian villain.


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Review of Exploration Earth by SophieScarlet

15 October 2024

I get that this was an educational piece, but it's handled so badly. The plot, such as it is, is useless, and Sarah comes off as a whiny, screaming idiot. The enemy is even more inexplicable and unbelievable than the Pescatons. This would have been better if it had abandoned the Doctor vs. monster format of the show and just been the Doctor taking Sarah on a tour through time.


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Review of Doctor Who and the Pescatons by SophieScarlet

15 October 2024

If I'm being generous, I can say that this was probably hampered by its format and the practicalities of fitting a story onto two sides of a record. I can imagine that the novel is better.

Right, I've been generous enough. This is a supremely unsatisfying story that moves in leaps and bounds, a bit like getting the first and last five minutes of every episode in a serial and nothing in between. I can't take the Pescatons seriously, and the Doctor and Sarah both seem unusually hapless. Worse still, it has some truly ear-splitting sound effects. The only good thing I can say about it is it has a few funny lines of dialogue.


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