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Tags: Thasmin
DOCTOR: But the point is, if it was going to be anyone, it'd be you. But I can't.
YASMIN: Why not?
DOCTOR: Because at some point time always runs out.
— Legend of the Sea Devils
NARVIN: Are you awake? You took quite a knock on the head up there. Well, I can still feel your pulse, that's something. I don't know if you can hear me, but we're going to be fine. You're going to be fine. I've sent a communication back to the Capitol. They'll have a skimmer here soon. Can you manage a smile? You do have the most devastating smile, you know. But don't let anyone know I said that. Including you, it seems. Stay with me, Leela.
— Narvin, Erasure
NARVIN: And that's another reason I'm glad I met you when I did. Because you've made me so much better over these past few years. The Narvin of today would never use the Oubliette, it's an abhorrence. A device of pure evil. But I needed you to show me how to be a better Time Lord. A better Gallifreyan. A better me. So, thank you.
NARVIN: And that, dear, sweet Leela, is how I first met your friend, the Doctor.
LEELA: Romana, I am your friend, and as such, I must speak freely.
ROMANA: You always do.
LEELA: No. No, I do not, but you often believe I do. Rarely do I speak what is on my mind, for I do not always understand what it is that you and Narvin and Braxiatel are saying.
ROMANA: Well, I've always admired your turn of phrase, your direct approach. Your bluntness. I'm not sure how much more honest you could be.
LEELA: You are a fool.
ROMANA: Ah, well, okay. I wasn't expecting that.
— Annihilation
BRAX: All for one and one for all!
LEELA: It is just the five of us now, to make of this strange world what we can. To protect and respect and love each other.
NARVIN: After everything we've been through, it's obvious what we should have done a long time ago.
LEELA: It is our wish to be married.
ROMANA: What, you and narvin?
LEELA: Yes, and to share the rest of our lives in this magical paradise.
K9: This unit has been programmed to perform the ceremony.
ROMANA: How romantic...
BRAX: And, if i had a white charger, Romana, it would be my privilege to carry you off into the sunset.
ROMANA: Braxiatel!?
BRAX: Oh call me Irving, please, sweet lady. You must have suspected.
ROMANA: Well, no! Not really!
BRAX: Could you, somehow find it in your heart to grant me the enormous honour of taking your hand in marriage?
ROMANA: Uh... I'm not sure...
BRAX: Please, say you will.
ROMANA: Um, well, it's all so sudden, so unexpected!
— Reborn
NARVIN: We've had our differences in the past, Romana but now you have my full support. If Darkel, after everything she has done... I would not in all conscience be able to support her term of office. If she attains the presidency, I shall resign.
— Narvin, Appropriation
LEELA: Andred. My husband. I have wronged you in my thoughts. I have made you my enemy when you needed me by your side. I am sorry. Do not worry. I grow closer to your killer and my blade will strike deep and avenge you. And then, then I may join you. For there is nothing for me here. And we will be happy once more.
— Leela, Imperiatrix
NARVIN: The Coordinator of the CIA does not ally himself with anyone. While the Madame President Romana is officially in office, I am, however, loyal to her.
— Narvin, Imperiatrix
ROMANA: I am still the Lord High President of Gallifrey, and it’s about time a few people learned to accept that fact! No more compromises, K9. From now on, things are going to be very different around here.
— Romana II, Insurgency
LEELA: I do not want him to find me. It is I who must find him. Am I so helpless? Yes. Here, in these stifling, sunless rooms of yours, perhaps I am. I have only one body. This one. I cannot change it. It will not wear your clothes, or walk your stilted pathways. I have only one voice inside me. This one. And my words can never be as clever as yours. I have only one mind, and it is steadfast, but small next to yours. I cannot grasp the games you play with people and their lives, and I do not wish to.
ROMANA: They’re not games I choose to play. I’m trying to defend myself. Trying to protect my world!
LEELA: Yes. It is your world, and not mine. Although I have lived here for many years, it has never been my home, and I am unhappy.
— Spirit
LEELA: I was so alone in the world of dreams when you left… The wildlands were dark and so quiet. I… I do not wish to be alone.
ROMANA: There will be a place for you with me. For always. Whatever face I wear.
ROMANA: I am Lady Romanadvoratrelundar, President of the Supreme Council of Gallifrey and all her dominions, holder of the wisdom of Rassilon, preserver of the Matrix, guardian of the legacy of Omega. But you can call me Romana, and I have come to present evidence.
— Romana II, The Inquiry
ROMANA: K9 is a vicious robot criminal from the fifth galaxy. Aren’t you, K9?
K9: Affirmative!
— Weapon of Choice
Tags: Funny
DOCTOR: Ace, give me some of that Nitro Nine that you're not carrying.
— Seventh Doctor, Remembrance of the Daleks
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