Stories Television Doctor Who Series 3 Doctor Who Specials The Runaway Bride 2 images Overview Characters How to Watch Reviews 7 Statistics Related Stories Quotes 1 Transcript Overview First aired Monday, December 25, 2006 Production Code 3X Written by Russell T Davies Directed by Euros Lyn Runtime 60 minutes Story Type Christmas, New Companion Introduction Time Travel Present Tropes (Potential Spoilers!) Dawn of Time, Robots, Wedding Inventory (Potential Spoilers!) Sonic Screwdriver Location (Potential Spoilers!) Earth, England, London UK Viewers 9.5 million Appreciation Index 84 Synopsis Killer Santas, exploding baubles, an alien spaceship shaped like a giant star — Christmas with the Tenth Doctor is anything but a silent night... Watch Watched Favourite Favourited Add Review Edit Review Log a repeat Skip Skipped Unowned Owned Owned Save to my list Saved Edit date completed Custom Date Release Date Archive (no date) Save Characters Tenth Doctor David Tennant Donna Noble Catherine Tate First Appearance Sylvia Noble Jacqueline King First Appearance Empress of the Racnoss First Appearance Racnoss First Appearance Roboform Nerys Show All Characters (7) How to watch The Runaway Bride: Watch on iPlayer Blu-Ray Time Lord Victorious: Road to the Dark Times Blu-Ray The Complete Third Series [Steelbook] Blu-Ray The 10 Christmas Specials DVD The 10 Christmas Specials Blu-Ray Series 3 DVD The Complete Third Series DVD The Runaway Bride + Music and Monsters: Doctor Who Confidential Christmas Special Reviews Add Review Edit Review Sort: Date (Newest First) Date (Oldest First) Likes (High-Low) Likes (Low-High) Rating (High-Low) Rating (Low-High) Word count (High-Low) Word count (Low-High) Username (A-Z) Username (Z-A) Spoilers First Spoilers Last 7 reviews 23 December 2024 · 136 words Review by illyriashade56 1 I adore this episode, and it's one of my favorite episodes of Doctor Who ever. It introduces one of my favorite characters of all time in anything ever in Donna, and it's just so silly. Ten is mopey and sad and wet and pathetic and it's incredibly funny and touching to see someone like Donna (self-absorbed, forceful, and very keen on being a nuisance, but ultimately a good person with a big heart) break through the shell of his grief a little bit and unintentionally save him from himself. Catherine Tate and David Tennant have fantastic chemistry and it's always so nice to go back and rewatch this knowing that that's why we ended up getting a full season of Donna as a companion. They just bounce off of each other so well and it's delightful. illyriashade56 View profile Like Liked 1 2 December 2024 · 432 words Review by deltaandthebannermen Spoilers 1 This review contains spoilers! I just adore this! Tennant and Tate together are gold and watching this made me desperate to rewatch all of Series 4! There is so much that's great about this episode, but the best bit is the script. The dialogue between Tennant and Tate is perfect and plays as a perfect contrast to the smugness that had crept into Series 2 between the Doctor and Rose. The rest of the cast quickly define their roles and it is a testament to Tate and Jacqueline King that their performances continue seamlessly over a year later; such a terrible shame that Howard Attfield - who is also very good in this story - was too ill to continue in the role and, ultimately passed away. Don Gilet is great as Donna's fiancee and alien collaborator, Lance. The TARDIS chasing Donna's taxi down the motorway is another great sequence perfect for a Christmas day episode - lots of action and laughs is precisely what we want on Christmas Day. It makes the rather dark turn the story takes at the end a little awkward, foreshadowing the direction the 10th Doctor will take, although not for a couple of series yet (so it seems a little out of place here). The other element I can never quite make my mind up about is the Empress of Racnoss herself. Sarah Parish is having a whale of time chewing the scenery (and the lights, script, CGI effects and probably a couple of gaffers and a teaboy while she's at it) but her costume is so immobile that it just makes the finale all a little static. No amount of quick