Meara Geronimo! He/They Patron Followers 7 Following 7 Following Follow Follows you Overview Diary Badges Statistics Reviews My Stories My Completed Stories My Favourite Stories ♥ My Rated Stories 1 ★ 2 ★ 3 ★ 4 ★ 5 ★ Stories I have reviewed Stories I own My Saved Stories My Completed, Unrated Stories My Skipped Stories My Next Story My Uncompleted Stories My Unreviewed Stories Stories I do not own My Collectables My Owned Collectables My Unowned Collectables My Saved Collectables (Wishlist) My Quotes My Favourite Quotes My Submitted Quotes Meara has submitted 2 reviews and received 12 likes Sort: Newest First Oldest First Most Likes Highest Rating Lowest Rating Spoilers First Spoilers Last 2 reviews 28 February 2025 · 403 words Dr. MenThe Daleks Chase Walter the Worm Meara Spoilers 6 Review of The Daleks Chase Walter the Worm by Meara 28 February 2025 This review contains spoilers! There are very few pieces of Doctor Who media that I would call an "artistic masterpiece", Blink and Heaven Sent come to mind as examples, but I would say The Daleks Chase Walter the Worm join, or dare I say even surpass this upper echelon of art. While the simplistic presentation might imply a straightforward and overt story, The Daleks Chase Walter the Worm is anything but. Our hero Walter the Worm is being chased by the three evil stepdaleks, as Walter is running away, they have what at first glance appears to be a scared expression on their face, but what I believe is actually an expression of excitement. What Walter is trying to express to the audience is that even when faced with dangerous foes and trapped in a life-threatening situation, one must endeavour to always maintain a positive outlook on life. Next I will discuss the environmental storytelling of The Daleks Chase Walter the Worm. The first thing everyone will notice when they begin watching The Daleks Chase Walter the Worm is the lack of sound, this indicates two possibilities. The first possibility is that Walter is deaf and thus just as they are deprived of sound, so are we. The second possibility is that this world in which The Daleks Chase Walter the Worm is set on lacks sound at all, how this is possible is never elaborated on, the writer clearly leaving the reason open-ended in order to give the viewers something to think and discuss on. Another key aspect of environmental storytelling is the ever-smiling sun high in the sky. Even while Walter is facing certain death at the hands of the Daleks, the sun is still smiling, this indicates to me that the sun is sadistic and enjoys the suffering of those below it. The sun in combination with the possibility of the world being a soundless place shows that Walter's world is truly a cruel and inhospitable place, which reinforces Walter's strength and moral character and Walter always remains positive even when faced with such cruelty. If I may be so bold, I would say the environmental storytelling of The Daleks Chase Walter the Worm would rival that of beloved video game developer FromSoftware. The Daleks Chase Walter the Worm really speaks to my soul, and I feel as if I am a better person for having watched it, this is a must watch experience. Meara View profile Like Liked 6 6 January 2025 · 50 words Classic Who S1 • Serial 1 · (4 episodes)An Unearthly Child Meara 6 Review of An Unearthly Child by Meara 6 January 2025 As the first ever serial, it's pretty decent, the very episode is spectacular and offers an amazing introduction into Doctor Who. Unfortunately, the rest of the episodes in the serial aren't nearly as good, and can drag at times. However, the premise and acting are good enough to keep interest. Meara View profile Like Liked 6 Sorting, filtering, and pagination, coming soon!