Stories Television Doctor Who Series 4 Doctor Who Specials Voyage of the Damned 1 image Overview Characters How to Watch Reviews 6 Statistics Quotes 1 Transcript + Script Overview First aired Tuesday, December 25, 2007 Production Code 4X Written by Russell T Davies Directed by James Strong Runtime 75 minutes Story Type Christmas, Special Time Travel Present Tropes (Potential Spoilers!) Deadlock Seal, Doctor kisses, Original Song, Robots Location (Potential Spoilers!) Earth, England, London, Space UK Viewers 13.31 million Appreciation Index 86 Synopsis A spacecraft set on an apocalyptic collision course with Earth, a host of killer robot angels and an evil severed-headed mastermind — it's just another Christmas for the Tenth Doctor... Watch Watched Favourite Favourited Add Review Edit Review Log a repeat Skip Skipped Unowned Owned Owned Save to my list Saved Edit date completed Custom Date Release Date Archive (no date) Save Characters Tenth Doctor David Tennant Astrid Peth Heavenly Hosts First Appearance Alonso Frame First Appearance Wilfred Mott Bernard Cribbins First Appearance Show All Characters (5) How to watch Voyage of the Damned: Watch on iPlayer Doctor Who Confidential Blu-Ray Series 4 [Steelbook] Blu-Ray The 10 Christmas Specials DVD The 10 Christmas Specials Blu-Ray Series 4 DVD The Complete Fourth Series DVD Voyage of the Damned Reviews Add Review Edit Review Sort: Date (Newest First) Date (Oldest First) Likes (High-Low) Likes (Low-High) Rating (High-Low) Rating (Low-High) Word count (High-Low) Word count (Low-High) Username (A-Z) Username (Z-A) Spoilers First Spoilers Last 6 reviews 31 January 2025 · 32 words Review by goblinikov 2 I know for sure that this show has negatively impacted on my psyche at the point where french maid Kylie Minogue falling into green screen pit of fire makes me tear up. goblinikov View profile Like Liked 2 25 December 2024 · 416 words Review by uss-genderprise Spoilers 2 This review contains spoilers! I never liked this one. It wasn't particularly memorable to me, and as such I didn't revisit it often. I decided to take another chance on it this Christmas day, and while it wasn't as bad as I remembered, I still found it somewhat middling. For a special as long as this, I felt that it really struggled to give all the side characters the time they deserved. Having three characters all die in the same scene within minutes of one another with very little time to mourn any of them was a bad choice, compounded by the fact that the first one to go was a Black man who simply slipped, while the other two at least got to sacrifice themselves to save the others. The few moments we got with the side cast, however, they did a fantastic job with. All the actors were in top form, and I especially liked the Van Hoff couple; I thought they were charming. And of course, I would be remiss not to mention Wilf's first appearance. There are plenty of little moments that I like: the captain's lament that he should have only gotten older crew, the Van Hoff's quiet moment while fixing the Host, Mr. Cooper's excitement at having money, and Bannakaffalatta's proposal to Astrid, just to name a few. Unfortunately, there are many moments which I disliked just as much, if not more: Astrid and the Doctor kissing (because of course they do), the aforementioned death of Marvin Van Hoff, Rickston's whole deal, and, of course, the Doctor getting lifted to the bridge on the wings of angels. I'd actually like to take a moment to elaborate on that last one, because that scene was the only part of this special I remembered, and it was so incredible groan-worthy it completely overshadowed everything else for me. This special was labelled in my mind as "overly Christian" purely because of that (up there with the Tinkerbell/Jesus moment in Last of the Time Lords). It wasn't as bad as I remembered, but it's still pretty bad. All the good and all the bad mixed together with a plot that was stretched a little too much while nothing really happened and almost everyone dies makes for a mediocre episode, in my eyes. It's not as egregious as some other Christmas specials, but I firmly stand by the saying that "the worst thing Doctor Who can be is boring" and Voyage of the Damned is, unfortunately, pretty dull. uss-genderprise View profile Like Liked 2 2 December 2024 · 555 words Review by deltaandthebannermen Spoilers 2 This review contains spoilers! Why don't people like this one? The third Christmas special and its another absolute corker. The cast is great, the setting is huge fun and it's basically The Poseidon Adventure in Space. What's not to love? Okay, I'll admit I'm biased. I