cuts and edits (which are horribly disorientating) can make up for the fact that she is stuck in a spider's arse for the entire time she is on screen. She is far mor effective when just a spindly arm aboard her webstar (a great spaceship design). The chaos of the webstar's lasers is a bit naff too and nowhere near as scary as the blood-controlled humans of The Christmas Invasion. It's more reminiscent of the slightly impotent Auton massacre from Rose. Much better is the attack by Christmas baubles at Donna's wedding reception. Oh, and its a bit of a shame it clearly isn't Christmas Eve in any scenes set outdoors during the day, because it's so blooming sunny!! Yes, I have a few more niggles with this story that The Christmas Invasion, but the core of Tennant and Tate is more than enough to keep me coming back to this episode. Definitely in the running for best Christmas episode. deltaandthebannermen View profile Like Liked 1 26 November 2024 · 30 words Review by Rock_Angel Spoilers 1 This review contains spoilers! I love how this story shows sometimes people meet the doctor and can’t accept the offer of travelling and later we follow up on that later I love it Rock_Angel View profile Like Liked 1 30 August 2024 · 39 words Review by Shirley Spoilers 1 This review contains spoilers! Lovely my Donna! Amazing they both see each other's truth in their own best and worst time! Very happy to see a woman so human will be brilliant, not dimmed even in the light of the doctor. Shirley View profile Like Liked 1 4 June 2024 · 272 words Review by dema1020 Spoilers 1 This review contains spoilers! This episode is fun but not fantastic. I get why some people don't like it, and the comedy can be a little lacklustre along with the special effects, but it is a very strong performance piece that introduces us to our first little taste of Ten and Donna. I do think it is a much-needed cool-down episode after all the drama of Doomsday. The light-hearted nature of The Runaway Bride is welcome in that regard, even if I wasn't laughing *that* much along the way. I also really like the Racnoss as a plot point, showing the more interesting aspects of the Doctor's darkness growing within this character at the time and I am especially here for that. I think that particular angle on the character is our main draw for an otherwise pretty mediocre production otherwise. It's also really neat to introduce Donna here only to have her return later in such a major way (and return she would a few times now, which is cool too!). As much as I love what is going on with the Doctor and Donna when dealing with the Racnoss, the aliens aren't really the best looking of this era and that holds things back a bit because of it. I also found Sarah Palish a little too over the top, even if that was intentional in her performance. It's fine, but definitely worth watching, even with a good amount of unnecessary choices like the evil Christmas trees returning. For that matter, this really didn't feel like it needed to be a Christmas episode at all. It also gets incredibly overstimulating and overwhelming at times. dema1020 View profile Like Liked 1 Show All Reviews (7) Open in new window Statistics AVG. Rating741 members 3.83 / 5 AVG. Rating811 votes 4.01 / 5 The Time Scales AVG. Rating211 votes 3.35 / 5 Member Statistics Watched 1521 Favourited 119 Reviewed 7 Saved 2 Skipped 0 Owned 15 Related Stories The Blogs of Doom Nerys Rating: 2.70 Story Skipped Short Story Reviews(1) More Actions View Sets Close Related Sets Set of Stories: The Blogs of Doom Add Review Edit Review Skip Skipped Unowned Owned Save to my list Saved Quotes Add Quote Link to Quote Favourite DONNA: I'm in my wedding dress! DOCTOR: Yes, you look lovely! Come on! — The Runaway Bride Transcript Needs checking [St Mary's Church] (The bride's father has his arm linked through hers instead of the other way around. She changes it.) GEOFF: Sorry. (The organist strikes up the Wedding March. The bride and her father begin to process down the aisle. There is a strange sound, the bride screams and then zooms up through the roof and away in a golden sparkle.) WOMAN: Where'd she go? Show Full Transcript Open in new window