RobynAnarchist United Kingdom · She/They Followers 12 Following 11 Following Follow Follows you Overview Diary Badges Statistics Reviews My Stories My Completed Stories My Favourite Stories ♥ My Rated Stories 1 ★ 2 ★ 3 ★ 4 ★ 5 ★ Stories I have reviewed Stories I own My Saved Stories My Completed, Unrated Stories My Skipped Stories My Next Story My Uncompleted Stories My Unreviewed Stories Stories I do not own My Collectables My Owned Collectables My Unowned Collectables My Saved Collectables (Wishlist) My Quotes My Favourite Quotes My Submitted Quotes RobynAnarchist has submitted 21 reviews and received 43 likes Sort: Newest First Oldest First Most Likes Highest Rating Lowest Rating Spoilers First Spoilers Last 21 reviews 18 February 2025 · 509 words Doctor Who Specials • Christmas SpecialJoy to the World RobynAnarchist Spoilers 1 Review of Joy to the World by RobynAnarchist 18 February 2025 This review contains spoilers! Almost unbearable cringe; it's hard to take any of this seriously when every single line so acutely reminds you that this is a man in his 60s trying so desperately hard to seem "cool" and "hip", it just comes across as so embarrassing and awkward. This is hardly the first time Doctor Who has tried doing this, but it's definitely one of the most egregious and they just need to stop - if anything, it will only work to horrifically date the episode in future. It doesn't really help that it also all looks so damn cheap, isn't this supposed to have Disney money behind it? They might as well just break off the arrangement if this is the kind of visual quality they're getting from it, there's clearly no purpose for it anymore. The Time Hotel concept is a great one, so it's pretty sad (and predictable) that it only ends up being completely wasted; it's just set dressing whilst we get the same old, played out drama where Dr Who goes "uh uh I am so alone and I am so mysterious" and people tell him "uh uh Dr Who, you need friends". Yep, seen that all before, thanks. Isn't this new era meant to be bold and new? It's done nothing but retreads! Oh and I will never find the solution to "oh no I need the code for this" being "aha my future self told me but it is a bootstrap paradox" as anything but lazy. The Doctor working in the hotel for a year is a great idea in theory, but it only ultimately ends up meaning nothing. Nothing happens for the first 40 minutes and the Doctor didn't even learn to open up to new friends (for the 100th time) from it, it's just Joy doing that at the end. Anita was actually pretty cool, so why did we even get Joy? At this rate, the show is just kinda lying if it wants to keep up the pretence that Gatwa is from Tennant's future and not just a separate entity created at the bigeneration (which is the biggest LOL ever and just so, so bad) - what even was the point of the Doctor "settling down" if the show just later wants to treat it as if it never happened? The Giggle isn't canon, the Doctor has never stayed in one place for that long, so true! The Star of Bethlehem, oof, what the f**k; who thought was a good idea? Ah yes Christians, that was not God leading people to the recently born Jesus - no no, it was a weapons manufacturer exploding a star for energy, yeah, that's what started your religion now, that; that's canon! Merry Christmas! Modern Doctor Who is just nothing but supremely tired and the problem is that it's been the same people since the revival started. They need to go and we need a new face to run it. Either that or simply cancel it, but something has to give and something has to change. RobynAnarchist View profile Like Liked 1 30 April 2024 · 100 words Doctor Who Specials • Christmas SpecialThe Runaway Bride RobynAnarchist Review of The Runaway Bride by RobynAnarchist 30 April 2024 Easily the best Tennant Christmas Special. It's for sure one of those episodes which won't be for everyone and Donna and/or the Racnoss are definitely going to get on your nerves at least once here, but I think it's just nice? And cosy? It just doesn't really take itself too seriously, which I think is a tone that just fits Christmas really well, but also has an underlining level of darkness to it, just to give it that lil extra bite. The Racnoss is also superbly realised and they're given good amounts of backstory to get you quickly invested. RobynAnarchist View profile Like Liked 0 30 April 2024 · 96 words Doctor Who Specials • Christmas SpecialVoyage of the Damned RobynAnarchist Spoilers 2 Review of Voyage of the Damned by RobynAnarchist 30 April 2024 This review contains spoilers! It's a... thing I guess? It's very good at its set pieces, but it just can't help being total cringe when it's not showing off (and often times, when it is showing off) The Doctor and Astrid's relationship is cutesy, but her death is very silly. Max had no business being on the Titanic and I'm not sure why he needed to orchestrate the meteor crash when he was completely capable of just turning the engines off himself. It's not like anyone would have noticed and it probably would've achieved his plan a lot quicker. Weird. RobynAnarchist View profile Like Liked 2 30 April 2024 · 148 words Doctor Who Specials • Christmas SpecialThe Next Doctor RobynAnarchist Spoilers Review of The Next Doctor by RobynAnarchist 30 April 2024 This review contains spoilers! One of the biggest missed opportunities in Doctor Who. Jackson Lake just being a regular guy is the blandest and most predictable answer to the mystery as to who this Doctor is - and the truth gets revealed far far too quickly to have any real sense of payoff and tension. You literally just had a fake out regeneration in the last story, how cool would it have been for David Morrissey to have been the actual Eleventh Doctor, but echoing from a timeline where the Stolen Earth regeneration completed? Man, Morrissey just deserved to be an actual Doctor. When the message is "anyone can be brave enough to be the Doctor", which is commendable enough, it doesn't quite work when the real Doctor gets all the cool heroic moments later on - saving the boy, confronting the Cyber-King - whilst Jackson only just watches on. A pity. RobynAnarchist View profile Like