am a big fan of disaster movies - they really get my adrenalin flowing - Poseidon (both versions), Earthquake, Towering Inferno, Daylight, 2012 - brilliant. Stupid - but brilliant. The actual disaster/destruction scenes are always the best bit and Voyage of the Damned doesn't disappoint on this front. Explosions, extras screaming and being thrown around; we even have the classic 'bit of masonry falls on an screaming extra' scene. It's wonderful (I know, I'm a bit sick...) The 'survivors trying to reach safety' bit is also well done, particularly the scene where they have to traverse a narrow bridge. If this bit isn't influenced by similar scenes in The Poseidon Adventure, I'm a monkey's uncle. It's here we lose three survivors; deaths which would, in a film, probably be a bit more spread out. But the deaths of Bannakafalatta and Mrs and Mrs Van Hoff are touching and tragic. The cast are excellent: Clive Rowe, Debbie Chazen, Jimmy Vee, Russell Tovey, Geoffrey Palmer etc. It's difficult to watch Clive Swift without remembering that notorious DWM interview but he is excellent as Mr Copper. Tennant is on top form as the Doctor and is clearly very settled in the role after two full series. And then there is a certain Kylie Minogue. I think she's rather wonderful in this. Her performance for me is note-perfect and her scenes with Bannakaffalatta are extremely touching. I really was rather upset when they killed her off (even it did make an interesting point about the Doctor being unable to choose who lives and dies, with Rickston Slade (the selfish, rude egomaniac) surviving. Less successful (for a second special in a row) is the central villain: Max Capricorn. I remember feeling a bit let down by him on first watch (and this is the first time I've rewatched this story) but this time round I actually appreciated George Costigan's performance a bit more. The problem is the ridiculous box on wheels they have stuck him in. It looks silly and I'm sure the design department could have come up with something more palatable. it's clunky and far too reminiscent of Arcturus from The Curse of Peladon - something which looked fairly ridiculous in the 70s when they had a lot less budget than in 2007. I also thought the Host, whilst effectively riffing on the Robots of Death (right down to an almost straight remount of the hand in the door scene from that story) didn't quite look right - the tunics and wings just look a bit cheap and the mouth movement is disappointingly jerky. The Queen stuff is all a bit cheesy, though! (And is Jessica (Mags) Martin in the dressing gown and rollers, or is she just doing the voice?) That said, though, I'm going to have huge trouble picking a favourite Christmas Special for the vote because all three so far have been absolutely wonderful. Oh, and there's bonus Bernard Cribbins in a small role which would, unbeknownst to us all, turn into something much bigger and more wonderful than we could have ever imagined.... deltaandthebannermen View profile Like Liked 2 29 November 2024 · 17 words Review by Rock_Angel 3 This is such an emotional puncher I feel this is my definition of a perfect Christmas special Rock_Angel View profile Like Liked 3 30 April 2024 · 96 words Review by RobynAnarchist Spoilers 2 This review contains spoilers! It's a... thing I guess? It's very good at its set pieces, but it just can't help being total cringe when it's not showing off (and often times, when it is showing off) The Doctor and Astrid's relationship is cutesy, but her death is very silly. Max had no business being on the Titanic and I'm not sure why he needed to orchestrate the meteor crash when he was completely capable of just turning the engines off himself. It's not like anyone would have noticed and it probably would've achieved his plan a lot quicker. Weird. RobynAnarchist View profile Like Liked 2 Show All Reviews (6) Open in new window Statistics AVG. Rating723 members 3.39 / 5 AVG. Rating778 votes 3.90 / 5 Member Statistics Watched 1562 Favourited 86 Reviewed 6 Saved 4 Skipped 0 Quotes Add Quote Link to Quote Favourite Tags: Funny DOCTOR: What's your first name? FRAME: Alonso. COMPUTER: Titanic falling. DOCTOR: You're kidding me. FRAME: What? DOCTOR: That's something else I've always wanted to say. Allons-y, Alonso. Whoa! — Voyage of the Damned Transcript + Script Needs checking [TARDIS] (The TARDIS is in flight. Suddenly a fog horn sounds and a ship's bow crashes through the side of the TARDIS.) DOCTOR: What? What? (A ship's bell sounds, and he picks up life belt that has the name Titanic on it.) DOCTOR: What? Show Full Transcript Open in new window View Script (PDF)