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BSCTDrayden A Good Man?
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BSCTDrayden has submitted 32 reviews and received 86 likes

Review of Genesis of the Cybermen by BSCTDrayden

7 March 2025

Absolutely incredible stuff! Every performance is fantastic, with the supporting cast especially being stand out! I really grew to care about Sylvan and Sega, and their inevitable tragic drift apart.

Every character arc here makes perfect sense and they all flow together and connect.

In a rare moment for a 5 TARDIS Team, all 3 companions get something to do! And they're all great, with me even liking Adric for once! Even if it does take time to get used to Waterhouse's aged voice.

The atmosphere is incredible, with this ever looming sense of dread and inevitability. And the story is beautifully paced too to match.

I also appreciate how, like all the best Cybermen stories, there's a focus on the humanity and the pain of the process, and they aren't just evil plotting robots or whatever!

Agreed with everyone else on the soundtrack.

Finally, I wanna say that every cliffhanger is an absolute cracker here and kept me gripped and wanting to hear more.

Overall, this was [Cyberleader voice] EXCELLENT!


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Review of A Blind Eye by BSCTDrayden

6 March 2025

Ohhhh, this is the stuff! Gripping from start to finish, with a reveal as incredible as everyone in the other threads said. I definitely wanna hear all the Torveld scenes again now after this…

Oh and hearing India Fisher play a fascist was surreal ngl LOL

And oh my god Louise Jameson’s performance here was outstanding! As was everyone else’s of course, but y’all weren’t kidding about how good Jameson as Leela is.

I still don’t think this is perfect or anything, but it’s my fave ep yet by far and an easy 4/5


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Review of The Inquiry by BSCTDrayden

5 March 2025

This review contains spoilers!

For an episode called The Inquiry, there isn't much time spent on the actual inquiry. :(

Elsewise; fun time stuff at the end, Braxiatel becomes an actual interesting character, and there's good character work with the other main cast.

Probably my favourite episode yet, though admittedly the first half was a little boring to me, and the lack of actual courtroom focus genuinely is a bummer.


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Review of Self-Help by BSCTDrayden

1 March 2025

For the first half of the story I wasn’t really feeling it tbh. Dhawan is of course amazing, but it was exactly what I feared: leaning more wacky and a bit extra. While I love the chaotic energy of Spymaster in the show, I hoped it’d either be toned down a bit or have more of a sinister edge like it does in the show to prevent it from purely being wacky.

But shortly after the supporting cast are introduced and we get more time with them, I started to appreciate what they were doing more and found it more and more fun. By the end I enjoyed it, but not to the same degree that it seems everyone else here has.

This all being said, I do really love Kris going mask off though, that ruled. The story did a great job setting up the fact he was being a guru but just doing it for the money, and once we saw who he really was and him and The Master's positions switch was so fun!


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Review of Square One by BSCTDrayden

24 February 2025

This review contains spoilers!

The time loop aspect is done very well and is extremely fun, and I was much more hooked by this than the previous episode. A murder mystery in a time loop is such a cool concept executed greatly.

I do think the real criminals should have been much better foreshadowed, while the red herring was made too obviously a red herring.

The biggest crime though is, as everyone else said, the blatant misogyny. Also hearing "slut" and "b*tch" in Doctor Who just feels wrong to me lol


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Review of The Crooked Man by BSCTDrayden

19 February 2025

This might just be my favourite 4 audio, or at the very least a contender. Tonally this feels more like a NuWho episode than a Classic, and even structurally it uses the part 1 cliffhanger that way and I love that. Baker and Jameson put in amazing performances as always, but this is honestly maybe the best I've heard Baker on audio.

The first part is tense and unsettling, but after the big twist in part 1 everything changes in such a cool way. I absolutely adore the premise of this, and didn't see it coming though it was well foreshadowed and it clicked immediately.

The villain is fantastic and great fun, and again a great concept. And oh my god that ending! So tragic and beautiful.

As always, Dorney continues to be one of my favourite writers in any Doctor Who medium.


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Review of White Ghosts by BSCTDrayden

18 February 2025

Incredible concepts and tension, let down solely by weak book ends. I feel like the resolution to the conflict at the end of King of Sontar is a bit too quick and easy. And the last 10-15 mins kinda lost me and felt like too many new elements being added.

Still, really enjoyed it overall!


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Review of Five Hundred Ways to Leave Your Lover by BSCTDrayden

30 January 2025

What a beautiful story about love, consent and self respect. Amazing performances all round, a great use of the monks, and a perfect encapsulation of what makes 8 my Doctor and why I adore him so much.

Just a fab story to end a fantastic character driven set.


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Review of The Krillitane Relic by BSCTDrayden

30 January 2025

What should be a fairly generic story is made better by great performances and amazing character drama that adds depth to the 7th Doctor.­

I'll admit that Ray is underutilised and is just a generic companion, but other than that and the very simple plot (which again, is fine as it's done this way to focus on emotions and character work), I have no criticisms.


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Review of The Krillitane Feint by BSCTDrayden

29 January 2025

Very good slowburn story that just as it was about to bore me had the twist happen. Had to stop and physically gasp! And from there just goes from strength to strength. Such a great base under siege story with some fun discussion about humanity and its cruelty.


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