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MarkOfGilead19 Physician, heal thyself
Spain · He/Him

MarkOfGilead19 has submitted 36 reviews and received 67 likes

Review of It Takes You Away by MarkOfGilead19

17 March 2025

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The horror vibes are pretty on point here. The lonely house in the forest with the lake behind... The mystery is gripping and the antizone is pretty cool. I especially loved the Doctor reassuring the little girl while writing on the wall a cold and devastating albeit rational message for her companions.

The thing that I didn't love is the discussion between the Doctor and the frog at the end. I was expecting it to be more whimsical and philosophical but no, it ended being quite shallow. At least the Doctor made friends with a conscious universe I guess...

This is the top 2 episode for the season, behind Demons of the Punjab. The next episode is a bit meh so I'll leave my thoughts on this season here. I actually have enjoyed it quite a lot, this rewatch has made like a lot more the 13th Doctor and Jodie as an actress, I like the fact that her incarnation is the most hopeful and loving Doctor of all, although she can be a badass when the moment calls for it.


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Review of The Conscript by MarkOfGilead19

9 March 2025

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This was really good, I don't get the low reviews. The Doctor confronting the timelords for their chauvinist ways, not giving a care for the rest of the universe or their own soldiers, just their war. He ends up causing riots in the army itself. Plus the speech towards the end is amazing, and the cliffhanger really cool too.


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Review of Kerblam! by MarkOfGilead19

8 March 2025

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So I should probably hate this episode for what it represents and for what it does to the Doctor as a hero of the working class... But I'm just not going to beat myself for actually liking about 3/4 of the episode. It is fun, and the mystery is actually engaging. It just sucks that the resolution is so bad and out of sync with everything that came before (e.g. The Sunmakers, Oxygen...) I just know that if this were under Moffat the Doctor would have fudged that company up so bad. The Doctor is pretty badass as she confronts management for 40 minutes, and then at the end she does nothing to subvert the status quo (although you could argue that she knows that capitalism will end after the events in Oxygen, so she can't really alter the course of history, I don't believe they thought about that, it's my head cannon so I can sleep at night)

PS: I agree with everything quantumshade wrote, great review.


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Review of Demons of the Punjab by MarkOfGilead19

6 March 2025

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Beautiful, emotional, gripping and poignant story. It puts focus on a moment in history that was momentous for the people that lived through it and for all generations born thereafter, but that is not given importance in western countries. I love historicals, when they are done right mind you, and this was perfect. The cast is very good, Perm is a really great character and the wedding scene of him and Yaz's nan is tear-jerking (13 is so great). The ending is bittersweet too. I especially loved Graham and Perm's discussion right before the wedding, about how hatred against what's different gains power in a society (pretty on point for today's times) and that all we can strive to do is be good people.

I firmly believe that 13's era is the best at doing historical episodes, but sadly not so much when it comes to full on sci-fi. That's why I would have preferred for them to focus primarily on the past, as since the 60s we really haven't had a pure historical (except for Black Orchid)


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Review of The Ghost Monument by MarkOfGilead19

3 March 2025

I remember really liking this one on my first watch, and yeah, it is just a comfortable watch for me. It's packed with action from the start and the mystery of the planet kept me intrigued. The TARDIS being the "Ghost Monument" is actually such a cool idea and the race is pretty compelling. I'm liking Jodie's Doctor much more than the first time too, she is actually pretty badass when it comes to calling out people for what she believes is wrong (except for the no guns speech, that was a bit ham-fisted imo). The writing is nothing crazy but the vibes more than make up for it.


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Review of Paradox of the Daleks by MarkOfGilead19

2 March 2025

Okay my head just exploded a bit. But this is John Dorney, so I wouldn't expect anything less from him. I love timeloop stories, and this did not dissapoint. I do believe that this kind of story is dragged down a bit by the medium, as I would have loved this a lot more if it were a two parter in the modern series. If I normally have to rewind when listening to a standard story (cause my mind just goes off randomly if I'm not 100% invested into the story), in this case it was tenfold, especially at the beginning when it seemed to me it like an okayish story with nothing to it. I'll probably have to listen to it again at some point.

So yeah, if the show ever got the chance to do a limited series with the 8th Doctor, one of my top stories for them to adapt would be this one. The Daleks are handled so well (which is hard, as they are well overused at this point), the secondary characters are actually great, and the setting and sci-fi piece is incredibly well thought-out and innovative. Plus the cheeky call out to the Time War is a nice connection to that box set (which I have yet to listen to).


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Review of The Doctor Falls by MarkOfGilead19

1 March 2025

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This is probably one of the best looking, greatly directed episodes this show has ever had (the final facedown with the army of Cybermen is so cool, the beginning with Bill holding the Doctor...).

The story is excellent, the sci fi stuff with the time dilation is so good, such a great concept and execution.

What else? Bill turning into a Cyberman and the whole scene when she realises the truth, Missy and the Master killing each other off when she is about to side with the Doctor, the Doctor himself having grown so much as a person since series 8... He is definitely a good man, he always was, he is The Doctor. This is the best finale for any Modern Doctor (the next one is more an epilogue in my mind, so this still counts). It would be the best but Androzani exists, they are both tied in my opinion.

This era is my favourite of the whole show, this rewatch has been amazing. I'm looking forward to rewatching 13's run, as I didn't enjoy it that much the first time. I'm going in with a positive attitude, I hope I change my mind a bit. Will post reviews of that in the future (at least with episodes that warrant one)


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Review of The Long Way Round by MarkOfGilead19

12 February 2025

After quite a dryspell in Ravenous (except for maybe the Salzburg two-parter) John Dorney is back with an instant classic in my opinion. 55 minutes of pure dialogue that just fly by. I've been liking the slow build up that Stranded is going for, introducing the Baker Street characters and their background first. But now it seems we are getting into the meat of the arc, I hope the slow burn pays off.


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Review of The Lost by MarkOfGilead19

8 February 2025

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I've loved this season. I wasn't expecting much and it has become one of my favourite Doctor Who spin offs (not that there's much competition). Torchwood is still a bit better (except for season 4) but this is miles better than SJA (*). I found Rhodia's lore and Quill's character extremely cool and interesting. The human characters were okayish, I really liked Matteusz's relationship with Charlie, quite endearing. Nightvisiting and Quill's solo(ish) adventure were great standouts.

Such a shame this didn't get renewed, the cliffhanger got me pumped for another season. At the end the characters were getting great development too. I really want to find out what Patrick Ness had in mind with the Weeping Angels and the Governors.



*Rant incoming: I'm sorry it was just extremely boring, with one dimensional characters, and with only one great episode out of 5 seasons -> Whatever Happened to Sarah Jane? (it was aimed at kids, but so is Doctor Who so idk)


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Review of Hell Bent by MarkOfGilead19

28 January 2025

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Amazing end to one of (if not the) best series in Doctor Who (Classic included). Clara is one of my favourite companions (up there with Ace and Charley). Everything from the 8th series onwards has led to this. Her (toxic) relationship with the Doctor is given full focus in this episode, and the repercussions are enormous. The Doctor being cruel and cowardly is not out of character here, he is grieving and lets go of everything he believes in exchange for Clara's life. The episode calls him out on this, and, as he says at the end, he will make amends.

The 12th Doctor is my favourite just based on how much character development he gets throughout his 3 seasons. His era is so much fun to watch as you see him grow from a grumpy idiot to The Doctor (the definite article, you might say).


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