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AndyUK has submitted 71 reviews and received 104 likes

Review of The Ghosts of Gralstead by AndyUK

26 September 2024

Definitely a Who story worthy of the Hinchcliffe era, and it does a great job for something trying to recapture the feel of that golden period. I've seen it described as Talons of Weng Chiang meets Ghost Light and that's a good comparison. It's long but really enjoyable with Tom Baker and Louise Jameson being on top form throughout, and Leela being back in the Victorian era is just as entertaining as it was in Talons. The fifth episode in Africa does feel a bit like padding but it's not bad by any means. Looking forward to listening to the rest of these.


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Review of Horror of Fang Rock by AndyUK

24 September 2024

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This story still very much has the feel of the Hinchcliffe era, with a terrific claustrophobic atmosphere throughout as an alien force begins picking through the cast by one on one, and Tom Baker and Louise Jameson are on top form. Only thing that lets it down slightly is I think the Rutan is a slight anti-climax, mainly because the design is a bit too silly for my tastes. Definitely a great way to open the season though.


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Review of Death in Heaven by AndyUK

23 September 2024

I don't know about that one really, need to watch it again. Absolutely loved last week but didn't feel it was a fully satisfying conclusion to that story.

There were some fantastic character moments for The Doctor especially in there, Moffat is great at that sort of stuff but the actual plot itself didn't quite make ends meet for me. I get what they were going for with The Master creating a Cybermen army for The Doctor's birthday, she's obsessed with him and it's a nice change to to the usual ''take over Earth'' story but it was all a bit underwhelming and didn't seem to make that much sense to me.


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Review of Dark Water by AndyUK

23 September 2024

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Thought it was terrific and felt so fresh and different compared to other finales we've had under Moffat. Think the Nethersphere concept is really creepy and was a great way to bring back The Master and the Cybermen in the same episode.

Obviously the main talking point us the big reveal, got no problem with Missy being The Master at all and think Michelle Gomez is very good, though the kissing and flirting between her and The Doctor just had to happen, didn't it? Haha.


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Review of In the Forest of the Night by AndyUK

23 September 2024

Yeah, wasn't a massive fan. Would definitely say it's the worst episode so far. Expected more from Cottrell Boyce but it wasn't very engaging. The children were annoying, there was very little going on and it was just all a bit too mawkish for my tastes.


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Review of Flatline by AndyUK

23 September 2024

Another very good episode. Enjoyed last week a little more but loved the idea of The Boneless and they could easily return too. The resolution wasn't much but that didn't spoil things too much. Very interested to see where The Doctor and Clara's relationship is going, the character development has been terrific.


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Review of Mummy on the Orient Express by AndyUK

23 September 2024

That was terrific. Never expected it to be that good, it had everything I want from Who.

Loved the way the mystery was solved bit by bit, the sets and costumes were great, the mummy was very creepy and it followed up last week's events very well too.

Pleased we're getting another Mathieson episode next week now.


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Review of Kill the Moon by AndyUK

23 September 2024

Very good stuff, I wasn't really a fan of Courtney and the moon being an egg plot was admittedly a bit silly but it didn't really matter in the end, it was all window dressing for the moral dilemma.

The beginning with the whole base under siege and the and the dilemma and subsequent fall out between The Doctor and Clara made for some fantastic scenes between Capaldi and Coleman. Think that's the moment that will eventually resulting in Clara leave the show so it's nice to see something so significant in a mid-season episode and I think you could understand both characters point of view.


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Review of Time Heist by AndyUK

23 September 2024

Enjoyed it, felt very RTD actually, Miss Delphox in particular seemed lifted out of one of his episodes.

That means it was slightly camp but it was entertaining - The Doctor robbing a bank was a fun concept and even though it was yet another non-linear story, which have basically become the hallmark of the Moffat era, I liked how everything came together and The Teller was a well done monster.


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Review of Listen by AndyUK

23 September 2024

I thought it was great, a completely psychological horror story that's not done enough nowadays. It was a character study of The Doctor and was perfect in that regard. Capaldi is perfect for this sort of thing and the twist at the end of him as a child was very unexpected.

Best episode so far for me, definitely.


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