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6-and-7 has submitted 53 reviews and received 50 likes

Review of Survival by 6-and-7

20 February 2025

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It's the one with the furries that either kill you or assimilate you. It's as though it were made for me. Seriously though, this was a great one, worthy of being the finale of the original series; it's a well-constructed mediation on violence and survival and what that turns people into, on what 'home' means, on the strength that pacifism requires. It's also about Lisa Bowerman as Ace's furry girlfriend, the absolute cherry on top of this magnificent finale.


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Review of The Curse of Fenric by 6-and-7

20 February 2025

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A fantastic story, delightfully dark and emotional. There's so much here that sticks with me; the chess puzzle, the Doctor's betrayal of Ace, vampires being repelled by Communism -- it's a really intricate, well-crafted story. If you don't like a darker, more manipulative Doctor, you won't care for this one, but if you do? It's great.

Also the subtle moment about the Doctor's absolute faith in his friends and companions makes me go a little crazy. Love that for him.


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Review of Ghost Light by 6-and-7

20 February 2025

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I loved it. I had no idea what was happening, but I had a great time with it. The guest cast were all phenomenal, and the visuals were a perpetual delight. Nimrod is an icon, Control is an icon, Redvers Fenn-Cooper is an icon. Josiah is less of an icon because of his adherence to being a Victorian gentlemen, but I can appreciate keeping the husks of your former selves in the basement as the slay that it is. Light, unfortunately, cannot be an icon due to lack of screentime and also trying to eradicate all life on Earth, but I do respect his drip. Seven and Ace were slightly outshone here, sadly, but they had some great moments as well (Ace in a suit!!!!) Go into this with an open mind and no expectations that you can actually follow the plot, and you'll have a great time.


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Review of Battlefield by 6-and-7

20 February 2025

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This one's always a delight; the Doctor is Merlin, the Brigadier returns, and Ace becomes the King of Britain. There are some seriously great moments throughout, from the chalk circle standoff to the Brigadier battling the Destroyer to the Doctor's scenery-chewing rant against nuclear warfare to Morgaine. And of course, Bambera x Ancelyn, a ship which perpetually delights me. I do love a battle couple.

It would be nice to have a future episode explore the Doctor being Merlin; that they haven't yet is quite a shaaaame.


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Review of The Greatest Show in the Galaxy by 6-and-7

19 February 2025

Pretty good, but it could've done better as a three-parter; there's a lot of padding here, and as has often been remarked, the part one cliffhanger is the weakest in Doctor Who. All the same, I do like it as a metaphor for Doctor Who itself, though Captain Cook is a particularly unpleasant foil to the Doctor.


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Review of Silver Nemesis by 6-and-7

19 February 2025

I went into this one expecting to be disappointed, but it was better than I'd anticipated. Not good, mind you, but an enjoyable enough watch. I really think this one suffers from having too much happening at once; Lady Peinforte, the Nazis, the Cybermen, at least one of them needed to go (preferably not Peinforte, though). The whole thing felt pretty bizarre, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it really could have done with a few more rounds of editing. Mind you, I did quite enjoy Seven and Ace here, and Peinforte's gambit at the end was interesting indeed. Overall, I think that this story is just overshadowed as the 25th anniversary story when compared to Rememberance. On its own, it's pretty fun, though I'm not in a hurry to rewatch it anytime soon.


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Review of Dragonfire by 6-and-7

19 February 2025

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A fairly middling episode; some interesting aspects, but ultimately let down by poor design choices and a meandering script (e.g., Belazs and Kracauer are killed off only to be replaced with a different pair of soldiers, and that little girl is just wandering around for no meaningful reason). Still, we at least got Ace out of the bargain, complete with her can of deodorant that registers on the Richter scale!


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Review of Bide-a-Wee by 6-and-7

19 February 2025

A short and sweet story about the dangers of nostalgia; efficiently crafted and quite potent.


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Review of Katarina in the Underworld by 6-and-7

19 February 2025

If I think about this one too much I go a little crazy. like. Katarina's so brave you guys.


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Review of This is My Life by 6-and-7

19 February 2025

A fun enough little poem, but what it's doing in the horror-themed anthology I've no idea.


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