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Classic Who S18 • Serial 5 · (4 episodes)

Warriors’ Gate

3.5/ 5 1,158 votes

First aired Saturday, January 3, 1981
Production Code 5S
Written by Stephen Gallagher
Runtime 100 minutes
Story Type Companion Exit
Tropes: (Potential Spoilers!) Time Travel Pivotal
Story Arc: (Potential Spoilers!) E-Space
Locations E-Space The Gateway

A strange creature forces its way into the TARDIS, steering it to a white void occupied only by the ruins of an old building and a spaceship. This empty space is a gateway to the past and future. The creature responsible for taking them there is Biroc, a member of the enslaved race known as the Tharil. The gateway offers the only exit from E-Space, but the void is contracting. Are the Fourth Doctor and his friends fated to spend eternity in E-Space? What final shocking revelation awaits the Doctor?

4 Episodes:

First aired Saturday, January 3, 1981
Runtime 25 minutes
Written by Stephen Gallagher
UK Viewers 7.1 million
Appreciation Index 59


The TARDIS is drawn into an empty white void, somewhere between universes. But they are not the only ones trapped there.

First aired Saturday, January 10, 1981
Runtime 25 minutes
Written by Stephen Gallagher
UK Viewers 6.7 million


When Rorvik learns that Romana is a time sensitive, he takes her prisoner, forcing her to find a way out of the void. The Doctor attempts to discover what lies beyond the mirror.

First aired Saturday, January 17, 1981
Runtime 25 minutes
Written by Stephen Gallagher
UK Viewers 8.3 million


While Biroc leads the Doctor to a view of the Tharil's lordly past, Romana learns more about the damaged freighter and the coldheartedness of its crew. Meanwhile Commander Rorvik, confounded by the time mirror inside the universal center gateway, ignores evidence that it's no simple mirror and decides to blast it, imperiling the lives of everyone.

First aired Saturday, January 24, 1981
Runtime 25 minutes
Written by Stephen Gallagher
UK Viewers 7.8 million
Appreciation Index 59


The Doctor deduces that the freighter is a slave ship loaded up with Tharils to be sold as time machine components, but the immense weight of Rorvik's damaged ship, designed to contain the Tharils, is now collapsing the fragile void of the micro-universe in which they're all stuck, pulling everything inside ever closer.

Distribution is from TARDIS Guide votes only.

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