Liked 0 30 April 2024 · 207 words Doctor Who Specials • Christmas SpecialA Christmas Carol RobynAnarchist Spoilers 2 Review of A Christmas Carol by RobynAnarchist 30 April 2024 This review contains spoilers! Modern Who's magnum opus. I don't think it ever got any better than this; a beautiful adaptation of the classic Dickens tale, but done in a way that feels fresh and fully involves the time travel aspect of the story much more than the original could. The music is fantastic, the world building is amazing. Ember and Sardicktown are, perhaps, the greatest realised alien planet of all of Doctor Who; it feels so lived in, unique, fun to explore if you ever visit. Its aesthetic is unmatched, its people have a consistent feel that isn't generic or typical. Such brilliant set and costume design. The story is emotional and involving, you just get sucked into this world for the hour and it never lets you go. It's one of Matt Smith's greatest performance, and it helps that the Doctor is so perfectly characterised within this episode; he's given so many great lines and is fully engaging throughout. You can't ignore how well the guest stars are doing to back all this up; Michael Gambon, Katherine Jenkins, Laurence Belcher and Danny Horn all deserve praise here. It really is just the perfect coda to what I believe is the greatest Doctor Who series of them all - Series 5. RobynAnarchist View profile Like Liked 2 30 April 2024 · 103 words Doctor Who Specials • Christmas SpecialThe Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe RobynAnarchist Spoilers 3 Review of The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe by RobynAnarchist 30 April 2024 This review contains spoilers! I think it's overhated. Cyril is definitely annoying, the Androzani miners are bizarre additions and the last 10 minutes are... yeah, they're that confusing, sexist mess. However, I think the stuff beforehand is actually quite lovely; with the Doctor being the caretaker, his initial meeting with Claire, the general wander through the woods - if the episode had been more like that and not had devolved into "haha men are weak, women strong but only if they're a mother" s**t then this would be much more fondly remembered, because the tone at the beginning is really nice. Great ending with Amy and Rory. RobynAnarchist View profile Like Liked 3 30 April 2024 · 144 words Doctor Who Specials • Christmas SpecialThe Snowmen RobynAnarchist Spoilers Review of The Snowmen by RobynAnarchist 30 April 2024 This review contains spoilers! I think it's got a good strong core to it, the Snowmen and Ice Governess are quite fun villains; but I question the overall decision to have it be the Great Intelligence AND for the Doctor to have just forgotten all about it. I think that's a lil insulting to the original stories and something that it could've gone without. Jenna Coleman has a great debut... debut? Yeah, let's call it a debut and she's more than a match against Matt Smith. I would preferred Victorian Clara over regular Clara to be the full time companion, but only for having a non modern day companion for once. Her introduction to the TARDIS is an amazing scene and hard to get enough of. Unfortunately, the entire episode is quite heavily sexualised for no real reason and I think it weighs the episode down not insignificantly. RobynAnarchist View profile Like Liked 0 30 April 2024 · 190 words Doctor Who Specials • Christmas SpecialThe Time of the Doctor RobynAnarchist Spoilers 2 Review of The Time of the Doctor by RobynAnarchist 30 April 2024 This review contains spoilers! I wouldn't say that this arc needed to be a full series, but to have a second part? Yeah, I'd say that would've been a good idea. Structurally wise, I think the episode works, but each story beat gets brushed through quite quickly and it's a bit of a shame, because there's a lot of potential in this concept. That being said, what we do get is lovely and works to wrap up Eleven's era well. Matt Smith is a great standout here with a more melancholic performance, as his Doctor reaches the end with a lovely farewell speech. The characterisation of Eleven here is really fantastic and the way he interacts with Clara, especially when he's old is some of the best Doctor Who. Tasha Lem, HOWEVER, what a weird addition. I understand her on principle, but dear god, it's the same problem the Snowmen had, she is wayyy too sexualised and it ends up being uncomfortable. Moffat... just why? I think, with any future rewatches, I will end up liking this episode more, but I will still always wish it had a bit more time put to it. RobynAnarchist View profile Like Liked 2 30 April 2024 · 98 words Doctor Who Specials • Christmas SpecialLast Christmas RobynAnarchist Spoilers 3 Review of Last Christmas by RobynAnarchist 30 April 2024 This review contains spoilers! Yeah, it's fine? As will become tradition with Capaldi Christmas specials, it has a fantastic final few scenes - in this case, the sleigh ride and the Doctor talking with elderly Clara - but the episode beforehand takes a little too long to properly get going and then keeps repeating itself; and not really in a creative way. It's just replaying the same beats it had presented before. Santa's there... just because? Ah well, it's only just a dream. OR IS IT? Also the inclusion of Danny Pink is a really nice coda for Clara's story in S8. RobynAnarchist View profile Like Liked 3 30 April 2024 · 78 words Doctor Who Specials • Christmas SpecialTwice Upon a Time RobynAnarchist Spoilers Review of Twice Upon a Time by RobynAnarchist 30 April 2024 This review contains spoilers! Pretty unnecessary and I find it really hard to get properly engaged in the main story, it's really slow and uninvolving. I also kinda disagree with the decision to return the Doctor's memories of Clara. However, it might all be worth just for the Christmas Truce scenes, because they're genuinely beautiful and never fail to make you emotional. Maybe that should've just been the entire episode. Alas! It's a good regeneration scene, give it that. Hello Jodie Whittaker! RobynAnarchist View profile Like Liked 0 Show All Reviews (21) Sorting, filtering, and pagination, coming soon!