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Doctor Who Magazine Comics

Where Nobody Knows Your Name

3.5/ 5 7 votes

Released Thursday, April 3, 2003
Written by Scott Gray
Publisher Panini Comics
Pages 8
Time Travel Future
Locations Bish's

Following the departure of Izzy Sinclair, the Eighth Doctor goes to a bar to drown his sorrows. The bartender, who introduces himself as "Bish", chats with the Doctor, both work out some personal issues in the process of the conversation. The Doctor leaves, newly energised and ready to return to his life of adventuring and helping others. The two part company, with the Doctor not realising that Bish was his old friend Frobisher in the guise of a human, and Frobisher never learning he just spoke to the Doctor in a new incarnation.

Distribution is from TARDIS Guide votes only.