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(TARDIS crashing)

Doctor: Oh, no, no, no, no, no… Don't do that! Seriously, I get it. We're in trouble. The Cloister Bell? Come on! That's an overreaction. OK. Maybe not. Enough with the alarms already. Oh, Come on… Give me some good news. Collision course? What? Oh… This is Emergency Program… Errm… Two. No. Three. No, no, no, Two. This is definitely a Two. OK. Err… Hello, I'm the Doctor and my space-time capsule is about to crash land into your planet. Sorry for not knowing which one that is yet. I'm still trynna figure that out, which I admit does sort of add insult to injury. Basically, my ship passed a super-dimensional electromagnetic plasma field and it's fried all the flight controls. It's now in free fall through time and space and heading right for you. Now, this bit's important: There's no one to blame for this but me. So don't go thinking you've angered the gods or the other side launched a preemptive strike. This is the fault of one stupid old man who just wanted a close look at the cosmic windstorm whatever the risk to himself or others. For that, I can only apologize. To the people of the… Err… Far northern regions of the planet… Earth. Oh, great. They have to be.

DOCTOR: Do you know how lonely you are? You live in a great, big, giant spaceship and there aren't any chairs! And you haven't even noticed because nobody ever comes round!

— Fifteenth Doctor, Joy to the World

DOCTOR: I mean, basically the code came from nowhere, but then so did the universe, and no-one complains about that.

DOCTOR: Ugh! Do you see? This is why nobody likes you! You have to be mysterious all the time. That's why everyone leaves you. That is why you are always alone.

— Fifteenth Doctor, Joy to the World

Audacity: Doctor, at least try to make sense?

— Audacity Montague, The Gloaming

They always found one another, didn't they? Romana, and Narvin, and Leela; always together in some combination. An enclave of familiarity against the vastness of time.

TEGAN: This is you all over Doctor, you're always thinking about the adventure, you never stop to look after the people you're supposed to care about!

DOCTOR: That's not fair.

NYSSA: The Doctor was trying to protect you Tegan.

TEGAN: Only as far as it suited his own interests.

EMILY BARNFATHER: Who are you Doctor?

DOCTOR: I am me.

DOCTOR: We’re not lost, Charley. Think of it more as we’ve “gone on holiday by mistake”.

CHARLEY: Doctor, that’s life with you all over!

DOCTOR: What can I say? I’m the original accidental tourist.

DOCTOR: We've gone on holiday by mistake!

— Eighth Doctor, The Stuff Of Legend: LIVE

DOCTOR: You know Tegan, sometimes I wonder how well I'd get along without you.

TEGAN: Thank you.

DOCTOR: Probably quite alright, all things considered. Now, a fresh cup of tea would be terribly useful.

TEGAN: Yeah? Well, you know where the kitchen is.

Doctor: Don't be so defeatist. You've got two of the finest minds ever to graduate the Academy of the Time Lords of Gallifrey. There's not a puzzle in the universe we can't solve given a little time.

Missy: Two of the finest minds? Did you ever actually graduate, Doctor? I never can remember.

CYBERLEADER: You are not from this world. You are a Timelord.

DOCTOR: Oh, is that why my body keeps changing? I just thought it was vindictive puberty.

HAYDEN: It is a necessary evil.

DOCTOR: Oh I've met evils you wouldn't believe, gods and devils, warewolves and vampires, every monster every child's ever imagined creeping out from under the bed and you know what? They're all real. But a necessary evil - that's the only one that's a fiction.

DOCTOR: It destroyed half the universe because of me. We stand here now on the edge of creation, a creation which I devastated. So, yes, I keep running. Of course I do. How am I supposed to look back on that?

— Fourteenth Doctor, Wild Blue Yonder

DOCTOR: It's funny, cos I wonder where the TARDIS goes at random. Maybe it lands on some outcrop by the sea. And there's a tribe and they worship it for 100 years. Then they grow up and try to burn it. Then they get wise. They preserve it. Then they build a city all around it, till the TARDIS is just a tiny little dot, surrounded by skyscrapers and monorails. Time passes and the city falls. It all gets swept away. And there's the TARDIS… still on its outcrop… by the sea. She's the only thing I've got left.

— Fourteenth Doctor, Wild Blue Yonder

DONNA: I was thinking… And let me finish, okay? I know I sound daft, but… I wonder how long they'll wait, Rose and Shaun and my mother. Standing there in that alley… waiting for the TARDIS to come back. What if we never do? And then time will pass. Rose will grow up, she'll have a life. She might go back to that alley once a year for old times' sake, but she'll move on. Not Shaun, though. He'll keep going back every single day. He's nice, you know. He's lovely. I hope you get to know him.

— Donna Noble, Wild Blue Yonder

DONNA: You okay?

DOCTOR: I will be.

DONNA: When?

DOCTOR: A million years.

DONNA: Was it me, or was Isaac Newton hot?

DOCTOR: He was, wasn't he? He was so hot. Oh! Is that who I am now?

DONNA: Well, it was never that far from the surface, mate. I always thought…

DOCTOR: I really do remember, though. Every second with you. I'm so glad you're back, cos it killed me, Donna. It killed me, it killed me, it killed me.

— Fourteenth Doctor, The Star Beast

DONNA: We can have more days, can't we? I mean, why is it such a big goodbye with you? Why is it one last trip? Cos you could visit with my family. We could do outrageous things, like have tea, or dinner, and a laugh. And Rose's school play. Well, maybe not that. She can't act. She's terrible. I don't know how to tell her. But the point is, you've been given a second chance. You can do things different this time. So why don't you do something completely new, and have some friends?

— Donna Noble, The Star Beast

NARVIN: Never change, Leela. You are the one rock in this whole turbulent universe.

LEELA: Thank you, I think.

DOOM: Are you serious? I swore an allegiance.

DOCTOR: To whom? The Revenant? Coldstream? Oberon?

DOCTOR: There goes my plan A

SARAH JANE: Is there a plan B?

DOCTOR: Eh. Plan B would never work, we'll try plan C.