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Gallifrey S4 • Episode 3



78% 97 votes

Released March 2011
Runtime 80 minutes
Time Travel Alternate Reality
Locations Gallifrey

Gallifrey dies...

Romana and her comrades find themselves in the dank and grubby wastelands of northern Gallifrey, trapped between two forces in a long and ancient war.

One side bides their time within their nests, whilst the other draws up troops across the trenches. Both sides have their secrets, their means to win the war — and both want Romana fighting alongside them...

After millennia of warfare, the final assault approaches. The Ancient Enemy and the True Lords want this world. And before this night is out, there will be bloodshed.

Signal Strength: 40%

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Also featuring:

Romana  K9 Mark II  Arcalia  Cassandra  Prydon